Sunday, June 1, 2014


                                                              MAINE MATTERS


          One night recently Thomas B. Rogers, a well to do farmer of Orrington, disappeared
     from his home and was found the next morning hanging to a tree in the woods near
     his home dead. Facts were elicited showing that he had committed suicide. He was
     about 60 years of age, and of good habits.  Derangement is the cause assigned for
     the act.
           Mr. William H. Hunnewell, of Brewer has died from injuries received recently
     while attempting to climb the rigging of a vessel he was repairing.
          Mrs. Abba Goold Woolson is to deliver a series of lectures in Bangor.
          Ex-Governor D. F. Davis will deliver the Memorial Day oration at Bangor.
          Mr. F. O. Beal, of the Bangor House has recently lost several valuable horses
     by pneumonia.

          The Observer says that the report that Rev. J. E. Norris of Foxcroft, a missionary
     to Bumah (Burma,) had been murdered by the natives, can be traced to no trustworthy
     sources, and is probably unfounded.  His relatives in Foxcroft have no news of the kind
          The Messrs. Mayo employ at their factory in Foxcroft 68 operatives. The monthly
     payroll is $2,500. To  run the factory 400 cords of wood are annually required.


          A two year old child of Mr.  Scott Hodgdon of Bath, drank part of the contents
     of a bottle of  "Iodine" the other afternoon, but was saved by the timely arrival of
     a physician.
          A ship of 1,848 tons, named for the oldest physician in Bath, A. J. Fuller, was
     launched a day or two ago at Bath.
          Governor Plaisted and  Councilors Robie, Hinckley and Pendexter, who made
     their annual official visit to the Orphans' Home at  Bath, recently expressed
     themselves as highly pleased with the management.
          Mrs. Margaret Freeman of Bath, has just reached her 100th birthday. She is in
     good health, teeth all sound, and can read and sew with the aid of glasses.

          Enoch Winship 78 years old, and for 71 years a resident of Phillips, has just
          In a quarrel over the possession of some stock at Harmony, Richard Smith
     and Joshua Coburn of Parkman, discharged their revolver at Caleb Davis,
     wounding him in the hand and back part of the head slightly. Joshua Davis,
     brother of Caleb, came to the rescue of his brother, and received a shot in the head,
     and another in the left lobe of the lung. He is in critical condition. The criminals
     are on trial.

          Frank Bissick, aged 17, was drowned recently at Stockton.
          Mr. I. V. Miller of Belfast, has recently returned from another cruise in the
     interior of northeastern Maine, where he purchased $1,000 worth of furs.
          General Tillson has purchased a block of granite at the Lincolnville quarry, which
     is to be cut into the statue of a female 5 1/2 feet high, and is to be placed in a
     cemetery in Chicago. The Hallowell granite has been hitherto used, but the
     Lincolnville granite is now as fine quality as any to be had.


          Schooner Mary A. Wilson of Calais, is to be sued for damages to Schooner
     Leanora, of Salisbury, Mass. The vessel were in collision at Newburyport recently.
          The St. George Cotton Mill Company will soon be organized at Eastport. A. J.     
     Sleeve, Esq., has offered to donate to the company a site and water privilege for the

          Monday morning while a flume was being put in, the dam at Bar Mills gave
     away, sweeping away the new furniture factory at Woodman, Wing & Co., and
     an arch of the wooded bridge. Other buildings were considered in danger, through
     the rapid rise of the river.
           Honorable Moses Emery of Saco, the oldest member of the York County Bar,
     died a day or two ago very suddenly, at the age of 87 years.
           One of the balloons sent up by the Oak Hall clothing house in Boston, was  picked
     up at Wells recently by Master William J. Northway. This entitles him to a suit of
     clothes from that establishment.
          Mr. J. H. Downs of South Waterboro, employs 300 hands on custom clothing for
     Boston parties. He ships upwards of 800 pairs  of pants per week.
          Messrs. C. E. Deering & Co., are erecting three building for corn canning purposes
     in Waterboro.
          Charles W. Cottle of Kittery, has bought in Montreal this spring, 56 horses for
     persons in Kittery and vicinity.
          M. Horace McIntire of York, killed fourteen foxes during the past winter.
          William Hill,, a prominent woolen manufacturer, and president of the North Berwick
     Bank, died recently after an illness of four weeks.

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