Sunday, December 22, 2013

THE PORTLAND TRANSCRIPT, Devoted to Arts, Science, Morals and News, June 6, 1846

          In this city, May 27th, by Rev. L. L. Saddler, Mr. Robert H. Murphy to Miss
     Mary Shed, all of this city.
          In Augusta May 26th, Mr. Harrison Baker, of Bangor, to Miss Sarah F.,
     daughter of John Reed, Esq., of Augusta.
          In Bangor,  Colonel Gustavus F. Sargent to Miss Nancy G. Smith.
          In Bangor, Mr. Robert A. Colbath to Miss F. H. Leighton, all of Bangor.
          In Phipsburg Captain Elias Sylvester to Miss Margaret Ann, daughter of
     Major Getchell.
          In Waldoboro,' Mr. William H. Wallace to Miss E. F. Benjamin, all of
         In Trinidad de Cuba, April 6th, Horatio Fox, Esq., of the house of Eaton,
     Safford & Fox, to Donno Merced Cencestia Zerubia.
          At the Lighthouse on Bear Island, Me., 14th inst., by John G. Brown,Esq.,
     Mr. John Gally to Mrs. Hannah Clements, both of Mount Desert.

          In this city May 26th, William W. Davis, aged 37 years.
          In this city, May 28th, Mrs. Eliza, wife of Mr. James M. Merrill, and
     eldest daughter of Arthur  Shirley, aged 33 years.
          In Bangor, May 28th, Moses Patten, Jr., Esq., aged 36. On May 27th,
     Honorable William D. Williamson, aged 66 years.
          In Windham May 27th, of Bilious Cholic, Mr. Peter Ingersoll, aged
     about 48.
          In Bangor, May 25th, Captain L. M. Adams, aged 24.
         There has been about 30 deaths in Milo, Maine within the last 12 months,
     more than 3-4 of the whole population. A mortality exceeding that of any of
     our cities.
          In Gilmanton, New Hampshire, May 6th, Mr. Joseph Plummer, aged 46.
     On the same day Mr. T. J. Kimball, aged 42. They had been to work together,
     being near neighbors the week previous till Friday night. On Sunday morning they
     were both taken  sick about the same time and in the same manner, by dizziness,
     and both died on the Wednesday following. From the circumstances it was supposed
     they had taken poison; some suppose in beer which the had drank; but the friends of the
     deceased are unable to account for the sickness, rejecting entirely the idea of their
     being poison in the beer, as others partook of it in the manner as they did. A post
     mortem examination of Mr. Kimball did not result in any satisfactory conclusion
     as to the cause of death.
          In Chesterville, May 8th, Mrs. Hannah Foster, formerly of Harpswell, aged 94.
          In Brownfield, Mary 25th, of small pox, Andrew Clinton, son of Daniel and
     Eliza C. Tyler,  aged 13 months.
                                         Rest dearest child, oh, greatly rest!
                                              We yield thee with unfaltering trust:
                                         Thy home is now among the blest,
                                               Altho' they body sleeps in dust.

                                         No more shall sickness wring they brow,
                                                Nor anguish wake the feeble moan;
                                         From all the sufferings here below
                                                Unto they saviors arms-thou'st flown.

                                         O, lovely child for thee, for thee
                                                Repiningly we should not weep;
                                         For with thy god thou'lt ever be--
                                               Secure He will they spirit keep.

                                         Yes, heaven is they eternal home,
                                                And angels they companions are;
                                         The fields of bliss with the  thou'lt roam--
                                                 Oh may our spirits join thee there!

          Fruits of the War.--We give below  a list of Killed and Wounded of the United
     States officers. It will be seen that Maine has her share in the sad catalogue.

           Brevet Major Samuel Ringgold was a native of Maryland, He died on the 11th
     He died on the May 11th, from wounds received on the 8th.
          Major Jacob Brown, of the Seventh Infantry, was a native of Massachusetts.
          Lieutenant Zebulon M. P. Inges, of the Second Regiment of Dragoons, is a
     native of Alabama. He bears a military frame as we suppose it is Zebulon
     Montgomery Pike Inges.
          Richard E. Cochrane, First Lieutenant of the Fourth Regiment of Infantry, was  
     a native of Delaware.
          Theodore L. Chadbourne, Second Lieutenant in the Eighth Regiment of Infantry,
     was a native of Eastport.
          The wounded officers are as follows:
          Lieutenant Colonel Macintosh, Fifth Infantry, Georgia.
          Lieutenant Colonel Payne, Fourth Artillery, Virginia.
          Captain Page, Fourth Infantry, Fryeburg, Maine.
          Captain Hooe, Sixth Infantry, Virginia
          Captain Montgomery, Eighth Infantry, New Jersey.
          Lieutenant Seldon, McClue and Jordan.

          MEDICAL SCHOOL OF MAINE. The course of Medical Lectures at
     Bowdoin College closed on Saturday last. Nineteen young gentleman passed
     a successful examination, so candidates for the Degree of M. D. Their names,
     places of residence, and the subject of their theses are given in the following
     list. [Penobscot Journal}
          Charles H. Barker, Cornish. Acute Enteritis.
          William M.. Barrett, Townsend, Massachusetts. Hypotrophy of the Heart.
          Bowdoin R. Buker,  Plymouth,Mass.  Acute Hydrocephalus
          Albion P. Chase, East Livermore.  Phthisis Pulmonalis.
          Parmenas Dyer, Augusta.  Menorrhagia
          Luther Fitch,  Portland.  Change of Air in curing Diseases.
          Andrew J. Harlow, Auburn  Menorrhagia 
          Joseph A. Jackson, Jefferson.  Pneumonia.
          Asa Johnson, Limerick,  Tuberculosis.
          Abial Libbey, Gardiner,  Acute Pleuritis.
          John D. Lincoln, Brunswick.   Trachitis.
          Daniel E. Palmer, Tuftonborough, New Hampshire.  Amenorrhoea.
          Lycurgus V. Payne, Belfast.  Mentagra.
          James Sawyer, Saco.  Icterus.
          Nathaniel T. True,  Monmouth.  The Nerves of the Human Body.
          William H. Wattles, Norwich,  Connecticut.  Scrophula.
          William Wescott, Gorham. Acute Rheumatism.
           John J. Witherbee, Machias.  Haematemesis.





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