Friday, August 2, 2013

CHRISTIAN INTELLIGENCER & Eastern Chronicle, Gardiner, Maine, October 23, 1829


              In Wiscasset, Captain Tristram Jordan, of Saco, to Miss Catharine W. Merrill.
              In Livermore, by Rev. George Bates, Charles D. Learned, Esq., of Columbia,
          Mississippi, to Miss Mary Hamlin.
              In Georgetown, D. C., Henry Johnson, late Governor of Louisiana too Miss
          Elizabethh Key.
              In Bangor, Mr. Charles C. Gage, of Castine, to Miss Eliza Harriman, daughter
          of Simon Harriman, ESq.
              In Bucksport, Mr. Anthony W. Pollard, to Miss Harriet Hardy, daughter of Dr.
         Manly Hardy.


              In Augusta, Deacon James Page, aged 94 and Dorothy Page, his wife, aged 92.
          They were both interred in one grave.  On the 18th ult., Mrs. Mercy Willey, formerly
          of Shapleight, aged 87.
             In Eastport, Mrs. Lunt, wife of Mr. Nathan Lunt, aged 53.
             In Falmouth, 15th unst., Mr. Joseph Knight, aged 84
             In Alfred, on the 13th inst., Dr. Abiel Hall, aged 66.
             In Mobile, Mr. John Randall, a native of Portland, 40.
             In Bucksport, of consumption, aged 26, William Gibson, son of John Gibson.
             In Castine, of consumption, aged 21, Mary A. Vose, daughter of George and
          Betsey Vose.
             In Kingston, R. I., aged 80, Jeremiah Niles, a Major in the Revolutionary Army.
             In Lisbon, Maine, on the 30th ult., Mr. William Ames, aged 30. By the death of
             this worthy man, society has sustained the loss of a respectable member, and the
             needy; of an ever constant friend. He has left an affectionate, widowed mother,
             and tender sisters to mourn the irreparable loss of an obedient son; a kind and
             effectionate brother and a liberal provider.  Death had previously deprived him of an
             indulgent father and an endeared brother, but he bore up under the affilictions and
             trial with a calm serenity with a truly Christian fortitude.  He was ever respected for
             his morality; esteemed for his piety and noted for his honesty and justness in his
             his dealings among men.  In short, there are none that can say aught against him. His
             exit will be long lamented by a large community, and especially by his relatives, to whom
             it is almost insupportable.  The loss is truly great, on him alone rested the  support of a
             bereft family.  He was a firm believer in the ultimate hoilness of all men, and ever lived in
             accordance with his faith; discharging his duty towards both God and man in a manner
             truly pleasing.  And at last, he retained a pleasing hope of a happy reunion with his friends
             together with the whole family of man, and calmly closed his eyes in death.
                                           See grim death, now vainly flinging;
                                             O'er his brow a solemn gloom;
                                           Now to dust in silence bringing
                                             Down its victim to the tomb.

                                           But fond nature still is grasping
                                             Life, poor, feeble life from death;
                                           Still  in pain the victim's grasping,
                                             Loath to yield the fleeting breath.
                                           Hark! he's gone, his life is closing
                                              Death has conquered nature's strife;
                                           Soon he'll wake for this reposing,
                                              And enjoy eternal life.  [Comm]

                        The Worcester Aegis give the following brief obituary  of the Honorable
          Enoch Lincoln, late Governor of this State.
              "He was the fourth son of the late Levi Lincoln, Lieutentant Governor of this state,
          and born in this town the 28th of December 1788. He was of the graduating  class of                     Harvard University of 1807.  He studied  law in this town. He opened an office first in                   Salem, and after remaining a short time, returned to this town and commenced
         practice here.  He continuted in this place, but a few months when in 1818 he
         established himself  in his profession at Fryeburg, in the then District of Maine. From
         that place he removed to Paris,Me., a neighboring town a few years afterwards. He was
         engaged while here in extensive practice in his profession and enjoyed a high reputation
         as an adriot and profund lawyer.
             He enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens to an unusual extent, and
         at an early age was elected a member of Congress and returned several time successively
         without opposition. While a member of Congress in 1826, he was nominated by all parties
         and elected Governor of the state.  This is the third of his holding of that responsible
         office to which he was elected each time with great unanimity by the people. During the
         last spring or winter he  expressed his determination to withdraw from public life, and
         declined being again a candidate for public office. Mr. Lincoln may be justly classed
         among the distuguished men of New England. His attainment as a scholar were of the
         most respectable stamp and the versatility of his talent had led him into almost every
         department of literature as well  as the various branches of science.  He was eminently
         successful in very thing  he turned his mind to.  At the bar he ranked high in his                              profession and in the concerns of Goverment. while a member of Congress, enjoyed                      extensive influence."
                  We find the follwing notice in an Eastport, Maine paper.
             "Rev. Francis w. Emmons of this town, has been commisioned by the Governor
             to solemnize mariages."
                 It may tend to the well being of the public to have particular reverend gentleman
           appointed to solemize the ceremony; but the lawyers havs decided that marriage can
           be perpetrated without help of the Justice of Clergyman."



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