Friday, July 25, 2014


                                                    MATTERS IN MAINE

          Alpheus Jenkins of Byron, fell from the frame of a new mill in that town recently,
     breaking his left arm, also the bone just under his left eye, and otherwise injuring him.
          On the 27th, David Bradley of Fryeburg, was found dead in his bed at True's Hotel,
     Fryeburg.  He retired in apparently good heath.
          Mrs. John Laughton of Edinburg, Me., has woven during the past year about 900
     yards of cloth, besides helping her girls do the housework.
          Dr. Leonard W. Russell and his  wife, of Skowhegan, celebrated the Fiftieth
      Anniversary on their wedding on the 1st inst.
          There are 166 convicts in Thomaston State Prison, the largest number ever there at
     any one time.
          At Boothbay on the 5th, a boat containing a party of excursionists from Barter's
     Island, was run down and sunk by a large fishing schooner, also filled with a pleasure
     party from Barter's Island.  The party in the boat numbering fifteen men, women and
     children was drawn under the schooner, but all were rescued except two young ladies,
     Finetta Greenleaf, aged 16, and Freedy Caswell, aged 11 years. Their bodies have since
     been recovered. Nearly all on board the boat were disable in some way, and many were
     kept alive only by the most careful attention. Mrs. Lewis, with a child two years old
     in her arms, passed under the vessel and went to the bottom the third time, holding
     firmly to her child all the while, and both were finally rescued.
         Miss Nora Giles, daughter of Rev. Henry Giles, the well known lecturer and essayist,
     a beautiful and highly educated young lady of eighteen years, was drowned at
     Bucksport on Saturday, by the upsetting of a boat in which she was sailing with her
     sister, another young lady, and a young gentleman. Her body had not been recovered
     at last accounts.
          During the celebration of Monday at Starks, Mr. Charles Greenleaf, a young man
     of about twenty years of age, while assisting in firing a salute, had one of his arms
     blown off above the elbow by its premature discharge.
         Mr. John R. Larrabee, of Brunswick, rose from his bed on Sunday night to close a
    window, and making a misstep in the dark fell down a flight of stairs, and instantly
    killed. He was 71 years.
          Chester Whitney of Madrid, Me., last week, lost two barns containing valuable
     property, by a fire supposed to have been set to conceal a theft of wood stored in
    one of them.
          With the aid of a hook attached to a long pole, some thieves fished fifty dollars
     worth of goods through a broken window in the store of  J. H. Ripley, of Saco.
          Rev. Mr. Bicknell of Skowhegan, delivered the Fourth of July oration at North
     Anson,  and the Advocate says it was the best ever delivered there.
          Mr. Merrill of  Dayton, was driving in Saco, on Tuesday week, when his horse
     fell and broke one of his forelegs near the shoulder.
          Honorable R. D. Rice of Augusta, has gone on an exploring tour of the Northern
     Pacific Railroad routes, and will be absent until fall.
          Mrs. M. B. Coleman was run down by an frightened  horse, in Lewiston on
     Monday week, and had her hip dislocated.
          Mr. Amos G. Leighton of Millbridge, fell dead in the street, June 29th, of
     heart disease.
          Mrs. Catherine Crabb died at Leavitt Plantation, June 23rd, at the advanced
     aged of 102.


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