Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Fred Trial, the 11 old son of David Trial, was run over and instantly killed in the
Maine central yard in Waterville Monday morning about 10 o'clock. The boy was
playing about the cars and engine and it is supposed he must have fallen in the under
car. He was cut in two at the waist.
During a heavy thunder storm at Augusta, Sunday night, Private P. M. Welsh of
Battery A. First Maine Artillery, was prostrated by lightning in that city and surgeons
worked over him for several hours. He will recover. Several ladies were prostrated,
but not seriously.
Gay Cummings, aged 18, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Cummings of Belgrade, died at
his home Thursday morning. He was a private in Co. F, First Maine, and came from
Chickamauga three weeks ago. Death was due to ivy poisoning and fever. His death
is the fourth in Company F., and the twenty-third in the regiment.
H. E. Capen, a well-known hotel man, has assumed control of the Augusta House,
having purchased the interest of Pinkham & Arnold who opened the house in June.
At Waterville, Sunday week, 277 children were confirmed by Bishop J. A. Healy.
The Gardiner Reporter-Journal states that the wife of Albert Berry of Randolph
when notified that his body had been found in the river, Tuesday, at Gardiner said
that being ill she would not have the corpse brought in the house. Her brother was
was also unwilling to have anything to do with it, and as the deceased was without
other relatives or friends, the body was left with the town of Randolph for burial.
The Maine Gun Clubs' tournament held at Waterville was completed Wednesday
and the state championship for teams goes to Auburn, while that of individual marks-
men is held in Waterville by Samuel L. Preble, who shot 46 out of a possible 50
targets. The shooting Wednesday was of a very close order, Preble winning his laurels
by only two scores. There were 21 men competing for the championship, and four
of these scoured a score of 44, one 43 and two 42. For the second time in two years
Waterville holds the championship for individual shooting, Major Reid taking the
same at Richmond two years ago.
The annual meeting of the Camden, Rockland & Thomaston Street Railroad
Company was held Wednesday. The old board of officers was elected as follows;
President, George E. Macomber; Treasurer, A. D. Bird; Clerk, H. M Heath.
Directors; George E. Macomber, F. Hill, S. M. Bird, W. S. White, W. F. Cobb,
A. F. Crocket and A. L. Shepherd. Thomas Hawkins was elected Superintendent.
While four young boys were sailing Friday near the Crag Islands, their boat
capsized and one of the party, Almon Davis, was drowned. The others were
picked up in an unconscious condition. Davis was but 15 years of age and was the
son of Robert Davis of North Haven.
The third to be taken from the ranks of Company H. First Maine Volunteers,
was Steward George W. Young, who died of typhoid malarial fever contracted at
Chickamauga in Rockland Monday evening. He arrived home last week, and has
steadily grown worse. He was 35 years of aged and leaves a widow.
Major R. R. Ulmer of the First Maine Volunteers passed away at his home in
Rockland Sunday evening after an illness of several weeks. He was born in Rockland
passed his early life in the public schools. After graduating from high school he entered
the law office of B. K. Kallock, where he studied law for a period of three years, when
he was admitted as a member of Knox County Bar. Shortly after he became a
member of the Bar, he was elected Clerk of Courts. In 1896 he was again elected
to the same position which he held up to the time of his death. He was one of the most
popular officers of the First Maine. He was the first Rockland soldier to die in the war.
The law has set aside the verdict against the town of Damariscotta in the suit of
Lizzie A. Herbert for injury alleged to have been received by a defective sidewalk, and
granted a new trial.
Mrs. Newell Mank, Waldoboro, has a spinning wheel 76 years old.
James Sampson of Waldoboro has sparred 250 vessels in the 58 years he was in the
business. He sparred 29 vessel in one year,
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