Friday, September 27, 2013



          The editor of the Lewiston Falls Journal has visited Captain Holmes, recently
     convicted for the murder of Chadwick, in Auburn jail.
          He was smoking a pipe, and appeared as composed as any person could expect
     one to be with so dreadful a fate before him.  He spoke in a calm manner of his
     conviction, blaming the public and the jury for thinking that he should have done
     the fatal deed when in his right mind. He said that his wife could not live long, and
     unless he was removed to Wiscassset  he should not be able to see her again.
         Officers having examined Wiscasset jail, and found it perfectly secure, it is
     understood Captain Holmes will be removed there forthwith. The only object of his
     friends in asking his removal to Wiscasset is that may have the opportunity to visit
     him daily, and perform kindly  offices of friendship.

          Liquor Split. The McGlinchy brother, of this city well known as Irish rum sellers,
     have been disturbed in their business here, recently took a load of liquor up to
     Lewiston, but the priest of that place, getting wind of the movement confronted them,
     with a companion, armed with hatchets, and with "apostolic blows and knocks" stove
     in the head of two barrels and set the liquor running. A melee ensued, his reverence
     knocked McGlinchy down and McGlinchy floored his reverences' companion.
     McGlinchy made tracks, but a warrant was issued for his arrest.

          Accidents. As Moses Burns of Waldoboro, aged 18 years, was passing a loaded
     gun from a small boat at Long Island, near Friendship, 19th ult., it accidently went
     off, and the contents entered his bowels causing almost instant death.
          On Wednesday week a son of Mr. Stover Libby, of Scarboro, about 9 years of age,
     was caught in a threshing machine and had his arm so badly lacerated that it was
     found necessary to amputate it just above the elbow joint.

          Politics in the Pulpit. The Machias Republican comes filled with the report of the
     trial of the following novel story.
          No 245-Hiram P. Osgood vs. Joseph Crandon. This action was brought to recover
     $16  subscribed by defendant towards paying for the plaintiff's services as preacher of
     the gospel.  In the testimony it appeared that the money was not to be paid if the
     plaintiff preached politics, which the defendant tho't he did, and consequently refused
     payment. The jury failed to agree after being out about five hours.

          The Bath Times has a doubtful report of the death of the wife of Captain Holmes,
     now in Auburn jail, at her father's house in Newcastle on Saturday morning last.

          On the 26th, Rev. A. C. Adams was installed over the Lewiston Falls Congregational
     Church.  Sermon by Rev. Dr. Adams of Brunswick; Charge to the Pastor by Rev. Dr.
     Chickering, of Portland.

          The woolen factory of Mr. Eben Clough, at Bethel was entered on Friday night,
     and robbed of 600 yards of domestic cloth, valued at $300.  The Railroad Depot was
     also robbed of $25 in cash.

          Messrs. Lock & Aiken of Portland have made an extensive purchase at Presque
     Isle, including the sawmill and stand now occupied by Sumner Whitney, Esq., and they
     are to enlarge the Whitney house by an addition of a third story and an L one hundred
     feet long, which they will open as a public house. They will also build a large store.

          In Chesterville 20th, an old gentleman named John Neal was knocked down and
     robbed by a young man named John H. Perkins, who was afterwards arrested and
     lodged in Farmington jail.

          The Rev. S. H. Merrill of the Bethel Church has been invited to take charge of
     Evangelical Church in Southbridge, Mass.

          Found Dead.  Edward Carr aged 23, was found dead in the rear of Andrew
     McGlinchy's house, Congress Street, in which he boarded, early Sunday morning.
     An investigation showed that he was taken sick in the night, and went to the window
     to vomit, from which he probably fell and was killed.

                                                               DISATERS &c.

          Brig Sarah Starr,, Blake, from Cardenas, Mexico, for Portland, with molasses put
     into Norfolk, Va., 20th, with cargo shifted and vessel damaged
          The wreck of the schooner Ranger, of Searsport, from Bangor for Boston,
     reported found derelict and towed it  into Annnisquam, Mass., was sold at auction for
     $215.00. The cargo has yet been sold.



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