Wednesday, September 30, 2015


          In this city, June 14th, Vivia Z. Lord, aged 17 years.
          In this city, June 14th, Mrs. Annina Nollett, aged 54 years 4 months.
          In this city, June 15th, James H.  Bush, aged 29 years 9 months.
          In this city, June 15th, Mrs. Mary Thurston, formerly of Falmouth, aged
     53 years.
          In this city, June 17th, Sarah J. McTaggart, aged 27 years.
          In this city, June 17th, William Parks, aged 16 years 4 months.
          In this city, June 14th, Julia A., daughter of William T. Holt of Colorado, aged
     2 years 7 months.
          In this city, June 28th, Mrs. Elinda, wife of John Fairman, aged 31 years 6 months.
          In this city, June 19th, John T. Andrews, aged 60 years.
          In this city, June 15th, Sarah E. Ricker, aged 30 years 4 months.
          In this city, June 19th, Elliot F. Clark, aged 64 years 7 months.
          In this city, June 19th, Phebe, wife of William Stowell, aged 33 years 11 months.
          Deering, June 17th, Charles J. West, aged 51 years.
          Deering, June 20th, Mabel P., only child of B. M. and Carrie Richardson,
     aged 2 years 1 month.
          Cape Elizabeth, June 14th, William Small, aged 75 years 4 months.
          Cumberland, June 10th, Hannah, wife of James Shaw, aged 76 years, 6 months.
          Long Island, Casco, Bay June 12th, Thomas A., son of Thomas A. and Annie
      Doughty,aged 7 months 20 days..
          Boston, Mass., June 16th, Rachael Pomeroy, formerly of Portland, aged 35 years.
          Paris, Me., June 14th, Deacon J. B. Thayer, aged 81 years 2 months.
          Limerick, June 14th, Dr. Charles W. Milliken, of Skullsburg, Wisconsin, aged
     44 years.
          Bangor, June 15th, Austin L. Jenkins, aged 23 years 7 months.
          Belfast, June 14th, Henry S.  Parker, aged 50 years 7 months.
          Lewiston, June 25th, Benjamin H. Stevens, aged 68 years  9 months.


Sunday, September 27, 2015


          Bridgton, June 12th, to the wife of Luther G. Kimball, a son.
          Starks, June 3rd, to the wife of W. J. Drew, a daughter.
          Farmington, June 8th, to the wife of Osman O. Hardy, a daughter, Maud Evelyn.
          North Vassalboro, June 10th, to the wife of B. J. Rackliff, a daughter.
          On board barque Addie E. Sleeper, on the voyage from Cairns, Australia  to
     Queenstown, England, February 6th, to the wife of Captain Henry J. Sleeper, a son.
          Clinton, June 12th, to the wife of George Spearin, a son.
          Fairfield, June 7th, to the wife of Willard Jones, a son.

        Yarmouth, June 22nd, by Rev. T. P. Adams, James R. Jones of Portland, and Parintha
     W. Salter of Burlington, Nova  Scotia.
          In this city, June 10th, by Rev. W. E. Gibbs, Newton W. Harris and Lizzie C. Huston,
     both of Portland.
          In this city, June 15th, Murray H. Watson, of Auburn, and Maggie A. Foley, of
          In this city, June 12th, Justine Hubbard, of Biddeford, and Maria Thyne of Saco.
          In this city, June 19th, by Rev. F. E. Clark Joseph D.  Pennell and Mrs. Mary W.
     W. Barnes, both of Portland.
          In this city, June 19th, by Rev. A. S. Ladd, William J. Hagan and Maggie L.
     Trufant, both of Bath.
          Great Falls, New Hampshire, June 17th, by Rev. R. L. Greene, Frank A. Harriman,
     of Boston, and Miria L. Willis, of Deering.
          Brunswick , June 8th, Frank E. Roberts and A. Lida Stanwood.
          Farmingdale, June 20th, S. E. Strong and Mrs. N. A. Gulliver, both of
          Calais, June 9th, Edgar W. Coleman and Louise M. Gould, both of Calais.
          Buxton, June 16th, Willis E.  Gerry, of Hopkinton, Mass., and Susie C. Brooks,
     of Buxton.
          Hiram, June 16th, Henry W. Lovejoy and Annie G. Harriman,  both of
          Dover, New Hampshire, June 11th, Edwin H. Cromwell, of Westport, Me.,
     and Alsadania L., daughter Joseph Hanson, of Dover.
          Lewiston, June 17th, Fred Tarr and Lois A. Hackett,
          Skowhegan, June 16th, Frank S. Morrill and Rose M. Fletcher, both of
          Ellsworth, June 12th, Charles J. Brown and Jessie L. Garland, both of
          Portsmouth, N. H., June 16th, John W. Dyer and Mrs. Martha A. Stover,
     both of Portland.
          Harrington, June 9th, Veranus C. Curtis and Marcella Ramsdell, both of
          Douglas, New Brunswick, June 14th, Dr. James C. Gannett of Yarmouth, Me.,
    and Adria M. Craig of Douglas.
          Lisbon, Me., June 16th, A. E. Meigs of New Haven and Nellie R. Moore, of Lisbon.


Friday, September 25, 2015


          One half of brig Cossack, 344 tons, has been sold in New York, for $200.
          Ship St. John Smith, Waterhouse, before reported reloading at Rio Janeiro,
     August 5th, had a large part of her cargo of wheat badly damaged. The vessel
     had been dock, stripped, caulked and re-metaled.
          Captain Poland and crew of brig Endorus arrived at Delaware Breakwater 25th,
     in brig L. M. Merritt. The Endorus was thrown down in the gale of the 18th, and
     was rapidly filling when abandoned.
          Schooner John L. Tracey, of St. George, before reported on shore, lies eight
     miles west of Cape May, in a bad position, and it will be a difficult job to move her.

          Brig C. C. Robinson, at Havana from New York, reports in gale of 18th, lost
     deck load of 200 carboys  A carboy is a large glass bottle protected by basketwork ,
     or a wooded box, use especially for hold corrosive liquids.
          Schooner Olive, from Hoboken, N. J., for Boston, before reported ashore at
     City Island, has partially stopped the leak, was towed to New York 28th, to haul
     out for repairs.
          Schooner Presto, Colbeth, at Boston 26th, from Machias report that  L.
     Robinson, seaman, of Machiasport, fell overboard on the passage and was
          Schooner Montana, Bearse, at Baltimore 23rd, from Kennebunk, lost sails
     and sustained other slight damage in the gale of the 18th.
          Schooner Elizabeth M. Cook, Elwood, from Boston for Calais, in ballast at the
     narrows, Lubec, badly strained and leaking.
          Schooner Dashaway, of ( Picton) at New York, Sept. 1st., from  Jacmel (seaport
     in S. Haiti,) reports Carl Ohlsen and Frank R. Rogers, of Bangor, died of yellow
     fever and were buried at sea.
          Schooner Ida B. Silsbee, for Portland, with watermelons sunk in Hatteras
     Roads, 30th. Crew saved.
          Schooner Annie Bliss, at Savannah 28th ult., from Boston, reports, in the gale
     of the 18th, brake maingaff and lost mainsail.
          Schooner Lettie Wells, at New York, 1st int., reports that on the 24th, Charles
     Lee, of Calais, was knocked overboard and drowned.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015


                                                  MAINE MATTERS
          While Mrs. Besse and Miss Carson, of Somerset Mills, were crossing the railroad
     track at Pishon's Ferry, on the 28th ult.,the horse became frightened and threw them
     out, seriously injuring both.  Miss Carson's skull is badly fractured, and it is feared that
     she cannot live.
          Out Canaan correspondent writes as follow: On  invitation of the Independent
     Company of this town to companies in adjoining towns, a muster and battalion drill was
     held here August 29th, with Captain Fifield Mitchell, of Canaan, commanding officer of
     the day. Four companies were-present-one each from Athens, Canaan, Hartland and
     Palmyra.  The soldiers keep their guns and uniforms and gun in good order, and show
     careful training. The day was as fair as could be looked for, and large numbers of
     citizens from this and adjoining towns assembled to see the troops and enjoy a gala day.
     The company here furnished a dinner at the Town House for their visiting friends in
     arms, to which all did ample justice. After the soldiers had dined they invited in the
     assembled citizens to finish the feast. The exercise of the day closed at 5 p. m. and were
      pronounced a decided success. In the evening there was a ball at Brown's Hotel, at
     which a large company gathered and had a fine time . Music furnished by Oakman
          Our citizens are wide awake in politics, and have one or two lectures per week.
     Today the finance question was discussed at the Union Church by Messrs. Webb and
     Walton, Republicans, and Messrs. Burke and Plummer, Greenbackers-Somerset
     District Lodge of Good Templars is expected to meet in Hartland, 4th.

          Tom Thumb and wife have been exhibiting in Belfast.
           At the last session of the Governor and Council George F. Brackett, of Belfast,
     was commissioned trial justice for the county.
          Dr. L. W. Pendleton, of Belfast, is reported in bankruptcy, with liabilities of $48,800.
     of which $29,500 are secured. His assets are about $12,000.

          The autumn session of the Maine Board of Agriculture and Farmer's Convention at
     Dennysville on the 2nd inst., to continue three days. The address of welcome was made
     by Rev. Charles F. Whittier. The subject  of marine manures and local crops was
     discussed. Forty-two bushels of wheat per acre were grown in town by using rockweed
     and barnyard manure compost.
          Charles Lee, of Calias was washed overboard, and drowned from schooner Lettie
     Wills, at sea, August 24th.
          George Smith and James  Thompson made their escape from the Machias jail early
      Saturday morning. They dug out by the side of a window, removing brick and wood,
     and crowded through a small hole. They had been in a close cell.
          In Eastport, 27th ult., a two year old son of William Collins had his neck broken
     by being run over by a truck.
          Colonel Jesse Harper speaks at Clarks' Grove, South Hollis, Saturday, September
     6th, at 2 p.m. A join discussion is talked of at that time.
          G. F. Moore, Kennebunk, has been granted a patent from machine for moulding (sic)
      and shaping counter-stiffness for boots and shoes.
          Miss Johnson, about 21 years old, of Wisconsin, boarding at Saco Pool, was
     drowned on the 20th while bathing. Her body was recovered in a short time, but all
     effort to resuscitate her were unavailing. Miss Johnson was a good swimmer, but
     ventured too far from shore.
          James Libby, Charles Bragdon, and Ernest Bragdon, the latter only six year old,
     went out in a boat from Saco on a gunning excursion. They landed on Eagle Island,
     when shooting a bird, the two elder started for it, but overturned their boat. They
     finally succeeded in righting the boat, and after three hours were rescued near Ferry
     Beach. When they went for the little fellow left on the island, the found he had
     succeeded in pulling a lobster trap on shore and putting some grass in it had crawled
     in for a nap.
          At the Grand Temperance picnic at Clark's Grove, Hollis, on Friday week, A. J.
     Chase presided and about 1,900 people were present. The Bridgton Band  discoursed
     excellent music, and stirring speeches were made by ex-Governor Dingley, 
     ex- Governor Perham, Honorable Neal Dow, and others.



Sunday, September 20, 2015


                                                       MAINE MATTERS
          At Wiscasset, 2nd inst., Thomas Shea, shipmaster, attempted suicide by
     shooting. His recovery is doubtful. Pecuniary trouble was the cause.
          Our East Peru, Me., correspondent writes: W. H. Conant is building at this place.
     Crops of all kinds are maturing well. More wheat is produced in Peru this year than
     in one year for a quarter of a century.
          Honorable F. M. Fogg, A. S. Kimball, Esq., and W. D. Chase, Esq., addressed
     a large audience at Canton, August 30th.
          The Maine Association of the Church of the New Jerusalem met in Fryeburg on
     the 30th ult., Rev. Dr. Dike, of Bath, in the chair. The New Church Society in
     Fryeburg applied for admission to membership in the Maine Association, and the
     application was granted. Delegates of the church appearing they were admitted to
     membership was appropriate exercise's and remarks. The Portland Society was
     reported as enjoying more than its usual prosperity. The debt of $11,000 has been
     reduced one-half in the past year. Great unanimity is felt in the society for their new
     pastor, Mr. Smyth. It has a Sabbath school of one hundred and seven-teen, with an
     average attendance of seventy-five. The New Church was dedicated the 31st, with
     appropriate services, sermon by Rev. W. B. Haydon.

          The Gazette says that one day last week a tramp entered the barn of Mr. Leighton, of
     Dexter, during his absence, and began harnessing the horse. Mrs. Leighton, hearing a noise
     went out and asked by what right he was on the premises. He replied that he had hired the
     horse. She knew better than that, as they never let it. Other words followed and Mrs.
     Leighton declared if he did not leave she would brain him with the ax. She really collared
     him, and after quite a tussle, succeeded in ejecting him from the premises.
          Dr. William Hall, is on trial at Bangor on an indictment for manslaughter. The
     allegation is that a Mrs. Cobb of that city came to her death through the defendant in
     treating her confinement and after the birth of her child, defendant being a physician
     in practice in Bangor.
          Miss Luella Gary a Bangor school teacher, while visiting in Lagrange, was thrown
     from a carriage and received such injuries about her spine that her complete recovery
     is considered doubtful.
          William Pratt has been appointed postmaster in South Sebec.
          Captain John Patten, of Bath, celebrated his ninetieth birthday on the 27th ult. He is
      is still hale and hearty.
          A five year old son of Charles M. Morton, of Bath, fell from a gondola at the marine
     railway, on the 29th ult. and was drowned. His body was recovered.
          Mr. Zacheus Varney, of Bowdoinham, was badly injured on the 29th ult., by being thrown
     from a wagon while returning from Bath.


Friday, September 18, 2015


                                                   MAINE MATTERS
         The Greenbackers of Cape Elizabeth have refused to coalesce with the Democrats
     on the representative, and have nominated Rev. William F. Eaton,  a straight Greenbacker.
     The Democrats have endorsed the nomination.
        A silver watch, of the bull's-eye pattern, made in London 374 years ago, in now in
     the possession of Mr. Paul R. Curtis, of Freeport.
          Bears are getting troublesome in some parts of out town. Mr. Daniel Field, of
     West Phillips, recently lost several sheep, and in passing through his pasture,
     suddenly discovered a bear asleep. Calling some assistance they stoned the
     "varmint" out of sight.- Phillips Phonograph.

          L. L. Lincoln, of August, formerly Superintendent of the First Division of Maine
     Central road,  has leased for ten years the Bucksport & Bangor Railroad, heretofore
      operated by the E. & N. A. Railway. The road is to be changed to a three feet gauge,
      and the rolling stock is already engaged for it. The engines came from Philadelphia
      will be of the pattern run on the Centennial Railroad. The new freight cars will be
     built at Camden, in this state.
          Dr. Boutell, of Waterville, has sent seven Jerseys and twenty-seven Southdown
     sheep to the New England fair.
          The schooner Stephen Bennett, of Camden, left Boston for Baltimore on the 12th
     ult., for a pleasure trip. No letter or report has been received from her since sailing
     until the 20th when she was seen bottom up twenty miles S. S. E. of Phoenix Island
     (Pacific Ocean) by schooner D.J. Lee. She had on board Captain Bennett, his wife,
      his nephew, and William Richards, son of R. Richards of Augusta.
     nephew, and William Richards, son of  R. Richards of Augusta.
          The granite monument to be erected to  General Wool, at Troy, N. Y., and recently
     quarried and cut by the Bodwell Granite Co., at their Vinalhaven quarries, has the
     shaft ever quarried,  cut and erected in this county. The entire monument comprises
     1st, 2nd, and 3rd bases, plinth, die, neck and shaft, and when cut weighed 254 tons.
     It is of the beautiful brownish granite and highly ornamented with carving and
     inscriptions. The great shaft is said to be but little inferior in length to Celopatra's


Wednesday, September 16, 2015


                                                    MAINE MATTERS
          Two sons of E.F. Packard, Esq., of Auburn, took 1,7000 mackerel with hooks, in
     a few hours, in Harpswell Bay, one day last week.
          The mass convention of straights Greenbackers, held at Lewiston on Saturday week,
     was taken possession of by the fusionists, who after a scene of great excitement, finally
     endorsed the Democratic nominations. The straight Greenbackers then withdrew and
     nominated Kingsbury Donnell, of Webster for Senator, and J. B. Storer for Judge of
          A large Republican meeting was held at Lisbon, Me., on the 28th ult. Fourteen
     towns and four counties sent delegations. Honorable O. C. Moore, of New Hampshire,
     and General C.H. Grosvenor of Ohio, addressed the people.
          Recent investigations of City Marshal Smith, of Lewiston, tend to confirm the story
     of one Stevens, a state prison convict who says he saw, in Michigan, Lizzie Lowell, for
     whose supposed murdered  her husband James Lowell, was convicted. It may be a case of
     mistaken identity, but the facts thus far developed demand that the matter should be probed
     to the bottom.
          The reunion of the First Maine Cavalry Association took place at Lewiston on the 2nd
    inst., and was largely attended. In the evening a complimentary  banquet was given by
    resident comrades, at which Governer Garcelon and Daniel F. Davis were present.
          Mr. Sidney Cook, of Presque Isle, is building a side-wheel steamboat which will
     run on the Aroostock River. It is nearly finished and will be called the Pinafore.
          Honorable J. C. Madigan of Houlton, has been very ill for the past few weeks.
          In Fort Fairfield, night of the 26th, a gang of thieves entered the stores of B. J.
     Stevens, boots and shoes, L K. Cary, hardware, B. F. Glenson, groceries and James
     Doran's confectionary, and stole money and goods in each place.
          As. Mr. A. S. Noyes, a clerk for Small & Newman, West Falmouth, and two ladies
     were riding down a steep hill at West Falmouth, the horse stumbled and fell, throwing
     out the occupants of the carriage and seriously  injuring Mr. Noyes. The ladies escaped
     with a few bruises
          Mr. Horatio McKinney, while at work in the pulp mill at Brunswick, on the 30th,
      ult., was caught in a revolving shaft and severely injured; a leg was broken, an arm
     badly fractured, and it is feared that he received internal injuries.
          It is said that the death of Miss Lizzie Knowles of Harpswell, who was reported last
      week to have died of poisoning, was really caused by diphtheria.


Sunday, September 13, 2015


                                                     CITY ITEMS
                                                Glances About Town
          One of the clothing firms in this city, Allen & Co., have already $3,000 worth of
     orders for clothing.
          The Republicans have nominated the following ticket for representatives; Moses
     Butler, Almon A. Strout, Reuel Mazey, Samuel A. True, and John B. Coyle, Jr.
          James Webb, of Millbridge, New Jersey, while at work on board a schooner at Union
     wharf, last Monday, received a deep wound in the groin, and possibly internal injuries, by
     a heavy pipe falling upon him; his chances of recovery were considered as about even.
          Mr. Bean, residing on Summer Street, in this city, a brakeman on the Maine Central,
     had the misfortune to break his arms while unshackling cars at New Gloucester, August
     1st,; on the 1ist inst., he reported for duty, and on the same day, at the same place, New
     Cloucester, while drawing a pin, broke his leg below the knee, and was brought home to
     his family  at 12:30.
          General Garfield spoke at City Hall, Tuesday evening to a large audience.
     Mrs. Patrick Hagans was found dead in her bed, in Dolan's block Tuesday night; her
     death probably resulted from natural causes.
          H. C. Lovell, foreman of the sail maker's department at Kittery Navy Yard, has been
     looking for ten men in Portland, but found only four.
          While Mr. Delano, on Oxford Street was making cartridges on day last week, one of
     them exploded, the bullet striking him in the neck and inflicting a severe flesh wound.
         The First Regiment, Massachusetts Patriarchs, 250 strong, with Salem band, arrived
     and here on Friday week, and were received and escorted through out streets by the
     Portland Patriarchs, Captain N. G. Fessenden, who turned out 105 men, with Chandler's
     Band; the two association made a handsome appearance, and with the flags displayed
     along the route, and the crowds of spectators, gave a festive air  to the city; at City Hall
     Mayor  Walker  bade the guest welcome in a neat  speech, and after receiving the
     hospitable attention of their brethren here they departed in the Boston steamer, well
     pleased with the visit to the Forrest City.
          On Wednesday evening of this week the musical season opens with the grand
      complimentary concert of Miss Dodworth, in which in addition to Miss. Cary and the
      beneficiary, a strong array of our local talent will appear; the board is well pegged as
      we go to press, but seats may yet be had, and all who attend will enjoy a rare musical
          On Saturday evening of last week, schooner Addie, of York, in attempting to pass
     the draw of Grand Trunk railroad bridge, ran into a passing train of freight cars, and
     had bow stove in; six cars were thrown off on the frame of the bridge, and the trucks
     went into deep water.



Friday, September 11, 2015


                                                         CITY ITEMS
                                                    Glances About Town
          Owing to the embarrassments of the senior member of the firm, occasioned by
     the outside operation in the porgy business, the wholesale druggist firm of J. W.
     Perkins & Co., has been obliged to suspend payment; on Wednesday week General
     Richardson placed an attachment for $9,000 on the store; much sympathy is expressed
     for the firm, and it is hoped that the embarrassment will prove but temporary.
          Dr. Seth C. Gordon, before the County Medical Association, last week, gave an
     interesting account of his experiences in European medical circles.
          Rev. Mr. Dickinson will enter upon the duties of the pastorate the Second Parish
     Church in September.
          At Evergreen Landing, on Wednesday week, a young man named Mitchell, living
     in Deering was firing at a target when the pistol was accidentally discharged, the bullet
     taking off one end of his thumb and hitting Mr. William Merrill, of the city over the
     left lung, producing a dangerous wound;  Mr. Merrill fell insensible and was thought
     to be in great danger.
          Nathaniel I. Mitchell, an old dry goods merchant, who formerly did business in
     Muzzey's block, died last Saturday; he was a member of the Portland Lodge of Odd
           Mr. Charles G. Richards, the musician, while at work in his harness shop last
     Friday, had his ankle bone slightly fractured, and the cords badly sprained by a sewing
     machine falling upon his ankle.
          The handsome new brick school house at the corner of Pine and West Streets, which
     contains six schoolrooms giving ample space for fifty pupils each, was dedicated with
     appropriate exercises last Saturday afternoon; Rev. Dr. Hill opened with a prayer, a
     hymn was sung by a select choir of children, Alderman Waite presented the key to
    Mayor Walker, who in turn transferred it to Charles F.  Libby, Esq., chairman of the
    district committee, who made an interesting historical address, and in turn presented
     the key to Principal Haines; another hymn was sung followed by addresses from
     Superintendent Tash, Rev. H. S. Burrage,H and other gentlemen.
          The Democrats and Greenbackers have united on a Coalition ticket for representatives,
      as follows:  Lewis Pierce, Edmund Dana, Jr., Darius H. Ingraham, Democrats; Thomas
     F. Sheehan, Charles A. Dyer, Greenbackers.
         Ex-Senator Sprague has indulged in another outbreak against his wife. While in a state of
     intoxication he endeavored to throw her out of a window. She has left him with her three
     children, and it is said a suit for separation will be brought to settle the right to the control of
     the children.
          Honorable John Welch, ex-Minister to England, has arrived home.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


          Lincoln, Jacob Parson, at a very advanced age. (b.  4 2 1775)
         Green, August 22nd, Earl N. Stover; Harpswell, August 26th, George P. Stover,
     children of N. H. and Lois Stover.
          Auburn, August 23rd, Florence A., daughter of Captain G. Blake, aged 20 years
     11 months.
          Fayette, August 16th, Captain Samuel W. Davenport, aged 81 years.
          Albany, August 23rd, Joel Prince, aged 74 years, 6 months.
          Lisbon, Me., August 24th, Zacheus B. Higgins, aged 80 years.
          Vinalhaven, August 23rd, Resa, wife of Watson H. Vinal, aged 59 years.
          Saco, August 21st, Mary, daughter of the late Stephen Sawyer, aged 62 years.
          Newcastle, August 25th, Mrs. Lydia Jones, 87 years, 5 months.
          Hallowell, August 21st, Philena Sampson, widow of the late William Morgrige, of
     Manchester, aged 76  years.
          Perry, August 20th, Victoria Morrison.
          Eastport, August 23rd, Mary C. Forrest, aged 12 years, 3 months.
          Hallowell,  August 25th, Seth Bicknell, aged 78 years, 6 months.
          Joliet, Illinois, August 12th, Benjamin L. Mayhew, formerly of Dennysville, Me.
            Curious Epitaphs.-Epitaph on a Mr. Partridge who died in the month of May:      

                                      What killed a Partridge in the month of May!
                                                             Eh, Death! Eh!  
           On a young lady who died of paralysis, brought on by a  hair dye containing
     sugar of lead:-
                                     In all the pride of health I dyed,
                                     A dire mischance did then betide-
                                     That dye contained some sugar of lead-
                                     My hair was golden, but I'm dead. 

         A man, who had four wives, wrote the following epitaph, after burying the fourth
     and collecting the remains of the other three and placing them in the same tomb:-

                                     Stranger,  pause and drop a tear
                                     For Susan Sparks is buried here,
                                     Mingled in some perplexing manner,
                                     With Jane, Maria and portions of Hannah.

            A man and his wife were buried in the same grave, and the stone bears the
                                      The warfare is accomplished.
            Here is an American one:-
                                        Under this sod our babie lies;
                                        It neither cries nor hollers;
                                         It lived just twenty 7 days,
                                         And cost us $40.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


          In this city, August 27th, Catharine Deehan, aged 47 years.
          In this city, August 26th, Francis, a son of Andrew and Margaret Larkin, aged 9
     years, 8 months 19 days.
          In this city, August 31th, Nathaniel I. Mitchell, aged 77 years.
          In this city, August 31st,  Nathaniel Brown, aged 75 years.
          In this city, August 31st, George W. Barnes,  aged 36 years.
          In this city, August 31st, Mrs. Emma Lamar, aged 29 years.
          In this city, September 1st, Sadie, youngest child of Thomas M., and Mary E. Burke,
     aged 11 months, 5 days.
          In this city, August 31st, Bertha J., daughter of John H. and Mary E. Madison, aged
     11 months.
          Biddeford, August 28th, Eldena E. P., daughter of John C. and Emma M. Haley,
     aged 11 months. 
          Biddeford, August 28th, Susan Libby, aged 58 years.
          Bangor, August 31st, Catherine  Timmins, aged 62 years.
          Avoca, Iowa, August 21st, O. Eliza, daughter of C. F. and L. C. Elsemore, of
     East Machias, aged 26 years, 6 months.
          Addison, August 27th, Millard A., son of Charles Look, aged about 16 years.
         Manchester, August 27th, Lucy E., daughter of Captain Seth S. and Lucy Wakefield,
     of Saco, aged 17  years, 10 months.
          August 27th, Maud Hilton, formerly of Portland, aged 17 years, 10 months. (Saco
     paper please copy.)
          Fayette, August 19th, Captain Samuel W. Davenport, aged 81 years.
          South Livermore, August 18th, Amasa Lovewell, aged 83 years, 6 months.
          Bath, August 31st, Mary P., widow of the  late Horatio N. Winslow, aged 64 years.
          Farmington, August 25th, Joshua M. Hopkins, aged 83 years.
          Auburn, August 28th,  Lucelia Packard, aged 29 years, 5 months.
          Glenburn, August 21st, Mrs. Mary E. Scripture, aged 77 years.
          Montville, August 25th, Bridget, wife of Thomas Stewart, aged 39 years.
          Nobleboro, August 26th, Laura B. Dunbar, aged 29 years, 11 months.
          Winslow, August 26th, Mrs. Burnham W. Hinds, aged 36 years, 7 months.
          Farmington, August 25th, Joshua M. Hopkins, late of New Sharon, aged 82
     years, 8 months.
          Bath, August 29th, George S., son of Charles and Harriet C. Norton, aged 5 years,
     4 months.
          Rockland, August 26th, Ella A., twin daughter of John H. And Alma Meservey,
     aged 9 months.
          Cape  Elizabeth, August 17th, Horace, infant son of Francis and Ida A. Gordon.
          Georgetown, August 19th, Lily, daughter of F. S. and Caroline Stevens, aged
     3 years.
          Windham, June 8th, of diphtheria, Freddie Sturgis, son of George B. and Mary
     E. Hanson, aged 6 years.
          Lincoln, Jacob Parsons, at a very advanced age. (b. 1779  d.1879 )
          Greene, August 22nd, Earl N. Stover; Harpswell, August 26th, George P. Stover
     children of N. H. and Lois Stover.
          Auburn, August 23rd, Florence A., daughter of Capt. G. Blake, aged 20 years,
     11 months.
          Fayette, August 23rd, Captain Samuel W.  Davenport, aged 81 years.
         Albany, August 23rd, Joel Prince, aged 74 years, 6 months.
          Lisbon, Me., August 24th, Zacheus B. Higgins, aged 80 years.
          Vinalhaven, August 23rd, Resa, wife of  Watson H. Vinal, aged 59.
          Saco, August 21st, Mary, daughter of the late Stephen Sawyer, aged 62 years.
          Newcastle, August 26, Mrs. Lydia Jones, aged 87 years.


Friday, September 4, 2015


          Denmark, Me., August 24th, to the wife of F. F. Jewett, a son.
          Vinalhaven, August, 15th, to the wife of James Mangan, a son.
          Mt. Vernon, August 27th, to the wife of H. W. Tayolr, a son; August 24th, to
      the wife of Charles G. Wyman, a daughter.
          Auburn, August 27th, to the wife of Lester E. Miller, a daughter.
          Patten, August 21st, to the  wife of Charles Gilman, a son and a daughter.
          Patten, August 16th, to the wife of Russell Royal,  a daughter.
          Crystal, August 17th, to the wife of W. C .Hackett, a daughter.
          Pittston, August 23rd, to the wife of Fred Gardiner, a  son.
          Gardiner, August, 25th, to the wife of J. J. Woodcock, a son.

          In this city, July 22nd, by Rev. Dr. Fenn, W. H. Fessenden and Mrs. Jennie M.
          In this city, August 10th, by Rev, H.  J. Bradbury, William H. Sargent and Lizzie
     Bearce, both of Portland.
          Scarboro, August 25th, James C. Lewis and Annie B.Mitchell, both of Scarboro.
          Shediac, New Brunswick, Canada, August 21st, Cyrus Lowell, of this city, and
     Lydia L. Gamble of Moneton, New Brunswick.
          Bath, August 28th, Laurens D. Peterson and Abbie T. Rairden.
          Augusta, August 24th, Stephen Pierce, Jr., of Windsor, and Ada F. Partridge of
          Paris, Me., August 23rd, Dr. Seth B.  Morse and Helen M. Harlow, both of
          Manchester, Mass., August 6th, Silas S. Raker, of Standish, Me., and Ellen A.
     Roberts, of Manchester.
          Harrison, August 23rd, William B. Haskell and Abbie C. Sampson, both of
          Auburn, August 27th, John E. Goodwin and Mary M. Harmon, both of  Auburn.
          Vinalhaven, August 23rd, Freeman Vinal and Miss E. Dean, both of Vinalhaven.
          Yarmouth, August 25th, Charles W. Rogers of Boston, and Lillian F. Wagg, of
           San Jose, California, August 20th, at the residence of David Parker, by the Rev.
      Mr. Foote, Captain John B. Drinkwater, of Yarkmouth, Me., and Lydia Slocum of
     Providence, R. I.
          Kennebunk, August 27th, Thomas H. Stacey of Lewiston, and Clara L. Farnham,
     of Kennebunk.
          Stockton, August 24th, George E. Hatch and Rose E. Grant, both of Stockton.
          Goldsboro, August 23rd, Leonard W. Bragdon and Clara B. Ash, both of Sullivan.
          Lamoine, August 24th, Willard Peen and Alice N. Cheever, both of Lawrence,
          Damariscotta, August 26th, Capt. Francis M. Hinckley of Barnstable, Mass., and
     Angie H. Chapman, of Damariscotta.
          Topsfield, August 24th,  Edgar Rhoades and Eunice Ward, both of Topsfield;
     also Benjamin W. Hewes of Houlton, and Cora E. Tupper of Topsfield.
          Monmouth, August 24th, W. W. Woodbury and Lizzie S. Dudley, both of
          Orono, August ?3 (23?) Frank P. Johnson  of Orono and Ida M. Reynolds of
          Bingham, August 23rd, Joel W. York and Lucinda, York, both of Bingham.
          Gardiner, August 24th, Robert Lynch of Togus, and Rosanna Hennessey of
          East Winthrop, August 27th, Charles A. Vose and Emma L. Wadsworth, both of
     East Winthrop.
          Auburn, August 30th, Edgar  M. Briggs, A. M.  And Annie Moore.
          Webster, August 30th, M. F. Buker and Miss S. E. Cole.
          Eastport, August 24th, Andrew McMaster and Mrs. Alice Hanscomb, both of
     Eastport; August 25th, William Brown, of Calais and Mary McCutcheen of Eastport.
          Bath, August 30th, John M. Greenleaf of Wiscasset and Emma F. Rittal, of



Wednesday, September 2, 2015


          Schooner Unison, from Gardiner, landed at Gloucester 1st ins., James Hinkley, one
     of the crew of the fishing schooner Edith L. Conley, who was picked up off  Sequin,
     after four days in his dory without food or water.
          At East Boothbay, 3rd inst., Albert Kenniston purchased at auction fishing
     schooners, Nellie Grant, Odd Fellow and Effort.

          Schooner General S. E. Merwin was sold at auction on 28th to satisfy the demand
     of the salvages and was bid in by her present owner, Henry Sutton, of New Haven, for
          Waldoboro, May 30th.-Schooner Daylight of New Haven, coal laden, before reported
     ashore on Three kegs, has been floated and is now beached at Harbor Island. The captain
     has gone to Bath for steam tug and steam pump, and after temporary repairs the vessel will
     proceed to Bangor and discharge.
          Later-The Daylight was towed to Bangor 31rd.
          Ship I. F. Chapman, Thompson, at San Francisco from New York, reports had heavy gales
     for 21 days off Cape Horn, the ship's deck being under water most of the time.
          Schooner Clara B. Kennard, at Dover 1st inst., from Rockland, had to throw over 70
     casks of lime that had caught fire.
          Yarmouth, N. S.,May 30th-Fishing schooner Lizzie Lee, of Lamoine (before reported,)
     was got off Seal Island and towed here with loss of part keel.
          Schooner Pierce, Dodge, from Bangor for Boston, with brick, put into Seal Harbor 30th,
      inst., leaking badly and was run on the flats.
          Schooner Clara J. Wilbur at Boston from Hayti (sic) reports on the outward passage
     from Wiscasset for Port an Prince, had a terrific gale off Highland Light, during which
     shipped heavy seas, which carried away part of deck load, broke cathead, blew away jib
     and tore away stay sails, broke steering gear, flooded cabin,  forecastle and galleys,
     damaging the vessel's stores, &c.
          Schooner Fleetwing, of Belfast, lately sunk at Deer Isle with 165 tons of granite, has been
      raised by L. E. Lunt & Co., of Portland, and taken to Belfast. 
          Perth Amboy, N.  J., June 3rd-Schooner M. Draper, hence for Hallowell grounded
     yesterday, but was helped off by tug Governor Fenta, and proceeded uninjured.
          Schooner Nellie Shaw, Thompson, from Nassau, N. P. for Machias, in ballast went
     ashore on Barrett's Point, Grand Bahamas, and became a total wreck. Captain. and crew
     and materials saved and reached Nassau morning the 27th.