Sunday, June 30, 2013



              In this city, 19th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Chickering, Mr. Charles P.
          Winslow to Miss E. K. Herrick.
              In this city, 20th inst., by Rev. Mr. Brown, Mr. G. N. Marwick to Miss
          Rosilla Merrill.
              In Buxton, on the 23rd inst., General S. P. Strickland of Bangor, to Miss
          Ruth W. Bacon, daughter of the Doctor D. Bacon of Boston.
              In Biddeford  16th inst., Mr. J. P. Clark to Miss E. A. Banks.
              In Limerick, 16th inst., Mr. Charles P. Pinkham of Waterboro', to  Miss
          H. A. Leavitt, of Effingham, N. H.
              In Norway, Maine, 12th inst., Mr. Joseph S. Rounds of Norway, to Mrs.
          Esther Hilborn of Oxford.
              In South Berwick, Rev. Mr. James Cushing to Miss Elizabeth H. Raynes
          of South  Berwick.
              In Barnstead, New Hampshire, on the 19th inst., by Rev. Mr. George, Mr.
          George M. Bowker,  of Brunswick, to Miss Charlotte, daughter of Joseph Walker,
          Esq., of the former place.
              In North Yarmouth, 23rd inst., Mr. M. G. Millikin, of Scarboro to Miss  A.
          C. Chandler, of New York.
              In Thomaston, Captain H. T. Ellms to Miss Sarah J. Eastno, both Thomaston.
              In Augusta, Mr. George S. Hall to Miss Anne A. Nichols.
              In Windham, 19th inst., Mr. Jason Plummer to Caroline M. Libbey, both
          of Gorham.
              In Bangor, 17th inst., William Thompson, of Bangor to Miss R. G. Osborn,
          of Exeter, New Hampshire (?)

              In this city, 29th inst., Adelaide M., daughter of P. W. Richardson, aged
          2 1/2 years.
              In this city Mrs. Sarah, wife of Mr. Samuel Maxwell, aged 28.
              In this city 28th inst., Mr. John Mahan, aged 28.
              In this city 28th inst., James Chase, son of George Chase, formerly of
          Brunswick, aged 17 years.
              In Hollis, Salmon Salmon Falls Village, (York County,) 24th inst., Mrs.
          Apphia S., wife of Mr. James Brown, aged 35.
              Lost overboard from the ship Splendid, of Eastport 25th inst., on the
          passaged from Mobile to New York Richard Chase, seaman. From schooner
          Mayaguez, John Forster of Bristol, Me.
              In Cape Elizabeth, 23rd inst., of lung fever, William Cummings, Esq.,
          aged 69 years.
              In York, 17th inst., Miss Ruth Emerson, aged 79 years.
              In Gray, 9th inst., Rev. Elias Blake, aged 60.
              In Waldoboro'9th inst., Mrs. C. Keizer, aged 94.
              In Effingham, New Hampshire, 12th inst., Mr. John Colley, aged
          about 74.
              In Hollis, 7th inst., Mr. William West, aged 65.
              In Westbrook, Mr. Richard Johnson, aged over 80 years.
              Lost overboard, 10th inst., from brig Ponce, on the passage from Guamyama
          Puerto Rico, to New S. Elliot, seaman of Maine.
              In Paris, Maine, 15th inst., of consumption, Mr. Amos Fuller, aged 44.
              In Boothbay, 8th inst., Captain William McKnown, aged 76.
              In Worcester, Massachusetts, 14th inst., Edward Palfrey, Esq., aged 41.
              Lost overboard 1st inst., from brig Sea Bell, on the passaged from Cardenas,
          Cuba ?, to Boston, Mr. J. Moren of Prospect, aged 40.

              Death of a Subscriber.  A subscriber writing us from Bangor, requesting us
          to change the direction of a paper, thus speaks of person, now deceased, to whose
          address it was formerly sent. The writer adds-'I thought it might not be uninteresting
          to you to hear from some of your friends, who have so often heard from you,
          though they have never had the pleasure of seeing you.'
              We assure our correspondent it always affords us pleasure to hear from our
          friends, although it is a melancholy one, when the subject of the communications
          is of the sad tenor of the one before us. The writer says: 'The ravages of time
          have been visible here. She who teemed with life and hope during the course of
          your last volume is now on more.'
              Juliette A. the daughter of Joseph Dudley, departed this life on the 10th of
          November last,  aged 17 years and 10 months.  The deceased was ever  gentle in
          her manners-thoughtful, but not melancholy, an apt scholar, a true friend; a
          person of high and noble mind, and loved by all who knew her.  She seemed too
          frail a plant for this cold world of ours. In her long and tedious illness, not a
          murmur escaped her lips; she bore her sickness with Christian fortitude, and in
          last hour, while weeping friends stood around, she bade them weep not for her,
          but prepare, by a life of usefulness, to meet her in another and better world;
          where sorrow never can come.  In her last moment, she thrice arose and bade
          her friends farewell, and then fell asleep in Jesus, with a smile on her
          countenance, that still remained when the grave shrouded her from our sight.
          And shall not that bright spirit smile on, in its own pure sphere with a more
          radiant smile, lit up by the light of heaven, as she moves amid the angel throng
          of the redeemed and blessed of earth?  Who does not feel to thank the great  giver
          of all, for  placing us here in a land of light and liberty, and giving us minds to
          look through the veiled future by the eye of faith, up to that world of promised



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