Friday, October 16, 2015
A large wild cat has been killed at Lyman by a Mr. Smith.
Mrs. Rebecca died at Cornish on the 14th. She was a descendant in the sixth
generation of Francis Small, the first white owner of the Ossipee townships, for
whom Cornish was originally called Francisboro.
IN GENERAL. Adjutant General Beal has issued an order disbanding the old
First Regiment, Maine Volunteer Militia, and honorably discharging all field staff
and non-commissioned officers. The new first regiment of infantry, is composed
of Mechanic Blues and Montgomery Guards of Portland; also, light infantry
companies at Auburn, Norway, Augusta Biddeford and Gardiner. The second
regiment is composed of companies at Hampen, Oldtown, Dexter, Rockland,
Skowhegan, Dover and Belfast.
The Greenback State Committee met in Portland on the 18th and planned the
opening of the campaign. A mass meeting is to be held at Etna, July 3rd, General
Plaisted will speak at Farmington the same day. There is to be a meeting at Old
Orchard, July 5th, to be addressed by General Weaver, General Plaisted and
Solon Chase. Congressman Lowe, of California, is expected to address a mass
meeting at Camden, July 15th.The State Committee is to meet a Auburn, July 6th.
FIRES IN MAINE. Hat store of B. W. Harris Lewiston, loss $3,500, insured
The building was owned by H. H. Beascham, now of Colorado, who is insured for
$1,550.-Carriage shop of Joseph Williams, Bryan's Pond, insured for $1,900.-
House of George French, Millbridge, insured for $1,500.-House of Erastus Hilton,
Wells, loss $1,500, insured for $8,00.-Two barns of J. B. Jewell, Monticello.-
Shingle Mill and gang at the outlet of Phillips Pond, owned by T. N. Egery of
Bangor, and run by Chamber and Billington.-The large boarding at Hiram Falls,
owned by Isaac Emery, loss $6,000 insure for $4,200.-Two large barns owned by
W. McCobb, Passedumkeag.-Farm building of Mrs. Philo Benson, Manchester,
insure for $2,600.
We are sorry to learn that there is no change in the State seal, as lately reported,
but that the new one is an exact copy of the old, preposterous pine tree and moose,
and all.
The Universalists are holding their convention a Brunswick.
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