Sunday, June 28, 2015


                                                     MAINE MATTERS
          The Wilton  shovel-handle factory, which was shut down on the arrest of the
     proprietor on a charge of forgery, has been started up again by Fred Perkins of
     Farmington, one of the assignees. The present plan is to manufacture the stock on
     hand, but it is hoped that some arrangement will be made to keep the business.
          Charles F. Whitney, Castine, has been presented a pension.
          W. G. Sargent & Son, Sedgwick, have recently completed a building for preserving
     eggs. Its capacity is 25,000 dozen eggs, one hundred tons of ice and thirty tons of
          When Captain Fengar was at Bucksport with the revenue cutter Woodbury, he
     told a gentleman of a curious fact. Every day, no matter where the cutter may be, in
     port or out a sea, Captain Fengar takes the temperature of the water. He finds that the
     general temperature at the present time is 10 degrees warmer than at the same time last
     winter. This is a strong indication that this is to be an open and warm winter, and the
     cutter officers look for very little cold weather.
          At Green's Landing, Wednesday, Herbert Judkins was killed, and Ezra Galt injured,
     by a blast in Goss & Small's quarry.
          James G. Blaine, Jr., has really decided to enter the car shops at Waterville and
     learn the machinist's trade. Saturday afternoon he was on the street wearing a Prince
     Albert coat, a Dunlap hat and red leather gloves. Later on  he was driven down in the
     Blaise carriage and alighted carrying two large travel bags. He departed for Waterville
     on  the evening train as to be ready for work bright and early Monday morning. He is
     in earnest and proposes to work up from the lowest round (sic) of the ladder. He carries
     his dinner pail,  like  the rest, and his present pay is 80 per diem.
          A new industry,  which will soon be starred in Augusta is the manufacture of boot
     heels by a company composed of C. Tanner, Dr. H. L. Jonson and Mr. Joseph Devine.
          Emma Shields, a Rockland school teacher, has spent her vacation partly paying off
     an election bet. She was to spend one day selling peanuts in the post office, and had an
     immense run of business and turned over her profits to the Rockland Charitable
          H. M. Bean, Camden, shipbuilder, has sent the molds for his first vessel to Virginia.
     The others will be forwarded at an early day. They are all three to have solid Virginia
     oak frames.
          Benjamin F. Boynton, of Roxbury, a farmer 50 years old. committed suicide Thursday
     by cutting his throat with a jackknife. He had been deranged for some time. He leaves
     a widow and five young children.
           Mrs. Marion Harlow, of Buckfield, noticing a Hancock County item referring to
     the coincidence of birthdays of three children of Mr. and Mrs. Royall, writes us that
     she has a similar case  in her own family. Mr. Harlow is 76 years old, and was the
     mother of nine children, the first a son, the next a daughter, then seven sons, the last
     three being born same day of the month, and that was May Day.
          Professor C. H. Fernald, formerly professor at the Maine State College and now at
     the head of the department of zoology at Amherst, has been elected foreign member of
     The Entomological Society of France.
          C. S. Pullen of Monson, with a friend and guide, while out hunting one day last week
     came in sight of a drove of caribou numbering about forty head, not more than two
     miles distant from Monson Village. They shot down six of the best ones and the rest
     went unharmed.
          William Barney, of Sebec, had a narrow escape from a serious if not fatal accident
     while out gunning the other day. In company with another young man from that town
     he had been following the trail of a deer, when the two separated, and Barney, circling
     about arrived at a point some twenty rods distant from his partner, who caught sight of
     him, and as he had on gray clothes, mistook him for the game he was in pursuit of. His
     partner was an  expert with the rifle and sent two bullet  straight for Barney, one of them
     cutting through his coat and  vest, and making a slight wound just above the hip.
          In the spring the present Bath Iron Works will be removed to the southern division
     of this plant (formerly the Goss & Sawyer Marine  Works), where new buildings will be
     erected in connection with those now there, so that the metal can go in at one door as
     scrap and pig iron, and come out at another the finished engine.

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