Wednesday, June 24, 2015


                                                               CITY ITEMS
                                                        ( Glances About Town)
          Dr. John Buzzell was reported Sunday to be much improved and to be considered
      out of danger.
          The rigging, etc., of the wrecked schooner G. W.  Cushing, have been sold for
     $500, and the twenty-five tons of iron  ballast for $170.
          Henry L. Houghton, of Bath, and Mrs. Samuel E. Spring, of Portland, have each
     sent $500 to the Maine General for free beds for a year.
          The widow of Rear Admiral Alden died in Boston on Friday week, and was buried
     in the Eastern Cemetery, in this city, beside the Admiral on Monday of this week
          Mr. Laureston Rumery, of Libby's Corner, while splitting wood, had an end of the
     stick fly up and tear one eye from the socket. It is feared he will lose the sight of one
          The Harrison Guards have voted to make the organization permanent. It was also
     voted to present each of the honorary members of the company and the Republican
     papers of the city, a framed picture of the company. They have already presented to
     the Honorable James G. Blaine and Governor Burleigh, each, a pictures of the company
     elegantly framed by Mr. Knight.
          News was received here Friday of the death the day before of Francis McDonald,
     Lennoxville, Canada. Mr. MacDonald (sic) came to Portland to take charge of the
     kerosene oil works and was president of the company for many years. He also started the
     Portland rolling mills and managed them for some time. He left  Portland six or seven
     years ago and has since lived in Canada. His age was about 63 years. 
          The case of extradition by the New Brunswick authorities of Best, for assault
     by shooting, was before Judge Webb the past week. At conclusion of argument Monday,
     Judge Webb stated that it was a matter of great importance to the  accused and also
     involved questions of law, and he would announce his decision at a early day, and in
     the mean time the respondent might remain in the custody of Marshal Harmon.
          At the adjourned meeting of the Diamond Island Association, held on Wednesday
     evening of last week, the old board of directors was unanimously re-elected as follows:
     E.L. Elwell, James  P. Baxter, E. W. Corey, E. L. Goding  and F. M.  Lawrence.
     Resolution of sympathy and respect were passed in memory of those of the island
     colony who have passed away during the six years of it occupation of the island.--
     Mrs.  Fred Tolman, a lady of sweet and unselfish disposition; Deacon Loring Beals,
     a gentleman distinguished for amiability, integrity and moral worth; little Marian
     Moody, whose quaint sayings endeared her to all who knew here; Mrs. Edward S.
     Doten, who greatly enjoyed her island home and made many friends there; and Mrs.
     Mrs. Dr. Walter Woodman, a lady of great sweetness of character,                                               
   , who contributed to the happiness of all who knew her. These ladies will be greatly
     missed when the colony reassembles on the return of summer.
          Mr. John Paine, of Eastport, died suddenly in this city, Tuesday afternoon of
     apoplexy while on his way from the International steamer to the City Hotel. He was
     about 65 years of age.  
          Mr. Henry Deering has made the Portland Fire Department Relief Association a
     present of a $50 check, as a recognition of the department's service at the fire of
     Guppy & Co., basement Thursday week.



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