Wednesday, December 17, 2014


          In this city, August 18th, George I. Waterhouse, aged 34 years.
          In this city, August 20th, Mary, widow of the late James Driscoll, aged 66 years.
          In this city, August 21st, Catherine Hyland, aged 55 years.
          In this city, August 30th, Walter Sewell, youngest son of Edward S. and Mary
     Doten, aged 6 months, 6 days.
          In this city, August 17th, Johnny B., son of Charles  B. and Ruth Todd, aged 4
     years, 3 months.
          In this city, August 22nd, Lydia G., wife of Charles F. Robinson, aged 81 years,
     4 months.
         In this city, August 25th, William H. Howard, aged 48 years, 11 months.
         In this city, August 25th, Martin McMann, aged 50 years.
         Washington, D. C. August 21st, James Duprey Cole, youngest son of the late
    Charles Cole, of this city.
          Auburn, August 22nd, Mrs. Olive S. Marr.
          Boston, August 25th, Fanny, widow of the late Eliot Jordan of Cape
     Elizabeth, aged 88 years, 7 months.
          Buxton, August 19th, B.. D.Lane, aged 77 years, 1 month, 4 days.
          Pittston, August 18th, Robert F. Gould, aged 33 years, 6 months.
          San Francisco, California, August 14th, Adeline E., daughter of J. J.  and
     Lucy E. Knowlton, formerly of this city, aged 19 years, 11 months.
          Deering, August 23rd, John Murch, aged 70 years, 11 months.
          Cumberland Center, August 24th, Mary A., wife of Nathan L. Huston,
     aged 50 years, 3 months.
          West Warren, August 21st, Carroll Wadsworth, only child of Dr. J. P.
     and May C. Bixby, aged 10 months, 13 days.
          Lewiston, August 21st, Lizzie, wife of Albert Harding, aged 38 years,
     9 months.
          Auburn, August 20th, Bertha May, daughter of John A. and Etta M. Greenleaf,
     aged 1 year, 11 months.
          North Fryeburg, August 14th, Mrs. Madison Howe.
          Jefferson, Lincoln County, August 18th, Samuel C. Currier, aged 20 years,
     11 months.
          Bremen, August 20th, Augusta  P., wife of William Keene, aged 47 years,
     6 months.
          Waterville, August 20th, Mrs. Delia Shepherd, aged 72 years.
         Cape Elizabeth, August 19th, of diphtheria, Sophronia F., widow of Joseph
     Woodbury, aged 30 years.
          Cumberland Mills, August 19th, Phebe A., widow of the late B. B. Frost,
     formerly of Denmark (Me..) aged 84 years.
          Limington, August 17th, Nancy, widow of the late  Thomas Richardson,
     aged 30.
           Alfred, August 20th, Richard H. Goding, aged 47 years.
          Dresden, August 16th, Nettie A., wife of Joseph E. Goding, aged 47 years.
          Bath, August 17th, Elisa McCorrison, aged 17 years, 4 months.
          South Leeds, August 14th, Susan, wife of Morgan Brewster, aged 73 years.
         Augusta, August 19th, Eliza Lane, wife of George W. Cofren.
          Litchfield, August 18th, Orrington Berry, aged 58 years.
         Auburn, August 17th, Stephen Preble, aged 68 years.
         Dixfield, August 14th, Walter Foss, aged 75 years.
         Bath, August 18th, Lucretia, wife of William K. Evread (?) aged 48 years,
     9 months.
          Bath, August 18th, Susan, wife of Abel Fish, aged 79 years.
          Dover, New Hampshire, August 15th, Charles E. Cluff, Kennebunk,
     aged 31 years.
          Millbridge, August 15th, Deacon William E. Wallace, aged 31 years.
          Hebron, August 13th, youngest son of A. R. and Mary L. Fogg, aged 4 months.
          Mariaville, Hancock County, August 10th, George O. Frost, aged 23 years.
          Franklin, August 10th, James K. Williams, aged 23 years, 3 months.
          Bath, August 16th, Clarissa, wife of Jonathan Preble, aged 77 years, 5 months.
          Bath, August, 17th,  George W. Duncan, aged 68 years, 4 months.
          Hollingsburg, Pennsylvania, August 11th, suddenly, J. M. Coolbroth, formerly
     of Portland, aged 80 years, 5 months. (City papers please copy.)
         New Portland, August 15th, Priscilla Carville, aged 19 years.
         Covington, Kentucky, August 12th, Gilbert G. Bradbury, formerly of
          Maysville, (Presque Isle)  August 7th, Dr.  James McConville, aged 67 years.
          Maysville, August 17th, Isabelle S., daughter of Charles Whitney, aged 24 years.
          Rockland, August 11th, Mrs. Abbie E. Lock, aged 32 years, 3 months, 25 days.
          Thomaston, August 15th, Ella  S., wife of CaptainWilliam A. Pressey, aged 32
     years, 9 months, 17 days.

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