Friday, August 8, 2014


                                                MATTERS IN MAINE

          R. T. Bailey, of North Bridgton, and S. A.  Miller, of South Waterford, are to
     erect a large machine shop and foundry near the Forest Mills. The Bridgton News
     says "Forest City" is becoming the most lively section of the town.
          Our friend H. H. Stone, for over 22 years station master at Falmouth, who has
     never lost a day from illness, was called upon last Wednesday by a large party of
     friends, who brought elegant presents in celebration of his Silver Wedding.
          In taking the vote for U. S. Senator, one of the members of the House when his
     name was called responded "Joshua L. Morrill." He was allowed to vote again-this
     time for Chamberlain.
          The "prisoner's friend," Mr. Dorsey of Rhode Island,  has sent $70.00 to supply
     the prisoners at Thomaston a roast dinner on the occasion of his birthday, July 31st.
          On Monday the printed copy of the Statues, with its numerous amendments, was
     reported to be engrossed. Mr. Pike presented an order calling for the opinion of the
     Supreme Court as to the power of the Legislature to authorize towns to aid
          Walter Wells is publishing an able series of articles in the Kennebec Journal,
     favoring municipal aid to manufactures, and a general state law allowing it.
          John McGuire of Bangor, arrested on charge of murdering his wife, was
     discharged for want of sufficient evidence.
          Alpheus Holden, Esq., of Casco, pays  half the expense of repairing Union
     Meeting House of that place.
          The house of Mrs. Sears Elbridge, of Bucksport, was destroyed by fire, with
     nearly all it contents on the night of the 19th. Loss $800; insured $600.
          A son of Mr. William Hanscom of South Berwick, was drowned a few days ago
     while coasting upon the river, his sled running into a small hole.
          The spring term of Parsonsfield Seminary begins February 21st., under the charge
     of M. K. Mabry.

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