Wednesday, October 29, 2014
In this city, October 6th, by Rev. W. H. Fenns, Charles L. Orne, of North Yarmouth,
and Miss Kate M. Hutchins, of Portland.
In this city, September 30th, by Rev. Mr. Southworth, Thomas Decker and Lizzie
Greene, both of Portland.
In this city, October 5th, by Rev. F. Southworth, Oscar Downs and Maria Goss,
both of Portland.
In this city, October 7th, George W. Graffam and Lizzie Palmer, of Portland.
In South Standish, October 7th, Daniel U. Paine, and Albronie B. Berry.
In Brunswick, September 30th, Louis H. Merry, of Edgecomb, and Alfarata M.
Graves, of Brunswick.
In Providence, October 5th, Henry P. Merrill of Portland and Mary Elizabeth
Hodges of Portland (?)
In Hope, October 3rd, by Josiah Hobbs, Charles T. Melvin of Lowell, Mass.,
and Ella M. Wentworth, of Hope, Me.
In Standish, September 30th, Herman S. Whitney, Esq., of Gorham, and Miss
Flavilla A., youngest daughter of Honorable Asa Berry, Esq.
In Clarence, Iowa, by Rev. Jesse Helsel, William Lord of Orleans Bar, California,
Miss Eleanor H. Locke, of California, both formerly of Milo, Maine.
In Bath, October 8th (?) Henry S. Tucker, of Boston and Nellie F. Winslow, of
In Belfast, September 20th, Benjamin F. Barlow, of Freedom and Ida L. Baker,
of Montville.
In Milo, September 12th, Horace Meserve and Fannie E. Baker.
In St. Paul, Minn., September 21st, Albert T. C. Cobb, formerly of Portland, and
Jennie Hazzard of South Portland.
In Augusta, September 21st, Arthur S. Chase , and Lizzie A. Turner.
In August, September 30th (?) John Gilmore, and Rachel J. Reed, both of
In Ellsworth, September 25th, Miller N. Foster and Lucell F. Powers.
In Bluehill, October 3rd, Sewell A. Wood, and Sarah A. Joy, both of Ellsworth.
In Ellsworth, October 24th, Henry W. Pomeroy, of Trenton, Hancock County,
and Arvilla S. Murch, of Ellsworth.
In Saco, October 6th, Frank L. Harmon and Mary E. Lane.
In Farmington, October 2nd, William H. Hunter and M. Abbie Hartwell,
both of Strong.
In Strong, September 4th, A. J. Odell and Eva M. Jewell, both of Farmington.
In Gardiner, October 7th, William H. Day, and Susie McCurdy.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
New York, August 30th-Captain Haskell of schooner Mary E. Palmer, writes
to explain that the "captain of the two Palmer schooners-Mary E and William B-at
Norfolk, 28th, from Guantanamo Bay, did not clear from the Custom House at Key
West, but were subject to the orders of the North Atlantic Squadron officers, and
there was therefore no mistake mad by the aforesaid captain, as has been published."
The captains were detained 24 hours at Norfolk, when their vessels were released by
orders from Washing.
Bath, August 31st.-A. G. G. Deering's yard, the new big 4 masted schooner is half
framed out. The schooner William C. Tanner is receiving half time survey, and the Ralph
M. Hayward given an overhauling.
Aug. 20th.-Light vessel No. 47 moored in Long Island Sound, off Cornfield Point,
was damaged by a collision with a passing vessel, which necessitated a change in
characteristic of the while glitch at her foremost head from flashing to fixed. This vessel
will therefore until further notice, show a fixed white light at her foremast head,
instead of flashing white, while that at her mainmast will remain fixed red, as etrofore.
Washington, September 2nd.-Notice is hereby given by the Lighthouse Board that
on or about September 20th, there will be established in Conimient Light station, on
Sand Split, W aide of entrance to Providence River, Rhode Island, a red sector, covering
an arc of 6 degrees between N by W 1/4 and N 3/4 W, covering Ohio Ledge to upper
Narragansett Bay. Bearing are magnetic; given approximately and for seaward.
Edgartown, Mass., Aug 30th.-Arrived schooner Kate, Captain Walker, from New
York for this port, with coal, grounded on Chappaquiddick Point this morning. She
will float with slight damage, at high water tonight.
Boston, Aug. 31st.-The tug N. P. Doane made an unsuccessful attempt last night
to raise the schooner S. A. Paine, which sank in Broad Sound, off Fawn Bar, while
inward bound on Tuesday morning from Deer Isle. She will be stripped and abandoned.
Hyannis, Aug. 30th.-Schooner Lucy Hammond, reported ashore was floated
yesterday afternoon, and remains here.
Vineyard Haven, Sept. 1st.-The disabled schooner George W. Glover, which was
towed in here recently from Nauset by the British schooner Harry, proceeded in tow
this morning for New Bedford, where she will be repaired.
Schooner Florence Randall, Captain Thompson, from New York Ferdinanda (Prague?)
went ashore, Wednesday forenoon, on the south point of Big Bay Island, south of Edisto
Island, S. C. She is buried in the sand to turn of her bilges-chances of saving the vessel
are poor. (The F. R. was built at bath in 1882 and bailed from Port Jefferson, N. Y.)
Boston, Sept. 8th.-The owners of fishing schooner Ella M. Doughty which was
dismasted by collision on La Have bank with British steamer Columbia, will bring suit
against the owners of the steamer to recover damages.
The big four-mated schooner Mary Palmer, from Norfolk for Boston, coal laded, went
ashore on Georges Island during a dense fog Sunday. She lies in an easy position, and will
probably be floated at high water, with assistance of a tug.
New York, Sept. 3rd-Schooner E. H. Weaver, Captain Faulkingham, from
Philadelphia for Bridgeport, Ct., went ashore on Rome Shoals early this afternoon.
Several attempts have been made to flat her, but without success. (The E H W was built
at Bath in 1887, and hails from New Haven., Ct.
Vineyard Haven, Sept. 4th-Schooner H. L. Whiton from Kennebunk for New York,
lost port anchor on Nantucket Shao last night. Procured another here from Susie D.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Captain F. H. Wing of Skowhegan has received a letter from a comrade of his son,
Fred on board U. S. flagship Lancaster, W. D. Ely, who writes that he may be surprised to
to get a letter from a complete strange, but that he know a father like to hear of the good
deeds of his son, so he related the following; "Your son and I went ashore together in
Key West a few days ago and went into a dry goods (store) to buy some stuff, when a
Spaniard came in and asked for a handkerchief; one was shown him with U. S. flag in
the corner: he cursed the flag and said he had not use of it. Fred landed the floor by a
a hard blow on the jaw and stood over him and made him retract what he had said; it was
a noble act and a brave one, and I honor the boy for doing it; it shows the patriotic
manhood of the one doing it."
Charles M. Green, of Boston, for the past 10 years manager of the Revere House
of that city, has purchased the furnishing and leased Hotel Heselton in Skowhegan
for a term of years and took possession Thursday.
A pleasant feature of the celebration of the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Dunbar, which occurred at their home in Embden, August 27th, was the their
son, Mahlon T. Dunbar of Auburn and Miss Luthia A. Smith of Farmington. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. W. F. Small, of Richmond.
Mrs. Jennie Fogg, who was severely injured on the highway in Fairfield, has
accepted a settlement with the town.
The annual reunion of the Brackett family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C.G. Brackett in New Portland, August 21st, at which 120 were present. A dinner of
baked beans and pastry was enjoyed at noon after which a program of singing and
speaking and addresses was carried out. The oldest member of the family who was
present was Ivory Brackett, who is 87 years of age. Lieutenant Colonel William S.
Bracket, of Peoria, Illinois, of the 13th Illinois Volunteers, was present. He is of
another branch of Brackett family, but has made a study of the genealogy of the
family and gave many valuable points of it past history, tracking it back to the 12th and
13th centuries, and from a ancient "sampler" worked by his great-grandmother,
Mrs. Mary W. Bracket, of Lancaster, N. H., about the year 1770, he has had painted
a facsimile of the sample which is similar to the original Coat of Arms, brought in last
year. The ancient emblem is in the form of a gilt shield on which is a black "cross
moline," surmounted by a knight's head in a helmet of silver, capped by a stag at rest.
The painting is to be presented to the Maine Historical Society, as at the old Falmouth
is where the original Anthony and Thomas Brackett first settled about 1689, and from
which "Uncle Ivory," and many of those in the eastern part of New England are the
direct descendants, he moving with the rest of his father's family from North Berwick,
to his present 65 years old. The next reunion will be held at Camp Benson, Newport,
in August 1899, the week following the meeting of Camp Benson Association of
due notice will be given. We are indebted to the C. H. L., Pittsfield, for the above item.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Mayor Stone of Biddeford has received a letter from Lawyer Payson of Portland,
in relation to the balance of the bill Architect Stevens of Portland claims the city owes
him for work on the city building. The amount is over $3000 and Lawyer Payson is
desirous of having the matter settled. The letter was handed to City Solicitor Goodwin,
who have given his opinion that the city has paid Architect Steven all that is justly his
due, and the remainder of the bill cannot be collected by any process of law.
Mrs. Benjamin T. Bragdon of Berwick has been granted a pension of $8.00 per month.
Mrs. W. H. Emery of Kennebunkport slipped and fell one day last week, striking on her
head. When taken up and laid on a sofa it was thought that she was not much hurt, but in
a short time complaining of her head, she expired.
Mr. Alvin C. Gove, one of Biddeford's oldest and most substantial citizens died
Sunday night, aged 85 years.
FIRES.-The Dizer house and adjoining buildings near Tennant's Harbor were
destroyed by fire on the 29th ult. The buildings were unoccupied.
Belfast 31at ult., house, barn and out buildings belonging to John Fenwick. In the barn
were considerable live stock and 40 tons of hay. A small boy playing with matches in
the hay loft caused the fire. Loss $1200; no insurance.-Swanville, recently, farm buildings
owned and occupied by Mr. John Morrill. Supposed to have ben set as the hay mow was on
fire when he went to the barn, and some of the door were open that were closed the night
before. He saved his stock, excepting the hogs. Thirty bushels of potatoes were burn in the
barn. Most of the household goods were saved. Insurance $500 which will not cover the
loss. Oakland, Sept. 4th, Blake Brothers block damaged to the amount of $600.; insured.
The Blake Brothers lost about $6,500 on their stock of groceries and fittings; Albert
Swain had in the building a stock of boots, shoes and clothing, and his loss was $10,800.
Augusta, Sept. 4th, farm buildings of Daniel A. Hewins were destroyed by lightning with
including 70 tons of hay, two racks of barley and four calves, farming tools and several
sleights beside part of the household goods, 19 cows and five horses. Mrs. Hewins, her
two day old baby were carried by men to a neighboring house in the drenching rain..
Frank Mack, overcome by the electric shock and excitement at the fire became delirious,
but will recover. Estimated loss over $6000, no insurance;-Leeds, 4th, building of George
Parcher, with 60 tones of hay and most of the furniture. Partially insured in the Grange. Fire
caused by lightning.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
George W. Fisher has relinquished his lease of the Eastern Hotel at Machias to
it former owner, George D. Perry, who will conduct the affairs of the hostelry.
Messrs. George Boynton of Machias and Bradford J. Estey of Whiting have
recently bought a tract of about 4000 acres of timber land in Marion, near the head of
Rocky Lake, which they hope to operate in the near future.
It is reported that Allston Cushing the St. John contractor who furnished the lumber
and piles used in the construction of the plants at North Lubec, has purchased the
material as it now stands and will take it up to sell it to the Washington County
Railroad Co., for the construction of a wharf in Eastport. Work will be begun at once to
take up the piling, several millions of feet of which has been driven in the mud to hold
the accumulators.
Mr. Perkins, one of the manufacturer of the fire extinguishers used by the fire
department, was in Calais Friday to investigate the cause of the explosion whereby
Colonel E. T. Lee lost his life. While testing one of the machines it burst at the bottom
at a pressure of 175 pounds, in exactly the same manner as the one that killed Col. Lee,
says the Bangor Whig. The verdict of the jury at the corner's inquest was that the
accident was caused by faulty construction. Mr. Perkins claimed, previous to testing of
the machines, that the explosion of the one which caused Lee's death was due to an
overcharge, and that it also must have received a sudden shock, causing it to burst.
One day last week in Milbridge as a scow load of blueberries belonging to the
J. & E. Wyman company, was being taken on board the schooner St. Leon, the scow
careened, dumping into the stream 337 cases, which were afterwards picked up down
the bay.
William Pyne of Boisbubert Island, died suddenly of heart disease last week while
bicycling to Milbridge. His age was 30 years.
Ocean Park for a long time has not been satisfied with Old Orchard treatment of that
resort and Thursday a movement was started for the setting of the park from the town of
Old Orchard and its annexation to Saco. The committee appointed to present the matter to
the legislature-ex-president Cheney of Bates College, ex-Mayor Milliken of Augusta,
President L. M. Webb and Secretary E. E. Davis of the Ocean Park Association and Judge
Knowlton of Portland-are Ocean Park property owners and all desire more permanent
improvements for their section of the beach. They say the pay $1,800 in taxes into the town
of Old Orchard and that if it was not for these taxes they would never know whether they
belonged to Old Orchard or to Saco. They get nothing from the town except the call of
the tax collector.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Frederick Frazier Black, son of Captain Joshua W. Black of Searsport, has just
been admitted to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York,
as a cadet from the 3rd Maine Congressional district to fill a vacancy. Mr. Black
was alternate cadet, having taken his examination successfully in 1897.
Walter H. West died at him home in Belfast, Wednesday, as a result of injuries
in an accident in Northport Avenue two months ago, when accompanied by his wife
he was driving and collided with a heavy truck team. Both his wife and himself
were thrown to the ground. She was not seriously injured. He struck on his head
and never recovered him faculties. Mr. West was a member of the insurance firm
of Field and West. His age was 45 years.
A bicycle belonging to Miss Mabel Grady of Belfast, was stolen one night
recently by some one who pried off the window casings of the carriage house
where the wheel was kept, took out the window, and thus got the wheel.
Five large summer residences are to be erected this winter at Dark Harbor,
Islesboro. A large number of lots have been sold during the summer. Captain John
Farrow is circulating a petition requesting the government to establish a buoy in
Gilkey's Harbor, which is a thoroughfare for many large yachts, several of which have
got aground there, recently, as nothing marks shoal waters.
There was held Wednesday a sheriff's sale of the Crosby Inn property, Belfast, on
a execution for 1895 taxes. The amount of the execution and costs was $348.09. The
property was bid in for the city to that amount.
Machias was visited by the heaviest electrical storm for years between ten and
eleven o'clock Sunday night. The residence of Captain E. S. Wright at Machiasport
was literally torn to pieces, lightning going through every room in the house. The
sleeping inmates were buried under falling plastering and laths, but escaped unharmed.
Mrs. Bion Parsons at East Machias was struck by lightning as she attempted to leave her
room with her baby. Her right side was shockingly burned from head to foot and the
baby was badly burned about the feet and legs.
A burly black man who gave his name as Silas Chaunnel and who claimed to have
walked to Lubec from Louisiana is charged with making an assault on Constable C. H.
Scott with a club, cutting him badly. He was committed to jail to await the October
term of court at Machias.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Bath has seldom been stirred as it was Thursday over the publication of the story
that ex-Mayor F. H. Twitchell, one of the Bath's most prominent citizens, a member of
Governor Power's executive council and well know in business circles in Maine and
Boston, was an embezzler to the amount of $60,000, and it is feared that it may exceed
that sum. It is claimed that for the past 14 or 15 years during which Mr. Twitchell
has been connected with the Worumbo Manufacturing Company, various sums have
been appropriated by him. These amounts were charged to the expense account, so
that the business has not become involved at any time. Only a careful investigation
revealed the fact that there has been wrong-doing. When confronted with the evidence
Mr. Twitchell acknowledged his quilt, but it is thought no prosecution will follow as the
one most deeply involved is G. C. Moses, treasurer of the mills, who is inclined to treat
the matter as one personal wrong, rather than an instance of criminal intent. Mr. Twitchell,
who is at his summer home at Popham beach is in very poor health. He refuses to discuss
the matter. The disclosures in the Twitchell case were precipitated by the personal
assignments of Mr. Moses, which was announced Tuesday week, and in which Mr. Moses
himself says more than $400,000 worth of property is involved.
The First National Bank of Bath of Bath, of which Galen C. Moses was president,
accepted his resignation at a meeting Wednesday, and Captain John R. Kelley was
elected in stead.
Plans are being drawn by architect Miller of Lewiston for a Methodist Church
edifice to be erected this season in Bath. The plans call for stone to the window sills
and for wood above the lines. The front consists of a large tower, flanked by a small
tower with arcade between. Leaded glass will be used. The auditorium will seat
325; the vestry 200, with rolling partition between.
Friday noon the barge West Virginia, for the Atlantic Transportation Company, of
Boston, 1576 tons, was launched from the yard of Honorable William Rogers, Bath,
North End.
Rev. A. Fred Dunnels, of the Central Church, Bath, has received a call to the
Central Church at Orange, Mass.
A correspondent writes; August 24th the marriage of Professor Lester Bailey,
formerly of Dresden, but now of Adrian, Michigan, to Miss Laura Isabelle Main,
took place at the home of the bridge's parent in Woolwich. Many relatives and
friends were present. Professor and Mrs. Baily left immediately after the ceremony
for their western home, where he will assume hid duties as principal of R. V. Seminary.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
About 1,000 people attended the dedication of the Stewart Memorial building in
Corinna, Thursday afternoon and evening. This is one of the most magnificent
structures possessed by any town in the state, and was presented by Hon. Levi M.
Steward of Minneapolis, a native of Corinna. The structure is built of brick and is
finished throughout in oak. On the first floor are four offices for the accommodation
of the town officers, while one of the rooms contains a large fire proof vault. On the
ground floor also is located the fine library containing a valuable collection of
literature. This library at the present time contains about 3000 volumes including two
sets of the latest encyclopedia, book of fiction, including the latest novels, books of
ancient literature and all of the magazines. The library is in charge of Miss Green of
Bangor, an expert librarian, assisted by Miss Ayer also of Bangor.
Blanche Lottie Doane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Doane, of Brewer, died very
suddenly Friday night as a result of a bicycle ride. Miss Doane was in her usual health
Friday, and during the afternoon and early took quite a long ride. Shortly after returning
home she complained of not feeling well, and lay down after taking some simple remedy.
There was evidence of a hemorrhage and a physician was called. He attended the young
lady and gave orders to keep her quiet for a day or two. He had been gone from the house
but a short time when Miss Doane commenced to grow rapidly worse and died soon
afterward. Miss Doane was 16 years of age.
The Guilford schools began Monday with the exception of the high school. The
teachers of last year are retained. W. S. Parsons of New Portland, a Bates College
graduate, has been secured as principal of the high school, and Miss Lusanna M.
Clary, of Hallowell. a graduate of Holyoke College, will be the assistant.
The racing at the fall meeting of the Maine Division L. A. W., held under the
auspices of the Central Cycle Club Foxcroft Monday were very interesting and
attracted a crowd of nearly 2,000 people. J. C. Senior of Sanford broke the state record
for a mile in 2.07, won by 3.5. The novice race proved the heat of the day. Summary:
Half mile no vice, won by J. D. Hatch; Seth Parsons, second; W. B. Flanders, third.
Time 1.10. One mile amateur won by W. P. Field (under protest) Wilfred Senior,
second. Time 2.13 won by 3.5. One mile 2.50 class amateur won by W. P. Field;
Ora Gerald, second; George Newton, third. Time 2.17 won by 1.5. Half mile amateur
won by Wilfred Senior; J. C. Senior, second; C. B.Picket, third. Time 1.07 won by 1.5.
J. C. Senior won the state championship in 2.15 won by 2.5.
A cablegram received Saturday by Arthur Sewall & Co., of Bath from Capt. James
Murphy, who went to Valparaiso, to return with the ship Kenilworth, which was badly
damaged by the fire at sea, says that Capt. Baker, 1st mate Piper and a boy named Hobson,
who lost their lives, died from inhaling gas, thus confirming the denial of the story that
they had been murdered. The ship will sail from Valparaiso, September 10th for New
Mrs. Susan D. Wakefield, one of Bath's oldest residence, died Saturday morning, aged
96 years. She leaves six children, ex-Mayor James W. Wakefield and John W., of Bath,
Charles H. of Bennington, Vt., Mrs. A. B. Colton and Miss Susan Wakefield of Bath, and
Mrs. Addie Corbiere of Worcester, Mass.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Saturday afternoon Buckfield gave a reception to Secretary Long at Nezinscot
Hall, which was filled to the utmost capacity, the company including many
neighboring towns. The hall was beautifully decorated with flowers and flags, and
the Grand Army post and Ladies Literary Club attended in bodies to bestow honors
on the most distinguished son of old Buckfield. The Secretary made one of his happy
speeches and his hearty greeting from his old townspeople. Everybody shook his hand,
several people repeating the ceremony. One of the pleasantest features of the day was
the dinner at the old Bridgham mansion, at which the Secretary and Hon. E. L. Parrie
were guest of Thomas S. Bridgham, Esq. This was a happy reunion of old schoolmates.
The secretary is a great lover of his native town. His ancestral home on North Hill is
charmingly situated, commanding a broad and varied prospect. He is now preparing
for extensive improvement on his farm.
Professor Adelbert F. Caldwll, of Oxford, whose name is familiar to the readers of
the Transcript as a writer of both prose and verse, and who has been teaching for some
years at the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, has accepted the chair in Illinois Wesleyan
The 56th exhibition of the Oxford County Agricultural Society will be held on the
fair grounds between Norway and South Paris, September 20th, 21st and 22nd. J. A.
Roberts, Norway, superintendent of the grounds; C. H. George, Hebron superintendent
of the hall.
A noteworthy family of old people are living with Mrs. Lucy Turner at Hebron.
Mrs. Turner is 79, her brother Nathan Fogg is 86, his wife is 85. Mrs. Esther Fogg
Moody is 92. Within a year Mrs. Fogg had made 11 bed quilts. Mrs. Moody is as
nimble as a young girl and sings like one. There old people do their own work.
Major B. F. Bradbury of Norway, Me., and Mrs. Ava Y. Finney, of Bethel, were
married Tuesday w eek at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Olive Young.
Rev. F. E. Barton and Rev. B. S. Rideout officiating. The wedding was a quiet one,
only relatives and a few friends being present. The room was decorated with flags,
evergreen and flowers. Dr. Bradbury has just been promoted to Brigade Surgeon and
expects to return to Chickamauga next week.
Ernest Ingalls of Denmark, Me., took his two yoke of oxen to Rigby Farm and
received $50.00 in premiums.
The store of C. C. Bryant in Bethel was broken into last Saturday night and a
Waverly bicycle belonging to W. C. Bryant was stolen. The Bethel News give the
name of the thief as Herbert Leslie, who has been trace to South Paris, Me.
Mrs. Hanna Childs recently celebrated her 97th birthday at the home of her grand
niece, Mrs. A. A. Eastman, Canton, where she has been living for several years. Mrs.
Childs mind is active and bright and she reads ordinary print without the aid of
A led-horse behind the wagon of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baker of Peg Cove was
frightened by a bicyclist and rearing came down across Mrs. Baker's shoulder's,
rendering her unconscious. She sustained severe injuries and will be confined to her
bed for a long time.
The officers visited the Windsor Hotel in Bangor Wednesday, and captured a
"pinch board," and its alleged owner J. V. Madden of Sing Sing, New York, and
considerable amount of money on the board at the time. Madden was locked up to
await a hearing.
Bartwell Antonine while at work at the lower dam of Adams & Co., in Orono,
Thursday, lost his balance and was washed over the dam, striking on the rocks and
pinned down by a log. His chest was hurt and internal injuries are feared.
D. E. Fiske of Waterville, who for some time has been landlord of the Lancey House,
Pittsfield, and lately of Bay View House, Waterville, was in Dexter last week,
negotiating for the purchase of the Exchange Hotel property, If he sells Mr. Blackden
will reside for the present in the Calvin Copeland house at Monkeyville and will
devote his attention chiefly to farming.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Fred Trial, the 11 old son of David Trial, was run over and instantly killed in the
Maine central yard in Waterville Monday morning about 10 o'clock. The boy was
playing about the cars and engine and it is supposed he must have fallen in the under
car. He was cut in two at the waist.
During a heavy thunder storm at Augusta, Sunday night, Private P. M. Welsh of
Battery A. First Maine Artillery, was prostrated by lightning in that city and surgeons
worked over him for several hours. He will recover. Several ladies were prostrated,
but not seriously.
Gay Cummings, aged 18, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Cummings of Belgrade, died at
his home Thursday morning. He was a private in Co. F, First Maine, and came from
Chickamauga three weeks ago. Death was due to ivy poisoning and fever. His death
is the fourth in Company F., and the twenty-third in the regiment.
H. E. Capen, a well-known hotel man, has assumed control of the Augusta House,
having purchased the interest of Pinkham & Arnold who opened the house in June.
At Waterville, Sunday week, 277 children were confirmed by Bishop J. A. Healy.
The Gardiner Reporter-Journal states that the wife of Albert Berry of Randolph
when notified that his body had been found in the river, Tuesday, at Gardiner said
that being ill she would not have the corpse brought in the house. Her brother was
was also unwilling to have anything to do with it, and as the deceased was without
other relatives or friends, the body was left with the town of Randolph for burial.
The Maine Gun Clubs' tournament held at Waterville was completed Wednesday
and the state championship for teams goes to Auburn, while that of individual marks-
men is held in Waterville by Samuel L. Preble, who shot 46 out of a possible 50
targets. The shooting Wednesday was of a very close order, Preble winning his laurels
by only two scores. There were 21 men competing for the championship, and four
of these scoured a score of 44, one 43 and two 42. For the second time in two years
Waterville holds the championship for individual shooting, Major Reid taking the
same at Richmond two years ago.
The annual meeting of the Camden, Rockland & Thomaston Street Railroad
Company was held Wednesday. The old board of officers was elected as follows;
President, George E. Macomber; Treasurer, A. D. Bird; Clerk, H. M Heath.
Directors; George E. Macomber, F. Hill, S. M. Bird, W. S. White, W. F. Cobb,
A. F. Crocket and A. L. Shepherd. Thomas Hawkins was elected Superintendent.
While four young boys were sailing Friday near the Crag Islands, their boat
capsized and one of the party, Almon Davis, was drowned. The others were
picked up in an unconscious condition. Davis was but 15 years of age and was the
son of Robert Davis of North Haven.
The third to be taken from the ranks of Company H. First Maine Volunteers,
was Steward George W. Young, who died of typhoid malarial fever contracted at
Chickamauga in Rockland Monday evening. He arrived home last week, and has
steadily grown worse. He was 35 years of aged and leaves a widow.
Major R. R. Ulmer of the First Maine Volunteers passed away at his home in
Rockland Sunday evening after an illness of several weeks. He was born in Rockland
passed his early life in the public schools. After graduating from high school he entered
the law office of B. K. Kallock, where he studied law for a period of three years, when
he was admitted as a member of Knox County Bar. Shortly after he became a
member of the Bar, he was elected Clerk of Courts. In 1896 he was again elected
to the same position which he held up to the time of his death. He was one of the most
popular officers of the First Maine. He was the first Rockland soldier to die in the war.
The law has set aside the verdict against the town of Damariscotta in the suit of
Lizzie A. Herbert for injury alleged to have been received by a defective sidewalk, and
granted a new trial.
Mrs. Newell Mank, Waldoboro, has a spinning wheel 76 years old.
James Sampson of Waldoboro has sparred 250 vessels in the 58 years he was in the
business. He sparred 29 vessel in one year,
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hill celebrated their Golden Wedding Monday evening at their
home, 467 Forest Avenue, Deering, and received the congratulation of the many friends.
Rev. F. T. Nelson, in behalf of the son, grandchildren, cousin and friends presented
Mr. and Mrs. Hill with a purse of over $300.00. Mr. and Mrs. Hill, who are 76 and
75 years old respectively, were married at Limington, Sept. 1, 1848 by Elder Mason,
(now deceased), a Baptist minister of that place at that time. They went to Songo (?)
on their wedding the first season of the first steamboat, the Fawn, up the river. They
stopped at a hotel at the time under the management of Richard Gage, whose son is
Hanno Gage of Portland. The immediate descendants are the only child Henry A. Hill
of Morrill's Corner, and three grandchildren, Mrs. Aletha Voris of Chicago, Melville
A. Hill, of Springfield, Mass., and Guy E. Hill of Deering. All were present except
Melville, who was unable to be present.
At a monthly meeting of the Westbrook city council Monday evening the affirmative
decision of the Supreme Court relative to the injunction placed on the City Treasurer from
paying the sum of $20,000 for stock in the Westbrook Windham and Harrison railroad
was received and filed. Mr. E. A. Newman, representing the Portland Railroad
Company appeared and informed the council that his company would be in readiness
to change its track location in Cumberland and Maine Streets in a few weeks. A
hearing was ordered for the first regular hearing in October on the petition of the
Westbrook Electric Light and Power Company for permission to erect additional poles
and wires throughout the city. The special committee appointed relative to selling
the old Chapman farm reported and recommended that the property ought not to be
sold for less than $4,000. The reports were accepted.
The following real estate transfers have been recorded in the Cumberland Registry
of Deeds; Charles B. Dodge, of Concord, Mass., to Catherine B. Doyle, of Kansas City,
land in South Portland at Grandview; A. M. Thomas et al. to Joseph Purrington, land
in Harrison; Herbert W. Clark, to Joseph Pitts of Harrison, land in Naples; Samuel
Pettengill of Cliff Island to Mary Cushman Coyle of North Adams, land on Cliff
Island, for $175; Drusella W. Kingsley of Malden, Mass., to Albert E. Kingsley, Jr.,
of Boylston Mass., land in Westbrook; Horace B. Soule as guardian to Hebert Jones
of Freeport; George C. Johnson to Thomas Fisher, land on Brackett Street, Portland.
Our agent M. W. Cummings, will son call upon subscriber in Franklin County,
and all parts of Sumerset.
Back in the 60's during the pastorate of the Rev. R. B. Howard of Old South
Church, Farmington, received a gift of a fine large Bible for the pulpit from Mrs.
F. G. Butler. About that time one of Mr. and Mrs. Butler's daughter's was sick unto
death, but recovered her health, and the gift was made the church as a memorial gift of
the parents thankfulness. The Bible graced the desk in the old church till the fire of
1866 destroyed the church: the Bible however, was saved and has been used in the new
church until Sunday week, when a handsome new one took its place.
The Phillips Woolen Co., has the mill up and is getting on finely in its work.
W. W. Small has been appointed game warden for the lower lake region. He will
make his headquarters at Bemis.
The Burnham & Morrill corn shop at Strong started up last week.
The island house at Southwest Harbor has been sold by S. K. Whiting of
Ellsworth, to a Boston man. The house will be refitted and improved. It will be
opened next season.
Captain Leo, the army expert sent by the English government to this county to
study how modern battles are fought in the interest of the army of Great Britain, is
very ill at the home of banker John G. Moore of New York at Grindstone, across the
bay from Bar Harbor.
An important land deal at Bar Harbor was made last week by which the property
on the Eddy estate on Eden Street owned by a Portland syndicate, was sold to Paul
Hunt and work ha begun of the site for the erection of a fine summer cottage.
Ex-Secretary Whitney is negotiating with the Howard for Mossely Hall at Bar
Harbor, for his son, Mr. Harry Paine Whitney. The Whitney's will probably remain
here until October. Mrs. Whitney's health has greatly improved.
Ellsworth American: Miss Lucy H. Tapley, of the faculty of Spelman Seminary,
Atlanta, Ga., who is spending her vacation with her parents at West Brookville, is
visiting O. W. Tapely and wife in this city. She returns to Atlanta, October 1st,
to commence her ninth year at Spelman.
The pension of Stephen Decatur of North Hancocok has been increased from
$6 to $10.00.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Dana Merrill of Freeport, who has an appointment as Second Lieutenant in the
regular army, has a salary of $1,400.
Miss Blanche Porter of Westbrook has gone to Gray, where she was accepted a
position as assistant teacher in the Pennell Institute.
Rev. Daniel Coburn, pastor of the Union Church, Spurr's corner and Union Church,
Casco Village, has tendered his resignation, to take affect the last Sunday in October.
The body of Lucius S. Goff, has been found in the river at North Gorham, near the
place where it was supposed he walked off in the dark. Mr. Goff served in the War of
the Rebellion in Co. K, 17th Maine. He leaves a widow, two sons and two daughters.
The reunion of the 12th Maine will be held at Bridgton, September 13th.
At a special meeting of the Deering school committee Thursday evening, Mr.
Marvin was elected principal of the High School to succeed Mr. J. M. Hill, who
resigned on account of ill health. Mr. Marvin who is now a resident of New York
state, was until recently principal of a high school in Gardner, Mass. He graduated
from William college in the Class of 1886.
Brunswick Telegraph: In looking over some old documents a few days since was
found a deed of two acres of land sold to Benjamin Stone in 1790, located on the best
business portion of Main Street. The price paid for this land at the time was 12 shillings,
or two dollars. At the present time it would sell for $20,000 without the store and other
buildings on the lot and considered a good bargain at that price. A part of the lot of
land has remained in the possession of the descendants of Mr. Stone, since the purchase
108 years ago. In 1768 Mr. Stone erected a hotel on this lot which was the first hotel
erected in the village. It was destroyed by fire in 1825; it stood on the corner of Maid
and Mill Streets.
The grocery store of John C. Summersides in Gorham was entered by burglars one
night recently and articles to the value of $35.00 were taken.
Miss Mary Morrill of Morrill's Corner left Monday for Vancouver, B. C., en route
to her mission station at Shanghai, China.
Lieutenant Lucien Stacy, Co. F, 20th Infantry, U. S. A., died of malarial fever, aged
28, Saturday night, at the residence of his brother, Dr. Clinton Stacy, at Gorham.
Lieutenant Stacy was a student at Bowdoin College in the Class of '93. He served
through the entire Santiago de Cuba campaign as an officer in the regular army, and
returned recently on the Yale, arriving in Gorham, Tuesday, August 30th. He leaves a
father and mother at Kezar Falls, where the funeral services were held Tuesday
Officer Fowler captured two burglars at South Portland early Friday morning.
George Price of Providence, R. I., and James Keegan of Dedham, Mass., and they
were arraigned before Justice McManus, Saturday morning on the charge of burglaries
committed late Thursday night and during the early hours of Friday morning. The
prisoners, having no defense to offer at the hearing were put under bonds to appear
at the fall term of the criminal court. In default of bail they were remanded to jail.
At the house of Mr. Ellis on Pickett Street, the burglars choked Mrs. Ellis into
The house of Mr. Fred Curtis on the new Gorham Road, Westbrook, was entered
by tramps or burglars several nigh ago. Mr. Curtis was awaken at about three o' clock
by a light shining into his window and on looking out saw two men prowling around.
Entrance was gained by breaking the side lights of the front door, which permitted
the marauders to unlock the door from the inside. The contents of a chest were
scattered about, but nothing of value taken. The burglars fled before Mr. Curtis could
pursue them successfully.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Messrs. Mann and Jordan of Casco, have purchased a lot of Poland opposite the
Portland & Rumford Falls station and will begin work at once upon a large store
and steam grist mill.
B. M. Fernald, of the Fernald, Keane & True Company, Poland, says that they will
pack more sweet corn this year than ever before.
Mr. Joshua Littlefield is working his mine on Mt. Herderite, Auburn. He has a
shaft down about 15 feet, 15 feet wide by 23 feet long, and has opened a ten foot
cavity in the ledge. Mr. E. Y. Turner of Auburn is at work on Mt. Aptite with a
crew of men and steam drill and dynamite blasts, getting out feldspar.
Friday night Mr. W. A. Carpenter of Company H., Lewiston of the First Maine
volunteers, died at the Maine General Hospital. Scribner, Heal, Nelson and Carpenter
were all considered very doubtful cases when carried to the hospital and all have died.
Carpenter was an older man than the others.
Mr. David S. Whitehouse a well known and esteemed citizen of Auburn died
Friday afternoon. He was born in Minot, but for 25 or 30 years has resided in Auburn.
He was 72 years of age.
William A. Carpenter, 36 years old, of Lewiston, a member of Company F., First
Maine Volunteers, died Friday night at the Maine General Hospital, of typhoid fever,
contracted at Camp Thomas, Chickamauga. Private Carpenter was one of the last men
who enlisted in the regiment, and had been at Camp Thomas but a few weeks, when
he was taken ill.
Mr. Isaac W. Winslow, a wealthy citizen of Indiana, recently dropped in upon
his friends in Turner, his native town, and surprised them all with his youthful ways
at the of 85. It is reported that he rode to East Auburn on the electrics and walked from
there into Turner. He is one of smartest old gentlemen in the country. He is the guest of
his brother Emery Winslow, aged 81. The other day they took a team and drove 20 miles
for a visit, returning at the end of three days. Mr. Isaac Winslow is an attorney and owns
extensive tracts of real estate in the West, says the Lewiston Journal.
Otto Fisher, son of Mr. J. H. Fisher of High Street, Lewiston, left Tuesday for
Annapolis to enter the naval school. Mr. Fisher took his examination some time ago,
but the term has only just begun on account of the war.
Rev. Mr. Boyd baptized nine candidates at Mapleton last week.
The Aroostook Times says that Mr. James McPartland of Houlton, who has recently
been granted a patent on a balicock valve, has received an offer of $15,000 for the
patent, but has refused it knowing that it is worth a great deal more than the price
offered. He is now trying for a patent in Canada.
The Sprague's Mills correspondent of the Star Herald writes; Bertha Neeland, a
young lady of whom this town is justly proud, occupied the pulpit of the M. E.
Church Sunday, and at Easton in the afternoon.
On a recent two days' trip through the forest north of Mars Hill, H. B. Collins
counted 25 deer. He has made arrangements to run three sporting camps during the
hunting season, one at No. 9 Lake, one at Young Lake, and one at Burnt Land.
D. E. Johnson, superintendent of the Caribou fish hatchery, recently liberated
3000 landlocked salmon fry in Madawaska Lake.
Mrs. H. E. Hutchinson, who resided in Fort Fairfield, just beyond the Aroostook
River bridge, on the Maysville road, died very suddenly Sunday evening week. Mrs.
Hutchinson attended service at the Baptist Church Sunday evening, and was to all
appearances in her usual health. Sometime after her return home she was stricken
with apoplexy and expired almost immediately.
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