Sunday, June 8, 2014


                                                              CITY ITEMS

          In the work of making alterations in the basement of the Preble House, a reminder
     of the time when the house was the mansion of Commodore Preble has been destroyed;
     in the masonry of  a chimney, directly beneath the hearth of the fireplace in the dining,
     on the first floor, the Commodore had his safe built; the cavity in the masonry was
     about 2 1/2 feet, and about 2 feet in height, and closed by a heavy wrought iron doors,
     which opened into the cellar.
          The artesian well sunk on the premises of Burgess, Fobes & Co., on Munjoy Hill,
     reached a flow of water at a depth of 120 feet.
          Cook, Everett & Pennell, for the second time have made a donation of $50 to the
     Maine General Hospital.
          Honorable James W. Bradbury, president of the Maine Historical Society, has
     accepted the complimentary dinner tendered him by the Society, and it will take
     place at the Falmouth Hotel, June 10th, the eighty-fifth anniversary of Mr. Bradbury's,
     birthday; the occasion will call together a large company of distinguished men, who
     will desire to pay a tribute of respect to the eminent citizens in whose honor it is
          Payson Tucker arrived home Saturday night.
          Ex-governor Perham, who has been in Washington all winter, comes home much
     improved in health.
          Captain J. A. Gallagher, of the Montgomery Guards, is seriously ill with a
     cancerous tumor.
          There are 126 prisoners in the county jail.  Of the 31 arrests reported last week,
     22 were for drunkenness.
          Work has begun on the lot at the corner of Federal and Temple Streets, formerly
     occupied by the Elm  House, upon which Kendall & Whitney are to build their new
          Z. Thompson, Jr. the carriage manufacturer is doing a thriving business at his
     father's in Union Street, employing fifty men.
          The Maine Bible Society held its 27th Anniversary at Free Street Church Sunday
     evening; Rev. Dr. Pepper delivered the annual address.
          A very heavy welcome was tendered Rev. S. F. Pearson at the Gospel Mission
     Monday evening; addresses were made by Rev. Messrs. Bayley, Crosley, Dunn,
     Blanchard and Crosser, and Mr. Pearson gave some account of his work abroad.
          The horse of Willard True, of Yarmouth, ran away yesterday on Pearl Street,
     and broke $50 worth of eggs, with which the cart was loaded.
         Rev. W. E. Gibbs will occupy the pulpit of the Congress Square Church, next
          J. W. Robinson & Son are making extensive repairs and improvement in the
    City Hotel.
         Dr. N. T. True, A. M., of Bethel, a prominent educator, died Tuesday, aged
     75 years.
         It is reported that George Burnham, of Oldtown, has committed suicide by
     jumping from a bridge in that place. He was formerly a hotel-keeper in Boston.

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