Wednesday, October 22, 2014


                                                    MAINE MATTERS


          Mayor Stone of Biddeford has received a letter from Lawyer Payson of Portland,
      in relation to the balance of the bill Architect Stevens of Portland claims the city owes
      him for work on the city building. The amount is over $3000 and Lawyer Payson is
      desirous of having the matter settled. The letter was handed to City Solicitor Goodwin,
      who have given his opinion that the city has paid Architect Steven all that is justly his
     due, and the remainder of the bill cannot be collected by any process of law.
          Mrs. Benjamin T. Bragdon of Berwick has been granted a pension of $8.00 per month.
          Mrs. W. H. Emery of Kennebunkport slipped and fell one day last week, striking on her
     head. When taken up and laid on a sofa it was thought that she was not much hurt, but in
     a short time complaining of her head, she expired.
          Mr. Alvin C. Gove, one of Biddeford's oldest and most substantial citizens died
     Sunday night, aged 85 years.
                                                       IN GENERAL

          FIRES.-The Dizer  house and adjoining  buildings near Tennant's Harbor were
     destroyed by fire on the 29th ult.  The buildings were unoccupied.
     Belfast 31at ult., house, barn and out buildings belonging to John Fenwick. In the barn
     were considerable live stock and 40 tons of hay. A small boy playing with matches in
     the hay loft caused the fire. Loss $1200; no insurance.-Swanville, recently, farm buildings
     owned and occupied by Mr. John Morrill. Supposed to have ben set as the hay mow was on
     fire when he went to the barn, and some of the door were open that were closed the night
     before. He saved his stock, excepting the hogs. Thirty bushels of potatoes were burn in the
     barn. Most of the household goods were saved. Insurance $500 which will not cover the
     loss. Oakland, Sept. 4th, Blake Brothers block damaged to the amount of $600.; insured.
     The Blake Brothers lost about $6,500 on their stock of groceries and fittings; Albert
     Swain had in the building a stock of boots, shoes and clothing,  and his loss was $10,800.
     Augusta, Sept. 4th, farm buildings of Daniel A. Hewins were destroyed by lightning with
     including 70 tons of hay,  two racks of barley and four calves, farming tools and several
     sleights beside part of the household goods, 19 cows and five horses. Mrs. Hewins, her
     two day old baby were carried by men to a neighboring house in the drenching rain..
     Frank Mack, overcome by the electric shock and excitement at the fire became delirious,
     but will recover. Estimated loss over $6000, no insurance;-Leeds, 4th, building of George
     Parcher, with 60 tones of hay and most of the furniture. Partially insured in the Grange. Fire
     caused by lightning.

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