Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Turner, January 18th, to the wife of Mr. S. T. DeCoster, a son.
Lewiston, January 13th, to the wife of Mr. Jordan Carville, a son.
Buckfield, January 13th, to the wife of Mr. Elson Murdoe, a daughter.
Auburn, January 15th, to the wife of Mr. Frank L. Dingley a son.
In this city, January 16th, William M. Charlton and Emily Pettes, both of Portland.
In this city, January 18th, Daniel McDonald, of Gorham, N. H., and Ann Gillis, of
of Sherbrook, Canada East.
In this city, January 21st, Ashbel Henry Cram and Harriet L. Woodbury.
Westbrook, January 18th, George A. Leighton and Julia E. Randall, of Westbrook.
Gorham, January 19th, Theodore Perkins and Mrs. Isabella C. Kelley, of Portland.
Saccarappa, January 9th, by Rev. H. B. Mitchell, Marcus M. Smart, of Fryeburgh,
and Ellen F. Quincy, of Sweden, Maine.
Saccarappa, January 7th, by Rev. H. B. Mitchell, John Spencer, of Biddeford, and
Harriet Woods of Westport.
North Pownal, January 15th, George Blake and Jennie H. Haskell.
Norway, Me., January 1st., Augusta J. Haskell, and Emma A. Godding, both of
New Gloucester.
Lewiston, January 11th,. David S. Bourne and Loana A. Reynolds.
Otisfield, January 14th, Charles H. Robinson, and Sarah E. Cash, both of Otisfield.
Biddeford, January 2nd, Wallace S. Moulton and Ann M. Waterhouse.
Woolwich, January 13th, Joshua Cushman and Lucy M. Hanson.
Saco, January 2nd, David H. Wood of Saco, and Mary E. Tufts, of Biddeford.
Cape Elizabeth, January 14th, Lewis F. Dyer and Lizzie M. Hunt, both of
Cape Elizabeth.
Richmond, January 1st., Joseph Dubnar and Malinda S. S. Beard.
Turner, January 8th, Anson L. Jordan and Augusta Merrill.
Richmond, January 1st, W. W. Stetson of Boston, and Emily J. Fuller, of Oxford.
Westbrook, January 16th, W. W. Stetson, of Boston, and Emily Fuller. of Oxford.
Jewett's Island, January 14th, Albert F. Purington, of Epping, N. H., and Ada H.
Hackett, of Portland.
Oxford, December 25th, Morrill M. Fuller and Hattie E. Pike, both of Norway, Me.
Bath, January 8th, Edwin Bonney and Emma F. Lynch.
Rockland, January 15th, John D. May and Clara M. Healey.
Camden, January 8th, Captain Orland McCobb and Abbie E. Talbot.
In this city, January 23rd, Mrs. Kate Dustan, aged 23.
In this city, January 19th, Timothy O'Hara, aged 25.
In this city, January 20th, Rev. John S. Cushman, aged 36.
In this city, January 18th, Mrs. Sarah M. Ushur, aged 71.
In this city, January 17th, John H. Burke, aged 54.
In this city, January 22nd, Mrs. Frances M. Lombard, aged 23.
In this city, January 21st, Willie Fulton, only child of H. W. and A. L.
Sturtivant, aged 11 months.
In this city, January 18th, Mrs. Sally Racklyft, aged 83.
Biddeford, January 15th, Charles C. Goodwin, aged 49.
Gardiner, January 19th, Margaret C. Tarbox, aged 66; 14th, Mrs. Sarah P.
Chapman, aged 73.
Bridgton, December 26th, Mrs. Mehitable Smith, aged 58.
Wiscassett, December 21st., Thomas Otis, aged 26.
Sanford, January 13th, Joseph Perkins, aged 69.
Springvale, Joseph Clark, formerly of Alfred, aged 72.
Westbrook, January 16th, Jerusha, Cummings, aged 72.
Mercer, January 6th, Mrs. Mary Walton, aged 70.
Augusta, January 6th, Jane C. Bocker, aged 73.
Cambridgeport, Mass., January 17th, Mrs. Elizabeth D. Jenkins, of Portland,
aged 49.
Cumberland, January 16th, Daniel Merrill, aged 79.
Bowdoinham, January 15th, Fidelia Gowell, aged 55.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Schooner Sarah Helen, Capt. Gray from Nassau, N. P., for Roatan, Island, Honduras,
was totally lost 6th ult., with her cargo. Her captain arrived at Mobile 6th inst. She
registered 96 tons and was built in Bremen, Me., in 1868 and hailed from New York.
Schooner Raven, (of Bucksport) Capt. Parker, Machias, for Newport, went ashore
on the Hedge Fence, Vineyard Sound, 5th inst., in consequence of the wheel rope
parting. About 5000 feet of lumber was discharged when the wheel came off and
immediately commenced to reload. She had previously lost an anchor on the
Nantucket Shoals.
A cable dispatch 5th states that ship Ontario, Capt. Watson, was abandoned at
sea. May 30th. Crew saved.
Schooner Agnes was run into 5th inst., while at anchor at Homes Hole, and lost
jib boom.
Ship J. P. Whitney, Calcutta, for Mauritius, (off coast of Africa in Indian Ocean)
was abandoned at sea April 9th. She registered 1020 tons, was built in Castine, Me.,
in 1863, and was owned at Calcutta.
Arrived at New York, July 3rd, big Nellie Chase, Capt. Upton, Portland;
4th, schooner Mary Ella, Portland; 6th, Harriet Fuller, Capt. Willard, Portland;
11th, Lizzie L. Mills, Capt. Farnum, Elizabethport for Portland.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Alpheus Jenkins of Byron, fell from the frame of a new mill in that town recently,
breaking his left arm, also the bone just under his left eye, and otherwise injuring him.
On the 27th, David Bradley of Fryeburg, was found dead in his bed at True's Hotel,
Fryeburg. He retired in apparently good heath.
Mrs. John Laughton of Edinburg, Me., has woven during the past year about 900
yards of cloth, besides helping her girls do the housework.
Dr. Leonard W. Russell and his wife, of Skowhegan, celebrated the Fiftieth
Anniversary on their wedding on the 1st inst.
There are 166 convicts in Thomaston State Prison, the largest number ever there at
any one time.
At Boothbay on the 5th, a boat containing a party of excursionists from Barter's
Island, was run down and sunk by a large fishing schooner, also filled with a pleasure
party from Barter's Island. The party in the boat numbering fifteen men, women and
children was drawn under the schooner, but all were rescued except two young ladies,
Finetta Greenleaf, aged 16, and Freedy Caswell, aged 11 years. Their bodies have since
been recovered. Nearly all on board the boat were disable in some way, and many were
kept alive only by the most careful attention. Mrs. Lewis, with a child two years old
in her arms, passed under the vessel and went to the bottom the third time, holding
firmly to her child all the while, and both were finally rescued.
Miss Nora Giles, daughter of Rev. Henry Giles, the well known lecturer and essayist,
a beautiful and highly educated young lady of eighteen years, was drowned at
Bucksport on Saturday, by the upsetting of a boat in which she was sailing with her
sister, another young lady, and a young gentleman. Her body had not been recovered
at last accounts.
During the celebration of Monday at Starks, Mr. Charles Greenleaf, a young man
of about twenty years of age, while assisting in firing a salute, had one of his arms
blown off above the elbow by its premature discharge.
Mr. John R. Larrabee, of Brunswick, rose from his bed on Sunday night to close a
window, and making a misstep in the dark fell down a flight of stairs, and instantly
killed. He was 71 years.
Chester Whitney of Madrid, Me., last week, lost two barns containing valuable
property, by a fire supposed to have been set to conceal a theft of wood stored in
one of them.
With the aid of a hook attached to a long pole, some thieves fished fifty dollars
worth of goods through a broken window in the store of J. H. Ripley, of Saco.
Rev. Mr. Bicknell of Skowhegan, delivered the Fourth of July oration at North
Anson, and the Advocate says it was the best ever delivered there.
Mr. Merrill of Dayton, was driving in Saco, on Tuesday week, when his horse
fell and broke one of his forelegs near the shoulder.
Honorable R. D. Rice of Augusta, has gone on an exploring tour of the Northern
Pacific Railroad routes, and will be absent until fall.
Mrs. M. B. Coleman was run down by an frightened horse, in Lewiston on
Monday week, and had her hip dislocated.
Mr. Amos G. Leighton of Millbridge, fell dead in the street, June 29th, of
heart disease.
Mrs. Catherine Crabb died at Leavitt Plantation, June 23rd, at the advanced
aged of 102.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Governor Chamberlain has accepted the Republican nomination for Governor,
saying that the resolutions of the convention declare a public policy identical with
the line of his life and labors hitherto.
Joel Gray, Esq., on account of ill health, has been obliged to resign the
presidency of the Somerset Railroad Company, and F. W. Hill, Esq., of Exeter,
has been chosen to fill the vacancy.
In the Water Power Foundry, Biddeford, last week, some molten iron at white
heat, slopped over and a portion went into the bootleg of Mr. Edgar Allen, causing
a frightful burn.
Mr. W. H. Woodbury of Norway, Me., was very badly injured on Wednesday
night by being thrown from a buggy and trampled upon by a span of frightened
horses he was driving.
Daniel Kingsley of Auburn, eighty-three years old, has a pair of boots thirty-five
old, which he still wear on festal occasions, and sound in every particular.
Mr. Samuel Stowell of Bethel, while at work in the field on Saturday, was sun-
struck and fell senseless. He recovered and is now doing nicely.
A young man named Charles Lambe was drowned at Calais on Thursday week,
by the upsetting of a boat.
Charles H. Milliken, Esq., of Saco, recently appointed Supervisor of Common
Schools for York County, has resigned and Moses J. Haines, of Saco, an
accomplished and experienced school teacher, has been appointed to fill the vacancy.
The relatives of Rev. James Buck and wife, of Dayton, celebrated the Sixtieth
Anniversary of their marriage on the 2nd isnt. Descendants of the venerable couple
to the fourth generation were present on the occasion.
During the thunderstorm of Thursday week the lightning struck in several places
with fatal results. In Standish the barn of Nelson Shaw was struck and burned, and
two young cattle killed. In Cornish, a bolt struck the house of Orin Chick, instantly
killing Mr. Chick, and Miss Annie Eastman, a neighbor, who had through fear sought
protection in Mr. Chick's house. The house was badly damaged. In Porter, the house of
Mr. G. W. Ford was visited, and Charles W. Day was instantly killed as he was drinking
at a sink. Three other persons in the room were uninjured.
At Bowdoin College for examination in Latin (oral and written) a prize of $25
has been awarded to Kingsbury Bachelder, East Dixmont.-In Greek, for the same to
William F. Sanford, Bangor, both members of the Sophomore class in college. This
is the first award of prizes in three departments.
Gail Hamilton and Adelaide Phillips are in Augusta, the guest of Honorable
James G. Blaine.
Sawyer's Soap factory, in Bath, was burned on Thursday week.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
The Brunswick Telegraph says that the microscope belonging to Bowdoin College,
an instrument valued at $500, which was stolen during the spring term of 1866, has
been found in the possession of Dr. E. S. Hatch, of Portland, who graduated from
the Medical School in the Class of 1866. Dr. Hatch was arrested and bound over to
in the sum of $1,500, but when the day for examination came, he did not appear, and
the bonds were forfeited.
Commencement at Bowdoin college this week. Address before the Alumni, on
Tuesday by Rev. C. C. Everett, of Bangor; concert by Gilmore's Band, assisted by
Adelaide Phillips. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity on Thursday, by
Honorable J. W. Patterson, of New Hampshire.
In Bangor, Monday week, a little boy named Willie Davis, seven years old, son
of a widow, was recklessly or carelessly shot with a pistol by a lad of twelve years,
named Elbridge Jones. Thirteen shots lodged in the boys chest. Young Jones was
Frank E. Nye of Waterville, son of Joshua Nye, Esq., who has just graduated at
West Point, has been appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the 2nd U. S. Cavalry, and James
E. Porter, also of this state, to be 2nd Lieutenant of Company B, 10th Infantry.
The beautiful new church at Cumberland Mills, Westbrook, was dedicated on
Tuesday week. Sermon by Rev. E. E. Strong, of Waltham, Mass. Rev. Elijah
Kellogg is now ministering to the people there to their great acceptance.
A sailing party of sixteen persons was capsized in Mousam River, near the
house of Franklin Furbish in Kennebunk, July 5th. A son of Joshua Littlefield,
and the child of a widow was drowned. "Rum did it."
We learn a good boarding house is now kept at Worthly Place on Mt. Blue by
N. L. Humphrey, Esq., late of Cumberland. Visitor to the mountain will be glad
to hear it.
A little son of George Dirgee, of Presque Isle, fell into the mill pond of Friday
week, and had sunk for the third time when Charles Gallagher, a lad of 11 years,
plunged in and saved him.
In Augusta on Tuesday week, a lad named Granger, had one of his feet badly
crushed by the cars at the depot, while attempting to get on the train while it was
in motion.
Bishop Neely of this city, has been visiting Aroostook. On his way through
the Seven Mile Woods, one wheel of the carriage gave out and he had to walk
some five or six miles.
Rev. E. E. Knight of Fort Fairfield, lost his house and outbuildings by fire
on Friday week, and on the same day the dwelling house of Robert McCuby,
of East Grant, was burned.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Glances About Town
On Thursday week the houses of Elijah Cartland and Amos Peaslee, just across
Derring's bridge in Westbrook, were nearly destroyed by a fire which originated in
Cartland's house; both houses were occupied by two families, and those in the
Cartland house saved little of their goods, some of the inhabitants barely escaping
with their lives; Cartland was insure $2,800 on his house and Peaslee $1000.
Suburban gardens are now affording a generous yield of strawberries, judging
by the box of beauties sent us by our friend T. B. Cook; his garden at Woodford's
Corner show the results of high cultivation.
A race to come off on the 25th inst., has been agreed upon between the boat
Hoosier, to be pulled by P. McGlinchy and T. Hopkins, and the boat Shark to be
pulled by J. H. Littlejohn and W. Shea; course from Brown's wharf to Great
Western, stake $40.00 a side.
On Wednesday evening of last week a burglar broke into the house of J. H.
Hamlen, Esq., No. 53 Park Street, and stole quantity of valuable sliver plate.
Joseph Hall, Esq., of this city is preparing a genealogical and biographical
history of the Hall family.
Dr. Lees, the distinguished temperance advocate of England, is now on a visit
to our city, the guest of General Neal Dow.
The brick work on the front of High Street Church has been commenced; and
the work is going rapidly forward, the silver plate placed under the corner stone
of the church at the time it was laid by Governor Parris in 1831, has been found;
it will receive additions and be placed under the corner stone of the new church.
The steamer Ella, Captain Mitchell, is proving a great accommodation to
island goers, she now makes Sunday trips for the accommodation of those who
wish to attend church in the city.
The contributions of our churches for the benefit of the Widow's Wood Society
amounts to $1,982.98.
Rev. E. R. Keyes supplies the pulpit of the New Jerusalem Society during the
absence of Rev. Mr. Hayden on his summer vacation.
On Wednesday week a little son of Robert Burrows fell from the sea wall, near
Curtis' ship yard, and was drowned.
In the death of Christopher Wright, Esq., in his 88th year, our city has lost one of
its oldest, and most upright citizens.
The body of James Thompson of Ragged Island, Nova Scotia, who was drowned
in our harbor a few weeks since, was found on Saturday floating on the water, and
delivered to his friends for burial on Peak's Island.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
In this city, July 11th, Edwin Dexter son of D. S. and . B. Rice, aged 11 months
and 4 days.
In this city, July 10th, Mrs. Nancy Skillings, aged 79.
In this city, June 11th, Mrs. M. H. Morris.
In this city, July 17th, Albert Franklin Jones, aged 6.
In this city, July 5th, Mrs. Lizzie V. Skillings, aged 21.
In this city, July 7th, Mrs. Sarah M. Edwards, aged 68.
In this city, July, 6th, Christopher Wright, aged 87.
In this city, July 5th, Elizabeth White, aged 10.
In Bethell, June 19th, Harrie W., youngest son of J. W. and C. R. Phillips, aged
2 years.
In North Bridgton, July 3rd, Colonel George E. Richardson, aged 58.
In Westbrook, July 11th, Etta Lena, daughter of Andrew and Louisa Abbott, aged
10 months, 10 days.
In Ligonia Village, Cape Elizabeth, July 11th, Daniel B. Dunn, aged 38.
In Kingfield, June 10th, William Day, aged 61.
In Baldwin, June 20th, John Elmore Sawyer, aged 27.
In Belfast, June 1st, Mrs. Hannah J. Luce, aged 37.
In Boston, July 11th, Mrs. Josephina V. Kelley, aged 23.
In Falmouth, July 7th, Mrs. Lucy Soule, aged 59.
In Bath, July 1st, Adam Pence, aged 60.
In Alfred, June 22nd, Mary Ella Merrill, aged 11.
In Brunswick, July 4th, John R. Larrabee, aged 71.
In Waterville, June 16th, Mrs. Pauline Percival, aged 50.
In Waterville, June 26th, Miss Sarah D. White, aged 29.
In Clinton, June 13th, Jonas D. Burrill, aged 78.
In Cape Elizabeth, July 6th, Miss Sarah M. Cobb, aged 83.
In Brunswick, July 3rd, Colonel Andrew Dennison, aged 88.
In Bath, July 6th, Mr. James McDougal, aged 67.
In Lewiston, June 29th, Miss Carolina A. Tapley, aged 24.
In Durham, Me., July 6th, Mrs. E. J. Haskell, aged 65.
In Kittery, June 18th, Mrs. Mary Hanson, aged 87.
In York, June 23rd, Benjamin Rogers, aged 79.
In Windham, June 24th, Andrew Mayberry, aged 101.
In Charlestown, July 9th, Mrs. Francis O. Eaton, aged 31.
In Ellsworth, June 23rd, John H. Nichols, aged 23.
In Rockland, June 14th, Lizzie Thomas, aged 18.
In Thomaston, June 6th, Mr. William Heart, 87.
"Peace to her ashes, and a happy deliverance of her soul from all the ills of life,
and a joyous introduction into that higher circle of old and new friends that have
gone before. She suffered patiently, may she enjoy richly." Thus spake (sic) one
in reference to S. A. E., the deceased wife of C. P. Beckett. So, after wearisome
days and months and years of decline that precious form, loved with no common
love, and mourned with no common grief, once fresh and beautiful as the lily and
the rose, now, sleeps sweetly; and the spirit so pure and lovely in its character here,
now, we trust perfected through suffering, blooms in immortal vigor in the Heavenly
"Its steadfast depths of calm to know
Its sacred whiteness wear."
For the husband who knows the terrible meaning of the word bereaved, and
and for the parent who have laid in the grave their only child, we can plead that
"Pain's furnace heat with then quivers,
God's breath upon the flame doth blow,
And all the heart in anguish shiver,
And troubles at the fiery glow;
Yet, may they whisper, 'As God will!"
And in his hottest fire hold still.
Why should you murmur? for the sorrow
Thus only longer-lived would be
Its end may come and will tomorrow,
When God hath done his work in thee;
May you say, trusting, 'As God will!
And trusting to the end, hold still."
Friday, July 11, 2014
In this city, July 3rd, Abram R. Clifford and Miss Nettie Alexander, both of
In this city, July 4th, Jason N. Pride and Miss Julia B. Hanson, both of Windham.
In this city, July 6th, Allen W. Train and Miss H. Annie Hyde, both of Boston.
In this city, July 3rd, John B. Kenison and Miss Etta Elder, both of Windham.
In this city, July 7th, Clayton F. Farrington and Miss Ella L. Adams.
In this city, July 8th, John F. Pollister, of Durham, and Miss Martha A. Clark,
of New Gloucester.
In Bowdoinham, July 1st, by Rev. B. Freeman, Thomas A. Main, and Miss Ellen
B. Curtis, both of Bowdoinham.
In Machias, June 12th, by Rev. H. F. Harding, Martin Foss of Machias, and Miss
Evelyn C. Seavey, of Whitneyville.
In Saccarappa, July 10th, by Rev. W. B. Bartlett, George H. Bragg, of Manchester,
N. H., and Sarah J. Butterfield, of Westfield.
In Cape Elizabeth, July 4th, by Rev. F. B. Pritchard, Eugene S. Palmer, and Miss
Sarah J. Drown, both of Cape Elizabeth.
In Charlestown, Mass., July 3rd, Albert G. Whiting and Miss Josephine R.
Bettis, formerly of Portland.
In Waterville, June 23rd, Moses G. Lyon and Mrs. Maria L. Chase, both of
Fitchburgh, Mass.
In West Waterville, June 27th, Hiram Robinson and Olive B.Wield, both
of Sidney.
In Vassalboro, July 6th, Rev. Benjamin A. Robie, of Waterville, and Lucy
H. Higgins.
In South Berwick, June 20th, John B. Foss and Mrs. Eliza Munsey.
In Limington, June 26th, H. O. Robinson and Miss Jennie Foss.
In Denmark, Me., July 1st, Henry T. Warren, of Brownfield, and Miss Martha J.
Wentworth, of Denmark.
In Chicago, July 1st, M. C. Noyes, Esq., formerly of Portland, and Alice Mary
Graves, of Chicago.
In Gorham, June 30th, Prentiss M. Waterhouse and Miss Sarah Libby, both of
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Ship Landseer, before reported in distress, arrived at San Francisco 10th.
Schooner C. W. Dexter, of Gardiner, 92 tons, has been sold to H. B. Eaton, of
Calais, Me., for $1,500.
Schooner Ella Hodson, before reported wrecked on Romer Shoal, (New Jersey?)
has been sold with her cargo by auction.
Schooner Golden Eagle, Capt. Hinkley of Machias, is undergoing extensive
repairs at Columbia Falls; she will have new tops and spars, etc.
Pensacola, Florida, Aug. 5th- Barque Palo Alto, 19 days from Aspinwall, has
arrived in quarantine with all of her crew, except two, sick with Chagres fever.
San Francisco, Aug. 4th-The wreck of the ship Thrasher, which recently went
ashore while on the way from Nanaimo (Vancouver Island?) to this port, was sold
at auction for $500 and the cargo of coal for $50.00.
The new ship George Stetson, 1800 tons, recently launched at Bath has been
chartered through Messrs. Chase, Leavitt & Co., to load grain in Portland for United
Kingdom at 4s 9d. She will take the largest cargo or grain ever loaded of this port
by a sailing vessel..
Schooner Jed Frye, from Norwich, for New York, was on the railway at City
Island 13th, repairing leak.
Schooner Lewis Clark, while in tow at Bangor 12th, ran into and carried away
the jib boom of schooner A. E. Woodward.
Brig Josie C. Hazeltine, of Belfast, Captain Nickerson sailing from Troon
(west coast of Scotland) February 2nd for Matauza, Cuba, had has not been
heard from since.
Schooner Marcellus from New York for Boston, put into City Island 15th,
leaky and will discharge part of her cargo and go on the railway.
Ship Whittier, from Batavia for New York, struck on a reef off the coast of
Borneo, Indonesia, July 17th, filled with water, and will probably prove a total
Schooner William G. Davis, Capt. Cheney, from Philadelphia for Dublin,
went ashore 11th inst., on the Lower Bulkhead, Delaware River, but came off
without damage.
Ship Belle, of Bath, which recently arrived in the Columbia River, grounded
above Tongue Point, and lay by for some time, until 100 tons of iron were taken
out, when she came off.
Schooner Hyue, Capt. Otis, from Gardiner for New York, which struck on a
rock while towing down river, has been hauled off full of water and is transferring
her cargo of lumber to the Horatio Nichols. Extent of damage not known, but not
supposed to be serious.
Schooner D. H. Ingraham, Capt. Greeley, from Rockland for Richmond, Va.,
when about two miles S W of White Island, 2:00 a. m., 15th, ran in to and sunk
a fishing schooner of about 20 tons, which was lying at anchor with no lights up.
The night was overcast and dark, but clear enough to see lights in the vicinity.
Capt. Greeley and two men were on deck at the time, and had tacked ship a few
minutes before. Captain Greeley hear nothing till the wreck stuff was hardly past
his vessel when he heard what appeared to be the voice of a man crying out as if
hurt. He immediately tacked ship, lay by, lowered a boat and searched till sunrise.
He found nothing but some tubs from the wreck. The D. H. Ingraham broke her
martingale and some ironwork, and returned to Rockland to report the disaster
and repair damages. A Bath fisherman lying a mile or two further out stated that
a small craft from Boothbay with three men lay inside the previous day.
The names of these drowned are William Lawton and his son Henry and Loring,
of Bristol.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
The fishing schooner Walter Franklin arrived in Calais last week, after a cruise of
eight weeks with a catch of 100,000 lbs. of fine cod.
Mr. George W. Stetson, of Boston, purchased and pressed six tons of raspberries at
Pembroke recently. The sweetened juice made 10 barrels and 30 gallons of syrup for
flavoring soda fountain drinks. The berries were purchased at 4 cents per quart.
The Machias Union learns that a disease said to be the "black leg," has made its
appearance among the cattle of Northfield. Harrison Smith has lost seven head, Mr.
Hovey four head, and several others one or more each. The cattle were "out on the run,"
and it is probable that many more have died but have not yet been found.
The Ecumenical camp meeting, which opened at Old Orchard on Tuesday, 17th,
continues seven days. Among the speakers will be Rev. C. Munger, Rev. J. O. Peck
D. D., Rev. A. Lowrey, D. D., Bishop McNamara, Rev. J. P. Newman, D. D., Rev.
L. R. Dunn, rev. J. W. Hamilton, D. D., Rev. M. R. Terry, D. D., and Rev. A. B.
Kendig, D. D.
Mr. M. C. Baldwin, a Chicago banker died suddenly at Kennebunkport, on the
16th, of neuralgia of the heart. He lived but two hours after the attack, and was well-
known, as he had visited there in previous summers.
Mr. B. Hughes, of Toronto, was robbed of a gold watch, chain and $65.00 in
money, while bathing at Old Orchard last week.
Honorable H. Gove, fusion Secretary of State last year, has written an open letter
to the citizens of the state, addressed to Solon Chase, who agrees with him in
opposition to the union of the Greenbackers with the Democrat in the coming
election. He argues that without Greenback help the Democratic party is moribund,
and says, "To vote with it, and so step between it and death , is unpatriotic and
criminal." He wants to get directly at the financial directors of the Republican party,
and reveal them to popular intelligence as "traitors coining money from the blood and
misery of the nation."
There will be a mass meeting of the Republicans of Western Maine at Old Orchard,
on Thursday 19th, to be addressed by General Logan, Stanley Matthews, Thomas Fitch,
and Gov. Davis. Half fare on the Boston & Maine.
The bids for the four per cent loan of $150,000 to the State of Maine, opened last
week, were 27 in number, and the aggregate amount was $1,556,000. The successful
bidders were Messrs. Brewster, Basset & Co., of Boston, at a premium of 1 at
82-100 per cent.
Patents have been issued to James S. Brown, Bangor for cutter and cutter finger;
Michael F. Davis, Portland, oar and oar scull, also foot-board and steering apparatus
for boats; Henry Free, Lewiston, combined door plate and letter receiver; Thomas
W. Hyde, Bath, windlass; Gilman P. Richardson, Bath, bandtie.
FIRES IN MAINE. Barn of Colonel Shepard Bean, Lee.-Buildings of Phillip
Taylor, Palmyra; also, Mr. Robinson's house and sawmill, partly insured.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Flag raising is the order of the day. Two or three weeks ago the Democrats of
Fryeburg raised a large Hancock flag, with all the honors, Bion Bradbury and S. J.
Anderson doing the speaking. Last Friday evening the Republicans matched it with a
fine Garfield flag, raised near the Oxford House, and another near the Lockwood House.
Speeches were made by General Hall and A. A. Strout. A Republican flag was raised at
Bryant's Pond the same day, and a speech was made by Eugene Hale.
The first demonstration of the campaign was made by the Republicans of Bangor on
Monday evening. The speakers were Senators Logan and Hamlin, General Woodford,
and Honorable Lewis Barker. Judge Humphrey presided.
Mrs. Polly Coburn, aged widow of the late Mr. Peter Coburn, recently fell in her son's
garden and broke her hip. She is comfortable as can be expected under such a severe
injury. Her family surgeon advises non-setting of the bone on account of her age, which
is about 78 years.
Joshua Chamberlain, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Brewer, died
on the 10th, aged 80. He had always enjoyed good health until with a few weeks.
He had filled many places in honor and trust, but for the last few years had withdrawn
from active business. He leaves a widow, two sons, J. L. Chamberlain, President of
Bowdoin College, and Thomas D., who holds a government office in Washington,
D. C., and one daughter, the wife of Charles O. Farrington, of Brewer.
The Katahdin Iron Works are shut down for want of water.
The Temperance camp meeting began at the Kennebec Valley camp ground last
Saturday. Honorable Joshua Nye made a speech in which he said he would not vote
for a sheriff who would not enforce the law, nor for a Governor who would not
appoint men who would not do their duty. If we had faithful rulers, there would be no
rum sold in Maine. It is in vain to trust God to enforce the laws of the state if we
do not use the means he provides, which is the ballot box. C. C. Page of Bangor,
said there were 100 saloons in that city where any man or woman could obtain rum.
There were 6,000 people presents last Sunday. Rev. D. W. Le Lacheur preached
to the largest congregation that has been on the ground for years. Honorable T. R.
Simonton, A. J. Chase, and others delivered addresses. On Monday, R. W. Dunn
of Waterville, was re-elected President of the Association. Rev. J. B. Hamilton and
Honorable Nelson Dingley, Jr., were among the speakers.
Rev. Dr. J. O. Fiske , of Bath, preached his 37th Anniversary sermon last Sunday.
Abel Ward, aged 60, was run over the by cars at Norridgewock, on the 11th, and
his left leg and right heel were crushed.
The Democrats and Greenbackers have fused on this ticket: Senator, S. S. Brown,
Judge Probate, Albert Moore; Register, J. F. Holman; Commissioner, P. P. Hilton.
William Barry had his right hand crushed in coupling cars at Waterville, on the
Ex-Governor Abner Coburn, of Skowhegan, is 80 years old, and continues to look
after his financial affairs with the interest he manifested thirty years ago. He is the
richest man in the state. Though not a church member, and not liberally educated, he
gives liberally to churches and institutions of learning. He is unmarried, strictly
temperate, and has always enjoyed the reputation of being strictly honest and honorable
in all of his dealings.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Ice has fallen on the Kennebec from $1.00 to $2.00 per ton. It was last week offered
for $4.50. Hancock & Crowell, of Philadelphia, have commenced suit against Dingley
Brothers on contract for 6,000 tons of ice at $1.00 per. The Dingleys depended on other
parties who owed them ice, and these parties have failed them.
On the 12th, Mrs. Charlotte Caffrey, of Waterville, committed suicide by hanging.
She had been some months partially insane in consequence of grief at the death of her
The mass meeting at Waterville, on Tuesday called out several thousands. Stanley
Matthews and General Logan spoke.
The Republican rally was made at Augusta last Friday evening, and speeches were
made by Senators Logan and Blaine. Honorable G. W. Carter made a brief speech.
Dr. Brickett, who had been announced as a Hancock convert, presided.
The Kennebec Republicans nominate for Senator, C. C. Cornish, J. S. Berry;
Clerk, A. C. Otis; Commissioner, Horace Colburn; Treasurer, Mark Rollins; Judge
of Probate, L. T. Carleton; Register, Howard Owen; Sheriff, George M. Stevenson.
Joseph W. Patterson is to retake the census of Augusta. It is thought that Augusta
has a larger population than reported.
The Democrats and Greenbackers of Kennebec found upon the agreement that
the former should have the Judge of Probate, Clerk of Courts and one Senator. while
the Greenbackers should have the other candidates. The nominees are James D.
White of Gardiner and L.M. Winn of Clinton, for Senators; Emory G. Bean of
Readfield, Judge of Probate; W. E. Whitman of Winthrop, Clerk; E. K. Pierce of
Augusta, Register; Charles E. Dutton of China, Commissioner; J. S. Grant of Sidney,
Sheriff; J. R. Goodwin of Pittston, Treasurer.
A crowd of over 5,000 attended the raising of a Hancock and Plaisted flag at
Thomaston, on the 13th. The flag was a present from Honorable Samuel Watts.
Addresses were made by A. P. Gould, S. J. Anderson, General Chalmers of
Mississippi, and R. F. Smith of Wiscassett.
The Republicans nominate for Senator, Elbridge G. Baker, of Newcastle; Judge
Probate, A. Kennedy of Waldoboro; Sheriff, Henry W. Clary, of Jefferson; Clerk of
Courts, George B. Sawyer of Wiscassset; Commissioners, Horace Fasset, of Bristol;
Teasurer, reuben M. brookings, of Wiscasset.
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