Wednesday, May 7, 2014


                                                            CITY ITEMS
                                                       Glances About Town

          Rev. Mr. Bailey, who was last week installed the pastor of the First Parish
     Church, is the fifth pastor that church has had in a period of 140 years, he is a
     young man, and we may hope that his pastorate will rival that of his predecessors
     in length and usefulness.
          Harry Brown has completed homestead pictures for D. W. True, Esq., and
     Benjamin Flint, Esq., the first in Poland, the second in Anson; both make beautiful
     landscapes; one of Brown's painting would make a choice holiday gift.
          The store of Hugh Dolan on Fore Street, was entered by thieves last week, and
     robbed of watches to the value of $300.
          Mr. Joseph Partington, the well-know caterer, died suddenly on Friday; he had
     been in ill health for more than a year but on Thursday was in better spirits than usual,
     and at night told his wife he felt so comfortable she had better retire; she lay down on
     the outside of the bed, and when she woke up in the morning he was dead.
          Rev. G. H. Hepworth will repeat his eulogy upon the life and character of Governor
     Andrew before the M. L. Association of on Wednesday evening of  this week.
           It is understood that General Neal Dow will deliver a lecture in City Hall, for the
     benefit of the Young Men's Christian Association.
          Mr. and Mrs. Burnham having retired from the First Parish Church, their place
     have been supplied by Mr. John L. Shaw, the eminent basso, and Mrs. Harriet
     Cammett Wetherbee, who resumes the position she filled so acceptably before her
     marriage; Mr. Thurston retains his place as tenor in the quartette, making a rare
     combination of musical talent.
          Rev. Mr. Fenn delivered an able address in behalf of the Portland Benevolent
     Society at First Parish Church, on Sunday evening last, it being the sixty-fifth
     appeal for the poor made by this ancient charity; the collection taken up amounted
     to $163.00.
          In the United States District Court, last week, Thomas Fitzgerald, for attempting 
     to kill John Dorsey by throwing him overboard was sentenced to  a fine of one dollar
     and one year's imprisonment in the State Prison.
          In an affray which occurred  at the head of Preble Street, on  Saturday night,
     Captain Henley of  Cape Elizabeth was severely stabbed in the side; on Monday
     fear were entertained that he would not recover.
          Mr. George Saville, engineer drive on the P. S. & P. Railroad was badly jammed
     at the station in this city on Friday, but it is hoped no serious injury will result from
     the mishap.
          Rev. Mr. Bolles of Congress Square Church, had decided to with draw his
          Thomas Collins, a native of Nova Scotia, who arrived here from Boston on
     Saturday, on his way to Halifax, drank too much liquor, fell overboard and was
     drowned; he was about 36 years old and leaves a wife and two children. 
          -General Neal Dow will receive a complimentary breakfast at the Quincy House,
     Boston, on Thursday of this week, at which it is expected William Lloyd Garrison
     and other gentlemen will make welcoming address.


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