Sunday, June 21, 2015


                                                            CITY ITEMS
                                                     (Glances About Town)
          A gambling den, near the corner of Middle and Exchange Streets, was raided
     Saturday, and Albert Sawyer, the proprietor, put under $500 bonds. Some two
     dozen young men engaged in playing, will be held as witnesses.
         It is reported that negotiations are pending with the owners  of the five-masted
      schooner Governor Ames, now at Boston, for a charter from Portland to Bueno
     Ayres when her new masts are in and the other repairs made.  She can carry nearly
     2,000,000 feet of lumber.
         J. R. Lunt & Co., will build a brick store on the site of their present one on Congress
    Street, and W. H. Sargent will  erect a brick block near the corner of Smith and
    Cumberland Streets. It is reported that I. P. Farrington will erect a brick block on
    the site of the Bijon rink.
        Isaac Emery of this city, has purchased the Adams mill in Moultonboro', N. H.,
    and a large amount of timber land in the vicinity. He is repairing the mill and putting
    in new machinery, and will soon engage in extensive lumber business. A large cooper
    shop will be added to the mill.
         The first anthracite coal in Portland and probably the first in Maine, was a cargo
     landed at the end of the Long Wharf of this city, by Captain Eben Prince in 1825,
    cosigned to Cram & Cahoon who were engaged in the business on Exchange Street,
    in the store now occupied by O. M. & D. W. Nash.
         Mr. George L Churchill, broker and formerly a well known wholesale grocer, died
    in this city Saturday.  He came to Portland about 25 years ago, and was a retail grocer
    on Congress Street until after the war, when he engaged in the wholesale business, under
    the firm name of Churchill, Hunt and Melcher.
         Mr. George T. Soule, aged 68,an employee at the Dry Dock, while at work on a
    staging at the vessel's side Saturday, made a misstep and fell to the bottom of the dock,
    striking on his head and shoulders.  He was removed to his home in South Portland, but
    died in a hour. He leaves a widow, five sons and a daughter.
         Thursday evening a man giving his name as Andra Lareto, was arrested for passing
    counterfeit $5.00 bills, and turned over to the United State authorities. The officer found
   a large quantity of counterfeit money on him. The counterfeit's are well executed but a
   shorter than the genuine. He is evidently the same man who was lately passing similar
   counterfeits in Dover, N. H.
         After twenty-eight years of service Mr. James R. Milliken has retired from the
    clerkship in the office of the Secretary of State at Augusta, with the respect and esteem
    of all whom  he has  been brought into contact during his long term of office.  Mr.
    Milliken is well known in Portland where he was in business for many years.
        Charles Day, the toy dealer, has assigned to Byron Verrill.



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