Sunday, June 7, 2015


                                                        MATTERS IN MAINE
          Mr. William B. Wood, of Boston, treasurer of two of the great corporations at
     Lewiston, said in a recent public meeting in that city, that it is contemplated to build
     there a mill  of 100,000 spindles. This, with the enlargements to be made this year,
     will add 10,000 to the population of the city.
          The body of Ada Brown, one of the girls who last fall, committed suicide at
     Auburn by throwing themselves into the cataract, was found on Saturday near the
     spot where she jumped in. Although the body had been in  the water over five months,
     it was found to be little changed. The outer dress was torn somewhat, but the inner
    clothing was perfect, and in place, and there were only three slight abrasions of the
    skin. The body was probably caught and held all  this time in a eddy just below the
          John Road, a Frenchman from Farmington, was killed at Lewiston, on Saturday,
      while tempting to get upon a train in motion.

          The road to Houlton was opened at last on the 11th inst., after a snow
     blockade of nearly a month.

          Messrs. Richard and Robert McManus, bondsmen of Rogers, the defaulting
     cashier of the Pejepscot bank, have  settled the claim of the bank upon them by
     the payment of $2,000.
          Bark Everett Gray, owned in Yarmouth, and commanded by Captain Loring,
     was sunk in the Thames,  on the 11th inst.
          The Press learns that the water-power real estate and half-completed canal and
     other improvements near the mouth of the Presumpscot River, owned by Honorable
     F.  O. J. Smith, have been bonded by a well-known real estate man, who proposes
     to put in in the market directly, or induce capitalists to take up manufacturing sites.
          Joseph Smith of Mariaville, has lately buried his 12th child and his last surviving
     son. He is over 70 and has lost two wives.
          Mrs. Dr. Eunice S. Sleeper, who founded the first hospital for women  at San
     Francisco, is a native of Eden. Her father was the late James Beverly of Ellsworth.
          Schooner Ada Ames, of Rockland, given up for lost six week, has returned to
     Vinalhaven, from which place she sailed in February with a cargo of granite for
     Washington. She was kept at sea 43  days by heavy weather. The company had
     given her up as lost, and began the day before her arrival to cut the stone to replace
     her cargo.
          The Gazette  says  Little, the Dix Island murderer,  is well satisfied with the
     verdict and sentence in his case. He had great fears of the gallows, and when sure
     of the safety of his neck, appeared greatly relieved, although he is condemned to
     imprisonment for life. 
          A son of John Walker, of Union, aged 19, was on the 27th ult. found dead upon
     the floor of the barn, whither he had gone but a short time before. No cause assigned.


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