Friday, September 11, 2015


                                                         CITY ITEMS
                                                    Glances About Town
          Owing to the embarrassments of the senior member of the firm, occasioned by
     the outside operation in the porgy business, the wholesale druggist firm of J. W.
     Perkins & Co., has been obliged to suspend payment; on Wednesday week General
     Richardson placed an attachment for $9,000 on the store; much sympathy is expressed
     for the firm, and it is hoped that the embarrassment will prove but temporary.
          Dr. Seth C. Gordon, before the County Medical Association, last week, gave an
     interesting account of his experiences in European medical circles.
          Rev. Mr. Dickinson will enter upon the duties of the pastorate the Second Parish
     Church in September.
          At Evergreen Landing, on Wednesday week, a young man named Mitchell, living
     in Deering was firing at a target when the pistol was accidentally discharged, the bullet
     taking off one end of his thumb and hitting Mr. William Merrill, of the city over the
     left lung, producing a dangerous wound;  Mr. Merrill fell insensible and was thought
     to be in great danger.
          Nathaniel I. Mitchell, an old dry goods merchant, who formerly did business in
     Muzzey's block, died last Saturday; he was a member of the Portland Lodge of Odd
           Mr. Charles G. Richards, the musician, while at work in his harness shop last
     Friday, had his ankle bone slightly fractured, and the cords badly sprained by a sewing
     machine falling upon his ankle.
          The handsome new brick school house at the corner of Pine and West Streets, which
     contains six schoolrooms giving ample space for fifty pupils each, was dedicated with
     appropriate exercises last Saturday afternoon; Rev. Dr. Hill opened with a prayer, a
     hymn was sung by a select choir of children, Alderman Waite presented the key to
    Mayor Walker, who in turn transferred it to Charles F.  Libby, Esq., chairman of the
    district committee, who made an interesting historical address, and in turn presented
     the key to Principal Haines; another hymn was sung followed by addresses from
     Superintendent Tash, Rev. H. S. Burrage,H and other gentlemen.
          The Democrats and Greenbackers have united on a Coalition ticket for representatives,
      as follows:  Lewis Pierce, Edmund Dana, Jr., Darius H. Ingraham, Democrats; Thomas
     F. Sheehan, Charles A. Dyer, Greenbackers.
         Ex-Senator Sprague has indulged in another outbreak against his wife. While in a state of
     intoxication he endeavored to throw her out of a window. She has left him with her three
     children, and it is said a suit for separation will be brought to settle the right to the control of
     the children.
          Honorable John Welch, ex-Minister to England, has arrived home.

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