Wednesday, July 2, 2014


                                                          MAINE MATTERS


          Ice has fallen on the Kennebec from $1.00 to $2.00 per ton. It was last week offered
      for $4.50.  Hancock & Crowell, of Philadelphia, have commenced suit against Dingley
     Brothers on contract for 6,000 tons of ice at $1.00 per. The Dingleys depended on other
     parties who owed them ice, and these parties have failed them.
         On the 12th, Mrs. Charlotte Caffrey, of Waterville, committed suicide by hanging.
     She had been some months partially insane in consequence of grief at the death of her
        The mass meeting at Waterville, on Tuesday called out several thousands. Stanley
     Matthews and General Logan spoke.
          The Republican rally was made at Augusta last Friday evening, and speeches were
     made by Senators Logan and Blaine. Honorable G. W. Carter made a brief speech.
     Dr. Brickett, who had been announced as a Hancock convert, presided.
           The Kennebec Republicans nominate for Senator, C. C. Cornish, J. S. Berry;
     Clerk, A. C. Otis; Commissioner, Horace Colburn; Treasurer, Mark Rollins; Judge
     of Probate, L. T.  Carleton; Register, Howard Owen; Sheriff, George M. Stevenson.
          Joseph W. Patterson is to retake the census of Augusta.  It is thought that Augusta
    has a larger population than reported.
          The Democrats and Greenbackers of Kennebec found upon the agreement that
     the former should have the Judge of Probate, Clerk  of Courts and one Senator. while
     the Greenbackers should have the other candidates. The nominees are James D.
     White of Gardiner and L.M. Winn of Clinton, for Senators; Emory G.  Bean of
     Readfield, Judge of Probate; W. E. Whitman of Winthrop, Clerk; E. K. Pierce of
     Augusta, Register; Charles E. Dutton of China, Commissioner; J. S. Grant of Sidney,
     Sheriff; J. R. Goodwin of Pittston, Treasurer.
          A crowd of over 5,000 attended the raising of a Hancock and Plaisted flag at
     Thomaston, on the 13th.  The flag was a present from Honorable Samuel Watts.
     Addresses were made by  A. P. Gould, S. J. Anderson, General Chalmers of
     Mississippi, and R. F. Smith of Wiscassett.

          The Republicans nominate for Senator, Elbridge G. Baker, of Newcastle;  Judge
     Probate, A. Kennedy of Waldoboro; Sheriff, Henry W. Clary, of Jefferson; Clerk of
     Courts, George B. Sawyer of Wiscassset; Commissioners, Horace Fasset, of Bristol;
     Teasurer, reuben M. brookings, of Wiscasset.

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