Friday, September 27, 2013



          The editor of the Lewiston Falls Journal has visited Captain Holmes, recently
     convicted for the murder of Chadwick, in Auburn jail.
          He was smoking a pipe, and appeared as composed as any person could expect
     one to be with so dreadful a fate before him.  He spoke in a calm manner of his
     conviction, blaming the public and the jury for thinking that he should have done
     the fatal deed when in his right mind. He said that his wife could not live long, and
     unless he was removed to Wiscassset  he should not be able to see her again.
         Officers having examined Wiscasset jail, and found it perfectly secure, it is
     understood Captain Holmes will be removed there forthwith. The only object of his
     friends in asking his removal to Wiscasset is that may have the opportunity to visit
     him daily, and perform kindly  offices of friendship.

          Liquor Split. The McGlinchy brother, of this city well known as Irish rum sellers,
     have been disturbed in their business here, recently took a load of liquor up to
     Lewiston, but the priest of that place, getting wind of the movement confronted them,
     with a companion, armed with hatchets, and with "apostolic blows and knocks" stove
     in the head of two barrels and set the liquor running. A melee ensued, his reverence
     knocked McGlinchy down and McGlinchy floored his reverences' companion.
     McGlinchy made tracks, but a warrant was issued for his arrest.

          Accidents. As Moses Burns of Waldoboro, aged 18 years, was passing a loaded
     gun from a small boat at Long Island, near Friendship, 19th ult., it accidently went
     off, and the contents entered his bowels causing almost instant death.
          On Wednesday week a son of Mr. Stover Libby, of Scarboro, about 9 years of age,
     was caught in a threshing machine and had his arm so badly lacerated that it was
     found necessary to amputate it just above the elbow joint.

          Politics in the Pulpit. The Machias Republican comes filled with the report of the
     trial of the following novel story.
          No 245-Hiram P. Osgood vs. Joseph Crandon. This action was brought to recover
     $16  subscribed by defendant towards paying for the plaintiff's services as preacher of
     the gospel.  In the testimony it appeared that the money was not to be paid if the
     plaintiff preached politics, which the defendant tho't he did, and consequently refused
     payment. The jury failed to agree after being out about five hours.

          The Bath Times has a doubtful report of the death of the wife of Captain Holmes,
     now in Auburn jail, at her father's house in Newcastle on Saturday morning last.

          On the 26th, Rev. A. C. Adams was installed over the Lewiston Falls Congregational
     Church.  Sermon by Rev. Dr. Adams of Brunswick; Charge to the Pastor by Rev. Dr.
     Chickering, of Portland.

          The woolen factory of Mr. Eben Clough, at Bethel was entered on Friday night,
     and robbed of 600 yards of domestic cloth, valued at $300.  The Railroad Depot was
     also robbed of $25 in cash.

          Messrs. Lock & Aiken of Portland have made an extensive purchase at Presque
     Isle, including the sawmill and stand now occupied by Sumner Whitney, Esq., and they
     are to enlarge the Whitney house by an addition of a third story and an L one hundred
     feet long, which they will open as a public house. They will also build a large store.

          In Chesterville 20th, an old gentleman named John Neal was knocked down and
     robbed by a young man named John H. Perkins, who was afterwards arrested and
     lodged in Farmington jail.

          The Rev. S. H. Merrill of the Bethel Church has been invited to take charge of
     Evangelical Church in Southbridge, Mass.

          Found Dead.  Edward Carr aged 23, was found dead in the rear of Andrew
     McGlinchy's house, Congress Street, in which he boarded, early Sunday morning.
     An investigation showed that he was taken sick in the night, and went to the window
     to vomit, from which he probably fell and was killed.

                                                               DISATERS &c.

          Brig Sarah Starr,, Blake, from Cardenas, Mexico, for Portland, with molasses put
     into Norfolk, Va., 20th, with cargo shifted and vessel damaged
          The wreck of the schooner Ranger, of Searsport, from Bangor for Boston,
     reported found derelict and towed it  into Annnisquam, Mass., was sold at auction for
     $215.00. The cargo has yet been sold.



Sunday, September 22, 2013



          In this city, 31st inst., by Rev. G. W. Bosworth, Mr. Charles B. Nash to Miss
     Julia M. Stewart, both of Portland.
          In this city, 1st inst., by Rev. Dr. Shailler, Gardiner B. Page, Esq., of Burlington,
     Penobscot County, Miss Patience Small of Hiram.
          In this city, 17th inst., by Rev. B. Foster, Mr. Cephas W. Skillings to Miss Climena
     M. Shaw; 28th, by the same, Mr. Francis Smith to Miss Maria F. Brown, all of Portland.
          In this city, 27th inst., by Rev. Dr. Curruthers, Mr. Alfred P. Andrews, of Paris, Maine,
     to Miss Eunice M. Hersey, of Sumner.
          In Lewiston, 28th ult., by Rev. U. Balkam, Mr. Jacob Straw, of Cumberland, to Miss
     Emeline Cushing of Lewiston.
          In Litchfield, 19th inst., Mr. Thomas C. Sampson, of Bath, to Miss Charlotte A.
     Jackson, of Litchfield. 
          In Bucksport, 27th inst., Mr. F. A. Buck of California to Miss Jennie M. Pierce of
          In Buckfield, 3rd ult., T. J. Bridgham, Esq., to Miss Susan W. Hayford.
          In South Paris, Maine, 19th ult.,  Mr. William S. Bicknell to Miss Mary Whitman,
     both of Woodstock.
          In Lewiston, 26th ult., Mr. W. G. F. Woodard, of Lewiston, to Miss Mary D.
     Graffam of Salem, Mass. (?)
          In Bath, 28th ult., Mr. Clark T. Clifford to Miss Elizabeth H., daughter of J. B.
     Trull, Esq., both of Bath.
          In Auburn, 2nd ult., David A. Jumper to Harriet E. Ridlon, both of Auburn.
          In Leeds, 24th ult., Mr. George B. Lane to Viola A. Ramsdell, of Leeds.
          In Waterboro, Mr. Isaac S. Low to Miss Lucy J. Gerry, both of Waterboro.
          In North Berwick, 23rd ult., Mr.  John W. Tufts to Miss Mary Ann, both of
     North Berwick.
          In South Berwick, Benjamin Franklin Paris, Esq., to Miss Lydia A. Gilman,
     both of South Berwick.
          In Frankfort, 24th ult., Colonel T. H. Cushing to Miss Augusta B., youngest
     daughter of the late J. Holmes, Esq.
          In West Glenburn, Penobscot County, 24th ult., Mr. Rinaldo Butters to Ruth H
     Dickey, both of Orono.
          In Gouldsboro, 23rd ult., by B. M. Sargent, Esq., Mr. Freeman P. Joy to Miss
     Georgiana Moore.
          In Bath, 25th ult., Mr. Simeon B. Waters, of Livermore, to Miss Sophia A.
     daughter of the late John Deering, Esq., of Bath.

          In this city, 1st inst., Mr. William Loud, aged 61.
          In this city, 29th ult., Jane C., widow of the late Captain George W. W. Small,
     aged 45, years 10 months.
          In this city, 30th ult., of consumption, Mrs. Sarah E. McLanathan, aged 25.
          In this city at the Alms House, 7th ult., Miss Annah Dyer, aged 75; Mrs.
     Phillis Cooper (colored) aged 65; Mr. Samuel Waterhouse, aged 70.
          In this city, 29th ult., Mrs. Mary Jane, wife of John Alexander, Esq., aged 51.
          In Gardiner, 21st ult., Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Davis, aged 78; 20th, Miss
     Harriet Spear, aged 27 years, 10 months.
          In Pittston (Beach Hill) 23rd ult., Alvin Crowell, Esq.
          In Biddeford, 15th ult., Caroline B., daughter of Mr. John P. Lougee, of  Dover,
     aged 18.
          In Sebago, 18th ult., Mrs. Betsey, wife of William Fitch, aged 61 years.
     (Western papers please copy.)
          In Jackson, Waldo County, 13th ult., Boardman Johnson, Esq., aged 89 years,
      2 months.
          In South Berwick, 22nd ult., Nancy Maria, daughter of Aaron and Jane Hodgdon,
      aged 14 years, and 6 months.
          At Gerrish's Island, Kittery, 25th ult., Miss Mary Gerrish, aged 79.
          In Manchester, Kennebec County 9th ult., Mary, wife of Paul Collins, aged 81
      years, 2 months.
          In Farmington, 14th ult., Mrs. Jane Carsley, aged 82 years, 16 days.
          In Rockland, 14th ult. Harriet D., wife of Richard Varney, aged 50 years, 6
     months; 15th; Harriet A., wife of Albion P. Mossman, aged 28 years, 9 months.
          In Lincolnville, 11th ult., Franklin A. Marriner, aged 32; 22nd, Honorable Minot
     Crehore, aged 54.
          In Manhattan, Pottawatonie County, Kansas, Angeline R., wife of Honorable
     E. M. Thurston, formerly of Charleston, Piscataquis County.
          At sea, previous to August 20th, on board ship Elizabeth Kimball, on the
     passage from Calcutta for Boston, Captain Thomas Condon, master, of Portland.

          In Sebec, Piscataquis County, August 15th of consumption, Mrs. Sarah Jane,
     wife of John W. Courier, and daughter of William Taylor, aged 24 year, 1 month. The
     deceased was a devoted wife and tender mother. In those bereaved hearts that knew
     her best will she be longest remembered and her loss most deeply deplored. She died
     in the midst of life, with husband an children around her. How will those children miss
     a mother's thoughtful care, and how they will need her counsels to guide and direct
     them through the years of youth; but her voice is silent, her race is run, and the heart
     that shed a peaceful light of love and sympathy on all who come within its influence,
     can thrill no more with earthly joys or sorrows. A husband and three children are left
     to feel that death has made a void in their number which can never be filled. She was
     patient in her sufferings; showed an interest in the cause of Christ and a love to God's
     people.  Religion presented  to her a bright prospect in the future and enable her to say
     it looks bright beyond the grave.  Albert Platt.
          In Buxton, 23rd ult., Mr. Jotham Lewis, formerly of Cornish, aged 74 years,
      10 months.
                                                Father thou hast gone before us
                                                   and thy saintly soul has flown,
                                                Where tears are wip'd from ev'ry eye,
                                                    and sorrow is unknown;
                                                But the spirit soars away
                                                    Among the faithful blest,
                                                May each like thee depart in peace,
                                                    To be a glorious guest.



Friday, September 20, 2013



          In this city, 16th inst., by Rev. J. W. French, Mr. John Willard to Miss Eliza
     Mulberry, both of this city.
          In Charleston, Penobscot County, 7th inst., by Rev. Mr. Hanckie, Mr. Henry
     Tilton, of this city, to Miss Mary Smith, of Madison.
          In Madison, 6th inst., by Rev. Josiah Tucker, Washington Rowell, Esq., to Miss
     Mary Smith, of Madison. 
          In Bridgton, by Daniel Evans, Jr., Esq., Charles H. Smart, to Susan A. Smith.
          In Saco, 15th inst., by Rev. Mr. Horton, Mr. Clement Webster, Junior Editor of
      York County Herald, to Miss Catherine P. Littlefield, of Providence, Rhode Island.
          In Alfred, 12th inst., by Rev. Mr. Bragdon, Mr. George Kimball, of the firm of
     Kimball &  Edwards of Saco, to Miss Lucy S. Cluff, Somersworth, Strafford County,
     New Hampshire.
          In Dover, New Hampshire, Mr. Richard Colbarth of Farmington to Miss Susan
          In  Bangor, 16th inst., by John S. Sayward, Esq., Mr. Benjamin G. Campbell, of
     the firm of Campbell & Mills, to Miss Eliza Morse, all of Bangor.
          In Brownville, 16th inst., by E. A. Jenks, Esq., Mr. Ephraim G. Willard, to Miss
     Susan C. Page, both of Brownville.
          In Montville, Mr. Sumner Allen to Miss Hannah Dodge of Thomaston. Mr.
     Frederick Cram, to Miss Isabella Cram.


          In this city, on Saturday evening last, of consumption, Mrs. Louisa Ann, wife
     of Captain Albert Jewett, aged 30.
          In this city, 18th inst., of consumption, Mr. Susan, wife of General Alford
     Richardson, aged 56.
          In this city on Saturday last, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of A. J. Emery, aged 12.
          In  Gorham, 17th inst., Mr. Daniel Libbey, aged 54 years.
          In Warren, Mr. Daniel Newcomb, aged 69.
          At Deer Island, 27th inst., William Leonard, son of Captain George Leonard,
     aged 19.
          In Northampton, Mass., Franklin C. Mather, aged 22 years, lately of this city.
          In Bristol, Mr. Robert Boyd, formerly of Boothbay.
          In Kennebunkport, 5th inst., Henry Woodford, only son of Mr. J. L. Cleeves,
     aged 7 years.
          In Union, Mrs. Betsey  Blunt, aged 61.
          In Perryville, Pennsylvania, Captain James Miller, aged 82, formerly of Belfast.
          In Windham, 17th inst., Mr. James Mayberry, aged 73.
          In Hallowell, Charles Vaughan, Esq., aged 87.
          At Laguna, Mexico, 7th ult., Captain Charles Page, of the barque Clement, aged 76.
          Lost overboard from ship Edmund Perkins, on her passage from Liverpool to New
    Orleans, Mr. Ledmond, a native of Portland.

            Rumors of Trouble in The East.-We learn from the Bangor Whig of Friday, that
      McLaughlin, the Provincial Land Agent, has been at Fish River, which is about 50
      miles from No. 10, (township or plantation) and 40 men and ordered off by Captain
      Nye and his men, about 30 in number; they then went down the river, it is supposed
     for reinforcement. The letter from which this information is derived is at St. Croix,
      No 10, May 14th. It adds, "We immediately sent one express to Fort Fairfield for
      men, and one to Colonel Jarvis, informing him of the facts, and started a boat load of
     men,  ammunition and provision for the "the seat of war." The writer further adds,
     "We say Fish River County by arrangement belongs to us, we have sent force there
      to secure the timber, take off trespassers and exercise jurisdiction."

                                                  MARINE DISATERS & ETC.

          The ship Oceanus, of Portland, Prince, master  from Boston for Savaannah,
     in ballast went ashore on the 11 inst., off  Stono Breakers, (South Carolina) totally lost.
     Captain Prince and part of the crew arrived at Charleston on the 11th inst., for assistance
     The mate and the balance of the crew took the long boat and landed at Stono. Pervious
     to their leaving the ship had two feet of water in her hold, but had not bilged. Captain
     Prince will return to the wreck and endeavor to save what he can. The Oceanus had a
     Savannah pilot at the time of her going on shore. The steamer John Adams has
     proceeded to the wreck.
          Brig Champion, of Portland, Blanchard, from Boston for Havana, was lost at Royal
     (probably Ragged) Island 24th ult., part of cargo, sails and rigging saved. Captain
     Blanchard arrived at Philadelphia 13th inst., in schooner Elizabeth from Nassau.
     There  was $5 or $6000 insured on the cargo in Boston, which probably covered the
    loss upon it.
          Brig Commodore  Tucker (of Thomaston) Barlow, reported master, for Camden for
     New Orleans, was lost with her cargo of lime, 24th ult., on   Abaco; rigging, sails,
     chains and anchors saved.
          Schooner Union, of Bowdoinham, from Bath, was ashore on the Seven Foot Knoll,
     below Baltimore 14th inst.
          Captain Brown, of brig Pioneer, at Baltimore reports that on 10th inst., in  a gale
     from E N E, saw a brigantine ashore about 15 miles south of Cape Henry. From the
     violence of the gale Captain Brown thinks she must have gone to pieces during the
          The brig Snow (?) of Thomaston at New Orleans, rolled away her main topmast
     and to gallant mast, in lat 29 lon 74.
          Brig Louise at Philadelphia, report April 24th, lat 44 16 lon 3? 24, saw the rigging
    of a brig, apparently new.
          Ship Oceanus of Portland, ashore on Stono Breakers, was insured at two offices in
     Boston, for $6000.
          Harlow Robinson, was master of brig Commodore Tucker, of Thomaston, lost on
     Elbow Reef, 24th ult.,


Wednesday, September 18, 2013



          In Boston, Major Davis Bradish of this city, to Miss Fanny Haynes of
          In Brighton, Mass., Dr. Benjamin Johnson of Franklin to Miss Susan L.
          In Belfast, Mr. Andrew Amour to Miss Eliza Parker.
          In Islesboro, Mr. Albert Pendleton to Miss Mercy J. Farnsworth.
          In Lincoln, Mr. Galon Gates to Miss Esther Chase.
          In Lisbon, Me., Mr. Isreal G. Adams to Miss Hannah P. Wilson, both
          In Bowdoin, Josiah Lane, M. D., of Lisbon, Me., to Miss Almira Getchell.
          In Augusta, Colonel Alfred Redington to Miss Elizabeth Williams.
          In Hallowell, Mr. Daniel Burns to Miss Deborah Titcomb.
          In Kennebunk, Mr. Hiram  Hoyt to Miss Catharine H. Perkins.
          In Wilton, Mr. Andrew S. Butterfield to Miss Hannah Law. Mr. Thomas
     Cook of Norridgewock, to Mrs. Abigail Butterfield.
          In Bangor, Mr. Daniel McKenney to Miss Rebecca Young.
          In Minot, Mr. Hezekiah Hayes of Poland, Me., to Miss Sarah Jane Foss.
          In Clinton, Mr. Isaiah H. Walker to  Miss Sarah Simpson.
          In Montville, Mr. Nathan Brooks of Searsmont, to Miss Margaret Bryant.
          In Wells, Mr. Ithamar Littlefield, of Kennebunk, to Miss Lucinda Getchell,
     of Wells.
          In Augusta, Captain Dickinson Lewis to Miss Julia Ann Cole. Mr. Benjamin
     Emmons to Miss Caroline H. Hodges.


          In Bristol, 5th inst., Honorable James Drummond, aged about 63.
          In Bath, Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. James Innis, aged 57.
          Drowned at sea, November 19, 1836, by the upsetting of brig Gambia, of which
      he was owner, John Deane, son of John G. Deane of Portland, and formerly if this
      town, aged 21. While the waves cover the mortal remains let a few words be given to
      what he was-of high moral integrity, undeviating truth, obedient  strictest in the sense
      to his parents, kind and affectionate in disposition and modest in manners, few at his
      age have bidden so fair to be a blessing to his friends, and an ornament to society.
       We can only say on this occasion, the way of Heaven are dark and mysterious.
                                                                                                                [Ellsworth Radical.]
          In Kennebunk, Susan W., daughter of Captain Ralph Curtis, aged 2 years
      and 6 months.
          In Eliot, Mr. Dennis Fernald, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 79.
          In Monroe, Hoesa Emery, Esq., aged 60.
          In Boston, Mr. Cyrus Savage, formerly of Maine,  aged 22.
          In Augusta, Mrs. Martha Robinson.
          In Sydney, Mrs. Betsey, wife of Mr. Edward Mulliken, aged 67.
          In Wiscasset, Mrs. Mary, wife of William M. Boyd, Esq., aged. 50.
          In this city, Joseph, youngest son of Mr. William E. Edwards, aged 2 years
     and 3 months.
                    "We mourn-but it is meet, O young departed!
                     That for thy early death, our tears should fall-
                  That hopeless grief should leave us broken-hearted?
                     Though thy dear form has faded from us all!

                  E'en as a flower, untimely frosts have blighted
                     Before its fairest leaves our sight had met.
                  Whose budding beauty fost'ring hearts delighted-
                     Sweet bud of promise! thus thy days have met.

                 But holy joys are thine; blest seraph! wending
                     Thy youthful footsteps midst that shining throng,
                 And glad the gush of melody, that's blending,
                     From thy sweet lips, with that angelic song.

                 Harmonious, through the glitt'ring courts of heaven
                     That music floats, and O, how softly mild
                 That notes of love that breath of sins forgiven!
                     Early thou'st learn'd the strain, blest heavenly child!

                 Then weep not, sorrowing mother! thou hast given
                     A precious off'ring to the sacred shrine;
                  It shineth softly in the crown of heaven,
                     A pearl of chasten'd lustre, all divine.

                  Farewell, dear child! to earth we'd not recall thee;
                     Repose, in peace, upon the Saviour's breast;
                  Nor care nor sorrow ever can befall thee-
                     Thine is a Sabbath of Eternal rest."  [Extract]

          In Lewiston, 2nd inst., Mrs. Olive Barrell, aged 54.
          In Norridgewock, Mr. Ezekiel Gilman, a Revolutionary soldier, aged 90.
          In this city, William Henry, son of Mr. Joseph Bryant, aged 3 months.
          In Westbrook, 9th inst., Mrs. Lucy Broad.
          In Belfast, Captain David Libby, aged 22. Mrs. Dolly, wife of Mr. Michael
     Caten, aged 56.
          In Biddeford, Mr. Peletiah Moore, aged 84, a soldier in the Revolution.
          In Augusta, Mrs. Delia W., wife of John A. Chandler, Esq. Mrs. Lydia
     Doven, aged 36.
          In Palermo, Mr. Jacob Worthing, aged 71.
          In Brunswick, Lydia, daughter of Mr.  Ebenezer White, aged 4 years. Mrs.
     Hodgkins, wife of Mr. William Hodgkins.
          In Berwick, Miss Mary P. Shapleigh, aged 19.
          In Kennebunk, Mr. Nahum Wentworth, aged 63. Mr. Joseph Mitchell, aged
     25.  Flavilla Ricker, aged 13. Mr.  Spencer Littlefield, aged 36. Orrin, son of
     Ebenezer Willard, 2 years. Hannah, daughter of Mr. Alexander McCullock, 5 years.
          Captain Jeremiah G. Miller, husband of Mary, died December 12, 1836,
     Northport, Me. Burial Kennebunkport, Maine.

          Stubborn Facts for those who drink  Rum, sell it, or buy it for others. A jury
     was summoned last Friday, by Zenas Briggs, Coroner, to enquire into the cause of
     the death of Mr. Amos Merrill, Jr., who was found dead in the road, about half a mile
     from his house, in New Gloucester last Tuesday night or Wednesday. It seems
     from the facts developed before the jury, that the deceased had been a day or two
     from home engaged in breaking roads and drinking near Sabbath Day Pond, in New
     Gloucester.  Having been for some time quite intoxicated he was urged by some of
     his neighbors to go home, but he declined unless he could get some more rum. The
     storekeeper, Mr. Asa W. Gowen, much to his credit on this occasion, denied him,
     although he had the miserable murderous stuff on tap. But, it seems the unfortunate
     Merrill had a friend who was kindly disposed to furnish him with the deadly poison.
     He did so. Being apparently in rather better standing than Merrill, the deceased, he
     procured a jug and quart of rum, and after guzzling down a portion of it himself,
     (pity he hadn't swallowed the whole of it.) he gave it to Merrill, who started for home.
     The miserable man got part way, drank-sat down in the snow-drank again-and died!
     The body, frozen and lifeless was found in a sitting position nearly buried in  the snow,
     one mitten off, probably the better to handle the jug, and the jug beside the body almost
     drained of its contents, about half a pint of liquid poison remaining in it. How poignant
     and cutting the reflection of this man must be who procured the rum, unless his to his
     conscience is seared as hard as his throat must be! "Cursed is he who put the cup
     neighbor's mouth." What better is the man than a murderer! with his eyes wide open
      to the consequences, he purchased the killing drug-gave it to his already intoxicated
      neighbor; his neighbor took it-drank it-sat down in the snow-drank again-and died
          We hope this tragedy with its horrid catastrophe will teach all in the neighborhood
     where it took place the wretched consequences of tasting, touching or handling the
     cursed article. Especially do we hope that this man who bought the poison for his
     neighbor will set about a work of reformation, and in full view of the part which he
     performed in this tragedy, draw up a determination never again to put the cup to his
     own lips or his neighbor's.
     New Gloucester, January 13, 1837


Sunday, September 15, 2013



                                                 "So learn ye whose vows are plighted,
                                                     That hearts are one when united."

          In this city 2nd inst., by Rev. S. E. Brown, Mr. Hoyt P. Turner, of Portland to
     Miss Frances M. Titus, of  St. John, New Brunswick, Canada.
          2nd inst., by Rev. Mr. Turner, Mr. James M. Eveleth of Gorham, New Hampshire,
     to Miss Elizabeth F.  Hutchins of Portland.
          4th inst., by Rev. J. Pratt, Henry Curtis, Esq., late of Oxford, England, to Miss S. H.
      Erskine, of Portland.
          In Freeport 3rd inst., Mr. Horace P. Merrill to Miss Delia P. Waite, both of Freeport.
          In Bath 2nd inst., Mr. Edgar R. Snow, to Miss Martha A. Tarr, of Topsham.
          In Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Mr. John H. Poole of Boston, to Miss Ellen A.
     Greenlaw, of Phipsburg,  Saghagadac County.
         In Boston 2nd inst., Mr. W. V. Leonard of Belgrade, Kennebec County to Miss
      Irene Stewart of Belgrade.
           In Durham, Androscoggin County 5th inst., Mr. A. Wood Morse, M. D., of
      Hamilton, Madison County, New York, to Miss Mary A. Nichols of Durham.
      Madison County,
          In Bath 5th inst., Mr. David T. Percy to Miss Adriana Bosworth, both Bath.
          In Cumberland, 8th inst., by Rev. Joseph Blake, Mr. Edward M. Moore of
     Portland, to Miss Hannah A. Blake of Cumberland.


                                                     "This is the end of earth."
          In this city 9th inst., at the residence of his brother, Dr. E. Clark, of Portland,
      Adam C. Clark, Esq., of Strong, Franklin County,  aged 55.
          5th inst., Daniel Augustus, son of John and Lydia Damrell, aged 8 months.
          In North Yarmouth, 7th inst., Mr. Benjamin Prince, aged 68.
          In Newburyport, Essex County, Mass., 6th inst., widow Abigail W. York, of
      Portland, aged 95.
          In Whatley, Franklin County, Mass., 1st inst., Mr. Caleb Crafts, formerly of
      Portland, aged 54.
          In Windham 3rd inst., Mrs. Sarah Smith, widow of the late Hezekiah Smith,
     and daughter of the late Rev. Peter Thatcher Smith, of Windham, aged 88.
          In Lewiston, at the residence of her son, Mrs. Abigail, wife of Napthall Coffin,
     formerly of Livermore but recently of Portland, aged 71.
          In North Berwick, 25th ult., after a short illness, Mary Elizabeth, only daughter
     of Henry and Lydia Estes, aged 47.
          In Windham 24th inst., Mrs. Esther,  widow of Mr. Johan Austin, aged 72 years,
     6 months.
          In Somerville, Lincoln County,  9th inst., Mr. Nathaniel Brown, aged 41.

          In this city 5th inst., Samuel Augustus, only child of Samuel and Abby Q.
     Butterfield, aged one year and three months.

                                         Thou art a little angel now,
                                         A diadem is on thy brow,
                                         A golden harp is in thine hand,
                                         Among the holy throng thou stand'st.

                                         Thou was't not born to dwell on earth,
                                         And here engage in sinful mirth;
                                         Joys nobler, purer were designed,
                                         To fill the young immortal mind.


          The Gage Tavern at Bridgton Center, was wholly destroyed by fire on Sunday
     last. Insured, $1,300.

          Frozen.-Mr. Ebenezer Ayers of Cooper, Washington County, Me., was found
      frozen to death in the woods in Township No. 42 Maine, on Monday the 26th ult.

          A little girl about eight years old named Kelley, fell upon one of the lime kilns in
     Rockland, one day last week and was so severely burned that she died on Sunday last

          S. H. Jacobs, who shot an Irishman at Fairfield, has been tried at Norridgewock and
    sentenced to the State Prison for seven years.

          Eating House.-Messrs. Ingersoll & Son have taken store No. 77, "Fox Block,"
     and fitted it up in fine style as a confectionary and restorator (sic) establishment. Their
     rooms are spacious, well lighted, and lofty and their refreshments for the inner man are
     admirably served, as all who were in at the free lunch on Saturday can testify. They
     deserved patronage and will get it. As friends at  our elbow says-

                                                "Those will now eat who never ate before,
                                                    And those who always ate will eat the more."

          The Legislature.-"Things is working" at Augusta. And it is amusing to observe
     the moderated exultation of the successful maneuvers, and the look of injured
     innocence put on by the discomfited party!  They are shocked at much profligacy,
     the honest souls!  The Whigs, Morrill men and Free Soilers seem to have coalesced
     without difficulty and have elected Noah Smith, Jr., of Calais (Whig) Speaker of
     the House, and General J. J. Perry, (Morrill) Clerk.  The Senate having a majority
     of regular democrats, has spent its time in trying to out wit the coalition. As there
     is a majority of Pillsbury men elected to the Senate, they wish to force the House
     into action upon only a portion of the vacancies, and thus secure the organization
     of the Senate. The House refuses to go into this partial arrangement, and thus the
     wheels of government are at a stand-still.


          Ship Clinton  of Bath, Murphy, which was at Turks Island 9th ult., ldg for
     New Orleans, is reported to have been lost no date, on Turks Island or Grand
          Brig Albatross, at Bath from Savannah, lost sails, wheel and part of deck  load
     of lumber, 10th ult.  On  12th, lat 31 25 lon 76 16 fell in with the wreck of brig
     Ellsworth, Jordan, from Jacksonville for New York with loss of both masts, deck
     load and boats, and with five feet of water in her hold. The crew were taken off,
     but as a heavy sea was running, nothing else could be saved from the wreck.
          Schooner Julia of Saco, Baker, from Cardenas, Mexico for Portland,, with
     molasses, put into Sea Harbor,  Penobscot Bay, 2nd inst., with loss of sails and leaky.
          Schooner Rio, of Sedgwick lost on the passage from St. Mary's, Georgia, for
     New York, waterlogged, hatches off and both masts gone, was fallen in with 29th
     ult., lat 33 30 lon 72 by ship Cygnet at New York.
         Captain M'Fadden, master of barque S. L. Crowell, of Lubec  has arrived at that
     place. The barque was from Picton, Ontario,with coal for Pembroke. She went ashore
    County Harbor   in a thick snow storm and was a total wreck. The S. L. C. was owned
     by Solomon Thayer, Esq., and partly insured.
          Schooner Mt. Vernon, Collamer, from Falmouth, of and for Lincolnville, (not
     Portland as  reported) went ashore on Scituate beach in the late gale, and will be got
     off  until  the spring.

          MISSING VESSEL.-The barque Baring Brothers, Gregg, which sailed from
     Havana, Cuba, August 20, 1853, for Falmouth, England, has not since been heard
     from-Captain Gregg was a resident of this city, and leaves a wife and family. He was
     part owner of the vessel.



Friday, September 13, 2013


          In this city, last evening 8th inst., by Rev. J. W. French, Dr. Albus Rea, to Miss
      Dorcus Moody, both of this city.
          In this city, last evening 8th inst., by Rev. Mr. Fleming, Mr. Seth E. Berry, to Miss
       Mahala Blethen.
          In New York, N. Y., on the 4th inst., in St. Stephen's Church, by the Rev. Lott Jones,
      Mr. George W. Carr,  formerly of Belfast Me., to Miss Emelian M. Summers of
      New York.
          In Bingham, Somerset County, Mr. Abel W. Heald of  Concord, to Miss Cordelia
     Baker of Concord. (There is no town named Concord located in Maine, so the town may
     be in  New Hampshire or Massachusetts.)
          In Trenton, New Jersey, 25th ult., by Rev. A. Atwood, Rev. Davis W. Clark, A. B.
      Principal of Amenia Seminary, New York, formerly of Mt. Desert in this state, to Miss
      Mary J. Redman, of the former place.
          In Calais, Me., Mr. William Woodbury, to Miss Francs D. Winchell.
          In Livermore, Mr. Oria Haskell, to Miss Anenath Washburn.
          In Bangor, 23rd inst., by Rev. S. Lowell, John Bennoch, Esq., to Mrs. Mercy
     Bartlett, both or Orono.


          In this city, 5th inst., George B. Budd, son of Mr. William Budd, 5 months.
          8th months, 6th day, 1838 in Cape Elizabeth, Hannah wife of William Fickett,
      aged 61 years and about 7 months.
          In Jay, Colonel, Ezekiel Richardson, 50.
          In Monmouth, Mrs. Elizabeth Fairbanks, 50.
          In Leeds, Mr. David Woodman, 66.
          In Denmark, Me., June 18th, of Typhus Fever, Renel, aged 13 years, and on
     August 2nd, of the same disease Francina, aged 15 years, children of General
     Stephen and Lavinia Ferry, of that place.  [Paper in Mass., will confer a favor on
     the afflicted to copy the above.]
          In Newtown, Connecticut, 9th ult., Miss Esther Mervin, 20; 14th ult., Mrs.
     Betsey Mervin, 53, 19th ult., Mr. Stephen Merwin, 58.
          At Havre about the middle of June last, at the residence of the American
     Counsel, on her way from Paris, whither she had gone for her health, Glorvina
     Claudine Mines, consort of Rev. F. Mines, aged 25.
          In West Springfield, Mass., Captain Timothy Allyn, 90, a hero in the
          In New Orleans, La., Lewis, only son of Thomas Pierce, Esq., of Readfield,
     aged  22.
          On board ship Edmund Perkins, on her passage for Havre, Paris, to Boston of
     consumption, John Smith, seaman of Biddeford.
          In this city at the Marine Hospital on Saturday evening, Lewis Young (colored)
     a native of Eastport. His remains were interred from the Abysinian Church on
     Sunday. (Young may have passed away on the 4th of August, since this paper was
     printed on Saturday the 11th.)
          In Westbrook, Mr. William P. Jordan, aged 27.
          In Eastport of Palsy, Captain Uriah Coolidge, of the U. S. Revenue Cutter,
     Crawford, aged 57.
          In Brunswick, Rev. Stephen A. Sneathen, aged 27.
          In Woolridge, Mr. Edward  Hedge, 28; Miss Lucy Hedge 22; Mr. Issaac (sic)
     Hedge, aged 56.
          In Bath 21st inst., Mr. Edmond Milne Russell, United States Navy, aged 43.
          Lieutenant Russell left the mercantile business for which he was educating and
     entered the Naval service on the declaration of war with Great Britain in 1812-was
     attached to the Chesapeake, when captured by the Savannah-he was slightly wounded
     and carried a prisoner to Halifax, where he remained seven months.  He was on
     board the Constitution at the capture of the Cyane and Levant, and was twice
     shipwrecked. The exposure consequent to long cruises and visiting various climates
     in quick succession, laid the foundation of the disease which terminated his earthly
     existence. While attached to the Vincennes in the Pacific, about four years since,
     his health began to fail, and he obtained leave to return to the United States.  He was
     attacked with severe illness soon after his arrival from  which he partially recovered,
     but since been gradually failing.
         In New Bedford, (Mass?) Mr. Daniel Taber, 74-he was the first male child born
     in that town.
          In Charleston, South Carolina, 15th inst., on board steamer Etiwan, Mr.Nathaniel
     Osgood, of this city.
          In Baldwin, 10th inst., Mrs. Sally Fly, formerly of Westbrook, aged 75.

                                                   MARINE NEWS

          The Whaleman from Prospect Harbor, (Gouldsboro,) have caught seven whales
     in about three weeks, of the species commonly called the Humpback,-making in all
     about 140 barrels of oil. six of the were killed about nine miles E N E, from Mount
     Mount Desert rocks.

          The Brig Ajax of Wiscasset, Abandoned at Sea.-The brig Rome, Captain Fowler,
      arrived today from Gottenburg,(Guttenberg, Austria?) has on board the captain and
      crew of the brig Ajax of Wiscasset, which vessel was boarded on the 24th of June,
      in lat 43 18, lon 22 49,  on her passage from Philadelphia to Liverpool, a complete
      wreck; she having ten days previous, in a gale, lost her mainmast and all her sails-took
      22 bales of cotton. Jour. Com.


          This blog should have been put on line a few weeks ago, sorry.

                                                         MAINE MATTERS


          Christopher A. Record and wife of South Paris, Me., have gone to Norwell,
      Mass., where Mr. Record is the new school principal of the High School.

          Frank Billing of South Waterford lost a vuluable cow by lightning in a recent
     heavy shower.

          One of the prison insepectors was at South Paris Wednesday and looked over
     the jail. He made a through examination, heard what the prisoners themselves had
     to say and examined into the fare they got.  He complimented Mr. Garland, but
     suggested a plainer diet. He recommended that a cell suitable for solitary confinement
     for refractory prisoners be furnshed by the county commissioners. Such a cell
     could be put in the jail at a very moderated cost.

          While playing with an old raft  in Jewett Pond, North Waterford in company
     with other children, Edith, daughter of Reuben Nason was drowned.

          Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cole of  Freeport have taken the management of the new
     Uberty Hotel at Brownfield for the coming winter.


          George Edward Hunt formerly of Milford, now of Battalion D, heavy artillery
     of California, has been chosen as one of a guard of 25 to accompany the United
     paymaster who left Manilla, September 3rd.

          At a recent meeting of the Camp Benson Association, Miss Hattie Frost of Orono
     was elected treasurer of the Woman's Improvement Society. This society is auxiliary
     to the Camp Benson Association.

          Thursday as Mrs. Charles F. Rand of Brewer was in her kitchen attending to her
      household duties, there came crashing through one of the windows a bullet which
     which struck against the stove pipe. It is thought the bullet may have come from a
      revolver in the hands of someone firing at a target, and the City Marshall will make
      an attempt to stop such careless shooting.

          A trespass suit returnable at the October term of Supreme Judicial Court at Bangor
     has been brought by one John R. Bozle against Jason Denslow, a Dexter constable
     Denslow was an aid at a recent search at the Penobscot House and seized three bottle
     of beer found in Bozel's possessio on the premises. The beer was libeled claimed but
     not anyone. The suit is for taking the beer.

          Word was received in Waterville, Saturday, announcing the death of Ezra W.
     Colcord  of East Newport a member of the Maine Signal  Corps. Mr. Colcord died
     Thursday night of malarial fever at the detention hospital of Camp Wikoff. Mr.
     Colcord was a night telegraph operator in the employ of the Maine Central Railroad
     in Waterville.  He was a native of  Amherst, aged 27. The remains were brought to
     Newport for interment.

          The state convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held in Bangor, Wednesday,
     Thursday and Friday of this week. It is expected that about 400 delegates will be
     in attendance.  A notable visitor to the convention will be Mrs. Gertrude Stevens
     Leavitt, who is the only child of Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, the president of the
     W. C. T. U., and who is now practically at the head of the national association
     since the death  of Miss Florence E. Willard. Mrs. Leavitt was present as a little
     child when the Maine W. C. T. U. was organzied at Old Orchard in 1877.
     (W. C. T. U. may stand for the Women's Christian Temperance Union.)

         Mrs. Mary Cowan of Bangor, sentenced to a life term for the murder of her
     step-son in Dixmont in the fall of 1894, died at the State Prison Saturday. Mrs.
     Cowan had lived for the past two years firmly maintaining her innocence. She
     was sentenced February 18, 1896.

          J. A. Fairbanks of J. A. Fairbanks & Co., was severely injured at Bangor Saturday.
     His carriage and a B. & O. electric car collided and he was thrown to the pavement,
     striking on the back of his head.

          Martha V. Houston has been appointed Fourth Class Post Master at East Bradford.

          S. A. Buzzell have been appointed Post Master at Parkman.

          Marcell W. Hall, one of Dover's wealthest citizen died at his home at about noon
     Wednesday, after a few day's illness. About three years ago he received a shock from
     the effects of which he had never fully recovered. He had about $14,000 worth of notes
     aginst the town of Foxcroft, and was one of the first to accept the compromise.

          The work of the Foxcroft compromise committee now seems about completed, only
    about $800.00 of the debt left the town by Judge Hale remaining to be compromised.

          N. J. Lamb, superintendent  of the Carleton woolen mill at Sangerville, reports that
      the woolen business looks better than it has at any time since the late war began. He
      bases this opinion on the fact that their largest orders for some time have been for 85
      pieces of goods, but the last order was for 400 pieces at  10 percent  advance on former

          A. J. Weymouth and Son of  Medford Centre have a crew of 230 men and four horses
      in Elliotsville yarding their poplar which was felled this summer.


          Lightning which struck a tree near J. P. Cobb's barn in Bowdoinham during the
     shower Wednesday shattered it, and threw the pieces into a barn window near where
     Mr. Cobb was dressing poultry.

          Conductor Hussey of the electric railroad rang in 740 fares on a trip from Bath to
      Lewiston Sunday evening. He had 120 passengers from the park to Brunswick, says
      the Bath Independent.

          Colonel  Oliver H. Payne of New York, who is having a mammoth and palatial
     yacht built at the Bath Iron Works, has given $1,500,000 to found a college in New
     York City, to be under the direction of Cornell University and to be built at once.

          W. G.  Bailey of Harmon will probably receive from his sweet corn crop $200.00
      in cash beside a large quantity from his silo.

          Mr. W. T. Getchell who  lives just out of Pittsfield on Palmyra Ell, had several
     valuable fruit trees about ruined, and the fruit stolen by a sneak thieves one night
     recently.  A number of gardens in that vicinity have been visited and squashes,
      cucumbers and tomatoes have been appropriated by these thieves, and in cases they
      have pulled up and destroyed the vines.  The gardens are being closely watched, and if
      the guilty parties are caught they will be dealt with according to the law.

          A remarkable case of vigor in old age is Mrs. Wealthy Walker of Monroe, who
     rode 100 miles in a carriage with her son George to visit her sisters in Poland, Me.,
     Mrs. James C. Hackett, Mrs. Lorania Waterhouse, etc. Five sisters took dinner with
     Mrs. Briggs, who is one of them.  Mrs. Walker then drove seven miles to her brother's,
     Daniel Hackett's in Oxford, returning the same day, and the following started for her
     home in Monroe.  Mrs. Walker is 88 years of age.


          Peter Martin, Deputy Sheriff, has received the appointment of United States
     Immigrant Inspector in place of Harry Heath, located in Eastport for  two years.
          The assay of the contents of the three gold accumulator of the Electrolytic
     Marine Salts Company, which were sent to Providence, developed nothing
     conclusive as to whether the Jernegan sea water gold process was a fraud or a
     failure. Two gave no returns while the third gave sufficient eivdence of gold to
     warrrant the company in continuing the tests.  Fifteen accumulators are now being
     operated at North.   The three accumulators, the contents of which were sent to
     Providence, were only in operation one week, which is not considered sufficient
     time to warrant a conclusive test.

          Of the 17 prisoners, 16 men and one woman, confined in Washington County
     Jail, for various offenses, two are John Fitzsimmons and Michael Myers of Calais,
     who escaped from the officers when they were being brought there, charged with
     with attempting to break and enter, and evaded recapture for several months.
     Recently one of these two were given the freedom of the corridor was soon detected
     drilling on the lock of the cell door of his companion

          Thomas Schofield, a house painter, was found drowned in the dock at Calais
     Wednesday afternoon. He leaves a widow and several children.

          Eastport Sentinel: C. F. Perkins manufactor of the fire extinguisher one of which
      machines exploded causing the death of Colonel E. T. Lee, was in Calais Thursday
      evening and tested the machine, now owned by the city. Mr. Perkins' company claimed
     that each extingiusher is tested at 200 pounds and that they will not explode unless
     overcharged. To prove his case he applied 210 pounds of water to one of the machines
      and it stood the test beautifully. He then very confidently picked up the mate to the
      extenguisher to run the pressure up to same point. When it reached  over 160 or 175
      pounds, bang! went the bottom covering the aldermanic table which was standing with
      water. The inventor's face was a study; he was the most surprised man in the lot, and he
      had so much faith in the extinguisher's ability to stand any reasonable amount of pressure
      that he was completely floored by the bursting of the bottom.
          William Ogden of Drew picked a bushel of cranberries on "Drew dead water,"
      on a recent day.

          L. G. Butterfield,  Wytopitlock, will cut a large quanitity of pulp wood on the
     Hall (?) tract the coming winter.

          W. C. Renno has purchased the C. W. King the building at Calais in which the
     custom house is located.  The sale includes the land and wharf property in the rear
     of the block. The transaction is a big one, but the price and terms are not stated says
     the Times.

           John Littlefield, a most estimable citizen of Elliot, died on Monday, age 60 years.
        He leaves a widow and daughter, the latter the wife of Walter P. Perkins, Esq., of
       of Cornish, Me.

          Ivory Booth, employed on the farm of Mrs. Abbie Parcher of North Saco, was
     called to the door Wednesday evening by a stranger who said his carriage had broken
     down and he needed assistance; Mr. Boothby left the house with him and did not
     return. Beside Mrs. Parcher who is quite an aged lady, there were stopping at the house
     a Mrs. Foss and Miss Rena Morrill, and the two last named ladies went early Thursday
     morning in search of Mr. Boothby after lying awake all night in alarm of his long
     absence. After going a short distance they found the dead body of Mr. Boothby and
     summoned help. Investigation showed that he had been shot twice, and robbery was
     the probable motive for the crime as his pocketbook known to have contained some
      $25.00 was missing. An inquest was held and several clues were followed, one resulting
      in the arrest of Nathan Wade, a wandering wood chopper in that vicinity, but he was
      able to prove an albi. Mr. Boothby was an honest, industurious citizen, 48 years of age,
     unmarried and previous to his working for Mrs. Parcher had lived with his brother on
     the Jenkins Road, about five miles from the city. Crowds of people from all over the
     county attended the funeral services, which were held Sunday. Not half of them could get
     within the sound  of the minister's voice.  Nearly 100 horses were standing within sight
     of the house, hitched to fences and trees. Search for the murderer is going on in Cumberland
     and York counties.  It is thought to be the work of a tramp.

          William H. Hall was one of North Berwick's oldest voters at the last election. He
     is 94 years old.  Within a few weeks he has dug 4000 hills of potatoes and done some
    other work.

          Captain Samuel Fletcher of Kittery, observed his 94th birthday last week. He is the
      only living member of the crew who assisted in making surveys of that harbor 60 years

          Misses Mary R. and Sarah Orne Jewett and their nephew Theodore Eastman, of
     South Berwick, sailed for home September 29th.

          Mr.  J. R. Libby of Portland has purchased C. A. Lacroix's dry goods store in
     Biddeford and will run in as a branch of his Portland store. His brother-in-law, Mr.
     G. Larrabee will be its manager.

          Fred Varney, a young merchant of Dover, N. H. was drowned while bathing at
     York Beach Sunday noon. A companion was rescued in such an exhausted condition
     that only vigorous measures brought resucitation and consciousness.

          Although Mrs. Judith Ricker of East Lebanon is in her 98th year, very deaf and
     blind, she is still able to get about the house with the aid of a stout cane that has been
     her constant campanion for several years.  Mrs. Ricker and an unmarried daughter
    live by themselves on the road leading to center Lebanon.
          The lull in Biddeford's two sided rum war was broken again when City Marshall
      Harmon and his deputy raided J. B. Fortin & Co., drug store at the corner of Main
      and Water Streets. They got a barrel of beer, three kegs  and several bottles of liquor.
     The seizure is said to be the outcome of a violation of Marshall Harmon's decree that
     no liquor be sold in town on the Sabbath.

          Major Daniel E. Morse, one of Lyman's oldest and most respected citizens,
      who died at his nephew's residences in Portland Thursday evening, aged 84 years,
     possessed a unique and interesting personality and during his early years, had
     travelled extensively.  He was one of the California's Forty-niner's and lived several
     years in Oregon. During the early fifities he was a trader in Springfield, Illinois,
     having as one of his customers Abraham Lincoln, who became his warm friend, and
     bestowed upon him several gifts which Mr. Morse fondly treasured to the day of his
     death.  After several changes from wealth to poverty he finally returned to his native
      town to spend his declining years.  The funeral services were held from the
      Congregational Church Saturday morning. Rev. Raymond C. Drisko officiating.
     The interment was in Evergreen cemetery.








Wednesday, September 11, 2013



          In Ellsworth, Mr. James Maddocks to Miss Direxa Rolf.
          In Hallowell, Mr. Arthur Cox to Miss Julia Ann Pierce. Mr. Joshua Gage,
     of Augusts to Miss Julia Rice.
          In Thomaston, John Gleason, Esq., to Miss Jane Paine.
          In Bath, Mr. John N. Sloan, to Miss Delphia W. Brown.
          In Boston, Dr. Cyrus Briggs, of Augusta to Miss Louis Fiske.


          In Belfast, of Friday last, William A. Drew, youngest child of Peter Osgood,
     Esq., aged one year and seven days. "Suffer little children to come unto me, and
     forbid them not; for of such is the Kindom of Heaven.
          On Monday last, Mrs. Ann D., consort of Honorable John S. Kimball, aged 32.
          In Searsmont, Colonel Waterman Maxcy, much lamented.
          In Belgrade, May 1st, Mr. Samuel Lord, aged 50 years.
          In Paris, Me., Honorable Benjamin Chandler, Judge of Probate for Oxford
      County, aged 45..
          Drowned in Canaan, Somerset County, a son of Captain James Fay, aged 8.
          In Anson, by the upsetting of a canoe, while engaged in driving logs, Mr. Seth
     Tozier, aged 40.
           At Old Town, by falling from a raft which broke to pieces in the sluice, Mr.
     Joseph M'Intosh, Esq., a respected citizen.
           Lost overboard from ship Cadmus of New York,  bound to France, John F. Doane,
      aged 26;  the sixth son of Mr. Oliver Doane of Orrington, all of whom have been
      been lost at sea.
          In Wiscasst, Mr. Richard M. Barker, aged 31.  He was a member of the New
     Jersey Chapter and of Lincoln Lodge, and had sustained officers in each. He was
     a amiable and upright in the various relations of life, and during a long sickness
     exprerienced the sympathy of many friends, and many went to his grave to drop a
     tear over the memory of brother Barker. To which we will add, that he died
     rejoicing in the full and unshaken belief of the universal and unchanging love of
     his Creator.

          Another Revolutionary charactor gone-and one of a most extraordinary nature.
     Mrs. Deborah, wife of Mr. Benjamin Gannett, died at her family residence in Sharon,
     Norfolk County, on the 28th ult., aged 67.
          The life of this woman must be considered extraordinary and interesting in a
     number of respects. But the most distinguished feature in her character is that of
     having been a heroine in the American Army of the Revolution. She enlisted as a
     volunteer in the Massachusetts Corps, in the habiliments and character of a soldier,
     where she continued three years, to the close of the war. Extraordinary as this may
     appear, she not only on every occasion, performed the ardour duty of a soldier
     with more than ordinary alertness, gallantry and courage-having been in several
     severe engagements, and twice dangerously wounded-but sustaining a character
     unsullied, and her sex undiscovered till peace was declared at the disbanding of the
     army she received an honorable discharge from the same, and returned to her relatives
     in Massachusetts, still in her regimentals. After the peculiar circumstances of her
     case were developed, the government of this state not only paid her full wages, but
     added a considerable bounty. She has regularly received a pension from Congress
                                                                                                           [Dedham Register ]

       Deborah Sampson Gannett was born December 17, 1760  and was from Uxbridge,
       Worcester County, Massachusetts.  She enlisted as "Robert Shurtlieff."  She
      died April 29, 1827 aged the age of 66.
          SHIPWRECK-The schooner Oliver Branch, Adams, of and from Bath, cargo
     wood, hay, butter, leather, &c. struck on the Devil's Back yesterday morning at
     2 o'clock, running into the Sound under bare poles, having previously split the
     topsail and foresail to pieces.  She beat over, and immediately both anchors were
     let go, the pumps set agoing, and the deck load thown over, About 7 o'clock she
     filled and fell over. The captain, crew and passengers, except one of the latter, took to
     the pilot boat Favorite, Captain Coombs, took them off. A Portugueses, lately arrived
     from the West Indies, (a passenger) perished in the rigging about the time the pilot boat
     got to their assistance. Mr. David Brown, a passenger of Bowoinham, took to the
     quarter deck and was washed off and drowned.  Captain Adams and crew, four in
     number, and Messer. Herrick and Rogers of Bowdoinham, and Williams of Lisbon,
     Maine, were  saved by Mr. Coombs, and brought to town in his boat.
          An inquest was held yesterday afternoon over the body of Joseph Gallebo,
     a Portuguese, (as appeared by paper on his person) who was taken from the wreck.
     The body was interred by order of the coroner, in the stranger's tomb of at South
     Boston, the coroner, officer and jurors subscribing their fees for this purpose.
                                                                                         [Boston Courier, 12th inst.]