Friday, June 13, 2014


                                               MAINE MATTERS


          To secure a $30,000 gift from a Boston man, Bates College is trying to raise
     $100,000 additional, and has secured $43,000 of it. The founding of an observatory
     on picturesque Mount David to be undertaken.
          Charles M. LeBree, janitor of Knights of Labor Hall, charged with embezzlement
     of $75 from the Knights of Labor, had his hearing in Lewiston, Police Court
     Wednesday. He was bound  over to the S. J. Court in the sum of $200.
          A ten year old lad, named Dusault, was drowned at Lewiston on Sunday by the
    capsizing of a boat which was drawn by the current against the pier of the bridge.


         Mr. A. W. Hall, of the Aroostook Herald, has become proprietor of the Aroostook
          Wednesday the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Boulier of Presque Isle, was
     accidentally drowned by falling into a wash-boiler, partially fill with water. His
     mother was in the same room, but heard no unusual noise and was not aware of
     the accident until she saw her child's feet projecting over the edge of the boiler.
     When taken out the little fellow was beyond human aid.
          Joseph Pollard, of Masardis, fell while walking on the veranda recently, seriously
      injuring his back, and he has not since been able to sit up or move about. Mr. Pollard
      is so very old, it is feared he will never recover from his fall.


          S. D.Warren & Co., Cumberland Mills, have one hundred and fifty men at work
      upon their new factory. It will be ready for occupancy about the first of September.
          Edgar O. Achorn of Boston, a Bowdoin graduate of '81, will deliver the Memorial
       Day oration at Brunswick.
          The classes of '37, '67, '77 and '84, Bowdoin College will hold reunions during
      Commencement week. The Class of '37 graduated forty-three members, twenty-two
      of whom are now living. Fordyce Barker, L. L., M.D. New York City, Rev. Elias
      Bond, D.D., Rev. John Jay Butler, professor of Hillsdale College, Ohio, Rev. Dr.
      Field, of Central Church, Bangor, Rev. John Orr Fiske, D.D.,, Bath, Vice-president
      of the board of trustees, and Professor Francis William Upham, L. L. D., of Rutgers
      College are members of the class. Honorable John Albion Andrew, the "The Great
      War" governor, was a member of this class.
           The new High School building at Saccarappa is dedicated on Wednesday evening
       of this week. The graduating exercises of the High School will be held in Warren
       Church on the 23rd of June.-The address on Memorial Day will be delivered by
       Rev. William S. Hubbell, of Buffalo, New York.
          Cumberland County can boast some smart old men. Mr.  Robert Littlefield, an
     old resident of one of the islands in the bay, is 89 years of age, and this year he
     had dug  and delivered 20 barrels of clam bait.
           Thomas Clark of New Gloucester is 81 years old,  cuts 100 tons of hay a year
     and is as spry as a boy of 50. He has a big farm, a herd of twelve cows, and has only a
     only a sixteen years old boy to help him.
          Mr. Charles Goodrich of Deering, will build two blocks of houses on Stanford Street,
     Ferry Village.
          Mr. Walton Fickett was last Saturday appointed Postmaster at Stroudwater, Vice,
     E. M. Jacobs removed.
          The fine yacht Mr. E. B. Mallet, Jr., of Freeport, has contracted with Harrington
     of Bath to build him, will be a center-boat sloop, 60 feet long, and will cost about
     $7,000 when ready for sea.
          Fire was started Wednesday in the dry grass and stubble by a spark from a
     locomotive on the Grand Trunk, just this side of Yarmouthville station, and fanned
     by the high wind speard rapidly. Beside considerable wood growth, fences, etc.,
     the fire destroyed the residences of Mr. Loring  and Mrs. York.  The historic Parson
     Gilman house, containing many valuable relics of antiquity, was saved only by the
     most strenuous exertions of the Yarmouth engine company recently organized.
     Two hundred acres were burned over and the loss will amount to $10,000.


          Miss May Newman, formerly of Wilton, is to take the leading role in "Under
     the King," a new play by Gayler.
          The ice left the ponds in the Rangeley Lake region Wednesday morning.
          Public Arbor Day exercises were held at the Normal School in Farmington.


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