Friday, December 20, 2013



          In this city on the 22nd inst., Mr. Flavius P. Bartlett, aged 22. On Saturday
     evening last, David Dana, Jr., aged about 30.
          In Cumberland, February 12th, Mr. Joseph Buxton, aged 42 years.
          In Minot, February 5th, William Reynolds, Jr., aged 44.
          In York, Miss Louisa H. Perkins, aged 19.
          In Pembroke, Mr. Ebenezer Dearborn.
          In Eden, Joseph S. Leland, aged 28; a child of J. B. Richards, aged 5 months.
          In New Gloucester, John Nelson, youngest child of Jesse and Mary Hayes, aged
     6 months.
          In Skowhegan, Mr. Joseph Galusha, aged 94.
          In Biddeford, Miss Harriet L. Pierson, aged 19.
          In Wells, Mr. John Wheelwright, aged 74.  Oliver Eaton, aged 6 years.
          In  Castine on the 14th inst., James Crawford, Esq., aged 71.
          In Tamsworth, New Hampshire, Rev. Samuel Hidden.
          In Vassalboro', Abigail Bailey, widow of the late John Bailey, of Portland,
     aged 86.
          In Ellsworth, Mrs. Elizabeth Warren.
          In Anson, a son of General F. Smith, aged 5, by falling into a kettle of hot water.
          In Belfast, M. Ariel P. Bennett, formerly of Troy aged 21.
          In Buckfield, Mrs. Lucy wife, of M. James B. Decoster, aged 26. Mrs. Lucy.
     wife of Mr. Andre Hall, aged about 34.  Mrs. _____, wife of Increase Spaulding,
     aged about 40.
          In Bath, Mrs. Sarah Grace, widow of the late Mr. Charles C. Richardson, aged
     8 months.
          In Weld, Jan 29th, very suddenly, Mrs. Mary Hold, aged 82, formerly of Wilton,
     New Hampshire. Printer in New Hampshire are requested, &c.
          In Conway, New Hampshire, December 29, 1836, MISS SARAH RUSSELL, in the
     EIGHTY-EIGHTH year of her age.-Her name before marriage was Eastman. She was
     born in Pembroke, from whence she removed early in life to the place of her burial. She
     was one of the little company of eight-four husbands with their wives-who composed
     the original church, gathered near distant intervals, they "left and disappeared." She
     was the last to go home. The Rev. Dr. Porter, who became their pastor soon after their
     church organization, had just gone, at the age of ninety-one, to join the others above-
     Now pastor and flock, as they then were, are all together.
          It may be said of the subject of this notice that her "path was the shining light."
     During the long period of her faith in Christ, her life was marked by a consistency not
     often exceeded, for seldom equaled-from careless trifling and that acrimony  that often
     mars the beauty of personal felicity she was equally free. A single remark, made to a
     neighbor a day or two before her death, at the same time that it discovers steadfast and
     beautiful faith, will give one a fine idea of what she was as a women and a Christian.
     She said "she could trust that Savior, who for more than fifty years had never forsake
          Her faculties of mind were retained in an unusual degree. In the last years of her life
     she was, in the respect much as in her brightest days.
          Her cheerful disposition, happy conversational powers, and for one of her years,
     uncommon interest in the occurrences of the day, made her company agreeable  to the
     aged and  the young-by those who knew her in general, and can  estimate true worth
     worth, her memory is loved. Like her may they live, and with her soul may their own at last
     be gathered.-Com
          In Blanchard, January 20th, Deacon Willow Bowker, aged 37.

          INSTALLATION. On Wednesday, the 15th inst., Rev. George W. Fargo, was
     installed pastor of the Congregational Church in Phillips.  The service on the occasion
     were performed as follows: Invocation and reading the Scripture, by Rev. Mr. Fobes;
     Introductory prayer by Rev. Simon Hackett, of Temple; Sermon by Rev. Josiah Peet,
     Norridgewock, from Isaiah 62;-Installing prayer by Rev. Isaac Rogers, of Farmington;
     Charge by Rev. E. Gillett D. D.; Right hand of fellowship by Rev. William May, of
     Strong; Address to the church and people by Rev. Joseph Underwood of New Sharon;
     Concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Talbot, of Wilton.
          The day was fine, the audience large, and the exercises were appropriate and
     and interesting, and it is hoped will result in great good to that interesting infant
     church, who seem to rejoice that their eyes are permitted to behold their teacher.
                                                                            Oren Sikes, Secretary of Council.
     Mercer, Feb. 20, 1837.

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