Sunday, July 28, 2013
A new assembly of the Knights of Labor, composed entierly of printers has been
organized in Lewiston, where there are 70 or 80 of the craft. All other assemblies thus
far organized in the state are of mixed occupations. This make 31 assemblies in Maine.
The new mill company of Spragueville, under the lead of Mr. Andrews have commenced
in earnest. Several men are at present employed in preparing a place for the engine and in
finishing up the mill. He proposes to have clapboard and shilgne mills in operation in very
short time.
George W. Ross, who introduced the electric light into Bangor, has contraced with
Houlton parties to introduce his system into that town. Business men generally are proposing
to use electric illumination, and a plant of 60 lights is expected be in operation early in
December. The power will be furnished from E. Merritt & Sons' water power on the
Mr. Lovejoy, of Perham, harvested 8,250 bushels of potatoes from 11 acres. Senor
Taber makes a goodly show of apples. Quite a number of hop growers did not pick
their hops. Although the yield was fair, the price ranged low and it is decided that it would
cost more than it would to send the hops to market.
Mrs. Brannon who is more than 80 years old, has spun the filling for eighty yards of
blanketing and woven it herself. She says she took it easy and didn't hurry, as she spun
only six or seven skeins a day. How many young girls could do as much.
Mrs. Linton has a three-legged sheep; it never had but three, but is as nimble and lively
as those that have more legs to bother with.
William Haley of Sebago, has been granted a pension.
Mr. Kilby of Woodfords, is greatly improving the local columns of the Chronicle.
Thursday night the store of Roscoe G. Hall, Gray Corner, was robbed of a large
quantity of valuable jewelry. The burglars also entered the stores of James B. Hall and
T. & J. T. Hancock, obtaining small quantities of mersandise in each place. The also
stole a team from the stable of A. D. Cummings.
H. B. Bacon the well known clothing manufacturer of Sebago Lake calls for a large
reinforcement of help for the coming season; those in want of renumerative employment
should correspond with him.
Dr. William Cobb, of Standish, who has had an extensive practice for the last twenty
years in that and adjoining towns left Saturday for Iowa where he will pass the winter of
the benefit of his health. He is followed by the heartfelt wishes of numberous friends for
his recovery.
C. T. Adams, of Athol Mass., and G. W. Smith of Portland, have leased the Highland
House in Saccarappa, and took possesion on the 16th inst.
Winfred Holley, of Farmington, died Wednesday from injuries received two weeks
ago by being thrown from his horse.
Franklin Distric Lodge, I. O. G. T., was organized Monday in Farmington.
Sans Stanley will soon commence to erect a much larger hotel at Southwest
Harbor than the Stanley House which was burned last summer, on the same site.
The work of enlarging the Ocean House is progressing rapidly. The island house
is also being enlarged.
It is reported that the new steamer for which Capt. Deering, late of the Machias
line has been soliciting stock, will be built this coming winter to be ready for the route
between Boston, Bar Harbor, and Machias early next season. It is said that the boat
will be 1,000 tons and a first-class steamer in every respect. It is also reported that
Capt. D. S. Hall will commnad her.
John Royal of Ellsworth, had received back pension amounting to $685.
Erastus Redman has been appointed Collector of Customs for Ellsworth.
Miss Louise Wheeler started a newspaper in Castine a year or two ago. The
field is not large enough for a paper and she had to suspend, although she fought a
a good fight and, as she says in her valedictory, asked no favors on account of her sex.
She contributes to the Boston Journal a racy account of her experience.
General Cole of Augusta, a young man, was stricken suddenly blind some two
months ago, and an eminent oculist pronounces his case as hopeless.
Colonel Isaiah Marston, a retired farmer of Waterville, furnished the Home Farm
with a very interesting talk, giving the amount of his crops for 36 years, with the prices
paid each year. The average price of hay in that time was $9.79 a ton; wheat $1.45;
corn, . 93 cents; oats. 93 cents; potatoes.36 cents; rye .43 cents, beans $1.44; pork, .66
cents; beef, .31 1/2 cents; wool .30 cents; wood $2.43 a cord; apples, $1.19. His net
income averaged $350.
A curiously shaped pipe, similar to those found at Pemaquid was dug up recently by
Capt. E. D. Haley, while excavating for his ice house at Trott's Point.
Charles E. Nash, Augusta, has published the Maine Farmer's Almanac for 1886, the
68th number of the ever popular annual. It contains the usual amount of valuable statistics,
and several pages of riddles, puzzles and problems. Price 10 cents.
President Cleveland, lately sent his photograph to the son of William J. Russell,
Warren, the youngster have been named for him.
William Eastman, of Libery, who was so badly injured by falling into a lime kiln in
Rockport is improving.
It is said Edward E. O'Brien of Thomaston is the largest individual owner of shipping
in the United States. He owns ten whole ships aggregating 20,000 tons. They are engaged
in the California and Callao, Peru trade.
Saturday, the 15 month old child of Mrs. Mary Groves, at Wiscasset was playing
on the floor with a wood basket to which was fastened a small line. The mother stepped
out of the room for a few moments, and when she returned found the child had wound the
cord around its neck in such a way as to choke itself to death.
At Wiscasset on Wednesday, Charlie Tibbetts was knocked down by one of a party of
boys with whom he was at play, and the fall caused a compound fracture of the leg, just
below the thigh.
Friday, July 26, 2013
In this city November 11th, by Rev. C. J. Clark, D. D., George G. Austin and
Florence M. Stafford, both of Portland.
In this city, November 11th, at Congress Square Church by Rev. Henry Blanchard,
Henry Parker Wood of San Rafael, California, and Kate Fullington Dyer, of Portland.
In this city, November 9th, by Rev. J. M. Lowden, Stillman Dyer and Deborah Anne
McDonald, both of Portland.
In this city, November 10th, by Rev. Asa Dalton, D. D., Randolph H. Boynton and
Ellen L. Smith, both of Portland.
In this city November 14th, by Rev. J. W. Bashford, James Orchard and Rachel
Orchard, both of Portland.
Augusta, November 12th, by Rev. H. J. White, Rev. B. F. Pritchard of Portland, and
Alice C. Howe of Monticello, Aroostock County.
Gray, October 25th, by Rev. F. P. Wormwood, William H. Dow and Clara W.
Pennell, both of Gray.
Gray, October 29th, by Rev. E. Bean, James Hunt and Juila E. Merrill, both of
In Johnson, Vermont, November 4th, at the residence of the bride, by Rev. C. K.
Sweat, Hanibal H. Best, of Enosburgh Falls, Franklin County, and Minnie D., daugher of
N. L. Merrill.
In this city, November 12th, Llewellyn S., eldest twin of Theodore C. and the
late Emma Davis, aged 9 months and 18 days.
In this city, November 13th, Sarah L. Morris, aged 70 years.
In this city, November 9th, Mrs. Johanna Ryan, aged 65 years.
In this city, Novermber 13th, Sarah B., widow of the late Stephen Whitmore,
aged 62 years.
In this city, November 14th, Lucy, widow of the late Michael Stevens, aged
94 years, 10 months.
In this city, November 14th, George H. Foster, aged 42 years; a member of
Bosworth Post, G. A. R.
In this city, November 16th, Herbert T., infant son of F. P. and Jenniephene
Foley, aged 4 days.
Harpswell, November 6th, Hannah A., widow of Deacon William Randall,
aged 82 years.
East Harpswell, November 10th, Ida P. Miller, aged 6 years, 11 months.
South Paris, Maine, November 5th, David Jordan, aged 80 years, 9 months.
Montreal, November 6th, of small pox Peter M., youngest son of the late James
and Sarah Phalen of Port Medway, Nova Scotia, Canada
Wellesley, Massachusetts, November 9th, Susan N., widow of the late John D.
Gardiner, formerly of Portland, aged 81 years.
San Francisco, October 28th, Mrs. Lena Nathan, a native of Clinton, Maine, aged
41 years; Oct 29 Omar Pullen a native of Maine, aged 43 years.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
"Risk not through haste a life of Love."
Mr. John Hor, and Miss Mary E. S. Hanna, both of Portland.
Mr. James S. Gould of Portland, and Miss Corneilia Wickliffe, of Charleston,
North Carolina.
Mr. Thomas J. Grove and Miss Impolita Loretta, both of Portland.
Mr. Josiah Waterhouse of Portland, and Miss Elizabeth Brown of West Bethel.
"So learn, ye whose vows are plighted,
That hearts are one when united."
In this city on Tuesday afternoon, 15th inst., Rev. Dr. Nichols, Joseph Barbour,
Esq., to Mrs. Agnes D. T. Preble, both of Gorham.
In this city, 10th inst., by Rev. J. S. Eaton, Mr. Charles H. Haskell, to Miss Mary
Eliza, daughter of the late Mr. Z. Reynolds, of this city.
In this city 7th inst., by Rev. Mr. Eaton, Mr. Benjamin P. Weed, of Lowell, to Miss
Mary E. Field, of Portland.
In Thomaston, 30th inst., Rev. Oliver J. Fernald to Miss Susan M. B. Ludwig.
In St. Andrews, 4th inst., Mr. Colin E. Cross, of St. John, New Brunswick, to
Elizabeth Kirkwood, daughter of William Kimball, Esq., of this city.
In Bangor, 8th inst., Mr. Samuel Doryen, to Miss Emily Jane DeLano.
In Bath, 8th inst., Mr. James Grows to Miss Asenath Worry, both of Bath.
In Jackson, New Hampshire, by J. P. Pitman, Esq., Mr. Joseph B. Trickery, to
Miss Alice P. Meserve.
"This is the end of earth."
In this city 18th ult., Mrs. H. Maria, wife of Mr. John B. Buttrick, aged 29.
(New Hampshire and Massachusetts papers please copy.)
In this city, 13th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth Dressser, formerly of Fryeburg, aged 88
years and 8 months.
In this city, 9th inst., William H. Scagill, son of William and Elizabeth Scagill,
aged 4 years.
In Orwell, New York, 27th ult., Mrs. Olive K., wife of Ebenezer Knight, formerly
of Falmouth, Maine, aged 62.
In Berwick, Mrs. Nancy Nelson, aged 60 years. She was found dead in her bed.
In Litchfield, 10th inst., after a short illness of two weeks, Mrs. Hannah Sanborn,
aged 68.
FIRE! Last Sunday night about 9 o'clock, in the midst of a violent storm of wind
and rain, fire was discovered bursting from the cooper's shop of Mr. Edwain Fernald,
on Marina Wharf. The fire department was soon on the ground, and notwithstanding the
violence of the wind and the rage of the flames which were fed by a great amount of
combustible material, succeeded in subduing the fire before it had spread much beyond
it original limits. The night was most tempestuous, and the howling of the wind, the
rattling of the rain, the shouts of anxious men, the cries of affrighted women, and the lurid
glare of the flames, conspired to render the scene truly terrible.
The buildings destroyed, together with their contents, were a cooper's shop, and a
large building used for storage on Main Wharf, owned by Mr. Edwin Fernald, and
two cooper's shops and a boat building's shop on Stone Wharf, occupied by Messrs.
Chase & Cushing, James L. Boyd, and Morreel & Dyer.
A dwelling house at the head of Stone Whaft was also somewhat injured. Nearly
1000 bushes of corn belonging to Mr. Fernald was destroyed, and he estimated his
loss at $6000, insured for $5000.
The loss on buildings owned by Mr. Elias Thomas is said to be about $4000. No
The work was undoubtedly the work of an incendairy, whose hellish deed will yet
meet with its just punishment.
Mrs. Betsey Merrill of Hebron, committed suicide by cutting her throat on Friday,
last week.
The following gentlemen have been appointed Collector of the Customs, in this State:
Bela B. Haskell, Waldoborough, Mr.; Daniel Remic, Kennebunk, Me.; William B. Smith,
Machias, Me.
A. Mr. Shedd had his trunk broken open one day last week in Lewiston, and $35.00
stolen therefrom. A fellow boarder, who started for Portland before the loss was discovered
is supposed have been the theft.
Lermond & O'Brien's store was burned in Thomaston a week since. Loss $4000;
insured for $2000.
The store of Mr. Seth Winship, near the head of India Street, was discovered to be
on fire Tuesday night last, but the flames were extinguished before having done much
A Miss Goodwin and another young lady while riding down a hill in Lyman one day
last week, were thrown from the carriage and severely injured. The young lady is not
expected to live.
Johnathan McKenny, of Gray, has been on examination before Judge Fitch, for
several days on the charge of murdering his wife some time since. Quite a number of
witnesses were examined, and the examination has not been complieted when we went
to press.
The Following are recently elected officer of Volunteer Engine Co., No. 3: Charles
H. Green, Foreman; Charles F. Little 1st Assistant Foreman; Albion Witham, 2nd
Assistant Forman; Edward P. Little, Clerk; S. D. Merrill, Assistant Clerk.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
"So learn ye whose vows are plighted,
That hearts are one when united."
In this city, 24th ult., by Rev. J. R. Scott, Mr. Nathaniel B. Welsh to Miss Olive
G. Shepard, both of Portland.
In this city 25th ult., at St. Lukes Church, by Right Rev. Bishop Southgate, Mr.
Richard S. Scammon to Miss Ann P. Smardon.
In this city 25th ult., by Rev. Mr. Farrington, Mr. Daniel Mayberry to Mrs. Sarah
Harmon, all of this city.
In Biddeford, 21st ult., by Rev. Mr. Sinclair, Anson Jordan, Esq., of Casco to Miss
Henrietta W. Thurlow, of Poland, Maine.
In Minot. 20th ult., Mr. George A. Humphrey to Miss Lydia E. Herrick, both of
Yarmouth; 9th ult., Mr. John Patch to Miss Harriet N. Campbell, both of Minot.
In Kennebunkkport, Mr. Henry A. Bradstreet, of Gardiner, to Miss Frances A.
Mason, of Kennebunkport.
In Buxton, Mr. James Towle, of Saco, to Miss Caroline Hanson, of Buxton.
In Durham, Maine, 24th ult., Mr. Benjamin Greene, of Cranston, Rhode Island, to
Lois, daughter of the late Stephen Jones of Brunswick.
In Standish, 7th ult., Mr. John E. Merrill to Mss Sarah Hasty, both of Standish.
In Bethel, Mr. Calvin Cummings to Miss Louisa York.
In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Mr. William S. Blanchard to Miss Abby Merrill,
Both of Cumberland, Maine.
"This is the end of earth."
In this city, 28th ult., Mrs. Judith Steele, relict of the late Captain Joseph Steele,
aged 89.
27th ult., Mrs. Charlotte B., wife of Mr. John A. Wheelock, of Boston, and
daughter of John A. Belkam, Esq., of this city, aged 25 years.
23rd ult., infant daughter of Nathaniel and Mary W. Thompson, aged 3 1/2
25th ult., Mrs. Sarah Ring, widow of Aaron Ring , formerly of Edgecomb, aged
67 1/2 years.
29th ult., Mr. Edward Gay, aged 48.
In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 26th ult., Clara Smith, daughter of Charles E. and
Mary Olivia Bennett, of this city, aged 3 years.
In New York, Mr. Azel Skillings, 31 formerly of of this city.
In Scarboro', Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Rodney and Louisa Libbey, aged 22 years
In Hollis, 23rd, Mr. Edward B. Perkins, aged 23 years.
In Westbrook, 25th ult., Susan M., wife of Moses Roberts, aged 35.
In North Yarmouth, 27th ult., Moses Greenleaf, aged about 70.
In New Glouscester, 25th ult., Ruth E., daughter of the late Nehemiah Reyerson,
of this city, aged 24 years, 8 months.
In Bangor, 23rd ult., Mrs. Mary C., wife of Gilman Harriman, Esq., aged 43.
In Wiscasset, 13th ult., suddenly, Deacon Warren Rice, formerly Register of Deed
Lincoln County.
In Bath, 25th ult., Thomas Agry, Esq.
In California, Novermber 7th., William Sargent of North Yarmouth, aged 26.
Lost overboard from ship Talasser, 3rd ult., William Wallace, seaman of Castine.
On board steamship Golden Gate, on the passage from Panama to San Francisco,
Daniel McKennan, of Oldtown.
In California, Captain Eli Merriman, of Brunswick, Maine; Nov. 1st., Calvin N.
Reed, of Bath, Me., at Mokelumne Hill, Cal.; November 11th, Leonard Bagley, son
of John Bagley, of North Searmont, Me., on board steamer Oregon; Joseph Turner,
of Ellsworth, Me.; Newell S. Page of Dexter, Me.; on board the North America, E. G
Page, of Como, Maine. Como is part of Harmony, Somerset County, Me.
Shocking Accident. A marriage was solemnized in Norway, Me., on Sunday evening
last; and a lot of thoughtless boys and young men, in consequence of a disparity of years
in married parties, undertook to serenade, in Calathumpian style the married couple. The
result was that one of them, the son of Captain Jere Forster, aged about 20, was so badly
wounded in one of his eyes and his nose, by the shot from a gun that he was not expected
to live through yesterday. Two others of the party were also slightly wounded. The matter
will undergo a legal investigation.
Missing Man. Mrs. Z. E. Hardy, of Newry, Me., writes us in much anxiety as to
the whereabouts of her husband, Mr. Zebadiah Hardy, "executor of Townley & Hardy's
Panorama of the Creation," who left home in May last, writing that he was on his way
to New York,: and has not since been heard from. Any information respecting him will
be thankfully recieved by Mr. Hardy, at Newry, Me.
The officers for the present quarter of the Anawamkeag Lodge of United Brothers at
Sullivan, Me., are as follows-General Bragdon, G. S.; D. A. Simpson, G. V.; J. C.
Chilcott S. and T.; Calvin B. Hodgkins, C.; John G. Mosely, W.' Edmund M. Bradgon,
C.; Charles F. Pray, J. G.; Watson E. White, O. G.
The paper mill at Saccarappa was wholly destroyed by fire on Saturday morning last.
It was carried on by a Mr. Gilpatrick, who had recently put in new machinery.
I hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting
Hannah Shaw or Erastus Shaw on my accont, for
I shall pay no debts of their contracting.
Standish, Dec. 30, 1851
Friday, July 19, 2013
Launched at Hodgdon's Mills, July 3rd, from the yard of McDougall, a fine white
oak schooner of 105 tons, built by James McDougal and intended for the mackerel
fishery. It is to be commanded by Captain Alfred Pinkham, of Boothbay and is named
the Diploma. The vessel is finished in the finest style. Mr. McDougall has on the stocks
one of the same model for Captain Jessie Snow of (unreadable) and will lay the keel of
another for Captain Noah Snow of Wellfleet, Mass., in the future.
The Monitor asserts that Dr. Verrills' body was found after three weeks of
unsucessessful search, precisely in the spot pointed out by a clairvoyant, Mrs. S.
P. Hall of this city, who went to Oxford and gave explicit directions for finding him.
A son of Harvey Dunham of Hebron, 20 years old, was drowned in South Pond
Buckfield, last Sunday.
Miss Susan Spring, a native of Hiram, residing in Brownfield has agreed to give
$3000 in aid of a new Universalist Church to be built on the west side of the river at
Hiram. Miss spring is about 82 years of age, and has earned her money by her own
industry, much of it at 25 cents per day.
The saw mill belonging to E. Burbank, Albany, Oxford County together with a large
amount of lumber belonging to differen persons, was destroyed by fire on the 8th inst.
No insurance.
The dwelling house of H. H. Maxim, Sumner, was destroyed by fire together with ell
and barn and nearly all the contents, on the 10th. He lost 12 tons of hay, farming tools,
furniute, etc., and came near losing a child. Partly insured.
A. P. & F. R. Webber have bought the mills and lands and farm of Nicholas
Houston of Lincoln, for $22,000. The land is about 4,000 acres, situtated in the
northwest corner of Lincoln.
A jointer connected with a shingle machine at Great Works burst with a report
like a cannon on Saturday last. Doro Cram, who was running it, doubled its proper
speed which is 1200 to 1500 revolutions per minute, with the above results. One
piece went through the roof and was found on the opposite side of the river. Cram
was taken up for dead but soon revived, and the Whig says he will recover if not
internally injured.
Policeman Weymouth, of Bangor has the tip of his nose bitten completely off by
a drunken wretch named Ellison, when he was attempting to him arrest last week. Elison
hung on with his teeth and hands like a bull dog, till the officer got a chance at him with
his billy, when the Whig remarks, "the subsequent proceeding interested him no more."
Weymouth's nose has been sewn together but it is feared will not unite. Ellison was
only stunned by the billy.
The farm buildings of Mr. White, Corinna, were burned a few days ago. Also the
building of Ivory W. Davis, at East Eddington, the family barely escaping with their lives.
Rev. C. L. Nichols, formerly settled at Pownal, has accepted the call of the
Congregational Church at Brownville.
John Shaw, for 40 years a cashier of Lincoln Bank, Bath, died on Sunday last,
aged 74.
Mr. John Balch, of Newburyport, Mass., for many years treasurer and agent of
Bartlett Mills, was driving through Topsham on Tuesday week, when he got out of the
carriage to adjust the head-stall of the horse. The horse sprung suddenly, and throwing
Mr. Balch down, the carriage passed over him, fracturing his spine and otherwise injuring
him. He was taken up, and it was found the lower part of his body was completely
paralyzed. He died the same evening. He was for many years a prominent citizen of
The Anson Advocate says John Ray, Junior of Solon a young man about 20 years old,
was drowned at Carratunk Falls, just below the main pitch last week. The same paper
say that team after team goes through that place every day loaded with corn. The farmers
buying it for the coming winter, and many already feeding it to their stock-failing pastures
making it necessary.
Monday afternoon about 7 o'clock, a river driver by the name of Joe Redman from
St. George, Canada, performed the very daring feat of riding a log from the toll bridge
down through the swift water to the eddy just below this village. Any one who has ever
been in Skowhegan knows how swiftly the water runs above and below the railroad
bridge; we should judge that it runs in some places at the rate of a mile in three minutes-
perhaps even at a more rapid rate. The feat came off with scarecely any previous
announcement, still quite a large crowd gathered on the railroad bridge to witness it.
Redman did the deed with the ease and dexterity and as though he was entirely at home
on his log, dashing through the boiling water with only his pick pole to steady himself.
Several times the log plunged beneath the water, but still its rider clung bolt upright. He
jumped up from his log several times, turned and rode backwards and performed other
feats to show his dexterity. We learn the exploit was instigated by a wager of ten dollars,
which was quickly made up with ten or fifteen more with it. Redman has driven the
Kennebec for fifteen years. Skowhegan Reporter.
A new public house has been opend by J. L. Wetmore at Winterport.
On the 8th, as Ellison Page of Stockton, was riding home on a dray when he fell upon
the wheel and was drawn under it, the dray passing over him. When taken up his spine
found to be injured, so that his lower limbs are paralyzed, and he lies in a dangerous
The Coyle House, on Court Street, Machias, was burned last week. Also the house
of Elijah Demmons and his son, at East Machias.
The Eastport Sentinell says Elisha Small of Lubec, had exhibited last week a "stared
nosed mole," which drew crowds to the examine the animal. The star consist of little arms
or branches, about half an inch in length to the number of a dozen which it fastens on to the
prey till it has eaten enough to satisfy itself. The fore paws are like the human hand, and the
feet are like those of a cat. The length of the animal is about six inches.
James Cheney and Abner McFadden caught a live seal sleeping on the surface of the
water in Bailey's Mistake harbor; he made some fight when he woke up in the boat,
endangering the lives of his captors. He weighed 150 pounds.
There are 30 tax payers in Whiting who pay over $10.00. William S. Peavey is the only
one who pays over $100, his figure being $301
William Crosty fell from a third story window in Saco early Monday morning in a
fit of somnambullism, and was but little bruised. He belongs to the engineer corps of
B. & M. railroad.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
John Laughton, a man of intemperate habits, say the Journal, drowned
himself in the canal in Lewiston on Friday week. His body was found the
next evening.
Albert Harlow, formerly of Minot, was killed lately at Philadelphia by a
locomotive running over him.
Leander Morrill, of Lisbon, Me., and Joseph Wilson of Farmington were killed
near Jay Bridge on Tuesday by the giving way of a derrick.
Justice Perry of Sherman, eloped with a girl of 13 years, but was overhauled
and relieved of his charge before he got far.
At a fire in Lyndon the bars of Josiah Moore and Elisha Reynolds were
burned on the 5th ult., and Mrs. Sallie Reynolds, in her efforts to save the
family of Mr. Moore, caught her own dress on fire, and was so badly burned
that she died in eight hours.
The Bridgeton News gives an account of the robbing of the town
treasury two or three times recently, of small sums of money. A watch was
kept and on Sunday week the thief was detected in the person of a "young
man belonging to one of the first families, of ample means, and enjoying largely
the confidence of the community, which possibly may have been somewhat
shaken of late by his apparent reckless expendiute of money at the livery
stables, etc. He acknowledge having visited the box four time, once taking
$70.66, and another time $6.00. Twice he took nothing. The News says
after a careful consideration of the case in all its bearings the town officers
voted to prosecute the offender to the full extent of the law, but the officer
whose duty it was to sign the warrant refused to do so, being on friendly
terms with the family of the accused and preferring to make good the loss to
the town, rather than to be instrumental in causing the offender to be punished.
No warrent, therefore, was issued and the young man was allowed to go on
his way rejoicing. Mr. George F. Chadbourne, the sentinel who detected the
rogue was hid in the room adjoining the chamber where the money was kept
by Mr. Frost, the treasurer. The young man looked into this room and assumed
great indignation to find Mr. Chadbourne, thus intruding upon the privacy of
Mr. Frost's home under such suspicious circumstances, and seized upon the
opportunity to severely reprimand him for such a misdemeanor."
Rev. Dr. C. C. Parker, has resigned his pastorate of the Congregational Church
in Gorham.
The house, barn, and shop of Albion Jellison, at Waltham was burned recently.
The American says that on July 8th, Mr. William H. Card's Mill, at Franklin, was
burned while the millmen were at dinner, About a thousand dollars worth of his best
lumber was burned.
Mrs. Ann Norwood has a two pound swivel ball found by her husband many
years ago at Bar Harbor. It was fired from the English ship Boxer's barge in 1713,
and struck just above Benson's.
The house of James M. Morrill of Winslow was burned last week. Loss
about $300.
The principal tax-payers of Gardiner are; F. G. Richards & Co., $1518;
Stephen Young, $1204; W. W. Bradstreet, $1124; P. G Bradstreet, $1036;
Arthur Berry, $946; Joshua Gray, $693. There are 94 who pay over $100. In
Hallowell the largest tay-payers are; the Manufacturing Co., $1615; Peter F.
Sanborn, $825; Alden Sampson & Sons, $769; heirs of Harriet Merrill, $425.
There are 53 who pay over $100.
The Free Press says that Mrs. Wheaton Lovejoy has a tea plant. She found the
seed in some tea she purchased about a year since, and planted it in a flowerport. The
plant is some twenty inches high and the largest leaves are about four inches and a half
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Skowhegan, July 6th, to the wife of James B. Weston, a son.
Skowhegan, July 8th, to the wife of Levi S. Varney, a daughter.
Skowhegan, July 9th, to the wife of Ezra Staples, a son.
Bridgton, July 11th, to the wife of James A. Fogg, a child.
Fryeburg, July 7th, to the wife of Henry Abbot, a son.
Lewiston, July 3rd, to the wife of M. W. Farr, a son.
Lewiston, July 12th, to the wife of Nathaniel Stevens, a son.
Paris, Maine, June 27th, to the wife of Luther P. Winslow, a son.
In this city, July 15th, by Rev. A. K. P. Small, Archilaus S. Hammand,
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and Mary E. Boyce, of Boycetown, New Brunswick.
In this city, July 5th, Geoge C. Hobbs and Ella V. Baker, both of Portland.
Saco, July 3rd, Oscar W. Rounds and Julia A. Bean.
Skowhegan, July 5th, George H. Taylor and Jennie S. Malbon.
Boston, Mass., July 5th, Joseph Smith and Annie S. Campbell, both of
Arrowsic, July 11th, Alfred H. Berry, of Portland and Frank (?) F. Crosby,
of Arrowsic. (As written in the paper-maybe Frances?)
Saco, July 16th, Thomas W. Clough, of Biddeford, and Lydia A. Tuttle.
Paris, Maine, July 2nd, William S. Stetson and Estella M. Ricker, both of
Monmouth, Ill., June 28th, A. F. Bucknam of Warren, Ill., and Jennie
Quinby, of Monmouth.
Farmington, July 11th, D. V. B Ormsby and Mrs. Julia Russell.
Weld, Franklin County, July 4th, Hiram A. Jordan of Chesterville, and Emma
R. Phinney, of Weld.
Phillips, Franklin County, July 4th, George C. Orr and Eva Walker.
Yarmouth, July 13th, Charles E. Hayes, of Franklin, New Hampshire, and
Martha J. Rideout of Bowdoin.
New Vineyard, July 1st., William J. Bradley and Cynthia W. Gardnier.
West Bridgton, July 9th, Wilder B. Robinson and Mr. Eliza A. Lowell, both
of Bridgton.
Fryeburg, July 4th, Amos A. McIntier, and Hulda C. Wescott.
Phillips, July 4th, Laforest Toothaker and Della T. Hewey.
Embden, Somerset County, July 3rd, Kinsley W. Foss and Lydia A. Foss.
New Sharon, June 27th, W. H. Parsons, of Fairfield, and Mahala R. Tufts,
Augusta, June 25th, Mellen Wing and Mrs. A. Melvina Williams, both
of Gardiner.
Houlton, June 29th, A. G. Young, M. D., of Bridgewater, Aroostock County,
an Mrs. Helen M. Rogers of Houlton.
Kennebunkport, July 3rd, Nathaniel Billings of Kennebunkport, and Lydia
A. Whitten, of Saco.
Buckfield, July 2nd, Leander Gautie and Costella D. Ellis, both of Canton,
Oxford County.
Robbinsonton, Washington County, July 4th, James Irvin of Eastport, and
Mary Ann Trimble, of Robbinston.
Augusta, July 13th, Thomas Routh and Charlotte Garland.
Rockland, July 5th, Alden U. Thorndike and Francis A. Howard.
Vinalhaven, July 8th, Timothy L. Roberts and Clara F. Webster.
In this city, July 11th, Mrs. Lois N. Sawyer, aged 83.
In this city, July 1st, William Bowen, aged 40.
In this city, July 13th, Mrs. Elizabeth Bulger, aged 49.
In this city, July 16th, Mrs. Martha E. Dyer Skillings.
In this city, July 14th, Mrs. Ada L. Traves, aged 27.
In this city, July 18th, Bradford Lowell, aged 24.
Charlestown, Mass., July 16th, Mrs. Caroline A. McNab, youngest
daughter of the late Thomas Forsaith.
Ferry Village, Cape Elizabeth, July 16th, Mrs. Phebe M. Grant.
Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, July 6th, Mrs. Angie E. Harbaugh, aged 28.
Dayton, York, July 8th, Benjamin B. Jose, aged 64.
Sanford, July 5th, Henry Perkins, aged 76
Anson, July 7th, Mrs. Mary J. Butler, aged 63.
Hallowell, July 7th, Mrs. Nancy Wentworth, aged 83.
Cumberland, July 8th, Josiah Morrill, aged 67.
Gorham, July 12th, Charles Fred Frost, aged 20.
Woodbine, Maryland, July 6th, Mrs. Sophia Burbank, aged 74.
Fryeburg, July 8th, Mrs. Clarissa Lord, aged 50.
Dexter, July 8th, Dr. Gilman M. Burleigh, aged 75.
Dexter, June 24th, Elbridge Russell, aged 43.
Corinna, June 7th, Ellen M. Lovejoy, aged 28.
East Windham, July 7th, David S. Hackett, aged 43.
Augusta, July 6th, Abraham Brackett, aged 76.
Hallowell, July 9th, Thomas Spaulding, aged 70.
Stoneham, Oxford County, June 27th, Mrs. Augusta Spears, aged 29.
Sherman, Aroostock County, July 4th, Mrs. Huldah Stubbs, aged 50.
Lyndon, (now Caribou,) July 5th, Mrs. Sally Reynolds, aged 62.
South Paris, Me., July 5th, E. W. Haskell.
Bangor, July 10th, Mrs. Mary A. Adams, aged 33.
Bangor, July 8th, Wellington Sprague, aged 67.
North Anson, July 7th, Mrs. Mary J. Butler, aged 63.
Springfield, Mass., July 1st, Emily C. Burgin, aged 35.
Princeton, July 4th, John A. Beckett, aged 30.
Atkinson, Pistaquis County, July 19th, Mrs. Sophronia Stocker, aged 54.
Skowhegan, July 2nd, George W. Kingeaid, aged 57.
Montville, Waldo County, July 1st, Daniel Atkinson, aged 51.
Sangerville, Piscataquis County, July 7th, Frank French, aged 24.
Sangervillle, July 7th, Charles Libby, aged 45.
Lisbon, Maine, July 12th, Mrs. Ellen R. Merrill aged 34.
Newburg, Penobscot County, July 11th, Rebecca A. Porter, aged 16.
Ellsworth, July 2nd, Frederick G. Smith, aged 64.
Eden, Hancock County, July 7th, Captain Albion Higgins.
Gardiner, July 11th, Mrs. Nancy Wentworth, aged 83. (As written in the
Norway, Maine, July 13th, R. Noble, aged 65.
Litchfield, July 13th, Mrs. Margaret Berry, aged 83.
Saco, July 13th, Bradford O. Gooch, aged 31.
Saco, July 14th, Rebecca Porter, aged 70. ( As written in the paper.)
Saco, July 15th, Alvin Sawyer, aged 39.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
In this city, June 23rd, by Rev. John T. Hayslett, Edward Furbolw and Miss
Laura P. Roscoe; also 24th, Corbin H. Smith and Miss Nettie F. Palmer, all of
this city.
In this city, June 25th, by Rev. W. H. Fenn, Darius H. Ingraham, Esq., and
Miss Ella Moulton, both of this city.
In this city, June 25th, Mr. John Ross and Mrs. Fanny Ross, both of this city.
In this city, June 28th, at Congress Square Church, by Rev. Mr. Bolles, Mr.
John T. Wood and Miss Carrie S. Cushman. [No cards]
In this city, June 24th, by Rev. E. C. Bolles, Mr. Edwin L. Grant and Miss Mary
F. Moses, both of Westbrook.
In this city, June 25th, by Rev. O. T. Moulton, Charles Gardner and Mrs.
Sophronia Scribner, all of this city.
In this city, June 2nd., by George W. Reed, Esq., James Libby and Miss Mary
Jane Kenney, both of this city.
In this city, June 21st., Mr. Dixon B. Wescott and Miss Maggie Nellis, both
of Portland.
In this city, June 20th, Mr. James W. Robinson, of Medford, Mass., and Miss
Alice Maud Sutcliffe, of this city.
In this city, June 28th, by Rev. A. W. Pottle, John A. Lane, of Freeport, and
Miss Jennie D. West, of Alna.
In this city, June 29th, by Rev. Father Derose, Alexander Anderson and Miss
Gooding, both of this city.
At Mechanic Falls, June 28th, Mr. Edward F. Foss and Miss Oliver J. Waldron,
both of Portland.
In Yarmouth, June 22nd, Mr. Enos O. Blanlchard of Portland, and Miss Lydia
A. Nevins, of Yarmouth.
In Cape Elizabeth, June 27th, by Rev. B. F Pritchard, Mr. Cyrus E. Knight of
Presque Isle, to Miss Martha E. Mariner, of Cape Elizabeth.
In Westbrook, June 15th, by Rev. A. W. Pottle, Augustus C. Jones, Esq., and
Sophronia E. Larrabee, both of Westbrook. [No card]
In Windham, June 27th, by J. B. Cobb, Esq., J. Cobb and Miss Sarah E. Wescott.
In West Pownal, June 28th, Rev. Mr. Hobart, Mr.William H. Chadsey and
Miss J. Jennie Loring, of West Pownal.
In Bradford, June 21st., by Thomas H. Wentworth, Esq., Mr. Jacob H.
Chadbourne, to Miss Edith M. Gowen, both of Bradford.
In this city, June 26, of consumption, Mrs. Rebecca, wife of William Ryall,
aged 29 years, 8 months,-formerly of Maitland, Nova Scotia.
Dearest Sister, thou hast left us,
And thy lose we deeply feel'
But' tis God that has bereft us.
He can all our sorrows heal.
In this city, June 27th, Mary Helen, daughter of the late Mr. Dennis Marr,
of Buxton, aged 34 years. "The memory of the just is blessed."
In this city, June 26th, Susie C., youngest daughter of Lyman C. and Harriet
E. Briggs, aged 3 years, 1 month, and 5 days.
In this city, June 22nd, Mrs. Fanny P. York, aged 71 years, 4 months.
In this city, June 25th, Alvin G. Phillbrook, son of Thomas Phillbrook, formerly
of Vinalhaven, aged 23 years.
In Falmouth, June 1st., Sophronia E., only daughter of E. H. and Doreas A.
Ramsdell, aged 8 years and 9 months.
In Saccarappa, June 21st., Mrs. Martha C., wife of Albert F. Day, and daughter
of Leonard C and Doreas L. Quimby aged 21 and 9 months.
In Falmouth, June 24th, Mrs. Rachel H., widow of the late John Lufkin, aged
50 years.
In Gorham, June 25, Captain John Farnham, aged 78.
In Lewiston, June 18th, Mr. Thomas B. Edgcomb, aged 35 years.
In Auburn, June 19th, Mrs. Betsey Merrill, aged 77 years and 10 months.
In Waldoboro', June 11th, Mr. Jacob Benner, aged 86 years and 7 months.
In Cherryfield, June 16th, Mr. George W. Burnham, aged 98 years.
In Oxford, June 15th, Mrs. Annie, relict of the late Stephen Chase, aged 81 years
and 4 months.
A daughter of Nathan Eustis, of North Jay, aged 23 was instantly killed by
lightening on Friday, 19th inst. The lightning passed down the chimney, shivering
the rafters, throwing off the window casing, and breaking the glass from out of the
window. The girl was leaning against a window casing, and the lightning entered one
of her ears and came out the other killing her instantly. A babe at her feet and a lady
who stood near, were uninjured.
The Oxford Democrat says that a son of George T. Farrar of Roxbury, twelve
years old, seeing what he took to be a woodchuck climb into a apple tree, got some
clubs and "went for the varmint." After a hard fought battle he killed what turned
out to be a young bear, weighing forty-five pounds. With torn clothes and bloody
hands carried it to the house loudly calling to his father, "I've killed the bear! I've
killed the bear."
In Bangor, on Wednesday week, a wooden block of seven stores on Kenduskeag
Bridge was entirely destroyed by fire. It was occupied A. F. Chase, Thomas Bickford,
Smith & Hallet, William H. Chase, and other. A. F. Chase had a stock of $20,000
partially saved; insured for $3,000. The other parties had light stock which were
partially saved.
Judge Fitch, of this city has sold his valuable property on the Presumpscot, at
Saccarappa to Messrs. S. H. Lisk and Nathan Westo, of this city, Captain Isaac F.
Quimby, of Saccarappa and others. The mill privilege is to be improved by the
erection of great flouring mills by Messrs. Lisk and Weston, and the flour barrel are
to be made there also.
The Farmington Chronicle says that Dr. Johnson of that place, recently relieved a
young man from Turner by means of a powerful emetic of a nondescript animal, nearly
three inches long, and half an inch thick, resembling a frog in appearance. The patient
has since been gradually recovering.
In Bangor, on Wednesday week, a son of Mr. G. I. Brown had his leg shockingly
crushed by being caught by the draw of the railroad bridge. Immediate amputation
above the knee was necessary. The physician thought his chances for recovery were
good, though he was very low.
The Rockland Gazette give an instance of rapid growth this season;
Miles Boggs of Warren, planted corn on the 6th inst. On the 16th, the corn was up
high enough for the first hoeing, some spears of which, taken up where they stood too
thick in the hill, were found to have roots from ten to twelve inches in length.
The Dover (Dover-Foxcroft) Observer says that Mrs. Sanborn of Sangerville, while
on her way home from Quarterly Meeting on Saturday week, was struck by lightning;
for some time she was unable to speak and was considerably convulsed. She was
carried home on Sunday still continuing severely sick.
The Brunswick Telegraph says that Mr. J. W. McKenny of Durham, recently
caught a turtle weighing about fifteen pounds. On the way home the turtle desposited
five eggs in the cart, and during the night add twenty-six more to the stock, when she
made her escape.
A young man has been arrested on a charge of attempting to commit a rape in Cape
Elizabeth on Sunday week, on the person of Miss Imelda Johnson, aged 14 years, as
she was on her way to Sabbath School.
Honorable Noah Woods of Bangor has been appointed and confirmed by the
Governor and Council as a Trustee of the Insane hospital in place of Rev. Richard
Woodhull, whose term of office has expired.
Dr. Pulsifter of Waterville, was recently struck in the eye by a piece of gravel
thrown up by the hoof of his horse with such force as to render it probable that its
sight will be permanently impaired.
In Winthrop on Tuesday week, Mr. Luther Hersey had his thumb, together with the
cords and nerves extending to the elbow, torn out by being caught in the machinery
of the oil-cloth factory.
At Augusta on Tuesday week, William Hamilton, a hand on board steamer Union,
was pushed overboard by a loaded truck and drowned. The deceased was about
twenty years of age, and belonged in New Brunswick.
The Rockland Gazette says that a child of Mr. Luther Hurd, fell into a cauldron
boiling water, and was so badly scalded that it lived but twenty-four hours.
A barn on the farm of the late James Green, in New Gloucester, was burned on the
night of the 26th. Loss $800.
Rev. J. C. Adams lost a pocket book, containing $100 while on the cars, or at
Danville Junction, on Thursday week.
The wife of J. W. Cook, of Bangor while visiting a daughter in Orono last week,
disappeared while crossing a field to a neighbor's and was afterwards found dead from
exposure in a bog.
A little son of Mr. Pettengill, of Ripley, was drowned on Friday week, while bathing
in a stream.
In Gardiner on Wednesday week, a young man named Warren Dorr had his leg
badly broken while at work in a saw mill.
Mrs. Sarah Stiles of Peru, Maine, is 102 years old and still vigorous.
Daniel Pike, for twenty-five years Treasure of Kennebec Count, died at Augusta
on Sunday last.
The house of William Ruby on Newbury Street was slightly damaged by fire on Sunday
morning; steam fire engine Casco, while on the way to the fire was upset by a frightened
horse and somewhat damaged.
Monday, July 8, 2013
"So learn ye whose vows are plighted,
"That hearts are one when united."
In this city, 26th ult., by Rev. J. S. Eaton, Mr. Elijah Guilford, Jr., to
Miss Dorcas W. Dill.
In this city, 25th ult., by Rev. J. Pratt, Augustus H. Burbank, M. D., of
Yarmouth, to Miss Elizabeth R. Banks.
In this city, 29th ult., by Rev. J. Pratt, Mr. Hiram G. Floyed, to Miss Mary
A. Thompson;at the same time, Mr. Joseph Thompson, Jr. to Miss Sarah
In this city, by Rev. Mr. Morse, Mr. Francis O. Woodbury to Miss Mary
J. Furlong.
In this city, by Rev. Mr. Sanderson, Mr. John L. Howard, to Miss Sarah
D. Field.
In this city, 27th ult., by Rev. G. W. Kilton, Mr. Henry Stanwood, to Miss
Caroline H. Townsend.
In this city, 27th ult., by Rev. B. D. Peck, Mr. Moses N. Leavitt to Miss
Mary Jane Reynolds.
In this city, 27th ult., by Rev. Pratt, Mr. William O'Brien to Miss Eliza
In this city, 26th ult., by Rev. Mr. Sanderson, Mr. Joshua L. Sawyer, to
Miss Rebecca S. Sawyer.
In this city, by Rev. Mr. Morse, Mr. Isaac W. Scammon, of this city to
Miss Lucy Churchill of Saco.
In this city, 27th ult., by Rev. J. R. Scott, Mr. Ivory Hezelton to Miss Jane
Richard, both of this city.
In Buckfield, November 27th, by S. C. Andrews, Esq., Mr. Carlton Gardner,
to Miss Mary F. Gammon, both of Buckfield.
In Sullivan, 23rd ult., by Rev. R. Y. Watson, Mr. William D. Emery to
Miss Amelia G. White, both of Sullivan.
In Saco, 27th ult., by Rev. James B. Thornton, of Sacaroro', Mr. C. C. G.
Thornton, of Boston to Miss Hannah Bartlett Calef, daughter of Josiah
Calef, Esq., of Saco; October 5th, Charles H. Staples to Sarah E. Seavey;
Richard Cook, of West Lebannon to Bridget Carrol, of Biddeford; George
Gordon to Abby Leaver.
In Biddeford, 27th ullt., Mr. Benjamin Fuller, of Cincinnati, Ohio, to
Miss Clara L., daughter of William Dow, Esq., of Lyman; Mr. Stephen
Allard to Miss Rebecca Smith, both of Biddeford.
In Kennebunk, Mr. James Smith to Miss Mary Kimball, both of Kennebunk.
In Buxton, Mr. John W. Clark to Miss Clarissa Hodgdon, both of Buxton.
In West Parsonsfield, Mr. George Parsons to Miss Mercy Parsons, both of
Newfield; Mr. Jacob Ham, of Newfield to Miss Betsey E. Hargrave of
In Shapleigh, Mr. Eliphalet Randall, of Limerick, to Miss Easther Saywood,
of Shapleigh.
In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Mr. Thomas Nye, of Portland, to Miss Sarah
Tufts, of Pownal.
In Dover, Mr. John G. Robinson, Of Portland, to Miss Sarah A. Boothby,
of Biddeford; Mr. George Royal to Miss Sarah A. Curtis, both of Solon, Me;
John Ball of Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss Elizabeth Melvin, of Newport, Me; Mr.
Daniel Davis to Miss Dorinda S. Merrill, both of Lewiston, Me.
In Danville, Androscoggin County, 27th ult., Mr. Samuel R. Dumren, of
Boston, Mass., to Miss Olive A. Jordan, of Danville.
In Belfast, Captain Ezra Hall to Miss Betsey Elwell.
In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Mr. Benjamin F. Bates to Miss Lucy A.,
daughter of Alfred Andrew, Esq., of Paris, Maine.
In Dayton, Ohio, Mr. john E. Engles of New York City, to Miss Mary J.
daughter of Colonel James Ford, formerly of Gray, Me.
"This is the end of earth"
In this city, 28th ult., George R., son of Charles R. and Elmira Stubbs,
aged 3 years, 4 months.
28th ult., Nancy, wife of Jesse Shackford, aged 43.
26th ult., very suddenly, Mr. Benjamin Pearce, of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia,
aged 39.
23rd ult., Miss Sarah McCarty, aged 47.
25th ult., Mrs. Ruth, wife of Mr. Arthur Shirley, 62.
25th ult., Mrs. Susan L., wife of Calvin Edwards, 58.
2nd inst., Mr. Charles Frost, aged 67.
30th ult., Rebecca H. McCobb, widow of the late Parker Cobb, Esq.
30th ult., Mr. Enoch Moody, aged 65 years.
1st inst., James H. D. Easton, printer, aged 29.
In Roxbury, Mass., 23rd ullt., Mr. Thomas Child, formerly of this city,
aged 69.
In Biddeford, September 25th, Dr. Jonathan Bemis, aged 63 years;
November 16th, his wife Olive H. Bemis, aged 53.
In Kennebunk, 19th ult., Miss Julai Maria, eldest daughter of E. E.
Bourne, Esq., aged 26.
In Waterboro', of consumption, Cyrus K. Hamilton, 36.
In Campton, Benning Williamson, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 88.
In Limerick, Andrew Jackons, son of Mr. William Clark, aged 20 years.
In Parsonsfield, 4th inst., Sarah Jane, daughter of James and Abigail
Moore, aged 18 years.
In Saco, 13th inst., Mr. Daniel McKenney, aged 26.
In Dixfield, October 20th, Miss Matilda S., wife of Charles Dunn, and
daughter of the late Thomas Bragg, of Letter B, ( now Upton, Oxford County)
aged 20 years.
In Kennebunk, Miss Julie Maria, eldest daugher of Edward E. Bourne,
Esq., aged 26; Phines Milliken, aged 20; Miss Nancy Hard, aged about 80;
Mrs. Sarah, wife of Phineas Stearns, aged about 60; Agnes, youngest
daughter of Captain Charles William, aged 1 year.
In Kennebunk, John Littlefield, aged 64.
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Achsa D., wife of Sumner R. Johnson, and
daughter of Deacon Henry Davis, of Strong, Maine, aged 30.
In New Orleans, La., on board ship Hudson,Mr. John White, aged 21-a
native of Wiscasset.
In San Francisco, October 19th, A. W. Sturdivant, of Maine, aged 26; on
board steamer Constitution, Andrew G. Smith, of Maine; Joseph F. Hopkins,
formerly of Buckfield, aged 24.
John V. Brown, aged 29, hung himself in Waterford, Maine last week.
The dwellng house of Mr. Daniels of Paris, Maine, was destroyed by fire on
Monday, together with its contents.Loss $1000.
Among the patents granted for the week ending 25th ult., was one to George
W. Carlton, of Brunswick, Me., for improvement in cooking stoves.
Ossian E. Dodge the prince of fun and humbug, has formed a new company
of singers, whom he styles the "Ossian Bards," and with whom he intends to travel
through the country.
Honorable Stephen Emery of Paris, Me., has been nominated by the Governor
as Judge of the Western District Court, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the
the death of Judge Cole.
Sad. Captain Richard Crocket, Jr., of this city, was knocked overboard from
from the steamboat, on her voyage to California and drowned. He was an
enterprising and estimable young man.
Interesting, On the 25th ult., Mrs. William Mitchell, of Falmouth, was
delivered a daughter by Doctor Tukesbury, of the same place, and on the 27th,
49 hours after, of two sons, the three weighing 16 1/2 pounds. All doing well up
up to the 1st inst.
Mr. S. E. Smith slipped upon the ice on Monday, and in falling broke his arm.
In this slippery weather all good Chistians will be liberal with their ashes.
Mr. R. R Robinson, having been fined to the amount of $60.00 for selling
liquor, has agreed to sell no more.
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