Friday, April 25, 2014


                                                     CITY ITEMS
                                                Glances About Town

          Number of deaths last week fifteen, of which six were of consumption.
          Last Saturday, Deputy Sheriff Ring seized twenty-six and a half barrels of ale at the
      Maine Central freight shed.
          On Wednesday of this week of the Odd Fellows make their excursion to Dexter and
     Bangor, taking Chandler's band along.
          Dresses, McLellan & Co., have received the contract for furnishing stationary for
     city schools.
          Mr. Leathe & Gore have been awarded the contract for furnishing the city of New
      York with 30,000 pounds of soap.
          Last Sabbath being Children's Sunday in the Methodist churches, they were very
     beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens, and the exercises were of much
     interest to the large congregations present; at Chestnut Street Church the singing of
     birds mingled with the voice of the children, producing  pleasing effect; the Woodford's
     Corner Congregational Church also observed the day a  Children's Sunday, and in the
     afternoon Rev. Mr. Bosworth preached a very interesting sermon to the little ones.
          The Young Men's Christian Association observed its twenty-fourth anniversary at
     Pine Street Methodist Church, last Sunday evening, the President Mr. Prentiss Loring,
     presiding; the annual report, read by  the  retiring President, Mr F. A. Smith, gave a
     history of  the  Association and its work,  showing it to be in a prosperous condition;
     addresses were made by Dr. I. T. Dana, Mr. Charles M. Bailey, of Winthrop, Rev. Mr.
     Updegraff, a member of the Society of Friends and others.
          J. F. Libby has sold the C. P. Kimball span of chestnuts, Morgan bred, to Mr. Cotton
    of Boston, for $1,000.
          John G. Whittier attended the service at Pine Street M. E. Church last Sunday morning;
     Friends Updegraff and Rebecca J. Allinson were the speakers; the church was elegantly
     decorated with flowers and vines, as it was Children's Sunday.
          Honorable Israel Washburn will deliver his lecture on the "Scotch Poets' before the
     Young Peoples Society at Williston Chapel on Thursday evening of this week.
          Mr. M. Neal of Lynn, Mass., who is here in attendance upon the Yearly Meeting,
     formerly kept a school for boys in this city, and is kindly remembered by many of
     his old pupils.
         At Libby's Corner last Monday, a little daughter of Mr. B. Foley fell upon a scythe
     while playing in the yard and cut one of her arms so nearly off that it was necessary to
     amputate it; it was feared the child would not recover as she bled profusely.
          On Wednesday evening of this week a Grand Temperance rally will be held in City
     Hall, in connection with the Friend's Yearly Meeting, when  Honorable Neal Dow will
     deliver an address of welcome and many Friend speakers will address the meeting.
          The former pupils of Gertrude Whittier Cartland, clerk of the Women's Yearly
     Meeting, have taken much pleasure in greeting her during her stay in this city.
          William A. Sabine, the well-known fruit dealer of this city, had a shock of paralysis
     at Old Orchard on Tuesday.
          The Maine Medical Association is in session in this city, Dr. E. F. Sanger, of Bangor,
          Mr. John Kaler, late of the Kirkwood house, is building a large two-story boarding
     house at Prout's Neck, which will accommodate about fifty guests; Captain Silas Libby
     has made large additions to his house, and Mr. Thomas Libby has built a new house
     which he is fitting up in good shape for boarders.
          Camp Meeting John Allen will preach at Ponce's Hotel, Long Island, next Sunday.

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