Wednesday, June 11, 2014


                                                      CITY ITEMS

          Wednesday, Daniel Hyde met Timothy Glennan on Center Street, and drew a
     revolver on him; Hyde attempted to discharge the weapon, but the cartridge failed
     and upon a second attempt the weapon was discharged, but without effect; officers
     went after Hyde and arrested him Thursday, on the charge of firing at Glennan, and
     also of stealing a revolver.
          Fire caught in the cellar of Captain C. W. Ford's house on Deering Street, Thursday,
     and the furniture, etc., were badly damaged by smoke; covered by insurance.
          Ezra Carter, one of Portland's most widely known business men, died Wednesday
     night at his home on Free Street, aged 83 years; Mr. Carter a native of Scarborough,
     and came to this city in 1830, when he engaged in the grocery business, the firm name
     Churchill & Carter; in 1842 he engaged in the book business with O. L. Sanborn, they
      having a branch in Boston, known as Sanborn, Carter & Bazin; Mr. Carter was a
     a Collector of the Port under President Pierce, from 1853 to 1857, and was several
      times elected to the City Counsel.
          The community were shocked to learn that Nathan Wood, senior member of the
     firm of Nathan Wood & Sons, manufacturers of proprietary medicines had committed
     suicide by hanging in the chamber of his stable on Oak Street, Wednesday afternoon;
     some months ago Mr. Wood was struck on the head by a falling board, and at times
     since has been deranged; he was 74 years of age, a native of Concord, Mass., and some
     40 years ago was first engaged in the business of making patent medicines here; after
     the great fire of 1866 he built the brick block on Fore Street, at the foot of Plum, which
     he has since used as his manufactory.
          In this case of the United States vs. Roderick McDonald, for conspiring with
     Miranda A. Davis, otherwise called Miranda A. Widow, to obtain a pension illegally,
      a verdict of guilty was given Wednesday; a pension was obtained for Miranda A.
      Richardson, widow of a deceased soldier of 1812; it appeared in evidence that since
      the death of  her husband Richardson, she had re-married a man by the name of
           Preston Powers, the sculptor, has a pleasant studio in the Davis block on Congress
     Street, where he welcomes visitors; he is at work on intaglio medallions a new
     thing in the line of his art, which he has originated.


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