Wednesday, June 5, 2013

PORTLAND ADVERTISER & GAZETTE OF MAINE, November 9, 1838 & November 13, 1838


              In this city 5th inst., by Rev. Mr. Kellogg, Mr. Solomon Downing of
          Norway, Maine to Miss Elizabeth Millons of this city.
              In Bath Mr. David B. Mitchell to Miss Hannah L. Mitchell.
              In Charlestown, (Charleston?)  Mr. George W. Carleton of Bath, to Miss Sarah
          A. Andrews of Charlestown.
              In Saco, Lauriston Ward, Esq., to Miss Olive King.


              In this city 6th inst., Charles Henry, son of Mr. William R. Cobb,
          aged 2 years and 9 months.
              In Paris, Maine, Deacon Caleb Prentiss,  67.
              In Saco, Mr. Joshua Ricker, 24, Miss Sarah Tuttle, 17.
              In Sanford, Mr. Solomon Welch, 82.
              In Biddeford, Miss Martha Page, 85.
              In Wells, Mr. John Sawyer, 61.
              In Bath, Mrs. Rachel Sloan, 55. Mrs. Margaret Holt, 45.
              At Westport, Mrs. Sarah Devoll, 100.

              GREAT YIELD. Mr. Joshua Jewett of this town informs us that he has raised
          this present season, on a piece of ground containing eight square rods or one
          twentieth of an acre fifty-six  bushels of Ruta Baga turnips, equal to 3,584 pounds
          weight.  This is in proportion of  1,120 bushels of 71,680 lbs. to the acre. This at
          20 cents per bushel would yield $224 as the product of a single acre of ground.
          Such a crop deserves a premium.  The Ruta Baga is one of the most valuable and
          profitable crops the farmer can raise. [Somerset Journal]


              SHIP LAUNCH. A fine ship called the  Talleyrand of  550 tons was
          launched from the yard of Rufus C. Counce in Thomaston, on the 3rd inst.
          She is owned in Thomaston and is to be commanded by Capt. Benjamin Webb,
          of that place.


         PORTLAND ADVERTISER & GAZETTE OF MAINE, November 13, 1838


               In this city on Thursday evening, by Rev. Mr. Whitman, Mr. Nathan J.
          Davis to Miss Mary Abigail Osgood, daughter of Abraham Osgood, of this
              In Newburyport, Massachusetts, 5th inst., Mr. J. W. Waterhouse of this city,
          to Miss Caroline Smith of Newburyport.
              In Harpswell by Rev. Mr. Norton, Washington Gracelon, Esq., to Miss Rosau,
          eldest daughter of the late Peleg Curtis, Esq.
              In Topsham, Capt. James Jameson of Bath to Miss Charity Mustard, of
             In Nobleboro', Mr. Perry G. Hall, to Miss Ann Curtis.
             In Frankfort, Mr. Solomon Howes to Miss Mary Ann Vannau (?) Mr. Mark
          Stiles to Miss Lydia Kingsbury.
             In Belfast, Mr. David G. Voss to Miss Caroline Brier.
             In Eastport, Mr. Trescott Swett to Miss  Miss Emily Balkam.
             In Kennebunk, Mr. Oliver Hutchins to Miss Harriet   N. Wells.
             In Saco, Mr. Silas Libbey to Miss Hannah Hayes.
             In Parsonsfield,, Mr. Samuel S. Brown to Miss Mary A Whitten.
             In Kennebunk, Mr. William V. Stevens to Miss Sarah T. Durrill.
             In Boston, Mass., Mr. Thomas Atkins to Miss Lydia A. Murphy.
             In Shapleigh, Mr. Simon P. Bradbury to Miss Mary Ann Gowen.


             In Kennebunk, Captain Elisha Chadbourne, 54.
             In Augusta, Mr. James Burton, 74.
             In Bangor, Mrs. Abigail A. Hyde, 20.
             In Thomaston, Mr. Gideon Seavy.
             In Montville, Waldo County, Mr. Joseph Clifford, 39.
             In Saco, Miss Lucy T. Sawyer, aged 25.
             In Standish, 4th inst., Mrs. Dorcas, wife of Myrick Paine,  aged 69
          [Massachusetts papers are requested to copy.]
             In Boston, Mass., 1st inst., Samuel S. Ball, 31, of the firm Jones, Lows
           and Ball.
             In Cumberland, Sewall S. Loring, 28.
             In Springfield, Mass., Mrs. Harriet J. Russell, formerly of Bath, 27.
             In Bristol, Mr. Amos Richards, 37.
             In Waldoboro', Captain Charles Winchenbach, 55.

             ERRATUM. We announced a few weeks since the death of Jonathan
          Hammond, Esq., of Elliot, on the authority of one of our exchanges.  The
          statement was incorrect. It should read JOHN HAMMOND, Esq.
              SAD ACCIDENT. The Saco Herald states that on Wednesday last, Dr. Berry
          of that town, while on a sporting excursion down the river in company with
          other gentlemen, was severely wounded by the accidental discharge of his
          fowling piece.  He is now slowly recovering.

             A WHALE.  One of these monsters of the deep, measuring upwards of sixty
         feet in length, was picked up adrift, dead as a herring, one day this week by Mr.
         Norwood, keeper of the light on Wood Island, and towed up the river to the foot
         of Factory Island, where he has been exhibited "free gratis for nothing" to all who
         who would take the trouble to look at him.  He is the fin-back species.
                                                                                                                   [Saco Herald]

              On Saturday last, we learn from the Bath Telegram, Messrs. C. & W. D.
         Crocker of that place, launched an elegant copper fastened ship, beautiful
         model in wood and of superior workmanship, which is owned by themselves, and
         to be commanded by Captain Samuel Swanton, Jr.  Burthen 667 tons.

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