Sunday, December 29, 2013
THE MACHIAS UNION, Machias, Maine, July 5, 1881
In Harrington, Washington County, June 5 (?) by Rev. G. E. (name not legible,)
R. H. Small to Miss Mary Wass, all of Harrington.
In Eastport, June 15th, by Rev. Mr. Harwood (?) William Knowles of Lubec,
and Sarah Bergman (?) of Hopewell, New Brunswick. June 25th, by S. R, Bryant,
Esq., Frank A. Cram of Eastport to Miss I. Jones Lubec.
In Millbridge June 5th, by George Coggins, Esq., George F. Kane and Miss
Arvilla Harmond (?)
In Ellsworth, June 18th, by A. F. Burnham, Esq., George W. Tracey of Franklin,
and Miss Pluma (name not legible) of Ellsworth.
In East Machias, July 1st, by H. L. Gooch, Esq., Alfred Allan and Isabella
Elsemore, both of East Machias.
In Sullivan, June 27th, Lee, only son of E. E. Stoddard of Eastern Hotel,
Machias, aged 9 years.
In Franklin June 17th, Palmira Dyer ? years.
In Trenton, May 25th, Miss Lucy, wife of Seth Whitmore, aged 75 years.
In Prospect Harbor, June 26, Captain James Noonan, aged 61 years.
Ignatius Worcester and Will E. Baker, Columbia Falls, left recently for Port Gamble,
Washington Territory.
E. M. Bucknam & Company have recently received an additional stock of house
furniture, carpeting, etc.
A McNichol, Esq., delivered an oration at Calais, July 4th, and Rev. George Forsyth of
Bucksport at Ellsworth same day.
Gilbert Crandon & Company, are doing a large express business along the Penobscot
and down east. [Rockland Courier]
D. D. Byther, Esq., has built an office at Steuben, and will practice the legal
profession in that town and vicinity.
Mr. Zephanina T. Tibbetts of Columbia Falls while at work peeling bark at Aurora,
was badly injured a few days since by a tree that fell on him.
A. Campbell, Esq., at Cherryfield has finely modeled and strongly built centerboard
schooner of about 85 tons nearly ready to launch; Joseph Strout master carpenter.
The Age say that Llewellyn Lithgow, Esq., died at his residence in Augusta,
Wednesday, of heart disease. He was as well as usual in the morning. His age was 88 years.
Captain Samuel Nash formerly of Steuben has bought a dwelling house at Somesville,
Mt. Desert. It is said that Captain Nash, intends to open a granite quarry at Mount
Desert to furnish paving blocks for the city trade.
Mr. Lad Holway owns a cow from whose milk from seven days he churned 12 1/4 pounds
of butter; during the seven days one quart of milk was sold each day and the family of
three persons used all the milk and cream required.
In March 1861 F. Talbor & Co., sailed the brig Kodiak from East Machias, just
launched and built by that firm. June 18th 1881, the brig arrived at Boston with 561
tons of cola. The brig is 420 tons. She has never been back to Machias River since she
sailed in 1861.
Mr. G. Whitney lately build a wagon, the "Dexter Queen" style for Mr. G. L.
Harmon, that gives so much satisfaction, that it seems probable that this make will
come into general use.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stoddard of the Eastern Hotel, lost their only boy, Lee, about 9
years old, June 27th. The parents had lately removed to the Waukeag House, at Sullivan,
taking their boy and two youngest girls. Lee died there. The remains were taken to Machias
for burial. Lee has been frail for many months so that his death, though a great bereavement,
was not wholly unexpected.
Ellsworth American. John M. Hale & Co., who give place to F. O. Beal of Bangor, July
1st, has carried the mails between Ellsworth and Bangor for twenty-four consecutive years
and always satisfactorily to the public and the Department at Washington. Also, the many
friends in this section of N. K. Sawyer, Esq., will be pained to learn of his illness from
malarial rheumatism, from which he has been suffering from some weeks past. Mr.
Sawyer has recently been appointed in a Government position and has been in Washington
for several weeks. As soon as he is able to travel he intends to visit his friends in Maine.
Mrs. Sawyer will accompany him.
Mr. Collin Campbell, a well known ship builder, of Weymouth, Nova Scotia, died
suddenly June 25th. He was a father of Mrs. Frank H. Holyoke, of Bangor and his son
Douglas Campbell married Miss Kate Palmer, daughter of Lieutenant A. T. Palmer, also
of Bangor.
Mr. F. G. Whitney at Jonesboro is recovering from a severe wound to the face which
he received a short time since from a lever that broke his jaw.
W. G. & W. E. Stone advertises the celebrated Victor Mower and Ithaca Rake in this
paper. Farmers should examine these implement.
Personal. Mr. William A. Peavy is visiting his parent at Whiting after an absence of
14 years in California.
Mrs. A. G. Peabody of Northampton, Mass., is visiting her mother Mrs. John Holway.
A sad accident occurred at Thorndyke yesterday, 26th. Mrs. Charles Varney went to
church and left two little boys to keep house, one 7 the other 9 years of age. A gun was
was hanging on the wall; the oldest one took it down and tried to snap a cap on it, but it
would not go, so handed it to the younger brother and went after more caps. When he was
returning the gun was discharged striking him on the cheek taking part of his cheek, one
ear and one eye. It is though he will recover. The gun was loaded with 16 buck shot.
Mr. George Littlefield of Winterport, who was so badly bitten a few weeks ago by a
large Newfoundland dog is considered out of danger and able to move around the house a
very little.
Mr. Otis of Easton recently sold his twin steers 3 years old for $200. They are said to
be the finest pair ever raised in Aroostook County.
Friday, December 27, 2013
" So learn ye whose vow are plighted,
That hearts are one when united."
In Portsmouth, N. H., Mr. Thomas Hall, of Damariscotta, to Miss Catherine
Bryar, of this city' Mr. Charles N. Baker to Miss Elizabeth W. Hannaford, both of
this city: Mr. William L. Morse to Miss Charlotte Averill, both of this city; Mr.
Melville C. Milliken, of this city; to Miss Evelina Kimball, of Newburyport, Mass.
In Falmouth, 29th ult., by S. Leighton, Jr., Esq., Mr. David H. Leighton to Miss
Aphia J. Hanscom.
In Gray, 18th ult., by B. Adams, Esq., Mr. Nathaniel Libby to Miss Sarah L.
Freeman, all of Gray.
In Boston, 25th ult., by Rev. S. K. Lothrop, Mr. Luther Stephenson of Hingham,
Mass., to Miss Caroline Louisa, daughter of the late Nehemiah Parson, of Boston.
"This is the end of earth."
In this city, 1st inst., Mr. Benjamin Franklin Weed, aged 24 formerly of
24th ult., William A., son of William Smith, aged 11 months.
30th ult., of dropsy on the brain of Mr. John McIndo, aged 27.
2nd inst., Mary Eliza Coe, aged 23 years 9 months.
2nd inst., Ann Louisa, daughter of John Pearson, aged 18 years.
1st inst., Lydia, widow of the late Daniel Lockhart, of Nova Scotia, aged 84.
28th ult., Elizabeth Jane C., only daughter of John Bradford, aged 16 years.
29th ult., Margaret Freethy, aged 30.
29th ult., Thomas, son of Peter Foley, aged 2 years.
30th ult., Mrs. Phebe Carlton, relict of the late Deacon Edward Carlten, aged 83 years.
In Belmont, 11 ult., Eliza, daughter of Thomas and Almira Storer, aged 10 years,
3 months.
In Clinton, 23 ult., Mr. James M. Target, aged 32.
Hiram, 29th ult., Mary Ann, wife of J. P. Hubbard, Esq., and daughter of J. S.
Sargent, formerly of this city, aged 57.
In St. Paul, Minnesota Territory, March 23rd, Honorable Joel Whitney, late
of this city, aged 64.
In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 15th, at the English Hotel, William Gordon of this
city, aged 30. At the same time and place, George Osgood, of Salem, Mass, aged 20.
John Balch is building a ship at Trescott to be called the "Maine Law."
The Professor William, the Christopher of North, of Blackwood's
Magazine, has resigned his Chair of Philosophy in consequences of age and
Rev. T. Starr King has been appointed to deliver the Fourth of July Oration in
before the Municipal authorities.
The Prescott's Machine shop in Hallowell, was destroyed by fire last week.
Loss $3,000; insured $1,500.
Charles Henry, eldest son of Levi and Sarah F. Sanborn, aged 7 years, was
drowned at Sheep Falls, Standish, 22nd ult. He fell into the steam while playing
near it.
We have received a pamphlet entitled, "Review of Rev. J. C. Lovejoy's
Lecture on the Maine Liquor Law," by Harrison Fairfield, Brown's Corner, Me."
It meets the reverend gentleman's reasoning with fact and a strong argument.
Mrs. Sexton was sent to jail last week for selling gin.
Fatal Accident. Mr. Peter H. Clark, was instantly killed while walking on the
track of the Atlantic & St. Lawrence Railroad in Oxford, on Saturday, by an engine
so furnished to convey two physicians by express to Norway, Me., to visit a person
dangerously sick at that place. Mr. Clark was deaf and did not hear the whistle.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
In this city last evening, by Charles Harding, Esq., Mr. Timothy A. White to Miss
Jane W. Cook, both of this city.
In Bath, Mr. John Roberts of Orono, to Miss Lydia Edgcomb, of Bath.
In Bangor, Mr. George W. Snow to Miss Charlotte Adams.
In Ellsworth Mr. Josiah Cripps to Miss Mary Stevens.
In Gray, Captain Benjamin Swett, of Bangor to Miss Hannah F. Morse, of this city.
In this city, 18th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Chickering, Thomas Chase, Esq., of North
Yarmouth, to Mrs. Sarah Baker.
In this city, by Elder Brown, Mr. Nathanial Jackson, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire,
to Miss Mary F. Ham, of this city.
In this city, 21st inst., by the Rev. Mr. Vaill, Dr. Samuel H. Pennington, of Newark,
New Jersey, to Miss Anna J. M. Pope, eldest daughter of Joseph Pope, Esq.
Also, by the same, Mr. Sidney Sweetsir to Miss Ann W. Winslow.
In this city, 21st inst., by C. Harding, Esq., Mr. Ephraim Moore, of the revenue
service, to Mary P. Tobey, both of this city.
In Albion, Kennebec County, Mr. Wentworth Fall to Miss Mary L. Washburn.
In Eastport, Otis Patterson, Esq., to Miss Eliza Galvin.
In Bangor, Mr. Levi Stevens to Miss Mary St. Clair.
In this city, Shilow Dyer, aged 6 years and 8 months.
In this city, on Sunday morning last, February 28th Delia A. , daughter of
Mr. Stephen Dyer.
In Gorham, Mr. Benjamin Fogg, aged 22.
In Cape Elizabeth, Mrs. Anna Mate, aged 26.
In Parsonfield, Mr. James Davis.
In Bucksport, Mrs. Crosby, wife of Mr. Benjamin Crosby.
In Cumberland, Mr. Edmund Merrill, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 82.
In China, Me., Ann Elizabeth, daughter of S. S. Warren, Esq.
In Albion, Eliza F., daughter of Mr. David Spratt, Jr., aged 4 years. She fell into
a kettle of hot water and survived the accident but two days.
At Calcutta in August last, George A. Sheppard, Esq., merchant, formerly of
Hallowell, Me.
In this city, Mr. Joseph Owen, aged 65.
In Cape Elizabeth, February 28th, Mrs. Patience, wife of Ebenezer Strout,
aged 78.
In Limerick, Mary Ann, youngest child of Aaron M. Hadley.
In Orland, Hancock County, on the 21st inst., Mrs. Rebecca, consort of Honorable
John Burnham, member of the Executive Council of Maine, aged 66.
At Jacksonville, near Mobile Mr. James Goodwin, aged 40; a native of this state,
and for many years a respectable inhabitant of Mobile.
In Westminster, 8th inst., Captain John Fessenden, a Revolutionary pensioner,
aged 80. While shoveling a path at his door he fell and expired instantly.
In Providence, R. I., Mr. B. Parkerson, aged 30. He was employed as a watchman in
that city, and while in the discharge of his duty, was attacked by three men, and so
severely beaten and wounded as to occasion his death, after suffering 18 days.
In Belfast, Orren, son of Mr. Jonathan Ordway, aged 13.
In Knox, Mrs. Mehitable, wife of M. Andrew Patterson, aged 37.
In Monroe, Mrs. Lydia, wife of Mr. William Ford, aged 54.
In Hallowell, Mr. Moses R. Gilman; accidently killed by the falling of a tree.
In Winthrop, suddenly, Deacon Enoch Wood, formerly of Middleboro', Mass.,
aged 67.
In Bangor, suddenly, Mr. George P. Robinson, aged 26.
I hereby caution all persons not to harbor or trust my wife, MARY ELDEN, on my
account, as I have all things necessary for her convenience and comfort, at my house,
which she has without justifiable cause deserted-and I shall pay no debts of her
contracting. PERLEY G. ELDEN
Bradford, February 1, 1836
Sunday, December 22, 2013
THE PORTLAND TRANSCRIPT, Devoted to Arts, Science, Morals and News, June 6, 1846
In this city, May 27th, by Rev. L. L. Saddler, Mr. Robert H. Murphy to Miss
Mary Shed, all of this city.
In Augusta May 26th, Mr. Harrison Baker, of Bangor, to Miss Sarah F.,
daughter of John Reed, Esq., of Augusta.
In Bangor, Colonel Gustavus F. Sargent to Miss Nancy G. Smith.
In Bangor, Mr. Robert A. Colbath to Miss F. H. Leighton, all of Bangor.
In Phipsburg Captain Elias Sylvester to Miss Margaret Ann, daughter of
Major Getchell.
In Waldoboro,' Mr. William H. Wallace to Miss E. F. Benjamin, all of
In Trinidad de Cuba, April 6th, Horatio Fox, Esq., of the house of Eaton,
Safford & Fox, to Donno Merced Cencestia Zerubia.
At the Lighthouse on Bear Island, Me., 14th inst., by John G. Brown,Esq.,
Mr. John Gally to Mrs. Hannah Clements, both of Mount Desert.
In this city May 26th, William W. Davis, aged 37 years.
In this city, May 28th, Mrs. Eliza, wife of Mr. James M. Merrill, and
eldest daughter of Arthur Shirley, aged 33 years.
In Bangor, May 28th, Moses Patten, Jr., Esq., aged 36. On May 27th,
Honorable William D. Williamson, aged 66 years.
In Windham May 27th, of Bilious Cholic, Mr. Peter Ingersoll, aged
about 48.
In Bangor, May 25th, Captain L. M. Adams, aged 24.
There has been about 30 deaths in Milo, Maine within the last 12 months,
more than 3-4 of the whole population. A mortality exceeding that of any of
our cities.
In Gilmanton, New Hampshire, May 6th, Mr. Joseph Plummer, aged 46.
On the same day Mr. T. J. Kimball, aged 42. They had been to work together,
being near neighbors the week previous till Friday night. On Sunday morning they
were both taken sick about the same time and in the same manner, by dizziness,
and both died on the Wednesday following. From the circumstances it was supposed
they had taken poison; some suppose in beer which the had drank; but the friends of the
deceased are unable to account for the sickness, rejecting entirely the idea of their
being poison in the beer, as others partook of it in the manner as they did. A post
mortem examination of Mr. Kimball did not result in any satisfactory conclusion
as to the cause of death.
In Chesterville, May 8th, Mrs. Hannah Foster, formerly of Harpswell, aged 94.
In Brownfield, Mary 25th, of small pox, Andrew Clinton, son of Daniel and
Eliza C. Tyler, aged 13 months.
Rest dearest child, oh, greatly rest!
We yield thee with unfaltering trust:
Thy home is now among the blest,
Altho' they body sleeps in dust.
No more shall sickness wring they brow,
Nor anguish wake the feeble moan;
From all the sufferings here below
Unto they saviors arms-thou'st flown.
O, lovely child for thee, for thee
Repiningly we should not weep;
For with thy god thou'lt ever be--
Secure He will they spirit keep.
Yes, heaven is they eternal home,
And angels they companions are;
The fields of bliss with the thou'lt roam--
Oh may our spirits join thee there!
Fruits of the War.--We give below a list of Killed and Wounded of the United
States officers. It will be seen that Maine has her share in the sad catalogue.
Brevet Major Samuel Ringgold was a native of Maryland, He died on the 11th
He died on the May 11th, from wounds received on the 8th.
Major Jacob Brown, of the Seventh Infantry, was a native of Massachusetts.
Lieutenant Zebulon M. P. Inges, of the Second Regiment of Dragoons, is a
native of Alabama. He bears a military frame as we suppose it is Zebulon
Montgomery Pike Inges.
Richard E. Cochrane, First Lieutenant of the Fourth Regiment of Infantry, was
a native of Delaware.
Theodore L. Chadbourne, Second Lieutenant in the Eighth Regiment of Infantry,
was a native of Eastport.
The wounded officers are as follows:
Lieutenant Colonel Macintosh, Fifth Infantry, Georgia.
Lieutenant Colonel Payne, Fourth Artillery, Virginia.
Captain Page, Fourth Infantry, Fryeburg, Maine.
Captain Hooe, Sixth Infantry, Virginia
Captain Montgomery, Eighth Infantry, New Jersey.
Lieutenant Seldon, McClue and Jordan.
MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE. The course of Medical Lectures at
Bowdoin College closed on Saturday last. Nineteen young gentleman passed
a successful examination, so candidates for the Degree of M. D. Their names,
places of residence, and the subject of their theses are given in the following
list. [Penobscot Journal}
Charles H. Barker, Cornish. Acute Enteritis.
William M.. Barrett, Townsend, Massachusetts. Hypotrophy of the Heart.
Bowdoin R. Buker, Plymouth,Mass. Acute Hydrocephalus
Albion P. Chase, East Livermore. Phthisis Pulmonalis.
Parmenas Dyer, Augusta. Menorrhagia
Luther Fitch, Portland. Change of Air in curing Diseases.
Andrew J. Harlow, Auburn Menorrhagia
Joseph A. Jackson, Jefferson. Pneumonia.
Asa Johnson, Limerick, Tuberculosis.
Abial Libbey, Gardiner, Acute Pleuritis.
John D. Lincoln, Brunswick. Trachitis.
Daniel E. Palmer, Tuftonborough, New Hampshire. Amenorrhoea.
Lycurgus V. Payne, Belfast. Mentagra.
James Sawyer, Saco. Icterus.
Nathaniel T. True, Monmouth. The Nerves of the Human Body.
William H. Wattles, Norwich, Connecticut. Scrophula.
William Wescott, Gorham. Acute Rheumatism.
John J. Witherbee, Machias. Haematemesis.
Friday, December 20, 2013
In this city on the 22nd inst., Mr. Flavius P. Bartlett, aged 22. On Saturday
evening last, David Dana, Jr., aged about 30.
In Cumberland, February 12th, Mr. Joseph Buxton, aged 42 years.
In Minot, February 5th, William Reynolds, Jr., aged 44.
In York, Miss Louisa H. Perkins, aged 19.
In Pembroke, Mr. Ebenezer Dearborn.
In Eden, Joseph S. Leland, aged 28; a child of J. B. Richards, aged 5 months.
In New Gloucester, John Nelson, youngest child of Jesse and Mary Hayes, aged
6 months.
In Skowhegan, Mr. Joseph Galusha, aged 94.
In Biddeford, Miss Harriet L. Pierson, aged 19.
In Wells, Mr. John Wheelwright, aged 74. Oliver Eaton, aged 6 years.
In Castine on the 14th inst., James Crawford, Esq., aged 71.
In Tamsworth, New Hampshire, Rev. Samuel Hidden.
In Vassalboro', Abigail Bailey, widow of the late John Bailey, of Portland,
aged 86.
In Ellsworth, Mrs. Elizabeth Warren.
In Anson, a son of General F. Smith, aged 5, by falling into a kettle of hot water.
In Belfast, M. Ariel P. Bennett, formerly of Troy aged 21.
In Buckfield, Mrs. Lucy wife, of M. James B. Decoster, aged 26. Mrs. Lucy.
wife of Mr. Andre Hall, aged about 34. Mrs. _____, wife of Increase Spaulding,
aged about 40.
In Bath, Mrs. Sarah Grace, widow of the late Mr. Charles C. Richardson, aged
8 months.
In Weld, Jan 29th, very suddenly, Mrs. Mary Hold, aged 82, formerly of Wilton,
New Hampshire. Printer in New Hampshire are requested, &c.
In Conway, New Hampshire, December 29, 1836, MISS SARAH RUSSELL, in the
EIGHTY-EIGHTH year of her age.-Her name before marriage was Eastman. She was
born in Pembroke, from whence she removed early in life to the place of her burial. She
was one of the little company of eight-four husbands with their wives-who composed
the original church, gathered near distant intervals, they "left and disappeared." She
was the last to go home. The Rev. Dr. Porter, who became their pastor soon after their
church organization, had just gone, at the age of ninety-one, to join the others above-
Now pastor and flock, as they then were, are all together.
It may be said of the subject of this notice that her "path was the shining light."
During the long period of her faith in Christ, her life was marked by a consistency not
often exceeded, for seldom equaled-from careless trifling and that acrimony that often
mars the beauty of personal felicity she was equally free. A single remark, made to a
neighbor a day or two before her death, at the same time that it discovers steadfast and
beautiful faith, will give one a fine idea of what she was as a women and a Christian.
She said "she could trust that Savior, who for more than fifty years had never forsake
Her faculties of mind were retained in an unusual degree. In the last years of her life
she was, in the respect much as in her brightest days.
Her cheerful disposition, happy conversational powers, and for one of her years,
uncommon interest in the occurrences of the day, made her company agreeable to the
aged and the young-by those who knew her in general, and can estimate true worth
worth, her memory is loved. Like her may they live, and with her soul may their own at last
be gathered.-Com
In Blanchard, January 20th, Deacon Willow Bowker, aged 37.
INSTALLATION. On Wednesday, the 15th inst., Rev. George W. Fargo, was
installed pastor of the Congregational Church in Phillips. The service on the occasion
were performed as follows: Invocation and reading the Scripture, by Rev. Mr. Fobes;
Introductory prayer by Rev. Simon Hackett, of Temple; Sermon by Rev. Josiah Peet,
Norridgewock, from Isaiah 62;-Installing prayer by Rev. Isaac Rogers, of Farmington;
Charge by Rev. E. Gillett D. D.; Right hand of fellowship by Rev. William May, of
Strong; Address to the church and people by Rev. Joseph Underwood of New Sharon;
Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Talbot, of Wilton.
The day was fine, the audience large, and the exercises were appropriate and
and interesting, and it is hoped will result in great good to that interesting infant
church, who seem to rejoice that their eyes are permitted to behold their teacher.
Oren Sikes, Secretary of Council.
Mercer, Feb. 20, 1837.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Dennysville oldest citizen is Mrs. Mary Jones, who will round out the century if
she lives another year.
The Italian barque, Emillia, Captain Trapini, which arrived at Eastport last week,
from Sicily, was 85 days out and those on board did not know there was war raging
between the United States and Spain, as it had been declared since they left Sicily
early in April.
The Washington County Republican Convention was held at Dennysville, Thursday.
F. H. Crocker of Machias was elected chairman. All candidate were elected by
acclamation except the sheriff and commissioner. The nominations were; for Senators,
L. O. Dudley, Brookton, and D. J. Sawyer, Jonesport; Attorny, F. J. Campbell,
Cherryfield; Sheriff, J. P. Longfellow, Machias; Treasurer, Austin Harris, Machias;
Register of Deeds, H. R. Taylor, Machias, Commissioner, S. G. Spooner, Princeton.
The Lubec Herald understands that George Mowry has sold his new factory to
Julius Wolff, Esq., for $10,000. The terms of sale include the steamer Mizpah.
It is reported that the Lyons Brothers have completed the purchase of the tract of
land and mill privilege in Edmunds and work has begun on the dam.
Two Calais boys Murchie and Shattuck are with Roosevelt's rough rides and were
present at the battle near Santiago. They evidently escaped injury, as no mention is made
of them in the reports of the engagement.
The dedication of the new Baptist Church at Princeton built to take the place of one
burned two years ago, occurred recently, the installation of Rev. P. A. A. Killiam being
in connection with the exercises. Dr. A. J. Padelford of Calais preached the dedication
sermon. Among the larger individual gifts was $50 donated by Mrs. J. Maxville, New
York, who was formerly a resident of Princeton, and a fine memorial window,
presented by Miss Amanda Greenlaw of Princeton in memory of her father the late
Deacon Greenlaw, and mother and brother who were also active workers in that
society for many years. There was a debt of only $80 on the church, which was
raised before the services were concluded. A new bell has been received, paid for by
the young misses of the society, under the name of the Busy Bees.
George Lancaster of North Lubec, has been taken to the Insane Hospital. Mr.
Lancaster was a bright, intelligent scholar and has taught in Lubec schools for a
number of years.
Charles F. Harmon, chief engineer of the Saco electric light station, got his arm
caught under a 1600 pound fly wheel Monday, necessitating amputation. His is injured
J. F. Stearns of Saco tells a story which is of interest to student of human nature,
says the Biddeford Journal. In 1852 Mr. Stearns was approached by a young man who
asked for the loan of $100, to enable him to reach a Western town where he had been
offered the principal ship of a high school with a salary of $1200, promising to repay
the loan at the end of the first quarter. Mr. Stearns lent the desired sum and last week he
received the first installment of the repayment-ten dollars.
Twenty-nine persons were baptized by the pastor of the M. F. Church at Saco Ferry,
June 20th. Twenty-five were immersed in the Saco River, July 3rd. Fifteen were received
into full membership in the church.
Ralph Seaward, the 13 year old son of Captain Richard Seaward of Kittery Point, ran
in front of a mowing machine in action Saturday and both feet were nearly severed from
his legs. All the muscles and bones injured and frightfully cut. He was thought to be dead
from lost of blood before medical aid could be summoned, but two physician succeeded
in rallying him to some extent. The feet will probably have to amputated.
Rev. Henry A. Wales, a former pastor of the Biddeford Universalist Church, died
Sunday evening, aged 66 years. It was during his pastorate in Biddeford that the
Greenback party came into existence, and he became one of its most ardent champions
taking the stump in behalf of the candidates in the memorable campaign of 1879. Later
he moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan, but returned to Biddeford about six years ago,
and has since made his home at the resident of his son-in-law, Captain E. S. Gowen
of the Biddeford Light Infantry, now at Chickamauga. Mr. Wales was a scholarly man
and an eloquent orator. He leaves a widow, a son and a daughter.
George Dean, 16 years old of age, a bell boy at a Kennebunkport hotel, was drowned
while bathing. He was a son of Freeman Dean of Saco.
Ephraim C. Spinney, one of the oldest and wealthiest residents of Kittery, died
Thursday, aged 77. Deceased was one of the most prominent Democrats in York
County for man years. While not a member of the bar he for many years transacted
much legal business for the farmers of his section. He also filled the office of coroner
for nearly 15 years. He is survived by a sister, who has been his housekeeper for
many years. He was a member of Naval Lodge of Freemasons of Kittery.
The Biddeford Journal says that "Parson" McKinney, the former New Hampshire
Congressman who has been nominated as Honorable T. B. Reed's opponent by the
Democrat of the First district, will be one of the attractions at the York County Fair.
He is expected make a speech there.
Professor Arthur B. Leach, who has just been elected principal of the Manual
Training School at Saco, has been one of the instructors in the Manual Training School
at Port Deposit, Maryland.
Peter Pourier of Biddeford walked off a piazza, falling 15 feet on Thursday, which
by an odd coincident was the first anniversary of the premature blasting accident which
rendered him blind. His condition is serious.
Roscoe Henderson of North Berwick met with a serious accident Friday, while
entering Portsmouth on his wheel. Riding down a hill at a rapid pace he took a header
and was thrown violently into the gutter. His wrist was dislocated and he received a
bad scalp wound. He was picked up by two young men in a passing team and taken to a
physicians' office, where he his injuries were attended to.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
During this last spring Calvin Davis, of Brownville, has lost one cow by sickness,
another by swallowing a hat pin which pierced her heart, recently a fine two years old
colt which was found dead in the pasture.
John H. Morgan Post, Guilford, has voted to extend an invitation to Henry Hudson,
Esq., of Dover, to deliver the address Memorial Day, next year.
A number of Dover and Foxcroft citizens interested for the university extension
work, met at the residence of Rev. M. B. Townsend to organize a center under the
auspices of the University Association of Chicago. The following were chosen officers;
President, Dr. A. H. Stanhope; Vice-president Mr. O. W. Hayes; secretary, Mrs. H. H.
Hayes. The center will have its first meeting on the first Wednesday of September, at
half past seven o'clock at the residence of Dr. Stanhope, when the first three lessons in
the first book will be taken up.
The Elmer Troy who was charged with breaking into the store at Sangerville and
was bound over for the grand jury in the sum of $700 was taken to Bangor Wednesday,
as he was unable to furnish bonds.
Freeman Washburn of Guilford, fell from the very top of the Dolloff building on
which he was at work recently, and escaped without serious injury as the force of his
fall was broken by striking on each stage in his course.
The big steel cargo steamer Winifred was launched from Bath Iron Works. Miss
Jane Moulton, daughter of ex-collector Moulton, christened the craft which will be
commanded by Captain Charles Hodgkins of Lamoine.
Isaac Staples a native of Topsham and one of the heaviest lumbermen in the north-
west, died at his home in Stillwater, Minnesota, Monday evening, aged 82 years.
He owned the mill and elevator burned at Stillwater a week ago, and also a second
mill at Maple Island, Minnesota. He owned several fine farms and was deeply
interested in stock raising and kindred pursuits. As a large stockholder in the
Lumbermen's National Bank of Stillwater, he held the office as president since it
organization in 1871. Mr. Staples was a very active and energetic man, and has been
exceptionally successful in business affairs. He leaves an estate, variously estimated
at $1,000,000 to $3,000,000. He had been twice married and is survived by five grown
A school of instruction was held in the Grand Army Hall at Skowhegan, Friday
under the auspices of Russell Relief Corps. Large delegations from Bates Corps,
Norridgewock, Sergeant Wyman Corps, Oakland, E. P. Pratt Corps, Fairfield, and
J. W. Lincoln Corps, Sidney, were present. The meeting was conducted by Addie
Viola Grant, department president, and Susan H. Herrick, department chaplain,
W. R. C. The attendance of prominent state workers in G. A. R. circles was large.
Mr. W. W. Mayo, formerly member of Good Will Farm, and Miss Myra Dooly, a
former matron in Good Will Cottage, were married at Monterey, New York, June 21st.
While on their wedding trip they visited Good Will Farm. Mr. Mayo is superintendent
of the Berkshire Industrial Farm, Canaan Four Corners, N. Y., better known as the
Burnham Industrial Farm.
Mr. C. L. Holbrook of Stark, will have about 75 bushels of strawberries this season.
A post office has been established in Somerset and Mrs. Hattie M. Wilber has been
appointed Post Master.
Miss Elsie Fellows of Skowhegan took the prize for ladies in Colby College for the
best article written upon a subject without previous preparation. The contestants had
two hours in which to complete their work. One prize was given for ladies and one for
Frank H. Molton, supposed to be the man who was found dead under suspicious
circumstances in New York, Friday morning, was a buyer for the wholesale firm of
Kirshbaul & Co., New York and Philadelphia. He was from 40 to 45 years of age. He
done business with L. Anderson & Co., of the Coburn woolen mills, Skowhegan, and
has been there two or three times during the year. He spent a two weeks vacation here
recently and is very highly spoken of. He was never a resident of Skowhegan.
Percy Drinkwater of Belfast caught a five and half pound pickerel at Cross Pond,
' one day recently.
Belfast has voted to reduce its hose company from 31 to 20 and its hook and
ladder company from 20 to 15.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Rev. Arthur Varley has accepted a call to the Congregational Church in Bethel
and will begin his work at once. Mr. Varley was formerly located in Oxford, but has
for some time past been in New York state.
At the dedication of the Congregationalist Chapel recently built at Norway Center,
a sermon appropriate to the occasion was preached by the pastor, Rev. R. S. Rideout.
The people of the church and parish erected the chapel and Miss Sarah Holt, one of the
members of the church, finishes the interior and furnishes it. The chapel contains a room
for social meeting, a kitchen and vestibule.
Mr. George T. Green, of Newton Theological Institution is to supply the church in
Bethel during the summer months.
Mrs. Jacob McKeen of Porter, has been taken to the town farm on account of her
Roscoe LeBaron, Superintendent of the Lovell Poor Farm, while mowing Thursday
with his oxen, when it was accidently cut on the machine so badly it is thought it will
have to be killed.
Millet Brothers of Mouncy have had a large number of sheep killed by dogs recently.
Out of a flock of 40 or more, only about a dozen escaped injury. Two of the dogs have
been killed.
Dr. Byron McKeen, of Harbor, Fryeburg has accepted a position at the Insane
Hospital at Augusta.
Charles Dansereaux of Rumford Falls was seriously injured Sunday by falling
down stairs. He struck on his head, bruising one eye and receiving a concussion of
the brain. His condition is critical.
Professor Charles P. Barnes of Norway was taken suddenly sick with appendicitis
and was carried to Central Maine General Hospital for treatment Wednesday, where
he will have an operation performed. Mr. Barns suffered a severe illness last spring
at Attleboro, Mass., with the same disease from which he recovered without an
operation. Professor Barnes who teaches at the Attleboro, Mass., academy, will
enjoy a $200 increase in salary next year. His sub-master Mr. Allie French of Norway,
Maine, has been retained for the coming year at a salary of $1000.
Mrs. Emma A. Fogg, who went from her home and husband in Hartford, about
the last of May, has been found. She eloped with William Gouthier of Gouthierville,
Turner, who had been working at the Fogg farm. Detective Odlin found her
working in a boarding house at Lisbon Falls, where she had hired out while
Goutheir went off cutting wood. She and Gouthier finally had trouble and he had
returned to his home in Turner, leaving the women to get along as she might. She
returned with the officer to Hartford.
Calvin Cummings has been appointed ferryman at West Bethel.
The funeral of Sergeant Major Charles S. Bartlett whose death occurred at
Chickamauga Sunday week was held in Norway, Maine, Thursday. All the
business places in the village were closed. The Sons of Veterans, former members
of Company D. and the member of the New England Order of Protection, attended, as
well as a large concourse of citizens. the entrance to the armory was draped in
mourning for captain Bartlett by ex-Captain Stiles. Above the doors is a large red,
white and blue shield with national flags draped at either side. Over the arched
entrances are long line of black and white crape. Captain Bartlett leaves a widow,
a little son, parents and one brother. The brother, a member of the same regiment
was detailed to accompany the remains to Norway. This was the first death among
Maine soldiers. Funeral services were conducted at Chickamauga by Chaplin
Eastbrook of the regiment. The bearers were the captains of other companies.
A movement is on foot in Bangor to have Lieutenant Stanley P. Dennett of
Company C., First Maine Volunteers, appointed in the place of Charles Bartlett of
that regiment who died a short time ago.
Orono is discussing the question of holding the bondsman responsible for the
taxes uncollected by the late tax collector, Honorable Charles Buffum.
O. L. Gould reports a good run of business of his wool carding mill, Valley
Avenue, Bangor.
In the Penobscot Court of Insolvency on Wednesday morning, there was a
hearing on a dividend in the case of the East Pond Manufacturing Company, one of
the numerous sections on the great Shaw & Morse stamp-a second hearing for a
dividend in the case of Elisha W. Shaw. In the latter case Attorney General William T.
Haines, of Waterville, acting privately as assignee in the Shaw case filed 28 objections
in as many claims of creditors. The hearing probably will last several days.
Henry Spencer, a resident of Milford, who has been cared for by the town for some
time, has fallen heir to about $5000. The Milford selectmen, it is understood, have
received a letter from a Massachusetts town authorities that the wife of Mr. Spencer,
had died leaving him the sum of $5,000. Many of the older residents can remember
when Spencer was one of the wealthiest lumber manufacturers in this vicinity and
his check was good for $30,000 or $40,000, but misfortune over took him and he
gradually lost all he had.
Second Lieutenant Herbert N. Royden, Twenty-third Infantry, is relieved from
duty as military professor of the University of Maine by the Secretary of War, who
directs that, upon the completion of his duties as mustering officer, he proceed to
Chickamauga Park, and report to Brigadier General Charles P. Mattocks, United
States Volunteers, for duty as aide-de-camp on his staff.
At Republican canons held at Bangor Friday evening, F. O. Beal, Isaiah K. Stitson
and Frederick H. Parkhurst were nominated as candidates for representatives in
in the Legislature.
James Kelley of Bangor, was found at the foot of the big ledge near the old
European & North American round house in semi-conscious condition Wednesday
morning. It is supposed that he slipped while ascending the step which lead from the
track to the cliff above and fell.
At the Epworth League conferences at Bangor, the department meetings were held
Wednesday. Among those who took part in the these meetings were; Rev. E. M.
Taylor, D. D., of Cambridge; D. K. Webster, Lawrence; Charles D. Magee, Boston;
Professor Charles D. Woods, of the University of Maine; Rev. George Butters,
Somerville; Rev. S. M. Dick, Providence, R. I.; W. Scott, Brockton; B. F. Kingsley,
Fitchburg. At 11:15 Miss Mary A. Danforth of Japan, addressed the conference on the
subject of foreign missions. In the afternoon addresses were delivered by Honorable A.
S. Roe, of Worcester, and Rev. Andrew Gills, of Montpelier. Mass meetings at 3:30 were
addressed by Rev. George S. Butters, Somerville; Rev. Charles A. Crane, D. D., East
Boston; Professor Harriet J. Cooke, Ph. D., and Miss Mary Lunn of Boston. At the
evening service, Rev. W. T. Perrin, Ph. D., preached on "An Evening to Fan the Fires
of Love to Christ." Thursday was excursion day for the Epworth League and a large
number of the visiting delegates took advantage of the occasion and visited Moosehead
Lake and Bar Harbor. In the evening a mass meeting was held in Y. M. C. A. hall, with
music by the First Church choir under the leadership of James H. Haynes. A devotional
service was conducted by Rev. W. W. Ogier D. D., and presiding elder of the Rockland
district, and it was one of the most impressive meetings of the convention. After this
service Rev. Dr. S. Parks Cadman, D. D., pastor of the Metropolitan Temple, New York,
was introduced as the speaker. Dr. Cadman's subject was "The Puritan in England and
America." The lecture was a most interesting and instructive one, Dr. Cadman receiving
the closet attention from his audience.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Rev. Mr. Whitney, a student at Newton Theological Seminary is spending his
summer vacation with Mr. E. E. Swett of East Surry, and preaches with the Baptist
Church at that place and Surry village.
Fire Tuesday week in Ellsworth near No. 7, where the W. C. R. operating on a
right of way, spread quickly and several camps owned by Cannon & Ryan and inhabited
by Italians employed on work, a tent and 200 railroad ties and hacks were destroyed.
Colonel Eugene Griffin, now in command of the First Regt., United States Volunteers
is a native of Ellsworth.
Simon P. Newcombe, a well know citizen and long time resident died at his home in
Bucksport, Thursday morning after a long illness. He was born in Cornwallis, Nova
Scotia, May 1, 1823, coming to Bucksport 30 years ago and following his trade of
ship carpenter at which he was regarded as exceptionally proficient. He leaves besides
the wife, two sons and three daughters.
Mrs. Emma W. Condon, the oldest resident of South Brookville, who has seen her
92nd birthday, recently walked to the photographer's and had her picture taken for the
first time in her life.
The nomination of Henry Whiting of Ellsworth for Collector of Customs for Frenchman's
Bay district give general satisfaction, says the Ellsworth American. He is will qualified
for the office. Mr. Whiting has been associated with the business interests of Ellsworth
for the past 23 years. He is He is a member of the present firm of Whiting Brothers. The
business established in 1846 by Mr. Whiting's father, the late Henry Whiting, and his
uncle S. K. Whiting. Mr. Whiting has never held other public office than that of alderman
of the city. He is at present secretary of the Republican County Committee.
The principal wedding of the season at Bar Harbor took place at noon Wednesday in
St. Saviour's Episcopal Church when Miss Helen Sanders and Mr. Hugh Scott, both of
Philadelphia were united in marriage. Rev. Mr. Billings of Groton School, Groton, Mass.,
officiated. Miss Sanders made her debut in Philadelphia society two winters ago and had
always been very popular among her acquaintances. Mr. Scott had just graduated from
Harvard, where he was a prominent club man. He is a son of James P. Scott, both well
known in Philadelphia and Bar Harbor society.
Fred Chase the 12 year old son of patrolman Chase of Augusta, was badly burned
Friday afternoon on one leg, his breast, hands and face. He was playing with a small
quantity of powder, which exploded, igniting his clothes. He ran into a barber shop
shop with his clothes ablaze, the inmates tearing them off, and drenching him with
B. M. Cross an Augusta gardener, marketed five bushels of strawberries last week.
Lieutenant Otho W. B. Farr, mentioned in the press dispatches from Santiago, as
among the wounded, is a native of Oakland, and was appointed to West Point by
Representative Miliken. He took high rank at the military academy and for his
proficiency was assigned to the artillery branch. His brother Water B. Farr, graduated
at Colby, leading his class in scholarship, and then studied law at Harvard.
H. I. Libby, who is managing his father's farming lands at Libby Park, Waterville,
recently sold a yearling elk to a professional trainer of animals for a round sum. The
young elk was roped and broken to lead in two hours after taking him from the deer
Warren S. Elden of Waterville, for the last year and a half instructor in Latin at
the University of Maine, has been promoted by vote of the trustees to be assistant
professor in the same department.
William S. Grant of Gardiner, he of the "Grant Claim" fame has purchased the
Captain Abram Rich estate, in Farmingdale and is making extensive improvements,
an entire new ell being built. The house is located on one of the most beautiful sites on
the river, say the New Age.
The three year old child of Joseph Lavine of Waterville fell in front of a horse while
playing one day last week, and was seriously injured.
Honorable G. W. Bradbury, aged 90 years, arguing a case before state assessors, was
an event of note in Augusta last week.
A large oil portrait of the late Dr. John Hubbard of Hallowell, Governor of Maine
in the years of 1850-1853, was received at the State Library in Augusta, Thursday. It
is the gift of his son, Thomas H. Hubbard of New York, who presented Hallowell with its
free library. The picture is painted from an old daguerreotype taken at the time Dr.
Hubbard was governor, and is the work of the famous portrait artist Eastman Johnson,
who was at one time Secretary of State.
In response to the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cushman of Winslow there
gathered at their house July 4th, descendants of John Drummond of Winslow to the
number of 100 or more. The reunion was an exceedingly pleasant affair, members of the
family being present from several states. At noon a fine picnic dinner was served in the
big barn, which was gaily and handsomely decorated with red, white and blue bunting
and a profusion of flags. During the afternoon a business meeting was held of which E.
R. Drummond, Esq., was made chairman and Norman K. Fuller, secretary. It was voted
to form an organization and a committee having full power to effect such organization
and arrange for the holding a future reunion was appointed.
Daniel Andrews of West Rockport, who is in his 100th year, has been feeble but
is now convalescent.
Rev. T. P. Jones baptized 23 persons at Cottage Cove, Washington, Sunday week.
Miss Blanche Schwartz, daughter of contractor of W. E. Schwartz of Camden, met
with an accident the Fourth, which came very near resulting disastrously. She was riding
on the merry-go-around when one of the posts came out which threw the horses backward,
throwing Miss Schwartz under them. She was hit upon the head and was for some time
unconscious. She was taken home and was confined to the bed for some days, It was
feared at first that her head would be affected but it is now thought that she will fully
Mr. Raymond H. Cook, son of Mr. Albert Cook of Friendship, graduated from
Colby University in the Class of 1898, and stood high in his class. Mr. Cook has been
engaged as principal of the high school at Sterling, Mass., for the coming year.
M.S. Campbell has been appointed postmaster at Isle of Springs.
Parker D. Feyler has just completed a new barn at Waldoboro, a little out of the
common. It is 40 feet square and the side and roof are formed by four trusses of two by-
eighty by plank, put together with screw bolts. The barn is built upon a ledge, and sits
upon split granite underpinning. The ground floor is commented instead of wood.
H. J. A. Simmons, has been appointed Collector of Taxes for the town of
Waldoboro for 1898.
In the death of Mrs. Pinkham which occurred recently on Barber's Island, Boothbay
loses its oldest inhabitants, and the Methodist Episcopal Church it oldest member. Mrs.
Pinkham had lived for a number of years with her son Wesley Pinkham, at whose
house she had died. Mrs. Pinkham was born on September 4th, 1794, and was thus
nearly 104 years old. Mrs. Pinkham was the daughter of Henry Abbott, who with his
father were soldiers in the Revolution. On her 100th birthday she told to her guests the
stories told by them of the battles at Concord and Bunker Hill. Mrs. Pinkham was an
intelligent woman of deep religious convictions. She was consciously converted to God
at the age of five years, say the Boothbay Register, and had lived a consistent religious
life of nearly 98 years. She had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for
58 years. Mrs. Pinkham leaves eight children, two having died, 22 grandchildren, 35
great grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren.
Ephraim Jones of Damariscotta Mills, who was severely injured by falling from a
load of hay, died last week in the Portland hospital.
Friday, December 6, 2013
A valuable horse belonging to Joseph Alvin of Danville Junction was killed in
the hay field last week.
Master Henry Emery Rowe, aged seven years, of Mechanic Falls, is probably the
youngest telegraph operator in the state. He has "talked" over the wires with a Boston
operator and also with one at Rangeley Lake while on a recent visit to Jay.
William Dingley, as old and esteemed citizen of Auburn, died last week, aged 81
years. He was a brother of Honorable J. Dingley, Jr., and Miss Elizabeth Dingley of
Auburn, and of the late Nelson Dingley, Sr. He leaves two sons and a daughter.
Mr. Orland S. Ham, for the past 27 years in the grain business at Haymarket
Square, has sold out the business to his brother, Mr. E. P. Ham of Lewiston. Mr. Ham
started in at this stand when he was 16 years old and has managed a large and
prosperous concern there all these years, making it one of the headquarters in this line
business in this county. He has been a large investor in real estate in Lewiston and
Auburn and will make the real estate business his occupation for the future.
R. C. Sumner, proprietor of the Lewiston City Hotel, was before the police court
Saturday afternoon, charged with doing business without a license, and he was fine
$50 and costs. He appealed. The matter has caused much interest as it is generally
understood that this was to be a test case, occasioned by the city council, refusing to
grant licenses to keepers of what they decide to be other than bona fide hotels and
Mrs. A. T. Neal of Lewiston is having a tomb built at Riverside cemetery that
will cost about $4000 when completed, and will be the handsomest private tomb in
Androscoggin County.
One of North Turner's oldest inhabitants, Mrs. Alanson Merrill, passed away on
Monday, July 4th at the house of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Harris, aged 90 years.
Her husband died many years ago. She was the mother of seven children, one of
whom survives her. Two of Mrs. Merrill sons served in the War of the Rebellion.
Although in feeble body for many years, she retained her faculties to a remarkable
degree. During this long period of feebleness she was tenderly cared for by her
daughter. Mrs. Merrill's maiden name was Leavitt, and she had many relatives and
friends in the town of Turner.
A fine flag presented by Mr. George E. Hanscomb, of Boston, formerly of
Livermore, was raised at North Livermore, July 4th.
Ex-Alderman James L. Martin died suddenly Friday night at his home on
Sturgis Hill, Auburn, aged 63. He had a shock of paralysis a few weeks ago, but
had partially recovered and was able to be about the house. Friday evening he went
to the barn, and upon his return, he sat down and was taken suddenly ill, falling
out of his chair and dying instantly. Mr. Martin was a well known farmer, and had
the respect of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was born in Poland
Maine and was a son of the late Robert Martin who, during his active days was
prominent in old Danville public affairs. He leaves a wife and one son Albert C.
Martin. He served in Auburn city government twice as alderman and three times as
councilman. He was a member of important committees, and his judgment and
counsel were quite generally followed. He was a member and loyal worker in the
Danville Junction Grange, and was its first master. During the recent construction of
the Grange hall he was a member of the building committee.
Preston N. Burleigh of Presque Isle is a candidates for the office of County
Commissioner and his name will be presented at the next Republican County
T. H. Phair is having his Limestone starch mills remodeled. When finished these
mill will be among the best in the country.
Lightning struck L. E. Berce's barn in Woodland, Sunday week, and started
three small blazes, all of which were extinguished by Mr. Berce without difficulty.
The lightning slivered the boards and timbers where it struck in minute places.
Friday evening Rev. Kenneth and Mrs. McKay celebrated at their house in
Houlton, the 25th anniversary of their wedding. About 400 invitations were sent out.
The Republican of Island Falls, Sherman, Smyrna, Moro, Hersey, Oakfield, etc.,
have nominated Alpheus Craig of Island Falls for Representative to the Legislature.
Miss Kate D. Webber, formerly a resident of Island Falls, was among those who
were drowned in Salem Bay recently by the capsizing of a steamer.
The store of H. H. Robinson at Presque Isle was broken into one night last week
and silverware, etc. to the value of $30 was stolen. The Bangor Whig thinks it must
have been a small fellow who did the job as the entrance was made through a very
small opening from the alley.
Walter Stephens of Presque Isle has 80 acres planted to potatoes, which are growing
Orders were received at Fort Preble Friday to prepare Battery E of the 2nd
Artillery, to start for Cuba on the 12th. It is understood that the men are to go in
command of Captain Hutchinson, and that they are to go to Tampa and from there
to Santiago. The Connecticut Companies will then probably moved down and garrison
Fort Preble.
Joseph Strout of South Harrison has this season trapped and shot 90 woodchucks.
Osborne Woodward of Brunswick sold 40 tons of hay in his barn last week for $2
per ton. Several people have delivered hay the past week for the low price of $4 per ton.
J. K. Martin of Bridgton, recently landlord of the Falmouth Hotel, Portland , badly
poisoned his hand the first of the week by handling a foreign plant lately placed upon
the lawn.
Services were held by Rev. William G. Mann, the pastor in the Warren Church,
Cumberland Mills, Sunday morning, in gratitude for what has been accomplished by
the nation and prayers were held for God's continued blessing, in accordance with
the proclamation of President McKinley to the Christian people of the nation.
The "Fickett Mansion," at South Portland, which suffered so severely by fire almost
to utter destruction, was the oldest in that section of South Portland. It was built 200
years ago by Mr. Elder and has domiciled many of the old families of the town.
A special town meeting is called to be held in Bridgton on the afternoon of July
16th. Its purpose is to consider the acceptance of the town ways recently located by
the selectman in various section of the town, namely Abbott Road on the Highlands,
the alteration in the road petitioned for by Sylvester E. Bishop and others. Also the
new road located by the new George H. Gilman house, and to raise money with which
to build the same.
The Bridgton Public Library has just received from Honorable Thomas H. Reed,
a full report of the latest census. The library is now in flourishing condition.
Major Augustus W. Corliss who was wounded at Santiago, was a Yarmouth boy,
one of the well known Corliss family. His mother, who was Miss Field before her
marriage, belonged to an old aristocratic family. She was a very handsome woman
and one of great beauty of character. His oldest sister Lucy, was the first wife of the
late Rev. George Quimby. Major Corliss has a great love for his native town and has
published some papers gathering up the old pictures and stories of the old people.
Old Times, or Old Town Times, he called them. He is remembered in Yarmouth as
a fine scholar and close student.
Silas J. Adams of West Gray, proprietor of the Mountain View Farm is dead,
aged 50.
While intoxicated Saturday night, James Reynolds, an employee in the Forest
mills, attacked and seriously stabbed Mr. and Mrs. Lopeman, and when James
Welter came to their help, he was stabbed in the right hip to the bone, and the
sciatic nerve injured. He was arrested and placed in the lockup. Late Sunday night
a confederate furnished him with a piece of joist, and he smashed out the rear
of lockup and is yet at large. The Bridgton News says a reward of $25 is offered
for his apprehension.
Miss Cynthia Wing of Phillips, who was accidentally injured by a school boy
three weeks ago, remains in critical condition, being injured in her back and hips.
The Woolen Company of Phillips have commenced operation by clearing away
the old mill and are now repairing the dam with Gus Hiscock, of Farmington as
Dr. Albert Preston, surgeon of a New York Regiment, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.
G. Preston, of Farmington, was born in New Vineyard in 1869.
Simon Bragg of Fairbanks, had corn all spindled out June 29th and Lorin
Smith of the same town marketed peas June 23rd.
Captain Edgerly, Seventh Cavalry U. S. A., is Colonel Edgerly now and
inspection general. He is a descendant of Colonel Thomas Tash and John Waldron,
and was born in Farmington. There have been successive Thomas Tashes and one
was once superintendent of schools in Portland.
A portrait of the late Henry E. Dyer of New Sharon has been placed in the Law
Library at Farmington. It was a gift from Mrs. Dyer.
Chapman of Bowdoin College, Mrs. Helen Coffin Beedy, Mrs. Fanny Norton
Moore of Boston, and Professor George C. Purington of Farmington, the latter
speaking on "Purpose and Growth of the School." The alumni held a business
meeting during the afternoon, electing officers and committees for the ensuing three
years. During the day the trustees inspected the new school building, and held a
public examination of the graduating classes which number 55, five in the advanced
course and 50 the regular course.
Henry Parlin of Bean's Corner, Jay, has 10 ewes which have 16 lambs.
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