Sunday, July 28, 2013


                                                       MAINE MATTERS


              A new assembly of the Knights of Labor, composed entierly of printers has been
          organized in Lewiston, where there are 70 or 80 of the craft. All other assemblies thus
          far organized in the state are of mixed occupations. This make 31 assemblies in Maine.

             The new mill company of Spragueville, under the lead of Mr. Andrews have commenced
          in earnest. Several men are at present employed in preparing a place for the engine and in
          finishing up the mill.  He proposes to have clapboard and shilgne mills in operation in very
          short time.

              George W. Ross, who introduced the electric light into Bangor, has contraced with
          Houlton parties to introduce his system into that town. Business men generally are proposing
          to use electric illumination, and a plant of 60 lights is expected be in operation early in
          December.  The power will be furnished from E. Merritt & Sons' water power on the

              Mr. Lovejoy, of Perham, harvested 8,250 bushels of potatoes from 11 acres. Senor
          Taber  makes a goodly show of apples. Quite a number of hop growers did not pick
          their hops. Although the yield was fair, the price ranged low and it is decided that it would
          cost more than it would to send the hops to market.

              Mrs. Brannon who is more  than 80 years old, has spun the filling for eighty yards of
          blanketing and woven it herself.  She says she took it easy and didn't hurry, as she spun
          only six or seven skeins a day. How many young girls could do as much.
              Mrs. Linton has a three-legged sheep; it never had but three, but is as nimble and lively
          as those that have more legs to bother with.


              William Haley of Sebago, has been granted a pension.

              Mr. Kilby of Woodfords, is greatly improving the local columns of the Chronicle.

              Thursday night the store of Roscoe G. Hall, Gray Corner, was robbed of a large
          quantity of valuable jewelry.  The burglars also entered the stores of James B. Hall and
          T. &  J. T. Hancock, obtaining small quantities of mersandise in each place.  The also
          stole a team from the stable of A. D. Cummings.

              H. B. Bacon the well known clothing manufacturer of Sebago Lake calls for a large
          reinforcement of help for the coming season; those in want of renumerative employment
          should correspond with him.
              Dr. William Cobb, of Standish, who has had an extensive practice for the last twenty
          years in that and adjoining towns left Saturday for Iowa where he will pass the winter of
          the benefit of his health.  He is followed by the heartfelt wishes of numberous friends for
          his recovery.

             C. T. Adams, of Athol Mass., and G. W. Smith of Portland, have leased the Highland
          House in Saccarappa, and took possesion on the 16th inst.

              Winfred Holley, of Farmington, died Wednesday from injuries received two weeks
           ago by being thrown from his horse.

              Franklin Distric Lodge, I.  O. G. T., was organized Monday in Farmington.


              Sans Stanley will soon commence to erect a much larger hotel at Southwest
          Harbor than the Stanley House which was burned last summer, on the same site.
         The work of enlarging the Ocean House is progressing rapidly. The island house
          is also being enlarged.

              It is reported that the new steamer for which Capt. Deering, late of the Machias
          line has been soliciting stock, will be built this coming winter to be ready for the route
          between Boston, Bar Harbor, and Machias early next season.  It is said that the boat
          will be 1,000 tons and a first-class steamer in every respect.  It is also reported that
          Capt. D. S. Hall will commnad her.

             John Royal of Ellsworth, had received back pension amounting to $685.

             Erastus Redman has been appointed Collector of Customs for Ellsworth.
             Miss Louise Wheeler started a newspaper in Castine a year or two ago. The
           field is not large enough for a paper and she had to suspend, although she fought a
          a good fight and, as she says in her valedictory, asked no favors on account of her sex.
          She contributes to the Boston Journal a racy account of her experience.


              General Cole of Augusta, a young man, was stricken suddenly blind some two
          months ago, and an eminent oculist pronounces his case as hopeless.

             Colonel Isaiah Marston, a retired farmer of Waterville, furnished the Home Farm
          with a very interesting talk, giving the amount of his crops for 36 years, with the prices
          paid each year.  The average price of hay in that time was $9.79 a ton; wheat $1.45;
          corn, . 93 cents; oats. 93 cents; potatoes.36 cents; rye .43 cents, beans $1.44; pork, .66
          cents; beef, .31 1/2 cents; wool .30 cents; wood $2.43 a cord; apples, $1.19. His net
          income averaged $350.

              A curiously shaped pipe, similar to those found at Pemaquid was dug up recently by
          Capt. E. D. Haley, while excavating for his ice house at Trott's Point.

            Charles  E. Nash, Augusta, has published the Maine Farmer's Almanac for 1886, the
         68th number of the ever  popular annual.  It contains the usual amount of valuable statistics,
        and several pages of riddles, puzzles and problems. Price 10 cents.

             President Cleveland, lately sent his photograph to the son of William J. Russell,
        Warren, the youngster have been named for him.

            William Eastman, of Libery, who was so badly injured by falling into a lime kiln in
        Rockport is improving.

            It is said Edward E. O'Brien of Thomaston is the largest individual owner of shipping
       in the United States.  He owns ten whole ships aggregating 20,000 tons. They are engaged
       in the California and Callao, Peru trade.

           Saturday, the 15 month old child of Mrs. Mary Groves, at Wiscasset was playing
        on the floor with a wood basket to which was fastened a small line. The mother  stepped
        out of the room for a few moments, and when she  returned found the child had wound the
        cord around its neck in such a way as to choke itself to death.

           At Wiscasset on Wednesday, Charlie Tibbetts was knocked down by one of a party of
       boys with whom he was at play, and the fall caused a compound fracture of the leg, just
      below the thigh.










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