Wednesday, July 23, 2014


                                                          MAINE MATTERS

           Governor Chamberlain has accepted the Republican nomination for Governor,
     saying that the resolutions of the convention declare a public policy identical with
     the line of his life and labors hitherto.
          Joel Gray, Esq., on account of ill health, has been obliged  to resign the
     presidency  of the Somerset Railroad Company, and F. W. Hill, Esq.,  of Exeter,
     has been chosen to fill the vacancy.
          In the Water Power Foundry, Biddeford, last week, some molten iron at white
     heat, slopped over and a portion went into the bootleg of Mr. Edgar Allen, causing
    a frightful burn.
          Mr. W. H. Woodbury of Norway, Me., was very badly injured on Wednesday
    night by being thrown from a buggy and trampled upon by a  span of frightened
    horses he was driving.
          Daniel Kingsley of Auburn, eighty-three years old,  has a pair of boots thirty-five
    old, which he still wear on festal occasions, and sound in every particular.
           Mr. Samuel Stowell of Bethel, while at work in the field on Saturday, was sun-
     struck and fell senseless. He recovered and  is now doing nicely.
           A young man named Charles Lambe was drowned at Calais on Thursday week,
     by the upsetting of a boat.
          Charles  H. Milliken, Esq., of Saco, recently appointed Supervisor of Common
     Schools for York County, has resigned and Moses J. Haines, of Saco, an
     accomplished and experienced school teacher, has been appointed to fill the vacancy.
          The relatives of Rev. James Buck and wife, of Dayton, celebrated the Sixtieth
     Anniversary of their marriage on the 2nd isnt.  Descendants of the venerable couple
    to  the fourth generation were present on the occasion.
          During the thunderstorm of Thursday week the lightning struck in several places
    with fatal results. In Standish the barn of Nelson Shaw was struck and burned, and
    two young cattle killed. In Cornish, a bolt struck the house of Orin Chick, instantly
    killing Mr. Chick, and Miss Annie  Eastman, a neighbor, who had through fear sought
    protection in Mr. Chick's house. The house was badly damaged. In Porter, the house  of
    Mr. G. W. Ford was visited, and Charles W. Day was instantly killed as he was drinking
    at a sink. Three other persons in the room were uninjured.
         At Bowdoin College for examination in Latin (oral and written) a prize of $25
     has been awarded to Kingsbury Bachelder, East Dixmont.-In Greek, for the same to
     William F. Sanford, Bangor,  both members of the Sophomore class in college. This
     is the first  award of prizes  in three departments.
         Gail Hamilton and Adelaide Phillips are in  Augusta, the guest of Honorable
     James G. Blaine.
          Sawyer's Soap factory, in Bath, was burned on Thursday week.



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