Wednesday, September 11, 2013



          In Ellsworth, Mr. James Maddocks to Miss Direxa Rolf.
          In Hallowell, Mr. Arthur Cox to Miss Julia Ann Pierce. Mr. Joshua Gage,
     of Augusts to Miss Julia Rice.
          In Thomaston, John Gleason, Esq., to Miss Jane Paine.
          In Bath, Mr. John N. Sloan, to Miss Delphia W. Brown.
          In Boston, Dr. Cyrus Briggs, of Augusta to Miss Louis Fiske.


          In Belfast, of Friday last, William A. Drew, youngest child of Peter Osgood,
     Esq., aged one year and seven days. "Suffer little children to come unto me, and
     forbid them not; for of such is the Kindom of Heaven.
          On Monday last, Mrs. Ann D., consort of Honorable John S. Kimball, aged 32.
          In Searsmont, Colonel Waterman Maxcy, much lamented.
          In Belgrade, May 1st, Mr. Samuel Lord, aged 50 years.
          In Paris, Me., Honorable Benjamin Chandler, Judge of Probate for Oxford
      County, aged 45..
          Drowned in Canaan, Somerset County, a son of Captain James Fay, aged 8.
          In Anson, by the upsetting of a canoe, while engaged in driving logs, Mr. Seth
     Tozier, aged 40.
           At Old Town, by falling from a raft which broke to pieces in the sluice, Mr.
     Joseph M'Intosh, Esq., a respected citizen.
           Lost overboard from ship Cadmus of New York,  bound to France, John F. Doane,
      aged 26;  the sixth son of Mr. Oliver Doane of Orrington, all of whom have been
      been lost at sea.
          In Wiscasst, Mr. Richard M. Barker, aged 31.  He was a member of the New
     Jersey Chapter and of Lincoln Lodge, and had sustained officers in each. He was
     a amiable and upright in the various relations of life, and during a long sickness
     exprerienced the sympathy of many friends, and many went to his grave to drop a
     tear over the memory of brother Barker. To which we will add, that he died
     rejoicing in the full and unshaken belief of the universal and unchanging love of
     his Creator.

          Another Revolutionary charactor gone-and one of a most extraordinary nature.
     Mrs. Deborah, wife of Mr. Benjamin Gannett, died at her family residence in Sharon,
     Norfolk County, on the 28th ult., aged 67.
          The life of this woman must be considered extraordinary and interesting in a
     number of respects. But the most distinguished feature in her character is that of
     having been a heroine in the American Army of the Revolution. She enlisted as a
     volunteer in the Massachusetts Corps, in the habiliments and character of a soldier,
     where she continued three years, to the close of the war. Extraordinary as this may
     appear, she not only on every occasion, performed the ardour duty of a soldier
     with more than ordinary alertness, gallantry and courage-having been in several
     severe engagements, and twice dangerously wounded-but sustaining a character
     unsullied, and her sex undiscovered till peace was declared at the disbanding of the
     army she received an honorable discharge from the same, and returned to her relatives
     in Massachusetts, still in her regimentals. After the peculiar circumstances of her
     case were developed, the government of this state not only paid her full wages, but
     added a considerable bounty. She has regularly received a pension from Congress
                                                                                                           [Dedham Register ]

       Deborah Sampson Gannett was born December 17, 1760  and was from Uxbridge,
       Worcester County, Massachusetts.  She enlisted as "Robert Shurtlieff."  She
      died April 29, 1827 aged the age of 66.
          SHIPWRECK-The schooner Oliver Branch, Adams, of and from Bath, cargo
     wood, hay, butter, leather, &c. struck on the Devil's Back yesterday morning at
     2 o'clock, running into the Sound under bare poles, having previously split the
     topsail and foresail to pieces.  She beat over, and immediately both anchors were
     let go, the pumps set agoing, and the deck load thown over, About 7 o'clock she
     filled and fell over. The captain, crew and passengers, except one of the latter, took to
     the pilot boat Favorite, Captain Coombs, took them off. A Portugueses, lately arrived
     from the West Indies, (a passenger) perished in the rigging about the time the pilot boat
     got to their assistance. Mr. David Brown, a passenger of Bowoinham, took to the
     quarter deck and was washed off and drowned.  Captain Adams and crew, four in
     number, and Messer. Herrick and Rogers of Bowdoinham, and Williams of Lisbon,
     Maine, were  saved by Mr. Coombs, and brought to town in his boat.
          An inquest was held yesterday afternoon over the body of Joseph Gallebo,
     a Portuguese, (as appeared by paper on his person) who was taken from the wreck.
     The body was interred by order of the coroner, in the stranger's tomb of at South
     Boston, the coroner, officer and jurors subscribing their fees for this purpose.
                                                                                         [Boston Courier, 12th inst.]


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