Wednesday, April 30, 2014


                                                      MAINE MATTERS


          John Southard of East Bradford was 100 years old on May 10th, and appears
     likely to live many years yet.
          The State Temperance Reform Convention at Dexter last week was well attended
      and of great interest. J. Benson, Jr., of Auburn presided. A proposition to hold a
      reform camp meeting was voted down. All the more active club were represented
     by their best speakers, about 50 of the 121 clubs sending delegates. The total
     memberships is reports as 17,148.
          The assignee's sale of the estate of the late G. K. Jewett of Bangor,  last week
     was largely attended. Large tracts of land in Aroostook County sold, prices ranging
     from 17 cents to $1 per acre. Quite a number of shares of railway and mining
     companies went for almost nothing. But stock in bank, gas and insurance companies
     sold at a good premium.
          Everett Fredericks, aged 8, was drowned at Old Town on the 8th.
          Commencement exercise at the State College begins June 23rd, with the
     Sophomore prize declamations; Sunday; 24th Baccalaureate sermon by President
     Allen; Monday, Junior prize exhibition; Tuesday, military drill and parade of the
     Auburn Cadets, and the President's reception in the evening; Wednesday,
     exercise of graduating calls, and grand concert by Ann Louise Cary; Thursday,
     examinations for admission, Class Day exercises, and grand ball in the evening.
          The names of Rev. Joseph Cook of Boston, Rev. E. S. Atwood of Salem, Mass.,
     and Rev. William H. Fenn, of Portland are mentioned in connection with the
     vacancy  in the faculty of the Bangor Theological Seminary made by Professor
     Barbour's resignation.

          "No Sunday beyond here, is the inscription on a sign post in the Moosehead

          Ira William, a well-to-do farmer of Bowdoinham, hung himself last week. He
     has been insane, though of late not showing many symptoms of it.
           P. P. Bucknam and John Cornish have leased the Treat Saw Mill, at Bath on
     a contract with the Messer's. Milliken  of Hallowell to saw two to three millions
     of spruce deal (sic)  for the English market. Mr. Charles H. Treat goes to Delaware
     to  operate a steam saw  mill.

          State Greenback convention at Skowhegan on Friday, 15th.


          The Golden Wedding of Rev. Dr. Stephen Thurston, and his wife Clara
     Matilda Benson, was celebrated with unusual circumstance by their friends on the
     5th inst.  A great company of friends and relatives assembled, bringing presents of
     of beauty and value, including $1,000 in gold. Three original poems were read, one
     by the venerable Ira Berry of Portland.  Mr. Thurston was born in Sedwick in 1797.
     He studied with his brother, the late Rev. Thurston of Winthrop, graduated at the
     Bangor Theological Seminary, and for forty years he served the faithful and beloved
     pastor of the Congregational Church at Searsport. For ten years he served as
     Secretary of the Maine Missionary Society, retiring last June because of failing
     health. His has been a remarkably active and useful life, happy in all its relations.
     He now enjoys well-earned report, cheered by the love and esteem of a vast circle
     of friends. it is a notable fact that this is the second Golden wedding in the family.
     Rev. David and Prudence (Brown) Thurston of Winthrop, celebrated their 50th
     Anniversary of marriage in this city, at the residence of their son Brown Thurston,
     in 1867.

          Henry Ward Beecher will visit Pembroke this summer with his family, and
     during his sojourn will lecture and preach, says the Sentinel.
          Captain Theodore H. Munson, a well-know ship master, died at East Machias
     last week.

          On Wednesday afternoon of last week, the house of Jonathan Brown of
     Kennebunkport, was struck by lightning, and its occupant stunned. Mr. Daniel
     Brown of Portland, was thrown from a rocking chair to the floor, and  injured in
     the back and legs, it is hoped not permanently.
       Two years ago Mark F. Goodwin, was with his horse and carriage thrown over a
     embankment at South Berwick in the night time, and was found dead the next day.
     General F. Goodwin, administrator, commenced a suit against the town for damages,
     at $10,000, and the trial of it began on Thursday of last week laid last week at Alfred.
     On Friday Judge Libbey ordered a non-suit because no record evidence was produced
     of the location of the road, or evidence that the road had been used for over 20 years.
          Edwin S. Emmons  of Cape Porpoise, one of the crew of fishing schooner
     G. & B. Morse, Wilder, (Captain). it was feared was drowned while setting trawls
     last week. He and his dory were missing for several days, but he finally got ashore
     after a terrible experience with thirst. He had lived on raw fish and bilge water.
          William Blake, Jr., and wife are awarded $1,000 damages, occasioned by a
     defective road in Newfield.


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