Friday, September 25, 2015


          One half of brig Cossack, 344 tons, has been sold in New York, for $200.
          Ship St. John Smith, Waterhouse, before reported reloading at Rio Janeiro,
     August 5th, had a large part of her cargo of wheat badly damaged. The vessel
     had been dock, stripped, caulked and re-metaled.
          Captain Poland and crew of brig Endorus arrived at Delaware Breakwater 25th,
     in brig L. M. Merritt. The Endorus was thrown down in the gale of the 18th, and
     was rapidly filling when abandoned.
          Schooner John L. Tracey, of St. George, before reported on shore, lies eight
     miles west of Cape May, in a bad position, and it will be a difficult job to move her.

          Brig C. C. Robinson, at Havana from New York, reports in gale of 18th, lost
     deck load of 200 carboys  A carboy is a large glass bottle protected by basketwork ,
     or a wooded box, use especially for hold corrosive liquids.
          Schooner Olive, from Hoboken, N. J., for Boston, before reported ashore at
     City Island, has partially stopped the leak, was towed to New York 28th, to haul
     out for repairs.
          Schooner Presto, Colbeth, at Boston 26th, from Machias report that  L.
     Robinson, seaman, of Machiasport, fell overboard on the passage and was
          Schooner Montana, Bearse, at Baltimore 23rd, from Kennebunk, lost sails
     and sustained other slight damage in the gale of the 18th.
          Schooner Elizabeth M. Cook, Elwood, from Boston for Calais, in ballast at the
     narrows, Lubec, badly strained and leaking.
          Schooner Dashaway, of ( Picton) at New York, Sept. 1st., from  Jacmel (seaport
     in S. Haiti,) reports Carl Ohlsen and Frank R. Rogers, of Bangor, died of yellow
     fever and were buried at sea.
          Schooner Ida B. Silsbee, for Portland, with watermelons sunk in Hatteras
     Roads, 30th. Crew saved.
          Schooner Annie Bliss, at Savannah 28th ult., from Boston, reports, in the gale
     of the 18th, brake maingaff and lost mainsail.
          Schooner Lettie Wells, at New York, 1st int., reports that on the 24th, Charles
     Lee, of Calais, was knocked overboard and drowned.


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