Friday, May 30, 2014


                                                        MAINE MATTERS


          Mr. John Hibbert of Lewiston, had originally 145 trout in his tank, but there are
      now but 35. There survivors are large fellows which have grown fat upon eating the
     smaller trout.
          Albert Young, Esq., formerly of the Elm House, has sold his interest in the Poland
     Springs House to the Ricker Brothers for $24,000.
          Clarence Morse of Lewiston, who recently died at Maynard, Iowa, is believed to
     have been drugged and robbed. He had plenty of funds when he left home, but not a
     cent could be found on the person after death. A bottle containing strange liquid was
     found in his pocket.
          We would call attention to the advertisement of the Lake Auburn Mineral Spring
     Co., in another column. The water of this spring are now sent to all parts of the
     country, having been found a wonderful remedy for kidney trouble, indigestion, etc.
     The lake Auburn Spring Hotel is picturesquely located, with a commanding view of
     some of the most beautiful scenery in the state. A little streamer has been placed in
     the lake for accommodation of his guests. As a resort for either pleasure or health,
     there are few places in the country so attractive. The water from the Lake Auburn
     Spring may be found in Portland at A. L. Millett & Company's, Congress Street.


          The Houlton Saving Bank has declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 percent
     on deposits. Deposits have increased $18,000 over last year, and now amount to
     $60,000, with 500 depositors.


          Mr. Henry Loring of Portland, has presented to the First Congregationalist
     Church and society at Yarmouth an organ for use in their social meetings.The
     gift was unexpected and was most gratefully received.
          Miss Huldah Hawkes has resigned the position of assistant in the Deering
     High School, and will be succeeded by Miss Helen Pratt.
          Mrs. Hattie L. L. Chase, who died recently, at the residence of M. G. Dow,
     Esq., was for nine years after the close of the war, a very successful teacher in
     South Carolina and Richmond, Virginia.
          On the occasion of his graduation from Greeley Institute, Judge Goddard's
     son delivered an essay upon the necessity of capital punishment.
          The house of the late Thomas Cleaves in Bridgton, was struck by lightning
     a few days ago, and set on fire.  It was considerably damaged.
          Captain T. G. Mitchell, an aged retired sea captain of Yarmouth, received a
     paralytic stroke recently.

          Black lead is found in quantity in a ledge at Strong owned by G. B. Knowlton.
          John Chadwick of Farmington, is having a stone coffin made for himself. It is
     being hollowed out of a seven foot block of granite.

          Mr. S. K. Deveraux of Castine, has invented an art which he calls "Koptography,"
     for impressing ornamental designs upon wood by deep indentations, caused by
     striking into  the material with sufficient force to cut the fiber by means of tools which
     the inventor has designed expressly for the purpose. The invention has attracted
     considerably attention in Boston and elsewhere.

          Merrill, on trial stated that the quarrel which led to his killing his mother arose
     about a clothes line which he was bringing into the barn. The jury were out but six
     minutes, and returned a verdict of murder in the first degree. When sentence was
     passed on him, Merrill manifested great anger, and it was necessary to employ
     considerable force and to get him from the court room to his cell. He declared to
     fellow convicts that if his sentence was more than ten years, they would not get him
     back to jail alive. He was sentenced to imprisonment for life.
          During a recent thunder storm the house and barn of Dr. Lapham of Augusta
     were both struck. The house of Alonzo Matthews, Sidney, was also struck. Little
     damage in either case.
          Mrs. J. Sawyer, an eccentric aged lady living in Augusta, died suddenly last week.
          George Gifford, of Vassalboro, United States Consul at Nantz, France, for four
     years, will return with his family to his home in Vassalboro, next month.
          Mrs. William Jenkins of Augusta, took a dose of oil of cedar the other night, with
     near fatal results.
          The wife of Captain George Pillsbury, of North Vassalboro, drowned herself in
     a pool of water not over five inches in depth, one day recently. Deceased had been
     subject to fits of melancholy. She was about 45 years of age.
          The Elmwood Hotel at Waterville has passed into the hands of Colby University.
     Mr. Seavey, the former landlord having engagements elsewhere has concluded to
     abandon the enterprise.
           The Kennebec Granite Company has been awarded a large contract by Blaisdell
     & Company, of New York.
            The Journal reports that the repair and machine shop of the Maine Central Rail
      Road Company, are to be located in Winthop. C. H. Gale gives the land which to
      locate them.
          We learn that Mr. R. W. Lincoln, of the Gazette, has received a handsome legacy
     from the estate of a relative deceased. This good fortune could not fall where it is
     better deserved, and we are heartily glad to hear of it-both because it  means that
     virtue should be rewarded, and because now we shall know were to go borrow a
     quarter. Rockland Opinion
           A horse killed by lightning recently in the stable of Dr. Parsons, Friendship.
     During the same shower, the house in Thomaston occupied by Anson Bucklin, was
     struck, Mr. And Mrs. Bucklin being knocked senseless.
          Captain Vesper of brigantine Levanter, of Thomaston, has become insane,
     through apoplexy. The vessel has put in at Newport, Rhode Island, on account
     of the captain's insanity. He is said to be likely to recover.
          Major Fowler of Rockport, has received a pension of $2,400 recently.


          The lobster canning factory at Boothbay put up 175,000 lbs., in April and the
     catch of lobsters is increasing. Four smacks are employed collecting the lobsters


          Gould's Academy in Bethel, after doing good service for forty-five years, is being
     torn down to make way for a fine large building for school purposes, to cost $4,000.
          J. W. Spaulding of Richmond, will deliver the oration at Paris Memorial Day.
          Two French workmen from Lewiston, Octave Pamaris and Lerazeur, were drowned
     recently by the upsetting of a boat at Canton.



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