Tuesday, July 16, 2013


                                     ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY

              John Laughton, a man of intemperate habits, say the Journal, drowned
           himself in the canal in Lewiston on  Friday week.  His body was found the
           next evening.

              Albert Harlow, formerly of Minot, was killed lately at Philadelphia by a
          locomotive running over him.

              Leander Morrill, of Lisbon, Me.,  and Joseph Wilson of Farmington were killed
          near Jay Bridge on Tuesday by the giving way of a derrick.

                                       AROOSTOCK COUNTY

              Justice Perry of Sherman, eloped with a girl of 13 years, but was overhauled
           and relieved of his charge before he got far.

              At a fire in Lyndon the bars of Josiah Moore and Elisha Reynolds were
          burned on the 5th ult., and Mrs. Sallie Reynolds, in her efforts to save the
          family of Mr. Moore, caught her own dress on fire, and was so badly burned
          that she died in eight hours.

                                     CUMBERLAND COUNTY
              The Bridgeton News gives an account of the robbing of the town
          treasury two or three times recently, of small sums of money. A watch was
          kept and on Sunday week the thief was detected in the person of a "young
          man belonging to one of the first families, of ample means, and enjoying largely
          the confidence of the community, which possibly may have been somewhat
          shaken of late by his apparent reckless expendiute of money at the livery
          stables, etc. He acknowledge having visited the box four time, once taking
          $70.66, and another time $6.00.  Twice he took nothing. The News says
          after a careful consideration of the case in all its bearings the town officers
          voted to prosecute the offender to the full extent of the law, but the officer
          whose duty it was to sign the warrant refused to do so, being on friendly
          terms with the family of the accused and preferring to make good the loss to
          the town, rather than to be instrumental in causing the offender to be punished.
          No warrent, therefore, was issued and the young man was allowed to go on
          his way rejoicing.  Mr. George F. Chadbourne, the sentinel who detected the
          rogue was hid in the room adjoining the chamber where the money was kept
          by Mr. Frost, the treasurer. The young man looked into this room and assumed
          great indignation to find Mr. Chadbourne, thus intruding upon the privacy of
          Mr. Frost's home under such suspicious circumstances, and seized upon the
          opportunity to severely reprimand him for such a misdemeanor."

              Rev. Dr. C. C. Parker, has resigned his pastorate of the Congregational Church
         in Gorham.

                                        HANCOCK COUNTY

              The house, barn, and shop of Albion Jellison, at Waltham was burned recently.

              The American says that on July 8th, Mr. William H. Card's Mill, at Franklin, was
          burned while the millmen were at dinner, About a thousand dollars worth of his best
          lumber was burned.

              Mrs. Ann Norwood has a two pound swivel  ball found by her husband many
          years ago at Bar Harbor.  It was fired from the English ship Boxer's barge in 1713,
          and struck just above Benson's.

                                        KENNEBEC COUNTY

              The house of James M. Morrill of Winslow was burned last week. Loss
          about $300.

              The principal tax-payers of Gardiner are; F. G. Richards & Co., $1518;
          Stephen Young, $1204; W. W. Bradstreet, $1124; P. G Bradstreet, $1036;
          Arthur Berry, $946; Joshua Gray, $693.  There are 94 who pay over $100. In
          Hallowell the largest tay-payers are; the Manufacturing Co., $1615; Peter F.
          Sanborn, $825; Alden Sampson & Sons, $769; heirs of Harriet Merrill, $425.
          There are 53 who pay over $100.

                                         KNOX COUNTY

              The Free Press says that Mrs. Wheaton Lovejoy has a tea plant. She found the
          seed in some tea she purchased about a year since, and planted it  in a flowerport. The
          plant is some twenty inches high and the largest leaves are about four inches and a half



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