Saturday, July 6, 2013

THE KENNEBEC JOURNAL, February 13, 1878


              In Waldoboro, January 24th, Mr. Frank Sampson to Miss Lizzie E. Wade,
          both of Waldoboro.
              In Bristol, January 22nd, Alexander Yates, Esq., to Mrs. Isable R. Thompson,
          both of Bristol.
             In Rockland, January 25th, Mr. George Brown to Angie E. Tolman, both
          of Breman; January 17th, Mr. Hiram L. Ingraham of Waldoboro, to Mrs.
          Fanny Harris of Boothbay.
             In Dover ( Dover-Foxcroft) February 2nd, Fred R. Sinclair to Alice L. Rand,
          both of Dover; January 21st., Alton J. Towns to Lizzie A. Shaw, both of Dover.
             In Sebec, February  2nd, Lewis E. Moore of Sebec to Miss Carrie A. Green,
         of Barnard.


              In this city, January 28th., Silas Mason, aged 89 years and 7 months.
              In Brunswick, February 6th, Mr. Benjamin R. Morse, aged 85 years.
              In Topsham, January 27th, Mrs. Nancy L. Wilson, aged 76 years 10
              In Harpswell, February 1st., Sylvester S. Orr, aged 26 years, 3 months.
              In Mexico, Maine, at the residence of her son Henry W. Park, Emeline
          Park, widow of Isaac Park, late of Dixfield, aged 75 years.
             In Hallowell, February 5th, Mrs. Jane A. , wife of Mr. Andrew Johnson,
             formerly of Rockland, aged 43 years; February 5th, of diphtheria, very
             suddenly Miss Nellie; daughter of Mr. Warren H. Mooers, aged about
         6 months.
             In Corinna, February 2nd, John Graffam, aged 77 years. (Maine papers
         please copy.)
             In Lowell, Penobscot County, February 6th, Joseph Porter, Esq., father
         of T. W. Porter, Esq., member of the house from Burlington, Vermont (?)
        aged 77 years.
             In Newcastle, Lincoln County, January 31st., Honorable Thaddeus Weeks,
       aged 78 years, 11 months.

                                      HALLOWELL LOCAL NEWS.   

               Mr. William Arnold aged thirty-five years, in hoisting stone at the
         granite quarries in this city in Monday afternoon last, was instantly killed by
         the falling of a derrick which struck him upon the head, crushing his skull and
         face in shocking manner. Observing the guys that held the derrick giving way,
          Mr. Arnold started to rescue his horse, which he considered in danger and thus
          brought himself in a position to receive the fatal blow. Had he remained in his
          position he would have been safe from harm. Mr. Arnold lived near the quarries,
          and his wife and two children were plunged into the deepest sorrow and affliction
          by this sudden calamity.  Coroner Hawes was called to view the body; but
          circumstances causing the accident plainly indicated no blame could be attached
          to any one, and an inquest was deemed unnecessary.  This is the first fatal accident
          that has occurred  at the quarries or stone yards of the Hallowell Granite Company
          during the entire period of their extensive operations.

               Mr. J. J. Bowman, of this city while engaged with his team hauling gravel
           on Monday last, was thrown from his sled by coming in contact with another
           team  and considerably bruised about the head and shoulders. Fortunately no
           bones were broken, and he will soon be able to resume his labors. It was a
           narrow escape from a fatal accident.

              Died in this city,7th instant, J. Edwin, only son of Honorable John W. and Mrs.
          Josephine Clarke, aged 11 years. An only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, at the
          age of 22 years was removed from them by death a few months ago; and the
          sympathies of the entire community will be extended to the bereaved parents in
          their double affliction.  Both of their children possessed abilities of much promise
          and were favorites with all their relative and acquaintances.

                                    SOMERSET MILLS LOCAL NEWS
              Last Thursday, while Charles Tobey aged 26, of Nyes's Corner, Fairfield, was
          going into his with a team, having a loaded shot gun on his sled, by some means
          the piece was discharged, sending the shot into Mr. Tobey's face, and putting out
          one eye.  The chances are against his recovery.

              Thursday while Mr. Amos Gerald of Fairfield Village  was driving a valuable
          roading mare on the ice, the mare's leg broke short above the gambrel. The sound
          of the break was like the snapping of a pistol.
              About eight inches of snow fell on Sunday.

                                          MANCHESTER LOCAL NEWS

              We  learn that Mrs. Betsey Royal, a resident of Readfield, hung herself on Sunday  of last
          week. She was doubtless insane.

                                             LOCAL NEW IN BRIEF
              The Damariscotta Herald says that Honorable Thaddeus Weeks, who died
         in Newcastle on the 31st ult., was one of the prominent men of Lincoln County.
         He was born in Jefferson, where he lived until 1852, when he moved to
         Damariscotta, residing there until 1875 when he purchased the Farley place in
         Newcastle, where he lived until his demise. Mr. Weeks held many  respectable
         positions in years pass; was a member of the Governor's council, occupied a seat
         several times in the legislature , held county offices and was for many years a
         a member of the Board of Selectman of Jefferson, and also of Damariscotta. In all
         these positions he won the reputation of being a thorough, competent business man.
              Miss Laura E. Judson living  at  Mr. R. H. Faught's in  South Harbor, rose a few
        nights ago, walked  to the  harbor  and committed suicide by drowning.
              Charles Bowler of Vassalbor' died very suddenly of heart disease Sunday
          afternoon. His wife was away from home, and only  two boys were with  him.
          Feeling bad he sent for assistance, but died  before it reached him.
              Captain  McClintock, the popular commander of the "Henry Morrison," last
          season has had a  "call" to go to Boston, and take command of one of the large
          harbor boats.  We trust there is money enough on  the Kennebec to induce him
          to remaining here.  Massachusetts may possible not go into ecstasies over the
          statue of  Governor King, but it has a great banking for our Maine ministers and

              The party given at Granite Hall, Thursday evening by Colonel J. Manchester
          Hayes and wife, was a very brilliant and fashionable affair, far ahead even of
          the Legislative reception given the other evening.  The hall was elegantly decorated
          with flags, bunting, shields, evergreen and flowers, with the grand illumination and
          gay company present, presented a beautiful spectacle.  There were present the
          Governor Judges of the Supreme Court, State officials, and other distinguished
          guests from the different portions of the state, and fair ladies who lend grace to  a
           grand occasions.  Without attempting a detailed descriptions of the toilets of the
           ladies, we may say they were costly, becoming, varied and in most excellent taste.
           No such brilliant assemblage has gathered at the State Capital for years. Nearly
          five hundred persons were present and the spacious hall afforded ample room for
          dancing.  The guest were gracefully received by Colonel Hayes and lady, and the
          entertainment afforded was the most generous kind.  Music for the dance was
          furnished by Hanagan's Orchestra. This party and reception will be regarded as the
         social event of the season, enjoyed to the fullest extent by the large company




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