Sunday, February 16, 2014


                                                            CITY ITEMS

          On Thursday week the tar roofing establishment, near the Kerosene Works
      was destroyed by fire; the building was owned by H. N. Jose and the stock,
     about half of  which was saved, by Elias Hersey, whole amount of loss, $3,000;
     no insurance.
          Myer Waterman, living on the corner of Commercial and State streets, says
     that on Saturday night some one entered his house by prying open a window,
     invaded his sleeping  room, for which his pants and two trunks  were robbed of
     $900 in money; Mr. Waterman knew nothing of the affair until he wanted to put
     his pant on in the morning, and couldn't find  them.
          Messrs.  Palmer and  Rowe have purchased and sent to Washington about ten
     thousand dollar  worth of mutilated currency; it comes in from all quarters, and
     people are glad to get  rid of it at a slight discount.
          Uncle Chase say he has sold lobsters to the United States Hotel ever since it
     was a story and a half high; he is in his eightieth year, and has sold lobsters forty-
     one years.
          Three thousand dollars worth of smuggled liquors and spices were seized  on
     Peak's Island last  week; they were landed there by schooner Lucy, of St. George,
     and Reuben Clark, of that place has been committed in default of bail in answer
     at the April term of United States Circuit Court.
          Harding the architect has plans for twelve dwelling house and eight stores on
     Cumberland Street alone.
                                                          MARINE REPORT
                                                          DISASTERS & ETC.

          Brig Kennebec, of Portland, at Boston from Segua, Cuba, reports the 13th
     inst., in a heavy gale off Hatteras, North Carolina, blew away lower topsail,
     foretopmast stay sail, main staysail and main stay, sprung foreyard, lost deck,
     load of molasses, stove long boat, forward and after houses, and lost water casks.
     The mate was washed overboard, but succeeded is regaining the vessel.
          Schooner Alice C. Noyes, from Corpus Christi, for Pensacola, is reported in
     the breakers,  at Aransas Pass, Texas, and would probably be a total loss.
          Barque Eugene, from Liverpool for Baltimore, put back in Liverpool, 20th
     ult., leaky and otherwise badly damaged, having encountered bad weather, and
     had docks swept. Four of the crew were washed overboard.

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