Wednesday, April 30, 2014
John Southard of East Bradford was 100 years old on May 10th, and appears
likely to live many years yet.
The State Temperance Reform Convention at Dexter last week was well attended
and of great interest. J. Benson, Jr., of Auburn presided. A proposition to hold a
reform camp meeting was voted down. All the more active club were represented
by their best speakers, about 50 of the 121 clubs sending delegates. The total
memberships is reports as 17,148.
The assignee's sale of the estate of the late G. K. Jewett of Bangor, last week
was largely attended. Large tracts of land in Aroostook County sold, prices ranging
from 17 cents to $1 per acre. Quite a number of shares of railway and mining
companies went for almost nothing. But stock in bank, gas and insurance companies
sold at a good premium.
Everett Fredericks, aged 8, was drowned at Old Town on the 8th.
Commencement exercise at the State College begins June 23rd, with the
Sophomore prize declamations; Sunday; 24th Baccalaureate sermon by President
Allen; Monday, Junior prize exhibition; Tuesday, military drill and parade of the
Auburn Cadets, and the President's reception in the evening; Wednesday,
exercise of graduating calls, and grand concert by Ann Louise Cary; Thursday,
examinations for admission, Class Day exercises, and grand ball in the evening.
The names of Rev. Joseph Cook of Boston, Rev. E. S. Atwood of Salem, Mass.,
and Rev. William H. Fenn, of Portland are mentioned in connection with the
vacancy in the faculty of the Bangor Theological Seminary made by Professor
Barbour's resignation.
"No Sunday beyond here, is the inscription on a sign post in the Moosehead
Ira William, a well-to-do farmer of Bowdoinham, hung himself last week. He
has been insane, though of late not showing many symptoms of it.
P. P. Bucknam and John Cornish have leased the Treat Saw Mill, at Bath on
a contract with the Messer's. Milliken of Hallowell to saw two to three millions
of spruce deal (sic) for the English market. Mr. Charles H. Treat goes to Delaware
to operate a steam saw mill.
State Greenback convention at Skowhegan on Friday, 15th.
The Golden Wedding of Rev. Dr. Stephen Thurston, and his wife Clara
Matilda Benson, was celebrated with unusual circumstance by their friends on the
5th inst. A great company of friends and relatives assembled, bringing presents of
of beauty and value, including $1,000 in gold. Three original poems were read, one
by the venerable Ira Berry of Portland. Mr. Thurston was born in Sedwick in 1797.
He studied with his brother, the late Rev. Thurston of Winthrop, graduated at the
Bangor Theological Seminary, and for forty years he served the faithful and beloved
pastor of the Congregational Church at Searsport. For ten years he served as
Secretary of the Maine Missionary Society, retiring last June because of failing
health. His has been a remarkably active and useful life, happy in all its relations.
He now enjoys well-earned report, cheered by the love and esteem of a vast circle
of friends. it is a notable fact that this is the second Golden wedding in the family.
Rev. David and Prudence (Brown) Thurston of Winthrop, celebrated their 50th
Anniversary of marriage in this city, at the residence of their son Brown Thurston,
in 1867.
Henry Ward Beecher will visit Pembroke this summer with his family, and
during his sojourn will lecture and preach, says the Sentinel.
Captain Theodore H. Munson, a well-know ship master, died at East Machias
last week.
On Wednesday afternoon of last week, the house of Jonathan Brown of
Kennebunkport, was struck by lightning, and its occupant stunned. Mr. Daniel
Brown of Portland, was thrown from a rocking chair to the floor, and injured in
the back and legs, it is hoped not permanently.
Two years ago Mark F. Goodwin, was with his horse and carriage thrown over a
embankment at South Berwick in the night time, and was found dead the next day.
General F. Goodwin, administrator, commenced a suit against the town for damages,
at $10,000, and the trial of it began on Thursday of last week laid last week at Alfred.
On Friday Judge Libbey ordered a non-suit because no record evidence was produced
of the location of the road, or evidence that the road had been used for over 20 years.
Edwin S. Emmons of Cape Porpoise, one of the crew of fishing schooner
G. & B. Morse, Wilder, (Captain). it was feared was drowned while setting trawls
last week. He and his dory were missing for several days, but he finally got ashore
after a terrible experience with thirst. He had lived on raw fish and bilge water.
William Blake, Jr., and wife are awarded $1,000 damages, occasioned by a
defective road in Newfield.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
The exercises of Bates College commencement, begin on Friday of next week, 22nd
with the examination of the classes. Baccalaureate sermon by the President on Sunday;
concert by Anna Louise Cary, the Philharmonic Club, Miss Norton and Messrs. Whitney
and Fessenden, Tuesday evening; Commencement Day, Wednesday; oration by Wendell
Phillips, Wednesday evening; meeting of Alumni Association, Thursday with oration by
G. C. Emery of Boston, and poem by Miss Mary W. Mitchell, of Vassar College.
The Lewiston Journal says that C. E. Darling of that city has invented a ventilator,
which will prove of especial value in window ventilation. By a novel arrangement he
sets in the center of a pane of glass a ventilator similar to the ordinary chimney
ventilators which may be readily opened as to admit as small an amount of air as desired,
and still keep the window fastened.
Our agent Mr. John Andrews is about to visit Aroostook County, and whatever
facilities his work well be regarded by us as a favor.
Our correspondent at Washburn writes:
A terrific thunder shower passed into Washburn, Friday eve, June 1st, or rather two
showers met there, and the conflict they waged was grand and awful. The clouds hung
low so long that we seemed in their very midst, and the whole atmosphere was
surcharged with electricity. I went to the cellar, but my errand was instantly forgotten,
and I retreated, appalled at the sight of so much splendor, for the place seemed a mass
of scintillating diamonds. The lightning struck in all direction, twelve times that we
know of, in the vicinity of Washburn Village, burning the house of John Whitten, and
striking two barns without setting them of fire. It struck very near other buildings, and
the only wonder is that no greater damage was done, and that, when so many people
were stunned or thrown down, receiving shocks more or less severe, no one was
seriously injured. One of those showers passed over Caribou earlier in the day striking
the depot and smashing the force pump, and also struck in other places there. The cloud
then passed slowly to the east, and at last settled back toward Washburn. At the time of
our shower, the thunder was one continuous roar at Caribou ten miles away; but here it
was just the quick, sharp crack of musketry, with pauses between. One marked peculiarity
was the whiteness of the lightning, not even a yellowish tinge. There was an indefinite
number on the sick list the next morning, some made so by fright, others from the
general effect of the shower. Crops look finely splendid; weather for "the green things
growing," The wild strawberry blossoms give promise of lots of-"sugar and cream;" in
the sweet buy and buy. Quite a numbers of immigrants are looking out (for?) farms.
Men from Vassalboro', Pittsfield and Monson, have recently brought in this vicinity;
still, and to spare for others. A large amount of potatoes have been planted , eight new
starch factories being built north of Houlton, this summer in this county to absorb them.
Isaac McLaughlin is putting a carding machine into Wilder's Mill.
The Class of 1877 of the Maine Medical School received their diplomas on the
6th inst. The class numbers 23, and this is the list:
F. H. Allen, A. E. Andrews, C. W. Brown, J.L. Budge, F. Chander, D. W. Fellows
L. C. Ford, I. Getchell, Jr., L. H. Guptill, J. W. Heath, E. D. Hill, F. J. King, G.M. Lee,
D. O. S. Lowell, G. J. Nelson, A. A. Plummer, O. N. W. R. Straw, E. Swasey, A. G
Trafton, J. A. Twaddie, J. B. Twaddie, J. A. Wade, J. L. M. Willis.
It will be seen by an advertisement that Mr. I. D. Sawyer wants more help at his
manufactory of clothing in Standish. Since January last Mr. Sawyer has employed
40 to 50 girls constantly. He did not shut down because of the hard time, for there
is always a demand for such good work as his. He has for several months been making
500 coats per week.
Rev. H. S. Huntington was installed pastor of the First Congregational at Gorham
on Monday. Professor Barbour delivered he sermon. The County Conference began on
Tuesday, with this church.
At the town meeting in Deering on Monday last, it was voted to buy the Dunn lot,
at the head of Pleasant Street, and erect a high school building thereon, substantially
in accordance with the plan submitted by the committee, and the sum of $5,500 was
voted for that purpose. A building committee consisting of David Moulton, Andrew
Hawes, John C. Phenix, George W. Bailey and John M. Adams were also chosen.
The articles in the warrant resisting to the abolition of the district system and a
topographical survey of the town were referred to the next annual town meeting.
The town hearse at Ellsworth figures in politics. The Republicans call it Mayor
Young's hearse, and prefer to go to the grave in express wagons. But they talk of
getting a new hearse, and putting it in charge of the undertaker Mayor Young set
aside. (As written)
The graduates of the East Maine Conference Seminary are five viz; Joseph M. King,
Deering; Walter C. Sturtevent, Bangor; Milton F. Bridgham, Columbia; Mary S.
Higgins and Etta C. Newcomb, Bucksport.
Orrin Pratt, of China, Me., terminated his life with a razor on the 7th. Cause,
family affliction.
The colossal group of David and Jonathan is nearly completed at the work of the
Hallowell Granite Co. This, with the noble statue designed for the Pilgrim's Monument
at Plymouth, and other monuments, sarcophagi, etc., makes a visit to the works of one
of great interest.
A little steamer has been launched in the water of the Androscoggin Pond, Wayne,
by Mr. Cunningham of Readfield. The boat will make connections with the railroad at
Leeds, and take passengers and freight.
One of the six horses burned in the Mansion House stables, was the valuable stallion
Wade Hampton.
Charles Davis, accountant of the Hurricane Granite Co., rescued a little boy named
Callahan from drowning at Hurricane Island a few days ago, by a very prompt and
brave action.
Steamer Arrow, plying between Carver's Harbor and Hurricane, struck a rock and
sunk last Saturday night. Passengers and crew saved.
Edward E. Bacon, a graduate of the Andover Theological Seminary has accepted
the call of the Congregational Church at Norway, Maine.
L. M. Mann's Clothes Pin Manufactory at West Paris, has worked up 200 cords of
birch and poplar this season, making 8,500 boxes of pins, 5 gross in a box.
The Norway, Me., Advertiser says B. F. Spinney & Co., are making 20 cases of
boots per day, and their pay roll is $1,000 a week. There are 22 cutters employed, and
more to be added.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Glances About Town
Number of deaths last week fifteen, of which six were of consumption.
Last Saturday, Deputy Sheriff Ring seized twenty-six and a half barrels of ale at the
Maine Central freight shed.
On Wednesday of this week of the Odd Fellows make their excursion to Dexter and
Bangor, taking Chandler's band along.
Dresses, McLellan & Co., have received the contract for furnishing stationary for
city schools.
Mr. Leathe & Gore have been awarded the contract for furnishing the city of New
York with 30,000 pounds of soap.
Last Sabbath being Children's Sunday in the Methodist churches, they were very
beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens, and the exercises were of much
interest to the large congregations present; at Chestnut Street Church the singing of
birds mingled with the voice of the children, producing pleasing effect; the Woodford's
Corner Congregational Church also observed the day a Children's Sunday, and in the
afternoon Rev. Mr. Bosworth preached a very interesting sermon to the little ones.
The Young Men's Christian Association observed its twenty-fourth anniversary at
Pine Street Methodist Church, last Sunday evening, the President Mr. Prentiss Loring,
presiding; the annual report, read by the retiring President, Mr F. A. Smith, gave a
history of the Association and its work, showing it to be in a prosperous condition;
addresses were made by Dr. I. T. Dana, Mr. Charles M. Bailey, of Winthrop, Rev. Mr.
Updegraff, a member of the Society of Friends and others.
J. F. Libby has sold the C. P. Kimball span of chestnuts, Morgan bred, to Mr. Cotton
of Boston, for $1,000.
John G. Whittier attended the service at Pine Street M. E. Church last Sunday morning;
Friends Updegraff and Rebecca J. Allinson were the speakers; the church was elegantly
decorated with flowers and vines, as it was Children's Sunday.
Honorable Israel Washburn will deliver his lecture on the "Scotch Poets' before the
Young Peoples Society at Williston Chapel on Thursday evening of this week.
Mr. M. Neal of Lynn, Mass., who is here in attendance upon the Yearly Meeting,
formerly kept a school for boys in this city, and is kindly remembered by many of
his old pupils.
At Libby's Corner last Monday, a little daughter of Mr. B. Foley fell upon a scythe
while playing in the yard and cut one of her arms so nearly off that it was necessary to
amputate it; it was feared the child would not recover as she bled profusely.
On Wednesday evening of this week a Grand Temperance rally will be held in City
Hall, in connection with the Friend's Yearly Meeting, when Honorable Neal Dow will
deliver an address of welcome and many Friend speakers will address the meeting.
The former pupils of Gertrude Whittier Cartland, clerk of the Women's Yearly
Meeting, have taken much pleasure in greeting her during her stay in this city.
William A. Sabine, the well-known fruit dealer of this city, had a shock of paralysis
at Old Orchard on Tuesday.
The Maine Medical Association is in session in this city, Dr. E. F. Sanger, of Bangor,
Mr. John Kaler, late of the Kirkwood house, is building a large two-story boarding
house at Prout's Neck, which will accommodate about fifty guests; Captain Silas Libby
has made large additions to his house, and Mr. Thomas Libby has built a new house
which he is fitting up in good shape for boarders.
Camp Meeting John Allen will preach at Ponce's Hotel, Long Island, next Sunday.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Glances About Town
Their usual ill-luck as to the weather didn't prevent the Light Infantry from
indulging in their customary target practice on their visit to Colonel Mattock's farm
in East Baldwin last week; the shots of Lieutenant C. A. Weston, Sergeant W. F.
Chase, J. Y. Carter and George E. Lefavor were so near alike that no decision was
made as to the prizes and the matter was left to a committee; the first prize to the
honorary members, a gold Maltese Cross was won by General S. J. Anderson; the
second, a gold shield by Samuel Teague and a leather medal was bestowed upon
Richard K. Gatley.
Mr. Edgar Payson, a young artist, exhibits in Hale's window a fine crayon
portrait of a deceased son of Dr. W. R. Johnson.
One day last week a young man named Thomas Allen, of Boston, on his way
with two others from Saco to this city in search of work, stopped to bathe in a
stream in Scarboro'; supposing the water to be deep he leaded from a high bridge
and struck upon the bottom head foremost, the water being but two feet deep; he
applied for aid at the police station in this city, where it was found that his spine
was badly injured and one arm paralyzed.
Rev. Charles M. Whittlesey, of New York, preached at the Second Parish Church
last Sunday; he will occupy that pulpit for a season.
The patriotic clothier's, C. D. B. Fisk & Co., in view of the lack of an appropriation
by the city government for the celebration of the Fourth of July, offer to contribute $100
for that purpose, provided one hundred merchants will give a similar amount.
Mrs. Francis O. J. Smith has petitioned the Judge of Probate for a allowance out of
the personal property of the estate, waiving the provision in the will that affords her only
what the law allows.
Miss Isadora Cameron was greeted by a full and enthusiastic house on the occasion
of here benefit Friday evening; the play was the "Hunchback," and she gave a pleasing
rendering of the part of "Julia:" Miss Victoria was eminently satisfactory as "Helen,"
and the play as a whole received an excellent interpretation.
Mr. Grenville E. Jordan's cooperage shop, building on Back Cove, will be the largest
and the best arranged establishment of the kind in this city; it is to be ready for occupancy
about the first of July, and will give employment to a considerable number of workmen.
The season at Fanny Marsh's Theater closed last Saturday evening with the
performance of the "Hunchback:" at the close of the performance Messrs. Gossin,
Liston and Theadore made some remarks appropriate to the occasion, which was
well received by the audience; Miss Marsh deserves to be kindly remembered for
her efforts to please the theater-going public; nothing definite has yet been decided
upon regarding the next season.
Miss Belle Balley's benefit occurs on Wednesday evening of this week; great
attractions are offered, and we hope to see the crowed house this meritorious actress
The new Stevens block of Woodford's Corner will be ready for occupancy the
part of this week; the corner store will be occupied by Henry Green who will keep
an assortment of wall paper, stationary, periodicals, confectionary, etc.; in the
other store John Morton will keep a stock of boots and shoes; one of the offices up
stairs will be occupied by Miss L. M. Stevens, as a dressmaker and millinery shop,
the other by H. H. Tukey, dentist.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Deering, June 11th, to the wife of Colonel John McAdams, a son.
West Auburn, May 26th, to the wife of Mr. E. A. Conant, a daughter.
North Auburn, May 23rd, to the wife of Mr. Albert Young.
In this city, June 6th, by Rev. George W. Bicknell, John A Higgins and Eda J.
Franklin, both of Westbrook.
In this city, June 6th, by Rev. I. Luce, Enoch F. Willard and Carrie W. Tennant,
all of Portland.
In this city, June 4th, by Rev. J. F. Morgan, Horatio Daniels and Emily J. Lamb,
both of Westbrook.
Freeport, Me., May 7th, by Rev. A. C. Herrick, Winfield Loring of Yarmouth, and
Vina L. Tuttle, of Freeport.
South Bridgton, May 18th, George H. McDonald and Helen P. Fitch, both of Sebago.
Harrington, June 2nd, George W. Rounds and Angie E. Bonney, both of Bridgton.
Sebago, May 22nd, John Sawyer and Mary Stover, both of Baldwin.
Harrington, May 27th, Frank Garcelon, M. D., of East Livermore, and Eleanor
Coffin, of Harrington.
Belfast, June 3rd, Allen A. Potter and Mrs. Lucy A. Higgins, both of Elsworth.
Belfast, June 3rd, James D. Tucker and Nellie J. Knowlton.
Baltimore, Maryland, May 28th, at the residence of Rev. J. A. Hire, S. L.
Humphrey and Georgie M. Noyes, both of Yarmouth, Me.
Boston, Mass., April 14th, by Rev. M. J. Savage, Nathan B. Cloudman and Mrs.
Lizzie A. Judson, both of Boston.
Biddeford, June 3rd, Frank D. Sawyer, of Wakefield, New Hampshire, and May
Seavey of Biddeford.
Biddeford, May 31, Joel Bean, of Saco and Ida Hanson of Biddeford.
Brownfield, June 2nd, Thomas Sullivan and Mrs. Sarah A. Miller, both of
Brunswick, June 5th, George William Jenkins of Boston, and H. Ellen Chace
of Brunswick.
Saco, May 31st, Oliver B. Bradbury, and Janette A. Newell, both of Saco.
In White Rock (part of Gorham) June 3rd, John H. Washburn and Lucy J. Cobb,
both of Windham.
Gardiner, May 15th, George W. Burgess and Annie G. Spaulding.
Gardiner, May 26th, Oscar McCausland of Framingdale and Cora E. Bigelow,
of Gardiner.
In this city, June 6th, Henry D. Shea, aged 70 years.
In this city, June 6th, William F. Perkins, son of William and Hannah Perkins,
aged 6 months.
In this city, June 8th, Isabella, youngest daughter of James and Agnes Curran,
aged 2 years, 3 months.
In this city, June 10th, Mrs. Sarah N. Hall, widow of the late William Gerrish,
aged 81 years.
In this city, June 9th, Minnie L. McLaughlin, aged 18 years, 7 months, 13 days.
In this city, June 10th, of scarlet fever, Jenny L., daughter of John and Lizzie
Martin, aged 3 years, 9 months.
In this city, June 12th, Margaret, wife of William Larrabee, aged 44 years.
Deering, June 9th, William H. Wescott, aged 57 years, 5 months.
Windham, May 19th, Mrs. Elliott C. Frye, aged 27 years.
Windham, May 23rd, Olive C. Knight, aged 40 years, 7 months.
South Windham, June 8th, Elizabeth, wife of the late Nathan Cloudman, aged
70 years, 4 months.
Hollis, May 31st, Robert F. Edgecomb, aged 29 years, 10 months, and 22 days,
son of Perley G. and Caroline Edgecomb. (Lewiston papers please copy.)
Castle Hill, Aroostook County, May 8th, Willie I., aged 1 years, 1 month;
May 13th, Harry B., aged 2 years, 11 months and 15 days; Lillian G. aged 11
years, 3 months and 23 days, children of Josiah H., and Olive C. Davis.
Castle Hill, Aroostook County, February 5th, Bertha E., daughter of Parker and
Lydia W. Shaw, aged 10 years, 1 month.
Saccarappa, June 5th, , Mary A., widow of the late Dana Brigham, aged 64 years,
and 6 months.
Dover, New Hampshire, June 8th, Sarah D., widow of the late Zebulon Skillin,
aged 80 year, 8 months.
Kennebunkport, June 6th, M. Danese, wife of Nicholas Danese-born near
London, England.
Scarboro, May 22nd, Mary E., wife of John D. Fabyan, Esq., aged 72 years.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Two girls who had been employed in the Lewiston mill last Friday were seen
throwing themselves from the "West Pitch," of the Lewiston Falls. Their names are
Ada Brown, of Buckfield and Anna Wood of Hartford. They seem to deliberately
remove a portion of the outer clothing, then throw their arms about each other and
leap into the cataract. Up to the present writing their bodies have not been recovered,
but are probably held in the undertow of the fall. The Lewiston Journal says that
several years ago a boy was drowned in the same place, and his body did not come
to light for several months. No cause was assigned for the suicide, both girls when last
seen by their friends appearing to be in good spirits. When the bodies are recovered
the inquest may reveal a cause of the rash act. They were only 14 and 16 years of age.
They made the leap just as the Maine Central passed within 200 or 300 feet of them.
It appears that on the morning of the fatal day the girls applied at a drug store for
chloroform, and went away because the clerk would only sell them half an ounce.
They wanted "lots of it." They had left work in the mill and were looking for house-
work, but did not succeed very well, as they did not seem disposed to work steadily.
Anna, the older one, was moody and desponding and she appears to have had a
controlling influence with Ada.
Another party of Swedes have arrived at Houlton, after a passage of only 17 days
from Gottenburg, Sweden.
Mrs. Gould of Cape Elizabeth recently ran a pair of scissors into her hand, dressed
the wound and thought no more of it. Two days afterwards lockjaw supervened and
she died. Her husband is absent at sea. A later report says that she died of typhoid
Mr. Weston Thompson, a young man who had just opened a law office at
Brunswick, has purchased the law library of the late Honorable Phineas Barnes.
Mr. C. Bliss of Freeport who was on a Western tour for his health, happened
to be in Chicago at the time of the fire, suffered exposure and has since died at
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Mr. Benjamin Rowe of New Gloucester, the deaf mute who was fatally injured
on the M. C. (Maine Central) extension, recently had a brother-in-law killed in the
same manner on the Grand Trunk two years ago, three miles from the place where
Mr. Rowe was killed. Of the ten children of the Rowe family seven are deaf mutes.
Mr. Edward S. Dow, of New Casco, brought into our office the other day a
curiosity in the shape of a double apple-or an apple with two blows and one stem-
freak of vegetation that does not often occur.
Messrs. Brown & Denison have leased a mill of Lisk & Weston, at Saccarappa,
for the manufacture of wood pulp.
A nest of 755 torpid snakes was found on the farm of Mr. Milliken, Scarboro
last Saturday. The Press says in this connection that eels were plenty in Portland
market Monday morning.
Last Saturday night four or five men employed upon a hand car on the Ogdenburg
Road near Cumberland Mills were waiting by the side of the road for the regular train
to pass. After it passed it was noticed that lights were hung at the rear end, indicating
another train was immediately behind. A dispute arose as to whether it was safe to
put the hand car upon the track. Joseph Sweno, a Frenchman, insisted it was safe, and
and it was done. Presently the light of an engine which was coming tender first, was
seen and some of the men cried out that there was danger ahead; but Sweno said that
the light proceeded from a building in the distance. In a moment the engine came upon
them and all jumped off but Sweno. The engine struck him, fracturing the back of the
skull killing him instantly. An old man who was of the party had a leg broken. The
verdict of the coroner's jury was that the deceased came to his death by his own
ignorance and carelessness, the proper signals being given him by the trains.
The Farmington Chronicle says that Mr. Stover of New Sharon, a few nights since
had twenty-four turkey's-his whole flock-killed by a fox. He was an eye witness to the
slaughter, but was unable to prevent it. Either the fox was pretty rapid in his movement
or Mr. Stover was very slow.
The Bangor Whig says the experiment of breeding salmon at Orland has thus far
resulted in several disastrous drawbacks and the loss of more than half the fish. But
it is still hoped this attempt at fish breeding may prove successful. Thus far $1200
has been expended. Mr. Dresses of Princeton has charge of the operations.
A monument is to be erected in the Bucksport Seminary grounds to the
memory of Rev. J. B. Crawford, formerly principal of that institution and $200 has
been subscribed for the purpose.
A short time ago Dr. Joseph L. Stevens of Castine, now in his eighty-second
year amputated the thigh of a patient sixty-six years old for obstinate and extensive
ulceration of foot and leg of forty years duration. On the second day after the
operation the patient sat in bed and shaved himself, holding the glass in one hand
and using the razor with the other; and before the end of a week was able to get
out of bed without assistance each morning to have his bedding arranged.
Considering the age of patient and surgeon and the duration of the disease the
success of the case deserves records. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.
A 13 pound girl baby, only a week old will call Speaker Blaine "papa," one of
these days.
General J. K. Bachelor, of Readfield dropped dead while conversing with a
friend near his residence last Friday.
The Rockland Free Press says that the schooner James Warren, owned by
Captain Magune, was taken from the wharf at Rockport, where she had been
moored. Pursuit was made and the schooner re-taken with the thieves on board,
who proved to be two sailors from New York, who took this way of getting home;
their names are William Welling and John Giles. They were taken to Wiscasset,
and lodged in jail to await the meeting of the Supreme Justice Court.
Admiral Henry K. Thatcher, United States Navy, a grand-son of General
Knox, has been paying a visit to Thomaston, his native town
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Glances about Town
The opening concert of the Army and Navy course was thoroughly enjoyed by a
brilliant audience; Mrs. Dow sang charmingly and Germania as usual were perfect in
tune and harmony; the entertainment next week is a lecture by Mark Twain, whose
subject will probably be recollections of Artemus Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon N. Cloudman celebrated the Twentieth Anniversary of
their own marriage last week by the weddings of two of their daughters.
James Coffee was assisting to load a hogshead of molasses on a truck last Thursday,
when the skid slipped and the whole weight of the hogshead was brought upon one
of his legs, breaking it short off.
Henry M. Brackett, the well know landlord of the Summer Retreat on Peak's Island,
died one day last week, after a short illness.
Frederick Fox, Esq., has resigned his place as one of the Trustees of Evergreen
Cemetery; he has most faithfully performed the duties of his position, and done good
service to the city.
A treat is expect this week in the lecture of Rev. C. G. Ames, in the Mercantile
Library course; he comes with a high reputation as an eloquent California orator.
A solemn Lodge of Sorrow, in memory of the late Abner B. Thompson, was held
under the auspices of the Masons of the Scottish Rite, on Friday evening of last week;
an eulogy was pronounced by Rev. Josiah H. Drummond.
Professor Morse said in his lecture last week that all the snakes in New England
are harmless except the rattlesnake; his next lecture will be delivered on Friday evening
of next week.
The bust of Senator Fessenden by Mr. O'Brien was placed on exhibition at the
Common Council Room last week, and generally accepted as a spirited likeness of the
David S. Wood, a well known railroad contractor of this city, and brother of the late
John W. Wood, died suddenly of apoplexy at Tamsworth, New Hampshire on Thursday
week, and his remains were brought to this city, where he leaves a wife and one child.
The well known homeopathic physician, Dr. Christian F. Pudor died on Saturday
night of heart disease at a ripe age; he was a native of Prussian, but had practiced
medicine with success in this city for upwards of twenty-five years.
After a long chase Officer Sterling succeeded in arresting O'Neal W. Robinson
at Key West, Florida and he is now lodged in jail in this city.
The Casco brewery on Fore Street, opposite the Portland Company's works,
owned by J. A. McGlinchy, was burnt on Monday afternoon; loss $25,000, insured.
Mr. Charles P. Ingraham had his left thigh broken on Monday by being thrown
from his carriage on State Street, on account of a defect in the highway; Mr. Fred
Hutchinson of the "tribe of Asa," happened to be near and rendered effective
assistance until a surgeon could be obtained.
The State Street Sunday School gave a contribution of $50 in aid of Mr. Moody's
Chicago Mission School last Sabbath.
Harry Brown will be in his studio next week ready to receive the orders of his
James Bailey succeeds Frederick Fox as one of the trustees of Evergreen Cemetery;
Mr. Fox has for several years served most faithfully and acceptably in the capacity, and
many improvements are due to his suggestions.
Mr. Robinson was arraigned on Tuesday, waived examination and stands committed
in default of bail for $5,000.
Mr. Jonathan Morgan's funeral at the Congress Square Church Wednesday
afternoon was to be attended by the Cumberland Bar of which he was the oldest
In our Pulpit Sketch this week it will be noticed that Mr. Morgan was pleasantly
alluded to by the clergyman, as then alive, though a the moment he had probably been
dead many hours.
The question in the Miller divorce case was before the Supreme Justice Court on
Jude Lane took his seat on the bench of the Superior Court on Tuesday.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Jonathan Morgan is dead. This remarkable old man, whose singular appearance upon
the streets has for many years been familiar to all Portlanders and attracted the attention
and inquiries of strangers, died unattended at his residence on Cross Street sometime
between Saturday evening and Monday morning last. His bent form enveloped in his
capacious cloak, and crowned with his slouch brimmed hat, will be seen no more on
our streets. Up to the last that was seen of him by his fellowmen, he retained his
faculties, his sight, his hearing and his active ever-scheming brain. He was born in
Brimfield, Mass., March 4, 1778, and graduated at Union College, Schenectady in 1803.
In 1912 he removed to Alna in this state, and remained there until 1820 when he came
to this where he has ever since resided. It was while he at Alna he invented and built,
as he claimed, the first steamboat ever constructed. His first attempt was a failure, but
in 1818 he succeeded in forcing a boat through the water by steam power at the rate of
four miles an hour. Numberless other inventions, mostly failures have been the result
of his life long studies in mechanics. He always claimed to be the first to think of every
great successful invention of the age, but somehow somebody always stepped in before
him when the waters were troubled. He has written several published works. He
translated the New Testament from the original Greek in a very original way indeed.
His English Grammar known as the "Steamboat Grammar," because its cover was
ornamented with a large cut of a steamboat was no more successful than his other
works. He has lived alone much of his life, and it was of late years as his decrepitude
became extreme, to think of the inevitable end which has now reached the poor old man.
No one knows when he died, but it is probable he passed away without pain last Friday
night. It was his custom down to the last to spend his evenings in calls upon his friends,
and he was often seen late at night creeping homeward. He was probably so chilled last
Saturday evening that his waning vitality was not sufficient to keep his active soul
longer chained to his enfeebled body. He was a man who always had the respect, if not
the love of the whole community. His life was ever temperate and blameless.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Thomaston, November 3rd, to the wife of C. D. Tewksbury, a son, Herbert
Mason, October 17th, to the wife of Edwin R. Briggs, a son.
Rome, Kennebunk (part of Belgrade Lake,) Me., October 10th to the wife of
George Kelley, a daughter.
Auburn, October 13th, to the wife of E. P. Fuller, a daughter.
Bridgton, October 29th, to the wife of Jeff C. Gallison, , a Gal-or-son, the
former we believe.
Island Falls, Aroostook County, October 12th, to the wife of B. C. Perry,
a son.
Augusta, October 13th, to the wife of Honorable J. G. Blaine, a daughter.
Livermore, October 15th, to the wife of Orestes Bryant, a son.
In this city, November 5th, Leander Clements, of Westbrook and Mary A. Alley,
of Bridgton.
In this city, October 25th, Henry S. Walker of Buffalo, New York, and Frances
M. Elwell, of Portland.
In this city, November 1st, Henry T. Rowe and Julie A. Washburne, both of
In this city, November 2nd, Gustavus A. Bartlett and Ada I. Cloudman; also
Erlon G. Reed and Laura B. Cloudman, daughter of Solomon N. Cloudman.
In this city, November 1st, Henry P. Worcester and Caroline Justina Rea.
In this city, November 5th, by Rev. W. E. Gibbs, Captain Charles H. Greene,
and Mrs. Ann H. Woodbury, all of Portland.
In this city, November 5th, Edward J. Park, of Bath, and Mary A. Brow. of
South Paris, October 22nd, by Rev. J. J. Abbott, George W. Talbot, and Annie
M. Merrill, of South Freeport.
Mercer, October 1st, Francis E. Jones of Boston, and Lurana D. Crosby of
Mercer, Somerset County.
Peabody, Mass., October 26th, by Rev. C. V. Hanson, Charles H. Warren and
Serafena Oakes, both of Danvers, Mass.
Derring, October 31st, by Rev. J. C. Snow, at the residence of Dr. Stone, Charles
E. Merrill and Adelaide Stone, both of Derring.
Harrison, November 1st., Simeon P. Pendexter, of Bridgton, and Mary A. Ross
of Harrison.
Islesboro, October 30th, John W. Pendleton and Jennie Thomas, both of Islesboro.
Lewiston, October 28th, J. Herbert Chase and Emma R. Hitchcock.
Portsmouth, October 31st, Thomas H. Saunders and Jane Marston, both of
Concord, New Hampshire, November 1st., Horatio Hobbs of Boston, and
Armenia E., eldest daughter of Nathaniel and Armenia S. White.
Eastport, October 12th (?), George Higgins and Clara G. Murphy.
North Vassalboro, October 16, George S. Hawes and Ellen M. Nowell.
Skowhegan, October 25th, Rev. William H. Rand, of Oldtown, and Clara A.
Spaulding of Bingham.
Rockland, October 24th, E. H. Waldon, of Camden, and Aliva L. Packard, of
Rockland, October 25th, A. S. Tolman and Clara B. Turner.
Bath, October 26th, Charles R. Thompson of New York, and Octavia M.
Putnam of Bath.
Denmark, Me., October 21st, George L. Small, of Westbrook and Josephine
Warren, of Denmark.
Plymouth, October 15th, J. T. Locke, of Westbrook, and Rhoda S. Warren of
of Bridgton.
Durham, October 25th, John L. Williams of Durham, and Martha A. Coombs.
Topsham, October 18th, Noble M. Patten and Amelia Crane.
In this city, November 4th, Jonathan Morgan, Esq., aged 93 years, 8 months.
In this city, November 1st., Sophia P., youngest daughter of the late Captain
Samuel A. and Sophia M. P. Dennison, aged 23.
In this city, Nov 4th, Dr. Christian Ferdinand Pador.
In this city, Mrs. Melinda, wife of Joseph B. Haskell, aged 62.
In this city, October 31st, Miss Ellen E. Farnham.
Windham, November 5th, Sarah, widow of the late Elias Hall, of Jefferson, New
Hampshire, aged 95 years, 5 months, 25 days.
Peak's Island, Portland Harbor, November 1st, Henry M. Brackett, merchant,
aged 50
Knightsville, Cape Elizabeth, Aiden Wing, formerly of Fayette, aged 74 years.
9 months, 22 days. (Maine Farmer please copy)
Peru, Maine, October 22nd, George W. Lunt, formerly of Westbrook, aged
77 years.
Bath, October 28th, Kezzia S. Page, aged 41.
Lincolnville, October 17th, Mrs. H. Payson Lamb.
Buxton, October 29th, Andrew H. Whitney, aged 22.
Biddeford, October 29th, Emerson York, aged 94.
Farnsworth, N. H. (?) November 2nd, suddenly by apoplexy, David
S. Wood, aged 53. (No town by that name in N. H.)
Oreville, California, October 19th, Charles E. Leighton, formerly of Bangor,
aged 42.
Roxbury, Mass., November 2nd., Mrs. Hannah Merrill Weeks, aged 74.
Waterville, October 13th, Mrs. Olive H. Melcher, aged 53.
Waterford, October 21st, Mrs. M. H. Dearborn, aged 63.
Rockland, October 21st, Bethiah, wife of Daniel L. Corthell, aged 53.
Rockland, October 25th, Mrs. Melisssa Field, aged 35.
Topsham, October 27th, Albert G. Foster, aged 41.
Lubec, October 27th, William L. Dinsmore, aged 53.
Kittery, October 29th, Mrs. Hannah Manson, aged 82.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Glances about Town
Friday afternoon some boys found a bottle of liquor near the baseball grounds, and
drank of it; one of them, an eight year old son of George Siteman, drank more freely
than his companions' and died from alcoholic poisoning in great agony about 11 o'clock
Friday night.
A curious fish has been exhibited here the past week, which was captured off
Boone Island; it is 8 1/2 inches long, armed with several sets of teeth, and a suction
disk by which it attaches itself to vessels and to large fishes; it is classified by
Curator Fuller of the Natural History Society as a remora, a native of warm seas
south of Massachusetts.
Divers were at work all day last Sunday, searching for the bodies of the two
children drowned last week, and their father was with them, walking in the water
along the shore, without avail; the bodies are probably entangled in the eel grass
and lodged in the deep holes at the bottom.
At the Republican County convention, held in this city last Wednesday, the
following county ticket was nominated; Senators-Honorable D. H. Cole of Naples,
Hon. George P. Wescott of Portland, Joseph Dunnell of Westbrook, John C.
Kendall, of Freeport; Sheriff-Isaiah S. Webb, of Bridgton; Register of Deeds-
Storer S. Knight, of Deering; County Attorney-George S. Seiders of Portland;
Clerk of Courts-Benjamin C. Stone of Bridgton; County Treasurer-James M.
Webb of Westbrook; County Commissioner-Joseph B. Hammond of New Gloucester
James M. Tolman of Caso. At the Democratic County Convention, held here
Thursday the following ticket was nominated; Senators-Daniel Dickens of Bridgton;
Dr. John Swan of Westbrook, Captain John H. Humphrey of Yarmouth, John N.
Lord of Portland; Sheriff-Isaac D. Sawyer of Portland; Register of Deeds-John T. Hull
of Deering; County Attorney-Elliot King of Portland; Clerk of Courts-George F.
McQullian of Portland; County Treasurer-Stephen K. Dyer of Portland; County
Commissioners-William Curtis of Portland, Enoch Gammon of Naples, Me.
Schooner Dreadnaught and James Dyer, owned here, were seized at Old Orchard
Sunday evening for seining fish with the three mile limit, but it is claimed by the
owners that the bay where the schooners were at the time is over three miles broad;
the penalty for the offence alleged is $500.00.
Elias Usher, owner of the water boat Sebago, has become violently insane, and
has been taken into custody.
Rufus Stanley, the importer, who has been sick for a long time with Brights' disease,
died at his residence in this city Tuesday night.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Mrs. Emily Green of Oxford, committed suicide last week by cutting her throat
with a razor. She had been ill and greatly depressed in spirits. She was the widow of
John Green, Esq.
The attempt of Mr. Elbridge Austin to run split cord wood from Peru to Lewiston
in the Androscoggin River proved a failure and the wood had to be taken out of the
river seven miles above Lewiston. Of 350 cords that were started, about one hundred
were lost and the remainder is said to be in a damaged condition.
Daniel E. Mills and E. L. Wheeler killed a large bear at Mason lately.
The dam at Kingman is to be repaired at once, and a large force is at work
upon it.
The store of F. A. Stoddard, Greenfield was burned last week.
It is expected that the railroad will be finished to Guilford by Saturday of this
The workmen of the Williamburg slate quarry collected and sent to the Mayor of
Bangor $178,50 for the Chicago suffers.
The Anson Advocate says the directors of the Somerset railroad have concluded to
seek a conference with the Maine Central, with a view to change of base.
Thomas B. Emery, Deputy Collector of Customs at Belfast, died suddenly last
Rev. Charles G. Ames of California, preached the sermon at the Unitarian
Church in Belfast on the occasion of the ordination of Rev. David N. Utter, last
Captain Robert Drinkwater died in Lincolnville last week, aged 62.
How did the Belfast Journal find out that Mrs. Pharaoh discovered that Joseph
never played the banjo? That piece of "short cake," is overdue.
The Calais Advertiser says the house of Patrick Nash at St. Stephen was burned
on Saturday week, and a little daughter of Mr. Nash was burned with it. Her father
got her and his son to a window and while getting the son out safely, lost her in the
smoke. He was forced to abandon the search to save his own life, and it was
afterwards found that she had crept back to her bed.
Joseph Cutter, aged 22 was drowned while gunning near Boot Cove, Lubec, a
few days ago.
A Mormon convention has been held lately at Little Kennebec, near Machias. There
were six delegates from Grand Manan, four men and 2 woman, led by Joseph Lakeman.
Schooner Robert Rantoul, Jr., of Jonesport, was found abandoned off Cape Cod
last Saturday, with loss of foremast and deck load of lumber, and her decks ripped
open and the vessel full of water. She was towed into Philadelphia.
The barn of E. B. Nash, Cherryfield was burned last week with 8 tons of hay.
Molly Neptune, the oldest living member of the Passamaquoddy tribe of Indians,
died a few days ago. Her age is said to be 112.
We see Florence Percy's "Angel of Patience," originally published in the
Transcript years ago, going the round of our Maine exchanges credited to the San
Francisco Times.
Surgeon C. H. Burbank of Maine has been detached from Michigan and ordered
to the Mare Island Navy Yard. Chief Engineered George J. Barry of Maine has 4
detached from the Saranca and ordered to the Pensacola.
Governor Perham has appointed the same day for Thanksgiving as was selected by
the President, November 30th.
The Republican State Convention meets at Bangor on Thursday of this week.
Delegates are being chosen at many points pledged to favor the nomination of W. W.
Thomas, Jr., Judge Virgin, and other candidates, and many delegates will go unpledged.
The convention will probably be a lively one and the probabilities are that whoever may
be the nominee will receive the united vote of the party. The Democrats held their
convention at Bangor on Tuesday of next week, and then this campaign in this state
will be opened. It bids fair to be one of the most exciting contest ever had in Maine, on
an "off year."
FIRES IN MAINE. House of A. R. Bucknell, Hiram.-Spring Cove ice houses, at
North Woolwich, with 4,5000 tons of ice, loss $7,000, insured. House of Mr. Grant on the
road to Cape Cottage, Cape Elizabeth, loss $800.-Buildings of Edwin A. Ward, Scarboro,
loss $5,000, insured for $3,000.-Store dwelling and stable of E. A. Sadler, Limerick; also
store of S. M. Mason, and law office of L. S. Moore. Several other buildings saved with
difficulty. Supposed to be set by a tramp. Loss about $5,000.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
At a meeting of the trustees of the Dexter Savings Bank last week a committee was
chosen to invite the executor of the Barron estate to examine the books of the bank and
made arrangements to settle his affairs with the bank. The executor refused to examine or
negotiate, and the trustees Wednesday voted to commence a suit against the Barron estate
for the $800 loaned by Mr. Barron to Dr. Fitzgerald, and turned over to the bank without
knowledge of the trustees. They have also voted to call upon Mr. Barron's bondsmen to
make up the deficiency appearing, and invite them to unite with the bank in employing
accountants to go over the books and state the accounts correctly. The bank has declared
a dividend payable July first.
A man named Alonzo Glidden of Chester was drowned recently on the West branch
of the Penobscot River. He floated off on a log from a jam of logs, got into rough water,
lost his balance and fell in. The boat not being at hand, before they could get to him he
had disappeared. He left a wife and children.
The man who committed suicide at Bangor last week proves to be A. J. Packard, of
Guilford. He had not been in his right mind for some time.
The Steadman affair grows worse and worse, as new developments are made. The
foolish as well as knavish lies he told during his whole pasturate at Dover, kept him in
hot water all the time. He explained one lie by another, until he came hopelessly
involved. He had a constant struggle to prevent people he had deceived from comparing
notes with each other. The catastrophe was precipitated by his attempt to get his uncle,
Dr. Steadman of Georgetown, to certify that his wife had died there. The Doctor, of
course refused to certify to the falsehood and suspecting his villainy, telegraphed to
Henry C. Prentiss of Foxcroft that he should at once visit Dover. Steadman was
informed that his uncle was coming, and tried to stop him by telegraph, and finally
hired a man to take him to Dexter, when he met his uncle, and the next morning he
started for the West, his uncle returning to Georgetown. His manner is still impudent
and audacious. He proposes when he gets clear to make it hot for his accusers. He
has even threatened Miss Gray, whom of other times he has profess to love so well.
(Steadman is a minister and a bigamist.)
Richmond correspondent E. writes; Considerable excitement prevails here on
account of several houses being entered by burglars on Thursday night. Between
$50 and $75 worth of silver was taken from the house of Mrs. M. S. Hagar, and a
watch and chain from Mr. John Perkins. At other house entered no articles of value
were taken.
Edwin a Starkie, a lad of 11 was arraigned at Belfast on the 18th, charged with
the murder of Ezra Baker, a boy of 8. Ten days before, he struck him with a stick
across the legs in a boyish quarrel, as is alleged. The boy died of inflammation of
the bowels. He came home crying, and his abdomen was found to be discolored.
Starkie was found guilty of assault and battery, and sentenced to 30 days in jail.
A item was going around last week that John Robinson had fallen into the hold of
a vessel at Calais and was seriously injured. The he in fact fell 60 feet and struck his
head, and yet is in a fair way.
Phillip Phillips is to conduct a service of sacred song and Bible reading,
interspersed with congregational singing at Old Orchard Beach, from July 16th
to July 22nd. There will be gospel meetings and singing every evening, and public
prayers every morning. No admission fee will be charged, but a collection will be
taken up to pay the necessary expenses of the meeting. These service Phillips calls
song sermons, and they cannot fail to be very attractive.
Mrs. Ruth Stone was found dead in the road at Limerick last week, a case of
heart disease.
There was an attempt at murder and suicide in Lebanon on Thursday of last week.
Lewis Gerrish made a desperate assault with a knife upon J. M. Gerrish, as is supposed
on account of an old grudge. He cut a gash six inches long in his throat and neck, and
there are cut on his hand, and six places in his coat. Lewis was committed for trial,
after which he took a dose of strychnine which proved nearly fatal. Lewis is a nephew
of James M. Gerrish, whose wound are not considered dangerous.
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