Friday, December 6, 2013
A valuable horse belonging to Joseph Alvin of Danville Junction was killed in
the hay field last week.
Master Henry Emery Rowe, aged seven years, of Mechanic Falls, is probably the
youngest telegraph operator in the state. He has "talked" over the wires with a Boston
operator and also with one at Rangeley Lake while on a recent visit to Jay.
William Dingley, as old and esteemed citizen of Auburn, died last week, aged 81
years. He was a brother of Honorable J. Dingley, Jr., and Miss Elizabeth Dingley of
Auburn, and of the late Nelson Dingley, Sr. He leaves two sons and a daughter.
Mr. Orland S. Ham, for the past 27 years in the grain business at Haymarket
Square, has sold out the business to his brother, Mr. E. P. Ham of Lewiston. Mr. Ham
started in at this stand when he was 16 years old and has managed a large and
prosperous concern there all these years, making it one of the headquarters in this line
business in this county. He has been a large investor in real estate in Lewiston and
Auburn and will make the real estate business his occupation for the future.
R. C. Sumner, proprietor of the Lewiston City Hotel, was before the police court
Saturday afternoon, charged with doing business without a license, and he was fine
$50 and costs. He appealed. The matter has caused much interest as it is generally
understood that this was to be a test case, occasioned by the city council, refusing to
grant licenses to keepers of what they decide to be other than bona fide hotels and
Mrs. A. T. Neal of Lewiston is having a tomb built at Riverside cemetery that
will cost about $4000 when completed, and will be the handsomest private tomb in
Androscoggin County.
One of North Turner's oldest inhabitants, Mrs. Alanson Merrill, passed away on
Monday, July 4th at the house of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Harris, aged 90 years.
Her husband died many years ago. She was the mother of seven children, one of
whom survives her. Two of Mrs. Merrill sons served in the War of the Rebellion.
Although in feeble body for many years, she retained her faculties to a remarkable
degree. During this long period of feebleness she was tenderly cared for by her
daughter. Mrs. Merrill's maiden name was Leavitt, and she had many relatives and
friends in the town of Turner.
A fine flag presented by Mr. George E. Hanscomb, of Boston, formerly of
Livermore, was raised at North Livermore, July 4th.
Ex-Alderman James L. Martin died suddenly Friday night at his home on
Sturgis Hill, Auburn, aged 63. He had a shock of paralysis a few weeks ago, but
had partially recovered and was able to be about the house. Friday evening he went
to the barn, and upon his return, he sat down and was taken suddenly ill, falling
out of his chair and dying instantly. Mr. Martin was a well known farmer, and had
the respect of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was born in Poland
Maine and was a son of the late Robert Martin who, during his active days was
prominent in old Danville public affairs. He leaves a wife and one son Albert C.
Martin. He served in Auburn city government twice as alderman and three times as
councilman. He was a member of important committees, and his judgment and
counsel were quite generally followed. He was a member and loyal worker in the
Danville Junction Grange, and was its first master. During the recent construction of
the Grange hall he was a member of the building committee.
Preston N. Burleigh of Presque Isle is a candidates for the office of County
Commissioner and his name will be presented at the next Republican County
T. H. Phair is having his Limestone starch mills remodeled. When finished these
mill will be among the best in the country.
Lightning struck L. E. Berce's barn in Woodland, Sunday week, and started
three small blazes, all of which were extinguished by Mr. Berce without difficulty.
The lightning slivered the boards and timbers where it struck in minute places.
Friday evening Rev. Kenneth and Mrs. McKay celebrated at their house in
Houlton, the 25th anniversary of their wedding. About 400 invitations were sent out.
The Republican of Island Falls, Sherman, Smyrna, Moro, Hersey, Oakfield, etc.,
have nominated Alpheus Craig of Island Falls for Representative to the Legislature.
Miss Kate D. Webber, formerly a resident of Island Falls, was among those who
were drowned in Salem Bay recently by the capsizing of a steamer.
The store of H. H. Robinson at Presque Isle was broken into one night last week
and silverware, etc. to the value of $30 was stolen. The Bangor Whig thinks it must
have been a small fellow who did the job as the entrance was made through a very
small opening from the alley.
Walter Stephens of Presque Isle has 80 acres planted to potatoes, which are growing
Orders were received at Fort Preble Friday to prepare Battery E of the 2nd
Artillery, to start for Cuba on the 12th. It is understood that the men are to go in
command of Captain Hutchinson, and that they are to go to Tampa and from there
to Santiago. The Connecticut Companies will then probably moved down and garrison
Fort Preble.
Joseph Strout of South Harrison has this season trapped and shot 90 woodchucks.
Osborne Woodward of Brunswick sold 40 tons of hay in his barn last week for $2
per ton. Several people have delivered hay the past week for the low price of $4 per ton.
J. K. Martin of Bridgton, recently landlord of the Falmouth Hotel, Portland , badly
poisoned his hand the first of the week by handling a foreign plant lately placed upon
the lawn.
Services were held by Rev. William G. Mann, the pastor in the Warren Church,
Cumberland Mills, Sunday morning, in gratitude for what has been accomplished by
the nation and prayers were held for God's continued blessing, in accordance with
the proclamation of President McKinley to the Christian people of the nation.
The "Fickett Mansion," at South Portland, which suffered so severely by fire almost
to utter destruction, was the oldest in that section of South Portland. It was built 200
years ago by Mr. Elder and has domiciled many of the old families of the town.
A special town meeting is called to be held in Bridgton on the afternoon of July
16th. Its purpose is to consider the acceptance of the town ways recently located by
the selectman in various section of the town, namely Abbott Road on the Highlands,
the alteration in the road petitioned for by Sylvester E. Bishop and others. Also the
new road located by the new George H. Gilman house, and to raise money with which
to build the same.
The Bridgton Public Library has just received from Honorable Thomas H. Reed,
a full report of the latest census. The library is now in flourishing condition.
Major Augustus W. Corliss who was wounded at Santiago, was a Yarmouth boy,
one of the well known Corliss family. His mother, who was Miss Field before her
marriage, belonged to an old aristocratic family. She was a very handsome woman
and one of great beauty of character. His oldest sister Lucy, was the first wife of the
late Rev. George Quimby. Major Corliss has a great love for his native town and has
published some papers gathering up the old pictures and stories of the old people.
Old Times, or Old Town Times, he called them. He is remembered in Yarmouth as
a fine scholar and close student.
Silas J. Adams of West Gray, proprietor of the Mountain View Farm is dead,
aged 50.
While intoxicated Saturday night, James Reynolds, an employee in the Forest
mills, attacked and seriously stabbed Mr. and Mrs. Lopeman, and when James
Welter came to their help, he was stabbed in the right hip to the bone, and the
sciatic nerve injured. He was arrested and placed in the lockup. Late Sunday night
a confederate furnished him with a piece of joist, and he smashed out the rear
of lockup and is yet at large. The Bridgton News says a reward of $25 is offered
for his apprehension.
Miss Cynthia Wing of Phillips, who was accidentally injured by a school boy
three weeks ago, remains in critical condition, being injured in her back and hips.
The Woolen Company of Phillips have commenced operation by clearing away
the old mill and are now repairing the dam with Gus Hiscock, of Farmington as
Dr. Albert Preston, surgeon of a New York Regiment, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.
G. Preston, of Farmington, was born in New Vineyard in 1869.
Simon Bragg of Fairbanks, had corn all spindled out June 29th and Lorin
Smith of the same town marketed peas June 23rd.
Captain Edgerly, Seventh Cavalry U. S. A., is Colonel Edgerly now and
inspection general. He is a descendant of Colonel Thomas Tash and John Waldron,
and was born in Farmington. There have been successive Thomas Tashes and one
was once superintendent of schools in Portland.
A portrait of the late Henry E. Dyer of New Sharon has been placed in the Law
Library at Farmington. It was a gift from Mrs. Dyer.
Chapman of Bowdoin College, Mrs. Helen Coffin Beedy, Mrs. Fanny Norton
Moore of Boston, and Professor George C. Purington of Farmington, the latter
speaking on "Purpose and Growth of the School." The alumni held a business
meeting during the afternoon, electing officers and committees for the ensuing three
years. During the day the trustees inspected the new school building, and held a
public examination of the graduating classes which number 55, five in the advanced
course and 50 the regular course.
Henry Parlin of Bean's Corner, Jay, has 10 ewes which have 16 lambs.
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