Wednesday, September 9, 2015


          Lincoln, Jacob Parson, at a very advanced age. (b.  4 2 1775)
         Green, August 22nd, Earl N. Stover; Harpswell, August 26th, George P. Stover,
     children of N. H. and Lois Stover.
          Auburn, August 23rd, Florence A., daughter of Captain G. Blake, aged 20 years
     11 months.
          Fayette, August 16th, Captain Samuel W. Davenport, aged 81 years.
          Albany, August 23rd, Joel Prince, aged 74 years, 6 months.
          Lisbon, Me., August 24th, Zacheus B. Higgins, aged 80 years.
          Vinalhaven, August 23rd, Resa, wife of Watson H. Vinal, aged 59 years.
          Saco, August 21st, Mary, daughter of the late Stephen Sawyer, aged 62 years.
          Newcastle, August 25th, Mrs. Lydia Jones, 87 years, 5 months.
          Hallowell, August 21st, Philena Sampson, widow of the late William Morgrige, of
     Manchester, aged 76  years.
          Perry, August 20th, Victoria Morrison.
          Eastport, August 23rd, Mary C. Forrest, aged 12 years, 3 months.
          Hallowell,  August 25th, Seth Bicknell, aged 78 years, 6 months.
          Joliet, Illinois, August 12th, Benjamin L. Mayhew, formerly of Dennysville, Me.
            Curious Epitaphs.-Epitaph on a Mr. Partridge who died in the month of May:      

                                      What killed a Partridge in the month of May!
                                                             Eh, Death! Eh!  
           On a young lady who died of paralysis, brought on by a  hair dye containing
     sugar of lead:-
                                     In all the pride of health I dyed,
                                     A dire mischance did then betide-
                                     That dye contained some sugar of lead-
                                     My hair was golden, but I'm dead. 

         A man, who had four wives, wrote the following epitaph, after burying the fourth
     and collecting the remains of the other three and placing them in the same tomb:-

                                     Stranger,  pause and drop a tear
                                     For Susan Sparks is buried here,
                                     Mingled in some perplexing manner,
                                     With Jane, Maria and portions of Hannah.

            A man and his wife were buried in the same grave, and the stone bears the
                                      The warfare is accomplished.
            Here is an American one:-
                                        Under this sod our babie lies;
                                        It neither cries nor hollers;
                                         It lived just twenty 7 days,
                                         And cost us $40.

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