Sunday, April 27, 2014


                                                   MAINE MATTERS

            The exercises of Bates College commencement, begin on Friday of next week, 22nd
     with the examination of the classes. Baccalaureate sermon by the President on Sunday;
     concert by Anna Louise Cary, the Philharmonic Club, Miss Norton and Messrs. Whitney
     and Fessenden, Tuesday evening; Commencement Day, Wednesday; oration by Wendell
     Phillips, Wednesday evening; meeting of Alumni Association, Thursday with oration by
     G. C. Emery of Boston, and poem by Miss Mary W. Mitchell, of Vassar College.
          The Lewiston Journal says that C. E. Darling of that city has invented a ventilator,
     which will  prove of especial value in window ventilation. By a novel arrangement he
     sets in the center of a pane of glass a ventilator  similar to the ordinary chimney
     ventilators which may be readily opened as to admit as small an amount of air as desired,
     and still keep the window fastened.


          Our agent Mr. John Andrews is about to visit Aroostook County, and whatever
     facilities his work well be regarded by us as a favor.
            Our correspondent at Washburn writes:
          A terrific thunder shower passed into Washburn, Friday eve, June 1st, or rather two
     showers met there, and the conflict they waged was grand and awful. The clouds hung
     low so  long that we seemed in their very midst, and the whole atmosphere was
     surcharged with electricity. I went to the cellar, but my errand was instantly forgotten,
     and I retreated, appalled at  the sight of so much splendor, for the place seemed a mass
     of  scintillating  diamonds. The lightning struck in all direction, twelve times that we
     know of, in the vicinity of Washburn Village, burning the house of John Whitten, and
     striking two barns without setting them of fire. It struck very near other buildings, and
     the only wonder is that no greater damage was done, and that, when so many people
     were stunned or thrown down, receiving shocks more or less severe, no one was
     seriously injured. One of those showers passed  over Caribou earlier in the day striking
     the depot and smashing the force pump, and also struck in other places there. The cloud
     then passed slowly to the east, and at last settled back toward Washburn. At the time of
     our shower, the thunder was one continuous roar at Caribou ten miles away; but here it
     was just the quick, sharp crack of musketry, with pauses between. One marked peculiarity
     was the whiteness of the lightning, not even a yellowish tinge. There was an indefinite
      number on the sick list the next morning, some made so by fright, others from the
     general  effect of the shower. Crops look finely splendid; weather for "the green things
      growing," The wild strawberry blossoms give promise of lots of-"sugar and cream;" in
      the sweet buy and buy. Quite a numbers of immigrants are looking out (for?) farms.
     Men from Vassalboro', Pittsfield and Monson, have recently brought in this vicinity;
     still, and to spare for others. A large amount of potatoes have been planted , eight new
     starch factories being built north of Houlton, this summer in this county to absorb them.
      Isaac McLaughlin is putting a carding machine into Wilder's Mill.

          The Class of 1877 of the Maine Medical School received their diplomas on the
     6th inst. The class numbers 23, and this is the list:
          F. H. Allen, A. E. Andrews, C. W. Brown, J.L. Budge, F. Chander, D. W. Fellows
      L. C. Ford, I. Getchell, Jr., L. H. Guptill, J. W. Heath, E. D. Hill, F. J. King, G.M. Lee,
     D. O. S. Lowell, G. J. Nelson, A. A. Plummer, O. N. W. R. Straw, E. Swasey, A. G
     Trafton, J. A. Twaddie, J. B. Twaddie, J. A. Wade, J. L. M. Willis. 
          It will be seen by an advertisement that Mr. I. D. Sawyer wants more help at his
     manufactory of clothing in Standish. Since January last Mr. Sawyer has employed
     40 to 50 girls constantly. He did not shut down because of the hard time, for there
     is always a demand for such good work as his. He has for several months been making
     500 coats per week.
          Rev. H. S. Huntington was installed pastor of the First Congregational at Gorham
     on Monday. Professor Barbour delivered he sermon. The County Conference began on
     Tuesday, with this church.
          At the town meeting in Deering on Monday last, it was voted to buy the Dunn lot,
      at the head of Pleasant Street, and erect a high school building thereon, substantially
      in accordance with the plan submitted by the committee, and the sum of $5,500 was
     voted for that purpose. A building committee consisting of David Moulton, Andrew
      Hawes, John C. Phenix, George W. Bailey and John M. Adams were also chosen.
      The articles in the warrant resisting to the abolition of the district system and a
       topographical survey of the town were referred to the next annual town meeting.

          The town hearse at Ellsworth figures in politics. The Republicans call it Mayor
     Young's hearse, and prefer to go to the grave in express wagons. But they talk of
     getting a new hearse, and putting it in charge of the undertaker Mayor Young set
     aside. (As written)
          The graduates of the East Maine Conference Seminary are five viz; Joseph M. King,
     Deering; Walter C. Sturtevent, Bangor; Milton F. Bridgham, Columbia; Mary S.
     Higgins and Etta C. Newcomb, Bucksport.

           Orrin Pratt, of China, Me., terminated his life with a razor on the 7th. Cause,
     family affliction.
          The colossal group of David and Jonathan is nearly completed at the work of the
     Hallowell Granite Co. This, with the noble statue designed for the Pilgrim's Monument
     at Plymouth, and other monuments, sarcophagi, etc., makes a visit to the works of one
     of great interest.
         A little steamer has been launched in the water of the Androscoggin Pond, Wayne,
     by Mr. Cunningham of Readfield. The boat will make connections with the railroad at
     Leeds, and take passengers and freight.
         One of the six horses burned in the Mansion House stables, was the valuable stallion
     Wade Hampton.

          Charles Davis, accountant of the Hurricane Granite Co., rescued a little boy named
     Callahan from drowning at Hurricane Island a few days ago, by a very prompt and
     brave action.
           Steamer Arrow, plying between Carver's Harbor and Hurricane, struck a rock and
     sunk last Saturday night. Passengers and crew saved.

            Edward E. Bacon, a graduate of the Andover Theological Seminary has accepted
     the call of the Congregational Church at Norway, Maine.
             L. M. Mann's Clothes Pin Manufactory at West Paris, has worked up 200 cords of
     birch and poplar this season, making 8,500 boxes of pins, 5 gross in a box.
             The Norway, Me., Advertiser says B. F. Spinney & Co., are making 20 cases of
     boots per day, and their pay roll is $1,000 a week. There are 22 cutters employed, and
     more to be added.

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