Sunday, May 18, 2014


                                                         MATTERS IN MAINE

          Messrs. Conant and Manly of Skowhegan, have applied for a patent for a device
     of theirs from crimping ladies' hair. The Kennebec Journal thinks that if they can
     give the right crimp, in fine style, and not too cheaply affected, they will make
     their fortunes.
          "The High School Gazette" is the title of a neat quarto sheet published by the young
     ladies of the Bath High School, and edited by Miss Laura A. Ballard. It contents give
     evidence that the institution it represent is in a flourishing condition.
          The Mechanic Falls Herald says the house of Mr. John Dore, of that village, was
     entered recently in the night, and his vest robbed of $550 which he had collected
     to pay his creditors. In consequence of this loss Mr. Dore's business was closed up
     by his creditors.
          The wife of Captain William Wasson, of West Brooksville, hanged herself on
     Thursday evening of last week with a skein of yarn.  She was 32 years old, and leaves
     no family except her husband.
          Mrs. George H. Adams, of Biddeford was suddenly stricken down in the street on
     Wednesday evening of last week, and died before she could be carried to the house--
     probably of heart disease.
          The citizen of Gorham have responded to Hon. Toppan  Robie's present of a town
     clock by raising $300 for the erection of a design--and so that pleasant village will
     soon have the convenience of the public time-teller.
          In Sewall's ship yard at Bath, on  Saturday two men were hit by a portion of the
     ship's rail falling upon them. McLellan's leg was broken, and Rice survived only
     about an hour.
          At the celebration of Washington's birthday by the Maine Commandery (sic) of
     of the Loyal Legion at August on Friday evening of last week, an oration was
     delivered by General John Marshall Brown, of this city, which is highly spoken
     by the Augusta Journal.
          Mr. Charles Brown living near Livermore Falls, while tying up some cattle on
     Friday week, had his arm broken in two places below the elbow by the cattle
     becoming unmanageable.
            Messrs. Noyes & Son late of the Saco Democrat, will issue the first number
     of the new Democratic Journal, while they are to start at Rockland, about the first
     of April next.
            Mrs. Arnold B. Ham of Fayette, died on the 12th inst., of congestion of the brain,
     aged 58, and her husband died on the 15th, from typhoid fever, aged 61 years.
           The Patten  Voice says that Mr. J. G. Record, of Crystal, Penobscot  County,
     raised last year 469 beans from 2, which  be 234 1/2 bushels from one bushel planting.
          Edward C. Maguire, a native of Union in this state has been convicted in Boston,
     of manslaughter, and sentenced to seven years in the State Prison.
          The dwelling house of Mr. J. C. Woodman of Machias, was recently burned.
     Loss, $600;  owned by W. H. Hemenway.
          Honorable Charles W. Godard has been nominated by the governor as Judge
     of the new Superior Court for Cumberland County.
          Diphtheria is prevailing in Windham.--Mr. Eben Legrow lost four children week
     before last of that terrible disease.
          Jack Hale, the inveterate horse thief, is now confined in the jail at Norridgewock.
          Samuel Crowell, Esq., of Bath, has been appointed Postmaster at Lisbon Falls.
          The Mount Kineo House and stable at Moosehead lake were entirely destroyed
     by fire on Monday week. It was a popular place of summer resort, and was located
     in the middle of the lake.
          Mrs. Henderson, widow of the late Captain Robert Henderson, was found dead
     in her bed at the American House, at Belfast, on Tuesday week. She was 81 years
     old, and had retired in her usual health the night previous.
          Harvey Sylvester, aged 64 years of Buckfield, was found dead in his bed on the
     morning of January 28th, after partaking of his breakfast.
          At Dover South Mills, recently Mr. Frank Titcomb, as we learn from the Observer,
     had a part of his hand completely cut off by the circular saw of a shingle machine.
          Rev. E. C. Bolles of this city, will deliver one of his popular  lectures at the
     Universalist church, at Paris Hill, Wednesday, evening March 11th.
          William Jordan, a very young man about 18 years of age, belonging in Raymond,
      was killed last week in a mill in New Durham, New Hampshire, by being
     caught in a belt.

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