Sunday, October 18, 2015


         Schooner Sandolph, 92 tons, built at Pembroke in 1869, has been sold in New
     York to St. John , New Brunswick, parties on  private terms.
          At Millbridge, Captain J. W. Sawyer is building a barque of 600 tons. She is for
     sale and can be launched about the 1st of September.
          Schooner H.G. Bird, for Rio Grande for West Indies, before reported  at Rio
     Janerio, Brazil in distress, bas been comdemned and sold for 1500 milrels
          Captain Eben Thorndike, of South Thomaston, late master of ship Baring
     Brothers, died in London 22nd inst. Will be buried there.
          Schooner John H. Converse from Bangor for New York, which went on the dry
     dock at Cape Elizabeth some two weeks since after being ashore of Seguin, returned
     her voyage last week, having repaired.
          Notice to Marines.-On and after July 15th, a fixed white light of the fourth order,
     lighting 270 degrees of the horizon, will be shown, from the new structure recently
     erected at Stage Harbor, on Harding's Beach, coast of Massachusetts.

           Schooner L. A. Burnham arrived at Delaware Breakwater 15th with loss of main
       and mizzen masts.
           Schooner Aurora, of Harrington, from Calais for Dover, put into Lubec 23rd to
     repair, having sprung a leak.
          Barque Fanny H.. Loring, of Portland, Soule (master), at New York from Nuevitas,
     (Mexico?), lost almost a whole suit of sails.
          Brig Izetts, Hix, from Union Island, for Camden, before reported at Charleston
     leaky, has repaired and sailed 13th.
          Brig Serena P. Smith, of Bangor, Trim, from Calais for Curacoa, of the N W
     coast of Venezuela, was totally wrecked at Aves Island, May 25th. The S. P.
     Smith registered 260 tons, was built at Brewer in 1859.
          Barque L. T.  Stocker, as shore on Cape Corrientes, N E Argentina, will be a
     total loss, together with the cargo. The vessel registered 364 tons, was built in 1855
     Harpswell and was owned in Boston.
          A steamer has gone from New Orleans to the assistance of schooner Tannhauser,
     ashore on Last Island. The schooner was bound from Rockport, Me., for Morgan
     City, La., with ice and was owned by Rockland, St..George and New Haven parties.
          Schooner Radiant, from Portland for South Thomaston, with 2500 bushels corn
     belonging to Folger & Conant, of Rockland, ran on a ledge in the Veskeag River,
     (Knox Co., Me.) and heeled over. Her cargo, which was all wet was transferred to
     schooner Fanny Berney, and take to Rockland.
          Barque Lizzie Merry, Merry, from Baltimore and Demarara for St. Pierre, West
      Indies, was totally wrecked at Aves Island, May 28th. The captain and crew arrived
     Caracoa 1st inst. where they are now awaiting transportation to the United States.


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