Wednesday, September 18, 2013



          In Boston, Major Davis Bradish of this city, to Miss Fanny Haynes of
          In Brighton, Mass., Dr. Benjamin Johnson of Franklin to Miss Susan L.
          In Belfast, Mr. Andrew Amour to Miss Eliza Parker.
          In Islesboro, Mr. Albert Pendleton to Miss Mercy J. Farnsworth.
          In Lincoln, Mr. Galon Gates to Miss Esther Chase.
          In Lisbon, Me., Mr. Isreal G. Adams to Miss Hannah P. Wilson, both
          In Bowdoin, Josiah Lane, M. D., of Lisbon, Me., to Miss Almira Getchell.
          In Augusta, Colonel Alfred Redington to Miss Elizabeth Williams.
          In Hallowell, Mr. Daniel Burns to Miss Deborah Titcomb.
          In Kennebunk, Mr. Hiram  Hoyt to Miss Catharine H. Perkins.
          In Wilton, Mr. Andrew S. Butterfield to Miss Hannah Law. Mr. Thomas
     Cook of Norridgewock, to Mrs. Abigail Butterfield.
          In Bangor, Mr. Daniel McKenney to Miss Rebecca Young.
          In Minot, Mr. Hezekiah Hayes of Poland, Me., to Miss Sarah Jane Foss.
          In Clinton, Mr. Isaiah H. Walker to  Miss Sarah Simpson.
          In Montville, Mr. Nathan Brooks of Searsmont, to Miss Margaret Bryant.
          In Wells, Mr. Ithamar Littlefield, of Kennebunk, to Miss Lucinda Getchell,
     of Wells.
          In Augusta, Captain Dickinson Lewis to Miss Julia Ann Cole. Mr. Benjamin
     Emmons to Miss Caroline H. Hodges.


          In Bristol, 5th inst., Honorable James Drummond, aged about 63.
          In Bath, Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. James Innis, aged 57.
          Drowned at sea, November 19, 1836, by the upsetting of brig Gambia, of which
      he was owner, John Deane, son of John G. Deane of Portland, and formerly if this
      town, aged 21. While the waves cover the mortal remains let a few words be given to
      what he was-of high moral integrity, undeviating truth, obedient  strictest in the sense
      to his parents, kind and affectionate in disposition and modest in manners, few at his
      age have bidden so fair to be a blessing to his friends, and an ornament to society.
       We can only say on this occasion, the way of Heaven are dark and mysterious.
                                                                                                                [Ellsworth Radical.]
          In Kennebunk, Susan W., daughter of Captain Ralph Curtis, aged 2 years
      and 6 months.
          In Eliot, Mr. Dennis Fernald, a soldier of the Revolution, aged 79.
          In Monroe, Hoesa Emery, Esq., aged 60.
          In Boston, Mr. Cyrus Savage, formerly of Maine,  aged 22.
          In Augusta, Mrs. Martha Robinson.
          In Sydney, Mrs. Betsey, wife of Mr. Edward Mulliken, aged 67.
          In Wiscasset, Mrs. Mary, wife of William M. Boyd, Esq., aged. 50.
          In this city, Joseph, youngest son of Mr. William E. Edwards, aged 2 years
     and 3 months.
                    "We mourn-but it is meet, O young departed!
                     That for thy early death, our tears should fall-
                  That hopeless grief should leave us broken-hearted?
                     Though thy dear form has faded from us all!

                  E'en as a flower, untimely frosts have blighted
                     Before its fairest leaves our sight had met.
                  Whose budding beauty fost'ring hearts delighted-
                     Sweet bud of promise! thus thy days have met.

                 But holy joys are thine; blest seraph! wending
                     Thy youthful footsteps midst that shining throng,
                 And glad the gush of melody, that's blending,
                     From thy sweet lips, with that angelic song.

                 Harmonious, through the glitt'ring courts of heaven
                     That music floats, and O, how softly mild
                 That notes of love that breath of sins forgiven!
                     Early thou'st learn'd the strain, blest heavenly child!

                 Then weep not, sorrowing mother! thou hast given
                     A precious off'ring to the sacred shrine;
                  It shineth softly in the crown of heaven,
                     A pearl of chasten'd lustre, all divine.

                  Farewell, dear child! to earth we'd not recall thee;
                     Repose, in peace, upon the Saviour's breast;
                  Nor care nor sorrow ever can befall thee-
                     Thine is a Sabbath of Eternal rest."  [Extract]

          In Lewiston, 2nd inst., Mrs. Olive Barrell, aged 54.
          In Norridgewock, Mr. Ezekiel Gilman, a Revolutionary soldier, aged 90.
          In this city, William Henry, son of Mr. Joseph Bryant, aged 3 months.
          In Westbrook, 9th inst., Mrs. Lucy Broad.
          In Belfast, Captain David Libby, aged 22. Mrs. Dolly, wife of Mr. Michael
     Caten, aged 56.
          In Biddeford, Mr. Peletiah Moore, aged 84, a soldier in the Revolution.
          In Augusta, Mrs. Delia W., wife of John A. Chandler, Esq. Mrs. Lydia
     Doven, aged 36.
          In Palermo, Mr. Jacob Worthing, aged 71.
          In Brunswick, Lydia, daughter of Mr.  Ebenezer White, aged 4 years. Mrs.
     Hodgkins, wife of Mr. William Hodgkins.
          In Berwick, Miss Mary P. Shapleigh, aged 19.
          In Kennebunk, Mr. Nahum Wentworth, aged 63. Mr. Joseph Mitchell, aged
     25.  Flavilla Ricker, aged 13. Mr.  Spencer Littlefield, aged 36. Orrin, son of
     Ebenezer Willard, 2 years. Hannah, daughter of Mr. Alexander McCullock, 5 years.
          Captain Jeremiah G. Miller, husband of Mary, died December 12, 1836,
     Northport, Me. Burial Kennebunkport, Maine.

          Stubborn Facts for those who drink  Rum, sell it, or buy it for others. A jury
     was summoned last Friday, by Zenas Briggs, Coroner, to enquire into the cause of
     the death of Mr. Amos Merrill, Jr., who was found dead in the road, about half a mile
     from his house, in New Gloucester last Tuesday night or Wednesday. It seems
     from the facts developed before the jury, that the deceased had been a day or two
     from home engaged in breaking roads and drinking near Sabbath Day Pond, in New
     Gloucester.  Having been for some time quite intoxicated he was urged by some of
     his neighbors to go home, but he declined unless he could get some more rum. The
     storekeeper, Mr. Asa W. Gowen, much to his credit on this occasion, denied him,
     although he had the miserable murderous stuff on tap. But, it seems the unfortunate
     Merrill had a friend who was kindly disposed to furnish him with the deadly poison.
     He did so. Being apparently in rather better standing than Merrill, the deceased, he
     procured a jug and quart of rum, and after guzzling down a portion of it himself,
     (pity he hadn't swallowed the whole of it.) he gave it to Merrill, who started for home.
     The miserable man got part way, drank-sat down in the snow-drank again-and died!
     The body, frozen and lifeless was found in a sitting position nearly buried in  the snow,
     one mitten off, probably the better to handle the jug, and the jug beside the body almost
     drained of its contents, about half a pint of liquid poison remaining in it. How poignant
     and cutting the reflection of this man must be who procured the rum, unless his to his
     conscience is seared as hard as his throat must be! "Cursed is he who put the cup
     neighbor's mouth." What better is the man than a murderer! with his eyes wide open
      to the consequences, he purchased the killing drug-gave it to his already intoxicated
      neighbor; his neighbor took it-drank it-sat down in the snow-drank again-and died
          We hope this tragedy with its horrid catastrophe will teach all in the neighborhood
     where it took place the wretched consequences of tasting, touching or handling the
     cursed article. Especially do we hope that this man who bought the poison for his
     neighbor will set about a work of reformation, and in full view of the part which he
     performed in this tragedy, draw up a determination never again to put the cup to his
     own lips or his neighbor's.
     New Gloucester, January 13, 1837


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