Sunday, December 8, 2013
Rev. Mr. Whitney, a student at Newton Theological Seminary is spending his
summer vacation with Mr. E. E. Swett of East Surry, and preaches with the Baptist
Church at that place and Surry village.
Fire Tuesday week in Ellsworth near No. 7, where the W. C. R. operating on a
right of way, spread quickly and several camps owned by Cannon & Ryan and inhabited
by Italians employed on work, a tent and 200 railroad ties and hacks were destroyed.
Colonel Eugene Griffin, now in command of the First Regt., United States Volunteers
is a native of Ellsworth.
Simon P. Newcombe, a well know citizen and long time resident died at his home in
Bucksport, Thursday morning after a long illness. He was born in Cornwallis, Nova
Scotia, May 1, 1823, coming to Bucksport 30 years ago and following his trade of
ship carpenter at which he was regarded as exceptionally proficient. He leaves besides
the wife, two sons and three daughters.
Mrs. Emma W. Condon, the oldest resident of South Brookville, who has seen her
92nd birthday, recently walked to the photographer's and had her picture taken for the
first time in her life.
The nomination of Henry Whiting of Ellsworth for Collector of Customs for Frenchman's
Bay district give general satisfaction, says the Ellsworth American. He is will qualified
for the office. Mr. Whiting has been associated with the business interests of Ellsworth
for the past 23 years. He is He is a member of the present firm of Whiting Brothers. The
business established in 1846 by Mr. Whiting's father, the late Henry Whiting, and his
uncle S. K. Whiting. Mr. Whiting has never held other public office than that of alderman
of the city. He is at present secretary of the Republican County Committee.
The principal wedding of the season at Bar Harbor took place at noon Wednesday in
St. Saviour's Episcopal Church when Miss Helen Sanders and Mr. Hugh Scott, both of
Philadelphia were united in marriage. Rev. Mr. Billings of Groton School, Groton, Mass.,
officiated. Miss Sanders made her debut in Philadelphia society two winters ago and had
always been very popular among her acquaintances. Mr. Scott had just graduated from
Harvard, where he was a prominent club man. He is a son of James P. Scott, both well
known in Philadelphia and Bar Harbor society.
Fred Chase the 12 year old son of patrolman Chase of Augusta, was badly burned
Friday afternoon on one leg, his breast, hands and face. He was playing with a small
quantity of powder, which exploded, igniting his clothes. He ran into a barber shop
shop with his clothes ablaze, the inmates tearing them off, and drenching him with
B. M. Cross an Augusta gardener, marketed five bushels of strawberries last week.
Lieutenant Otho W. B. Farr, mentioned in the press dispatches from Santiago, as
among the wounded, is a native of Oakland, and was appointed to West Point by
Representative Miliken. He took high rank at the military academy and for his
proficiency was assigned to the artillery branch. His brother Water B. Farr, graduated
at Colby, leading his class in scholarship, and then studied law at Harvard.
H. I. Libby, who is managing his father's farming lands at Libby Park, Waterville,
recently sold a yearling elk to a professional trainer of animals for a round sum. The
young elk was roped and broken to lead in two hours after taking him from the deer
Warren S. Elden of Waterville, for the last year and a half instructor in Latin at
the University of Maine, has been promoted by vote of the trustees to be assistant
professor in the same department.
William S. Grant of Gardiner, he of the "Grant Claim" fame has purchased the
Captain Abram Rich estate, in Farmingdale and is making extensive improvements,
an entire new ell being built. The house is located on one of the most beautiful sites on
the river, say the New Age.
The three year old child of Joseph Lavine of Waterville fell in front of a horse while
playing one day last week, and was seriously injured.
Honorable G. W. Bradbury, aged 90 years, arguing a case before state assessors, was
an event of note in Augusta last week.
A large oil portrait of the late Dr. John Hubbard of Hallowell, Governor of Maine
in the years of 1850-1853, was received at the State Library in Augusta, Thursday. It
is the gift of his son, Thomas H. Hubbard of New York, who presented Hallowell with its
free library. The picture is painted from an old daguerreotype taken at the time Dr.
Hubbard was governor, and is the work of the famous portrait artist Eastman Johnson,
who was at one time Secretary of State.
In response to the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cushman of Winslow there
gathered at their house July 4th, descendants of John Drummond of Winslow to the
number of 100 or more. The reunion was an exceedingly pleasant affair, members of the
family being present from several states. At noon a fine picnic dinner was served in the
big barn, which was gaily and handsomely decorated with red, white and blue bunting
and a profusion of flags. During the afternoon a business meeting was held of which E.
R. Drummond, Esq., was made chairman and Norman K. Fuller, secretary. It was voted
to form an organization and a committee having full power to effect such organization
and arrange for the holding a future reunion was appointed.
Daniel Andrews of West Rockport, who is in his 100th year, has been feeble but
is now convalescent.
Rev. T. P. Jones baptized 23 persons at Cottage Cove, Washington, Sunday week.
Miss Blanche Schwartz, daughter of contractor of W. E. Schwartz of Camden, met
with an accident the Fourth, which came very near resulting disastrously. She was riding
on the merry-go-around when one of the posts came out which threw the horses backward,
throwing Miss Schwartz under them. She was hit upon the head and was for some time
unconscious. She was taken home and was confined to the bed for some days, It was
feared at first that her head would be affected but it is now thought that she will fully
Mr. Raymond H. Cook, son of Mr. Albert Cook of Friendship, graduated from
Colby University in the Class of 1898, and stood high in his class. Mr. Cook has been
engaged as principal of the high school at Sterling, Mass., for the coming year.
M.S. Campbell has been appointed postmaster at Isle of Springs.
Parker D. Feyler has just completed a new barn at Waldoboro, a little out of the
common. It is 40 feet square and the side and roof are formed by four trusses of two by-
eighty by plank, put together with screw bolts. The barn is built upon a ledge, and sits
upon split granite underpinning. The ground floor is commented instead of wood.
H. J. A. Simmons, has been appointed Collector of Taxes for the town of
Waldoboro for 1898.
In the death of Mrs. Pinkham which occurred recently on Barber's Island, Boothbay
loses its oldest inhabitants, and the Methodist Episcopal Church it oldest member. Mrs.
Pinkham had lived for a number of years with her son Wesley Pinkham, at whose
house she had died. Mrs. Pinkham was born on September 4th, 1794, and was thus
nearly 104 years old. Mrs. Pinkham was the daughter of Henry Abbott, who with his
father were soldiers in the Revolution. On her 100th birthday she told to her guests the
stories told by them of the battles at Concord and Bunker Hill. Mrs. Pinkham was an
intelligent woman of deep religious convictions. She was consciously converted to God
at the age of five years, say the Boothbay Register, and had lived a consistent religious
life of nearly 98 years. She had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for
58 years. Mrs. Pinkham leaves eight children, two having died, 22 grandchildren, 35
great grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren.
Ephraim Jones of Damariscotta Mills, who was severely injured by falling from a
load of hay, died last week in the Portland hospital.
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