Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Messrs. Mann and Jordan of Casco, have purchased a lot of Poland opposite the
Portland & Rumford Falls station and will begin work at once upon a large store
and steam grist mill.
B. M. Fernald, of the Fernald, Keane & True Company, Poland, says that they will
pack more sweet corn this year than ever before.
Mr. Joshua Littlefield is working his mine on Mt. Herderite, Auburn. He has a
shaft down about 15 feet, 15 feet wide by 23 feet long, and has opened a ten foot
cavity in the ledge. Mr. E. Y. Turner of Auburn is at work on Mt. Aptite with a
crew of men and steam drill and dynamite blasts, getting out feldspar.
Friday night Mr. W. A. Carpenter of Company H., Lewiston of the First Maine
volunteers, died at the Maine General Hospital. Scribner, Heal, Nelson and Carpenter
were all considered very doubtful cases when carried to the hospital and all have died.
Carpenter was an older man than the others.
Mr. David S. Whitehouse a well known and esteemed citizen of Auburn died
Friday afternoon. He was born in Minot, but for 25 or 30 years has resided in Auburn.
He was 72 years of age.
William A. Carpenter, 36 years old, of Lewiston, a member of Company F., First
Maine Volunteers, died Friday night at the Maine General Hospital, of typhoid fever,
contracted at Camp Thomas, Chickamauga. Private Carpenter was one of the last men
who enlisted in the regiment, and had been at Camp Thomas but a few weeks, when
he was taken ill.
Mr. Isaac W. Winslow, a wealthy citizen of Indiana, recently dropped in upon
his friends in Turner, his native town, and surprised them all with his youthful ways
at the of 85. It is reported that he rode to East Auburn on the electrics and walked from
there into Turner. He is one of smartest old gentlemen in the country. He is the guest of
his brother Emery Winslow, aged 81. The other day they took a team and drove 20 miles
for a visit, returning at the end of three days. Mr. Isaac Winslow is an attorney and owns
extensive tracts of real estate in the West, says the Lewiston Journal.
Otto Fisher, son of Mr. J. H. Fisher of High Street, Lewiston, left Tuesday for
Annapolis to enter the naval school. Mr. Fisher took his examination some time ago,
but the term has only just begun on account of the war.
Rev. Mr. Boyd baptized nine candidates at Mapleton last week.
The Aroostook Times says that Mr. James McPartland of Houlton, who has recently
been granted a patent on a balicock valve, has received an offer of $15,000 for the
patent, but has refused it knowing that it is worth a great deal more than the price
offered. He is now trying for a patent in Canada.
The Sprague's Mills correspondent of the Star Herald writes; Bertha Neeland, a
young lady of whom this town is justly proud, occupied the pulpit of the M. E.
Church Sunday, and at Easton in the afternoon.
On a recent two days' trip through the forest north of Mars Hill, H. B. Collins
counted 25 deer. He has made arrangements to run three sporting camps during the
hunting season, one at No. 9 Lake, one at Young Lake, and one at Burnt Land.
D. E. Johnson, superintendent of the Caribou fish hatchery, recently liberated
3000 landlocked salmon fry in Madawaska Lake.
Mrs. H. E. Hutchinson, who resided in Fort Fairfield, just beyond the Aroostook
River bridge, on the Maysville road, died very suddenly Sunday evening week. Mrs.
Hutchinson attended service at the Baptist Church Sunday evening, and was to all
appearances in her usual health. Sometime after her return home she was stricken
with apoplexy and expired almost immediately.
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