Friday, September 13, 2013
This blog should have been put on line a few weeks ago, sorry.
Christopher A. Record and wife of South Paris, Me., have gone to Norwell,
Mass., where Mr. Record is the new school principal of the High School.
Frank Billing of South Waterford lost a vuluable cow by lightning in a recent
heavy shower.
One of the prison insepectors was at South Paris Wednesday and looked over
the jail. He made a through examination, heard what the prisoners themselves had
to say and examined into the fare they got. He complimented Mr. Garland, but
suggested a plainer diet. He recommended that a cell suitable for solitary confinement
for refractory prisoners be furnshed by the county commissioners. Such a cell
could be put in the jail at a very moderated cost.
While playing with an old raft in Jewett Pond, North Waterford in company
with other children, Edith, daughter of Reuben Nason was drowned.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cole of Freeport have taken the management of the new
Uberty Hotel at Brownfield for the coming winter.
George Edward Hunt formerly of Milford, now of Battalion D, heavy artillery
of California, has been chosen as one of a guard of 25 to accompany the United
paymaster who left Manilla, September 3rd.
At a recent meeting of the Camp Benson Association, Miss Hattie Frost of Orono
was elected treasurer of the Woman's Improvement Society. This society is auxiliary
to the Camp Benson Association.
Thursday as Mrs. Charles F. Rand of Brewer was in her kitchen attending to her
household duties, there came crashing through one of the windows a bullet which
which struck against the stove pipe. It is thought the bullet may have come from a
revolver in the hands of someone firing at a target, and the City Marshall will make
an attempt to stop such careless shooting.
A trespass suit returnable at the October term of Supreme Judicial Court at Bangor
has been brought by one John R. Bozle against Jason Denslow, a Dexter constable
Denslow was an aid at a recent search at the Penobscot House and seized three bottle
of beer found in Bozel's possessio on the premises. The beer was libeled claimed but
not anyone. The suit is for taking the beer.
Word was received in Waterville, Saturday, announcing the death of Ezra W.
Colcord of East Newport a member of the Maine Signal Corps. Mr. Colcord died
Thursday night of malarial fever at the detention hospital of Camp Wikoff. Mr.
Colcord was a night telegraph operator in the employ of the Maine Central Railroad
in Waterville. He was a native of Amherst, aged 27. The remains were brought to
Newport for interment.
The state convention of the W. C. T. U. will be held in Bangor, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday of this week. It is expected that about 400 delegates will be
in attendance. A notable visitor to the convention will be Mrs. Gertrude Stevens
Leavitt, who is the only child of Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, the president of the
W. C. T. U., and who is now practically at the head of the national association
since the death of Miss Florence E. Willard. Mrs. Leavitt was present as a little
child when the Maine W. C. T. U. was organzied at Old Orchard in 1877.
(W. C. T. U. may stand for the Women's Christian Temperance Union.)
Mrs. Mary Cowan of Bangor, sentenced to a life term for the murder of her
step-son in Dixmont in the fall of 1894, died at the State Prison Saturday. Mrs.
Cowan had lived for the past two years firmly maintaining her innocence. She
was sentenced February 18, 1896.
J. A. Fairbanks of J. A. Fairbanks & Co., was severely injured at Bangor Saturday.
His carriage and a B. & O. electric car collided and he was thrown to the pavement,
striking on the back of his head.
Martha V. Houston has been appointed Fourth Class Post Master at East Bradford.
S. A. Buzzell have been appointed Post Master at Parkman.
Marcell W. Hall, one of Dover's wealthest citizen died at his home at about noon
Wednesday, after a few day's illness. About three years ago he received a shock from
the effects of which he had never fully recovered. He had about $14,000 worth of notes
aginst the town of Foxcroft, and was one of the first to accept the compromise.
The work of the Foxcroft compromise committee now seems about completed, only
about $800.00 of the debt left the town by Judge Hale remaining to be compromised.
N. J. Lamb, superintendent of the Carleton woolen mill at Sangerville, reports that
the woolen business looks better than it has at any time since the late war began. He
bases this opinion on the fact that their largest orders for some time have been for 85
pieces of goods, but the last order was for 400 pieces at 10 percent advance on former
A. J. Weymouth and Son of Medford Centre have a crew of 230 men and four horses
in Elliotsville yarding their poplar which was felled this summer.
Lightning which struck a tree near J. P. Cobb's barn in Bowdoinham during the
shower Wednesday shattered it, and threw the pieces into a barn window near where
Mr. Cobb was dressing poultry.
Conductor Hussey of the electric railroad rang in 740 fares on a trip from Bath to
Lewiston Sunday evening. He had 120 passengers from the park to Brunswick, says
the Bath Independent.
Colonel Oliver H. Payne of New York, who is having a mammoth and palatial
yacht built at the Bath Iron Works, has given $1,500,000 to found a college in New
York City, to be under the direction of Cornell University and to be built at once.
W. G. Bailey of Harmon will probably receive from his sweet corn crop $200.00
in cash beside a large quantity from his silo.
Mr. W. T. Getchell who lives just out of Pittsfield on Palmyra Ell, had several
valuable fruit trees about ruined, and the fruit stolen by a sneak thieves one night
recently. A number of gardens in that vicinity have been visited and squashes,
cucumbers and tomatoes have been appropriated by these thieves, and in cases they
have pulled up and destroyed the vines. The gardens are being closely watched, and if
the guilty parties are caught they will be dealt with according to the law.
A remarkable case of vigor in old age is Mrs. Wealthy Walker of Monroe, who
rode 100 miles in a carriage with her son George to visit her sisters in Poland, Me.,
Mrs. James C. Hackett, Mrs. Lorania Waterhouse, etc. Five sisters took dinner with
Mrs. Briggs, who is one of them. Mrs. Walker then drove seven miles to her brother's,
Daniel Hackett's in Oxford, returning the same day, and the following started for her
home in Monroe. Mrs. Walker is 88 years of age.
Peter Martin, Deputy Sheriff, has received the appointment of United States
Immigrant Inspector in place of Harry Heath, located in Eastport for two years.
The assay of the contents of the three gold accumulator of the Electrolytic
Marine Salts Company, which were sent to Providence, developed nothing
conclusive as to whether the Jernegan sea water gold process was a fraud or a
failure. Two gave no returns while the third gave sufficient eivdence of gold to
warrrant the company in continuing the tests. Fifteen accumulators are now being
operated at North. The three accumulators, the contents of which were sent to
Providence, were only in operation one week, which is not considered sufficient
time to warrant a conclusive test.
Of the 17 prisoners, 16 men and one woman, confined in Washington County
Jail, for various offenses, two are John Fitzsimmons and Michael Myers of Calais,
who escaped from the officers when they were being brought there, charged with
with attempting to break and enter, and evaded recapture for several months.
Recently one of these two were given the freedom of the corridor was soon detected
drilling on the lock of the cell door of his companion
Thomas Schofield, a house painter, was found drowned in the dock at Calais
Wednesday afternoon. He leaves a widow and several children.
Eastport Sentinel: C. F. Perkins manufactor of the fire extinguisher one of which
machines exploded causing the death of Colonel E. T. Lee, was in Calais Thursday
evening and tested the machine, now owned by the city. Mr. Perkins' company claimed
that each extingiusher is tested at 200 pounds and that they will not explode unless
overcharged. To prove his case he applied 210 pounds of water to one of the machines
and it stood the test beautifully. He then very confidently picked up the mate to the
extenguisher to run the pressure up to same point. When it reached over 160 or 175
pounds, bang! went the bottom covering the aldermanic table which was standing with
water. The inventor's face was a study; he was the most surprised man in the lot, and he
had so much faith in the extinguisher's ability to stand any reasonable amount of pressure
that he was completely floored by the bursting of the bottom.
William Ogden of Drew picked a bushel of cranberries on "Drew dead water,"
on a recent day.
L. G. Butterfield, Wytopitlock, will cut a large quanitity of pulp wood on the
Hall (?) tract the coming winter.
W. C. Renno has purchased the C. W. King the building at Calais in which the
custom house is located. The sale includes the land and wharf property in the rear
of the block. The transaction is a big one, but the price and terms are not stated says
the Times.
John Littlefield, a most estimable citizen of Elliot, died on Monday, age 60 years.
He leaves a widow and daughter, the latter the wife of Walter P. Perkins, Esq., of
of Cornish, Me.
Ivory Booth, employed on the farm of Mrs. Abbie Parcher of North Saco, was
called to the door Wednesday evening by a stranger who said his carriage had broken
down and he needed assistance; Mr. Boothby left the house with him and did not
return. Beside Mrs. Parcher who is quite an aged lady, there were stopping at the house
a Mrs. Foss and Miss Rena Morrill, and the two last named ladies went early Thursday
morning in search of Mr. Boothby after lying awake all night in alarm of his long
absence. After going a short distance they found the dead body of Mr. Boothby and
summoned help. Investigation showed that he had been shot twice, and robbery was
the probable motive for the crime as his pocketbook known to have contained some
$25.00 was missing. An inquest was held and several clues were followed, one resulting
in the arrest of Nathan Wade, a wandering wood chopper in that vicinity, but he was
able to prove an albi. Mr. Boothby was an honest, industurious citizen, 48 years of age,
unmarried and previous to his working for Mrs. Parcher had lived with his brother on
the Jenkins Road, about five miles from the city. Crowds of people from all over the
county attended the funeral services, which were held Sunday. Not half of them could get
within the sound of the minister's voice. Nearly 100 horses were standing within sight
of the house, hitched to fences and trees. Search for the murderer is going on in Cumberland
and York counties. It is thought to be the work of a tramp.
William H. Hall was one of North Berwick's oldest voters at the last election. He
is 94 years old. Within a few weeks he has dug 4000 hills of potatoes and done some
other work.
Captain Samuel Fletcher of Kittery, observed his 94th birthday last week. He is the
only living member of the crew who assisted in making surveys of that harbor 60 years
Misses Mary R. and Sarah Orne Jewett and their nephew Theodore Eastman, of
South Berwick, sailed for home September 29th.
Mr. J. R. Libby of Portland has purchased C. A. Lacroix's dry goods store in
Biddeford and will run in as a branch of his Portland store. His brother-in-law, Mr.
G. Larrabee will be its manager.
Fred Varney, a young merchant of Dover, N. H. was drowned while bathing at
York Beach Sunday noon. A companion was rescued in such an exhausted condition
that only vigorous measures brought resucitation and consciousness.
Although Mrs. Judith Ricker of East Lebanon is in her 98th year, very deaf and
blind, she is still able to get about the house with the aid of a stout cane that has been
her constant campanion for several years. Mrs. Ricker and an unmarried daughter
live by themselves on the road leading to center Lebanon.
The lull in Biddeford's two sided rum war was broken again when City Marshall
Harmon and his deputy raided J. B. Fortin & Co., drug store at the corner of Main
and Water Streets. They got a barrel of beer, three kegs and several bottles of liquor.
The seizure is said to be the outcome of a violation of Marshall Harmon's decree that
no liquor be sold in town on the Sabbath.
Major Daniel E. Morse, one of Lyman's oldest and most respected citizens,
who died at his nephew's residences in Portland Thursday evening, aged 84 years,
possessed a unique and interesting personality and during his early years, had
travelled extensively. He was one of the California's Forty-niner's and lived several
years in Oregon. During the early fifities he was a trader in Springfield, Illinois,
having as one of his customers Abraham Lincoln, who became his warm friend, and
bestowed upon him several gifts which Mr. Morse fondly treasured to the day of his
death. After several changes from wealth to poverty he finally returned to his native
town to spend his declining years. The funeral services were held from the
Congregational Church Saturday morning. Rev. Raymond C. Drisko officiating.
The interment was in Evergreen cemetery.
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