Sunday, December 29, 2013

THE MACHIAS UNION, Machias, Maine, July 5, 1881


          In Harrington, Washington County, June 5 (?) by Rev. G. E. (name not legible,)
      R. H. Small to Miss Mary Wass, all of Harrington.
          In Eastport, June 15th,  by Rev. Mr. Harwood (?)  William Knowles of Lubec,
     and Sarah Bergman (?) of Hopewell, New Brunswick.  June 25th, by S. R, Bryant,
     Esq., Frank A. Cram of Eastport to Miss I. Jones Lubec.
          In Millbridge June 5th, by George Coggins, Esq., George F. Kane and Miss
     Arvilla Harmond (?)
          In Ellsworth, June 18th, by A. F. Burnham, Esq., George W. Tracey of Franklin,
     and Miss Pluma (name not legible) of Ellsworth.
          In East Machias, July 1st, by H. L. Gooch, Esq., Alfred Allan and Isabella
     Elsemore, both of East Machias.


          In Sullivan, June 27th, Lee, only son of E. E. Stoddard of Eastern Hotel,
     Machias, aged 9 years.
          In Franklin June 17th, Palmira Dyer ? years.
          In Trenton, May 25th, Miss Lucy, wife of Seth Whitmore, aged 75 years.
          In Prospect Harbor, June 26, Captain James Noonan, aged 61 years.

                                  LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS

          Ignatius Worcester  and Will E. Baker, Columbia Falls, left recently for Port Gamble,
     Washington Territory.
          E. M. Bucknam & Company have recently received an additional stock of house
     furniture, carpeting, etc.
          A McNichol, Esq., delivered an oration at Calais, July 4th, and Rev. George Forsyth of
     Bucksport at Ellsworth same day.
          Gilbert Crandon & Company, are doing a large express business along the Penobscot
     and down east. [Rockland Courier]
          D. D. Byther, Esq., has built an office at Steuben, and will practice the legal
     profession in that town and vicinity.
          Mr. Zephanina T. Tibbetts of Columbia Falls while at work peeling bark at Aurora,
     was badly injured a few days since by a tree that fell on him.
          A. Campbell, Esq., at Cherryfield has finely modeled and strongly built centerboard
     schooner of about 85 tons nearly ready to launch; Joseph Strout master carpenter.
          The Age say that Llewellyn Lithgow, Esq., died at his residence in Augusta,
     Wednesday, of heart disease. He was as well as usual in the morning. His age was 88 years.
          Captain Samuel Nash formerly of Steuben has bought a dwelling house at Somesville,
     Mt. Desert. It is said that Captain Nash, intends to open a granite quarry at Mount
     Desert to furnish paving blocks for the city trade.
          Mr. Lad Holway owns a cow from whose milk from seven days he churned 12 1/4 pounds
     of butter; during the seven days one quart of milk was sold each day and the family of
     three persons used all the milk and cream required.
          In March 1861 F. Talbor & Co., sailed the brig Kodiak from East Machias, just
     launched and built by that firm. June 18th 1881, the brig arrived at Boston with 561
    tons of cola. The brig is 420 tons. She has never been back to Machias River since she
     sailed in 1861.
           Mr. G. Whitney lately build a wagon, the "Dexter Queen" style for Mr. G. L.
     Harmon, that gives so much satisfaction, that it seems probable that this make will
     come into general use.
          Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stoddard of the Eastern Hotel, lost their only boy, Lee, about 9
     years old, June 27th. The parents had lately removed to the Waukeag House, at Sullivan,
     taking their boy and two youngest girls. Lee died there. The remains were taken to Machias
     for burial. Lee has been frail for many months so that his death, though a great bereavement,
     was not wholly unexpected.
          Ellsworth American. John M. Hale & Co., who give place to F. O. Beal of Bangor, July
     1st, has carried the mails between Ellsworth and Bangor for twenty-four consecutive years
     and always satisfactorily to the public and the Department at Washington. Also, the many
     friends in this section of N. K. Sawyer, Esq., will be pained to learn of his illness from
     malarial rheumatism, from which he has been suffering from some weeks past. Mr.
     Sawyer has recently been appointed in a Government position and has been in Washington
     for several weeks. As soon as he is able to travel he intends to visit his friends in Maine.
     Mrs. Sawyer will accompany him.
          Mr. Collin Campbell, a well known ship builder, of Weymouth, Nova Scotia, died
     suddenly June 25th. He was a father of Mrs. Frank H. Holyoke, of Bangor and his son
     Douglas Campbell married Miss Kate Palmer, daughter of Lieutenant A. T. Palmer, also
     of Bangor.
          Mr. F. G. Whitney at Jonesboro is recovering from a severe wound to the face which
      he received a short time since from a lever that broke his jaw.
          W. G. & W. E. Stone advertises the celebrated Victor Mower and Ithaca Rake in this
       paper. Farmers should examine these implement.
          Personal. Mr. William A. Peavy is visiting his parent at Whiting after an absence of
     14 years in California.
          Mrs. A. G. Peabody of Northampton, Mass., is visiting her mother Mrs. John Holway.
          A sad accident occurred  at Thorndyke yesterday, 26th. Mrs. Charles Varney went to
     church and left two little boys to keep house, one 7 the other 9 years of age. A gun was
     was hanging on the wall; the oldest one took it down and tried to snap a cap on it, but it
     would not go, so handed it to the younger brother and went after more caps. When he was
     returning the gun was discharged striking him on the cheek taking part of his cheek, one
     ear and one eye. It is though he will recover. The gun was loaded with 16 buck shot.
          Mr. George Littlefield of Winterport, who was so badly bitten a few weeks ago by a
     large Newfoundland dog is considered out of danger and able to move around the house a
     very little.
          Mr. Otis of Easton recently sold his twin steers 3 years old for $200. They are said to
     be the finest pair ever raised in Aroostook County.


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